Activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K from Semarang and Cirebon
The distribution of concentration activity of 232Th, 226Ra and 40K in vicinity of two SPP are shown in Table 2. The mean concentration activity of 232Th, 226Ra and 40K in Cirebon is higher than in Semarang even though the capacity of SPP in Semarang is higher than Cirebon. It may be caused by ecological impacts (Zhu et al., 2024), environmental condition, such as atmospheric mobility (wind speed and direction, sea current); the concentration of radionuclides in the coal (Vaasma et al., 2017) that depend on geology of the mining location and type of the coal (lignite, subbituminous, bituminous and anthracite) and properties of physicochemical coal (Yakovlev et al., 2023), characteristic of the fuel, and the design of SPP itself that equipped with modern electrostatic filters (Seames and Wendt, 2000), purification system in the renovation operation (Vaasma et al, 2017), combustion technology and may be high contraction of chimney and supported by other resources such as granite (Harb et al., 2008). The average of activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K analyzed from γ-spectrometry in this work was giving comparable values than those measured from other sites worldwide (Al-Trabulsy et al., 2011; Ravisankar et al, 2015; Zare, et al., 2020).
Table 2
Activity concentration of natural radionuclides (− 1) in two Steam Power Plants
Station | Steam Power Plant (SPP) |
Semarang | Cirebon |
232Th | 226Ra | 40K | 232Th | 226Ra | 40K |
1 | 83.283 | 33.154 | 572.670 | 97.449 | 42.451 | 681.333 |
2 | 76.780 | 30.726 | 544.492 | 78.637 | 37.772 | 679.629 |
3 | 68.926 | 32.871 | 567.960 | 77.156 | 35.267 | 764.432 |
4 | 71.909 | 28.796 | 605.015 | 81.161 | 34.267 | 828.089 |
5 | 63.641 | 25.896 | 572.002 | 93.193 | 43.027 | 788.681 |
6 | 64.369 | 26.424 | 560.612 | 115.959 | 57.471 | 702.561 |
Mean | 71.485 ± 7.565 | 29.645 ± 3.132 | 570.459 ± 19.894 | 90.593 ± 14.897 | 41.709 ± 8.522 | 740.788 ± 61.985 |
Indonesian basic safety standards | 300 | 300 | 3000 | 300 | 300 | 3000 |
IAEA | 1000 | 1000 | 10000 | 1000 | 1000 | 10000 |
According to the value proposed by Indonesian standard (BAPETEN) for permissible limits for radioactivity of 232Th, 226Ra and 40K in sediment are below 300, 300, and 3000− 1 respectively (BAPETEN, 2013) and according IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) safety guide (IAEA, 2004) are 1000, 1000 and 10000− 1 respectively. Base on the value of radiological detected in the vicinity of SPP in Semarang and Cirebon, the sediment condition in vicinity of two SPP is safety both according to BAPETEN and IAEA standards guide. In Semarang sampled showed that the activity concentration of the 232Th and 226Ra in the station 1 and 2 was higher than other station, it due to the station 1 and 2 are very closed with SPP that released 232Th and 226Ra directly to the environment and will be distributed to other placed by wind and current (Papaefthymiou, et al., 2005). However, the activity concentration of 40K in Semarang was not occurred in station 1 and 2, it due to 40K was not completely are released by SPP, but dominantly from natural. The lowest concentration of 232Th and 226Ra in Semarang stations occurred in the station 5, it may be caused by no clay (Muslim et al., 2017) was detected in station 5 (Table 3), thus 232Th and 226Ra were easy to distributed to other station.
Table 3
Concentration of salinity, pH, organic carbon (OC), silt, clay and sand sediment
| Concentration of salinity, pH, organic carbon, silt and clay sediment |
Station | Semarang | Cirebon |
| Salinity ‰ | pH | OC % | Silt % | Clay % | Sand % | Salinity ‰ | pH | OC % | Silt % | Clay % | Sand % |
1 | 32.6 | 6.5 | 8.3 | 46,8 | 5 | 48.2 | 31.9 | 6.5 | 4.7 | 79.7 | 0.6 | 19.8 |
2 | 32.5 | 6.0 | 3.3 | 43,5 | 5 | 51.5 | 32.5 | 6.5 | 2.4 | 61.4 | 1.3 | 37.5 |
3 | 32.1 | 6.0 | 6.3 | 74.2 | 3 | 22.8 | 32.4 | 6.5 | 8.2 | 84.9 | 1.8 | 13.3 |
4 | 32.1 | 6.5 | 7.3 | 60.5 | 8 | 31.5 | 32.5 | 6.8 | 10.0 | 89.0 | 0.3 | 10.7 |
5 | 32.5 | 6.5 | 4.7 | 42.9 | 0 | 57.1 | 32.6 | 5.5 | 5.9 | 86.7 | 0.1 | 13.3 |
6 | 32.4 | 5.0 | 11.4 | 53.3 | 5 | 41.7 | 32.7 | 5.5 | 4.3 | 75.1 | 1.7 | 23.2 |
Mean | 32.4 | 6.1 | 6.9 | 57.7 | 4.3 | 42.1 | 32.4 | 6.2 | 5.9 | 79.5 | 0.97 | 19.6 |
In Cirebon the highest concentration of 232Th and 226Ra occurred in station 6, it due to in station 6 in closed with place of ship breaker of coal, however in other station the concentration 232Th and 226Ra fluctuated, it due to the station 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Fig. 1) located in open placed that impressionable environmental condition.
