3.1. Larger scale
In this section we assess the larger scale climate of the CCUS through the SST, the wind stress and the T2m from the Iberian Peninsula to Cape Blanc. The analysis was not only focused on the coastal area, but also included an extensive offshore area embedding the upwelling system at mid latitudes (see the area of study in Fig. 2).
The mean SST field in the CCUS for the 1982–2012 period presents a year-round meridional gradient and a colder patch by the NW African and Iberian coasts because of the upwelled waters (Fig. 1a). For the evaluation of SST, we compare the output of ROM with OISST, MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR and CMIP5 for the 1982–2012 period (Fig. 2). In DJF, ROM provides a good agreement with OISST, displaying biases smaller than 1.0ºC over most of domain except for the northwest region, where the differences reach 2.5 ºC (Fig. 2a). MPI-ESM-LR and MPI-ESM-MR present biases up to 2.0 ºC with larger differences at local regions such as Cape Bojador and Cape Blanc (Figs. 2b and 2c). CMIP5 ensemble mean shows an overall cold bias with a maximum in the Gulf of Cádiz (Fig. 2d).
In JJA, the cooling of coastal surface waters evidences the intensification of the upwelling system. This mechanism seems to be magnified by ROM, which despite of having small differences with OISST throughout the domain presents a cold bias of 2.0 ºC in the coastal strip between 24ºN and 34ºN (Fig. 2e), corresponding to the permanent upwelling zone with summer intensification (Arístegui et al. 2009). MPI-ESMs show a patchy bias distribution along the coast (-2.0 to + 2.0 ºC) presenting a cold bias (3.0 ºC) in the northwest corner of the domain (Fig. 2f and 2g). CMIP5 biases present a similar patchy pattern but with lower values along the NW African coast (Fig. 2h), where the horizontal resolution seems to play an important role.
The interannual variability and the seasonal cycle of the spatially averaged SST were evaluated using OISST, ERA5 and ESA data sets (Fig. 3). ERA5 and ESA were added to the analysis to account for uncertainty on SST observation-derived data. The time series of yearly spatially averaged ROM SST for the period 1980–2012 shows warm and cold biases ranging from + 0.59 to -0.28 ºC compared to OISST (Fig. 3a), being mostly within the observation data sets spread range.
Figure 3b shows the seasonal cycle of ROM SST compared to OISST, ERA5 and ESA. Minimum (maximum) temperatures are reached in February (September), being the amplitude of the seasonal cycle 5.4ºC for ESA and 5.5ºC for ERA5, OISST and ROM.
Wind stress is the main driver of the CCUS; erroneous intensities or directions of wind stress can have a strong impact on the seasonal upwelling system. To assess the ability of ROM reproducing the CCUS we analyzed the seasonal wind stress intensity and direction compared to ERA5, MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR and CMIP5 during 1980–2012 period (Fig. 4). In DJF, when the anticyclonic circulation is weaker, the mean ERA5 wind stress intensity increases to north and south from 34ºN where a zonal band with minimum values is located. Moreover, low wind stress values extend along the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula and NW Africa, increasing gradually to the south of the Canary islands (Fig. 4a). ROM overestimates the ERA5 wind stress due to an overestimation of the Azores high during the winter months (Fig. 4b). In both MPI-ESM runs (Figs. 4c and 4d) this overestimation is even larger. On the contrary, the CMIP5 ensemble mean underestimates the strength but shows a spatial pattern closer to the wind stress depicted by ERA5 (Fig. 4e). Despite the larger scale differences, ROM adequately represents the spatial pattern induced by coast in the wind stress because of its high horizontal resolution.
In JJA, the Azores high strengthens and migrates to the NW, where ERA5 shows the lower intensities of wind stress (Fig. 4f). In ERA5, the wind stress increases to the south showing the largest values in the coastal strip from Cape Ghir to the south, and downwind from Canary Islands. By the Iberian and NW African coastlines the wind direction is along the coast, i.e. upwelling favourable. As in winter, MPI-ESMs strongly overestimate the wind stress field strength (Figs. 4h and 4i), while CMIP5 underestimates it, but both properly reproduce the wind stress field directions (Fig. 4j). Improving on the GCMs performance, ROM reproduces the JJA wind stress field remarkably well, including smaller scale features such as the local maximum off Cape Ghir, the Madeira and Canary Islands shadowing effect, the wind intensification in the passage between Canary Islands and Africa or the coastal weakening effect (Fig. 4g).
3.2. Latitudinal variability over the coastal band
The CCUS is a dynamically complex system with a large spatial and seasonal variability. Here, we will assess SST, wind and T2m variability focusing on the coastal band as the upwelling front is located within a few degrees offshore from the shelf break (Pelegrí and Bennazzouz, 2015), supplementing the analysis of the previous section.
The coastal cold SST is a key indicator to determinate the intensity of the upwelling system. ROM was compared seasonally with OISST over the coastal band (the mask is shown in Fig. 1a with red lines) and with the GCMs (MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR and CMIP5 ensemble). ROM performs better than GCMs with biases smaller than 0.5ºC in winter. It is also evident the effect of the coarse resolution in GCMs, especially in MPI-ESM-LR and CMIP5 (Fig. 5a-d).
In summer boreal months, when the Canary upwelling intensifies, ROM shows very small warm biases north of the Strait of Gibraltar and cold biases in the region of the NW African coast (Fig. 5e). Remarkably at 25ºN ROM cold bias extends uniformly offshore. MPI-ESM-LR shows the largest warm biases (up to 3.0ºC) in Cape Ghir and the Gulf of Cádiz. MPI-ESM-MR and CMIP5 present cold biases in the Gulf of Cádiz and Cape Bojador (2.0ºC) and warm biases in Cape Ghir and Cape Blanc (Fig. 5g and 5h).
From these results it could be concluded that ROM magnifies the summer upwelling between 25ºN and 33ºN, the weak permanent upwelling zone (Cropper et al., 2014; Gómez-Letona et al. 2017). To clarify the role of the high resolution in this issue we compared the biases of the closest grid-point to the coast of ROM with OISST, ERA5 and ESA (Fig. 6). In DJF ROM biases are similar for the three datasets, with cold biases smaller than 1.0ºC along the African coast. From Cape Ghir to Cape Blanc, the biases with ESA are notably smaller (Fig. 6a). In JJA, the differences among datasets increase, being close to 0.5ºC in Cape Ghir and Cape Bojador for ESA and reaching the 4.0ºC for ERA5 at those locations (Fig. 6b). In general, ROM differences with ESA are smaller than with OISST and ERA5 along the African coast. The reason for these discrepancies can be related to the OISST and ERA5 resolution, which does not allow for a clear representation of the SST coastal pattern of the upwelling.
The coastal wind stress was assessed through UI (Fig. 7) in order to quantify the upwelling intensity from Ekman transport. Positive (negative) UI corresponds to upwelling (downwelling) conditions. In DJF (Fig. 7a), ERA5 presents nearly neutral conditions along the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula. From the Gulf of Cádiz to Cape Ghir ERA5-based UI is positive increasing towards the south, where from Cape Bojador to Cape Blanc the upwelling becomes intense. This latitudinal variability is well represented by ROM and CORDEX, highlighting higher values in ROM for Cape Ghir and in southern regions and weaker in CORDEX for the region between the Gulf of Cádiz to Cape Blanc. CMIP5 also represents reasonably well the latitudinal variability, although it is smoother and with a general tendency to underestimate the upwelling index.
In JJA, ERA5-based UI shows upwelling conditions along the Iberian coast and a clear intensification of the upwelling by the NW African coast, appearing a local maximum between Cape Beddouza and Cape Ghir (30.5ºN-32.5ºN). ROM and CORDEX present the same latitudinal pattern as ERA5, while CMIP5 reproduces the latitudinal variability, but with lower values of the UI and MPI-ESMs show different local maxima. In general, CORDEX shows a slightly better performance than ROM and CMIP5, with MPI-ESMs having the worst coefficients of determination (Table 4).