From Table 3 showed that the pH sediment in two places indicated < 7 (acid) and the lowest pH occurred in station 6 in Semarang area and affected on highest organic carbon concentration, but this condition was not effects on radionuclide 232Th, 226Ra and 40K.
Evaluation comparison of radiological hazards from Semarang and Cirebon
Building materials, rather than acting as shields against outdoor radiation, also act as sources of radiation. As a result, the indoor gamma dose rate corrected by in situ gamma monitoring was employed (Table 4, 5). The indoor dose rate mean values for sediment samples from Semarang and Cirebon are 151.54 ± 16.38 nGy h− 1 and 196.09 ± 40.55 nGy h− 1, respectively, which are higher than the world average value of 84 nGy h− 1 (UNSCEAR, 2000). Cirebon has the highest average Din value with the difference between Semarang’s averages values is 44.55 nGy h− 1. In addition, from Table 4 and 5 it was known annual indoor effective dose averages from Semarang and Cirebon are 0.74 ± 0.08 mSv y− 1 and 0.96 ± 0.20 mSv y− 1, respectively. That was higher than the normal values, where the average AEDE from terrestrial radionuclides is 0.41 mSv y− 1 in normal background radiation (UNSCEAR, 2000). According to the investigation, the Cirebon area had a higher average AEDE value than Semarang, even exceeding the normal value.
Table 4
Radiological data of sediment Semarang
Station | Semarang |
Din (nGyh− 1) | AEDEin | AUI | AGDE (µSvy− 1) | Raeq | Hex | Hin |
1 | 167.93 | 0.82 | 1.36 | 630.39 | 192.34 | 0.53 | 0.62 |
2 | 156.29 | 0.77 | 1.26 | 586.85 | 178.64 | 0.49 | 0.58 |
3 | 151.50 | 0.74 | 1.18 | 568.02 | 171.19 | 0.47 | 0.56 |
4 | 153.99 | 0.76 | 1.18 | 579.53 | 173.98 | 0.48 | 0.56 |
5 | 139.59 | 0.68 | 1.05 | 525.65 | 156.94 | 0.43 | 0.50 |
6 | 139.96 | 0.69 | 1.07 | 526.74 | 157.71 | 0.44 | 0.51 |
Mean | 151.54 | 0.74 | 1.18 | 569.53 | 171.80 | 0.47 | 0.55 |
Table 5
Radiological data of sediment Cirebon
Station | Cirebon |
Din (nGyh− 1) | AEDEin | AUI | AGDE (µSvy− 1) | Raeq | Hex | Hin |
1 | 200.76 | 0.98 | 1.63 | 752.45 | 229.50 | 0.63 | 0.75 |
2 | 175.62 | 0.86 | 1.35 | 658.82 | 197.80 | 0.55 | 0.65 |
3 | 178.47 | 0.88 | 1.32 | 671.52 | 199.11 | 0.55 | 0.65 |
4 | 187.05 | 0.92 | 1.36 | 705.16 | 208.29 | 0.58 | 0.67 |
5 | 205.19 | 1.01 | 1.59 | 770.15 | 231.50 | 0.64 | 0.76 |
6 | 236.63 | 1.16 | 1.99 | 882.90 | 272.47 | 0.75 | 0.90 |
Mean | 196.09 | 0.96 | 1.54 | 735.46 | 222.06 | 0.61 | 0.73 |
NEA-OECD (1979). Exposure to Radiation from the Natural Radioactivity in Building Materials, France. The average AUI values for Semarang and Cirebon are 1.18 ± 0.18 mSv y− 1 and 1.54 ± 0.22 mSv y− 1, respectively (Table 4, 5). The mean value obtained from both is lower than 2, which is the value of AUI that corresponds to a sufficient annual dose of 0.3 mSv y− 1. The annual gonadal dose equivalent (AGDE) is a genetic representation of the population's reproductive organs (Ravisankar et al., 2015). The average AGDE’s values from Semarang and Cirebon are 569.53 ± 60.86 Sv y− 1 and 735.46 ± 147.44 Sv y− 1, respectively, which are higher than the UNSCEAR standard of 300 Sv y− 1 reported as the world average, with the highest value coming from Cirebon areas. Moreover, Semarang and Cirebon had average Radium equivalent activity values of 171.80 ± 20.53 Bq kg− 1 and 222.06 ± 50.41 Bq kg− 1, respectively. In terms of radiological health safety, the maximum allowable value of Raeq 370 Bq Bq kg− 1 (Sivakumar et al., 2014). According to the findings of this study, the external hazard index in the Semarang and Cirebon areas varied between 0.47 ± 0.06 and 0.61 ± 0.14, while the internal hazard index varied between 0.55 ± 0.06 and 0.73 ± 0.18. Cirebon's mean values are greater than the global average of 0.5 (Murugesan et al., 2011) and less the permissible limits (Hex < 1). These findings confirm that the catchment area's sediments are suitable for use as building materials.
From the results study it was clear that the radiological parameters i.e Din, AEDEin, AUI, AGDE, Raeq, Hex, Hin and ELCR are showed generally high for certain radiation hazard indices calculated but still comparable with worldwide average value and other area in different country (Al-Trabulsy et al., 2011; Zare, et al.,2012; Ravisankar et al., 2015).