Table 4. Latitudinal coefficient of determination for UI averaged over the closest grid-points to coast in DJF and JJA, comparing ERA5 with ROM, MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR, CMIP5 and CORDEX
The land-sea temperature difference lies in the ground of Bakun's (1990) hypothesis of change in upwelling systems under global warming. The land-sea gradient simulated by ROM is validated against ERA5 and compared with MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR, CMIP5 and CORDEX simulations. For each latitude, we calculate the difference between the 2m air temperature zonally averaged over 100 km inshore (bounded by the red line, land) and zonally averaged over 100 km offshore (bounded by the blue line, ocean) as shown in the Fig. 8c.
ERA5 T2m land-sea differences present mostly negative values in DJF, changing sign in the southern part from 21ºN to 23ºN (Cape Blanc). CORDEX reproduces accurately the latitudinal variability, while ROM and CMIP5 fail in simulating the sign change in the southernmost region. The MPI-ESMs do not reproduce properly the latitudinal variability and show too low values of the T2m land-sea difference (around 0.5ºC).
Table 5. Latitudinal coefficient of determination for T2m land-sea differences averaged over the closest grid-points to coast in DJF and JJA, comparing ERA5 with ROM, MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR, CMIP5 and CORDEX
In JJA the summer insolation increases and the land becomes warmer than the sea, so T2m land-sea differences are mostly positive (Fig. 8b). ERA5 presents a high latitudinal variability, with two regions showing the largest positive differences (Cape Ghir and from Cape Bojador to Cape Blanc). ROM and CORDEX again reproduce well the T2m land-sea differences. CMIP5 does not reproduce properly the T2m land-sea differences latitudinal pattern, showing a spurious maximum in the Gulf of Cádiz, and the MPI-ESMs showed very low values compared to those of ERA5. CORDEX and ROM show a better performance, especially in summer when CMIP5 and MPI-ESMs present a rather low coefficient of determination (Table 5).
3.3. Thermal Vertical Structure
The cross-shelf thermal vertical structure is commonly used to characterize coastal upwelling. The thermal vertical structure of the upper 200 m simulated by ROM was compared to SODA and GLORYS reanalysis and to in-situ data from WOD18. We choose a cross-shelf transect at Cape Ghir (31.5ºN). All observations used from WOD18 were taken between 1980 and 2012, and the isotherms were plotted as a qualitative reference (Fig. 9a, b).
At Cape Ghir WOD18 presents a clear thermal stratification, more evident in summer, with isotherms sloping up to the coast and a temperature range between 14ºC and 22ºC. In summer the upwelling front outcrops in the surface near 10.3º W (see 17ºC isotherm), while it is relaxed in winter with the 17ºC isotherm outcropping more to the east by the coast (Fig. 9a, b). The cross-shelf structure and seasonality is properly represented by GLORYS and SODA reanalysis, but ROM is more accurate in the representation of the vertical gradients and the isotherm sloping by the coast (Fig. 9c-h).
3.4. Upwelling filaments
The MPIOM high horizontal resolution in the central region of the CCUS allows marginally accounting for the mesoscale variability because the climatological first baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation is around 30 km in this area (Chelton et al. 1998). Upwelling filaments are elongated mesoscale structures of upwelled water extending offshore in the upper surface layer (Brink 1983). Alvarez-Salgado et al. (2007) and Lovecchio et al. (2018) highlighted the relevant contribution of upwelling filaments to offshore organic carbon in the CCUS. The most prominent filaments in the CCUS are located at Cape Ghir, Cape Juby, Cape Bojador and Cape Blanc. Cape Ghir filament, one of the largest and existing nearly all year round (Hagen et al. 1996), exports large amounts of organic material into the open ocean (García-Muñoz et al. 2005; Pelegrí et al. 2005, 2006). To assess ROM skills in reproducing these relevant mesoscale features we use two filament events in August 2006 and August 2009, the latter studied in detail by Sangrá (2015) and Sangrá et al. (2015). We compare the observed MODIS Aqua SST with ROM and GLORYS output averaged for 21st to 28th August 2006 and 13th to 20th August 2009 (Fig. 10).
As described by Sangrá et al. (2015), ROM reproduces the filament cold core, with SST below 19ºC and a broader cool embracing region with temperatures between 19ºC and 21ºC. ROM reproduces properly both filament events, quite accurately the offshore extension of the embracing region and a too much extended cold core, while GLORYS filament is excessively limited to the coast.