The study protocol was approved by the Health Research Authority on 20/02/2017, REC reference: 17/EE/0016 and the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, MHRA Reference: CI/2017/0026. The protocol was prospectively registered: ISRCTN17209025 on 14/11/2016, available online ( and presented to key opinion leaders before recruitment 17,18. No changes to the methods or design were made after the trial started.
Trial design
A single centre, single-blinded randomised controlled trial of SEEG electrode implantation methods in patients with drug-refractory focal epilepsy reported in accordance with the CONSORT guidelines19.
We included patients with drug-refractory focal epilepsy, due to undergo SEEG implantation as part of their pre-surgical evaluation, aged between 18-80 years and able to provide informed consent.
Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, uncorrectable coagulopathy, lack of capacity to consent and patients deemed unfit for general anaesthesia. Following a multi-disciplinary team discussion, all patients were given a patient information sheet before providing written informed consent. Written informed consent was taken by a delegated member of the research team and combined with a pre-operative hospital visit for digital subtraction angiography, 2-6 weeks before implantation. Patients were considered enrolled in the trial once randomised using Sealed EnvelopeTM.
Electrode trajectory planning was undertaken using the EpiNav™ platform 20,21 before randomization to implantation method to prevent allocation bias, and the standard operating procedure was identical for each arm. In brief, EpiNav™ is a complex clinical decision support software for SEEG trajectory planning employing a semi-automated method based on user-defined parameters. Target and entry regions of interest are determined by a multi-disciplinary team of neurologists, neurophysiologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists and neuropsychiatrists on the basis of non-invasive pre-surgical structural and functional MRI, PET, scalp video EEG, neuropsychological and psychiatric evaluations. EpiNav™ returns trajectories that minimise intracerebral length and drilling angle to the skull and maximises both absolute and cumulative distance from blood vessels (risk score) and grey-matter sampling. The algorithm ensures trajectories are >10 mm from each other to prevent an intracranial collision. All plans were checked by a neurophysiologist and amended as appropriate by a neurosurgeon before implementation.
Ad-Tech (Oak Creek, WI) electrodes were used for SEEG and patients were randomised to insertion using either the PAD or the iSYS1 trajectory guidance system. All patients underwent insertion of bone fiducials under local anaesthesia for registration to the Medtronic S7 neuronavigation system. To minimise any confounding factors, the only difference in methodology between the two intervention arms was the device used for alignment of the drill guide to the pre-operatively planned trajectories.
The individual steps involved in each of these procedures is shown in Table 1 and Figure 1.
Table 1: Operative steps associated with each implantation method
Precision-aiming device:
iSYS1 trajectory guidance system:
1. Insertion of 6 bone fiducials under local anaesthesia
2. CT scan
3. General anaesthesia
4. Placement of Mayfield Clamp
5. Routine prep and drape
6. Registration to S7 neuronavigation system with registration accuracy <0.6 mm
7. Freehand marking of entry points
8. (A) Alignment of the precision-aiming device to first electrode trajectory
(A) Rough alignment of iSYS1 trajectory guidance system to a satisfactory position
(B) Achievement of trajectory with a target point accuracy of <0.7mm (current clinically accepted threshold)
(B) Precise alignment of iSYS1 trajectory guidance system to the final position with an accuracy <0.1 mm (device threshold).
9. Skin incision at the defined entry point
10. Steinmann pin used define entry point prior to drilling of trajectory
11. Accuracy of trajectory checked with Vertek probe
12. Insertion of the intracranial bolt
13. Accuracy of trajectory checked with Vertek probe and new entry point set
14. Removal of mechanical arm
15. Measurement of electrode trajectory length (from top of the intracranial bolt to target point)
16. Repeat steps 2-10 for each electrode to be inserted
17. Insertion of the stylet to the predefined length derived from step 10
18. Insertion of the electrode (Ad-Tech™) to the predefined length derived from step 10
19. Repeat steps 12-13 for each electrode to be inserted
20. Removal of bone fiducials
21. Placement of sutures to close the incision
The primary outcome was the operative time (minutes) for individual SEEG bolt insertion, defined as the time taken from the start of alignment to removal of the Vertek arm after bolt insertion. These steps were common to both techniques (see steps 2-9 of Table 1) providing systematic and objective time points.
Secondary outcomes included accuracy of SEEG electrode placement, the incidence of clinically and non-clinically significant haemorrhages, infection rate and new postoperative neurological deficit rate.
SEEG electrode placement accuracy measures were undertaken for the entry and target points using lateral deviation between the implemented and planned trajectory in an automated fashion. The algorithm segmented and reconstructed the individual electrodes based on the contacts identified from the post-operative CT as described in 22 and returned all accuracy metrics in a blinded and automated fashion23. All segmentations were manually checked to ensure the correct contacts were assigned to the relevant electrodes. Entry point accuracies were back-projected and measured at the scalp surface. Due to the potential for the bolt to be displaced or bent following insertion, particularly in the temporal region, where the bone may be thin, or in patients with violent hypermotor seizures, we opted not to use the bolt axis to define the implemented trajectory. Instead, the most superficial contacts within the first 20 mm of the electrode were identified and a line of best fit was back-projected to the scalp surface to mark the implemented entry point of the electrode. The error in the angle of insertion was also determined based on the line of best fit.
Clinically and non-clinically significant haemorrhages were detected on postoperative neurological examination and post-operative imaging, respectively. All patients underwent a CT scan of the head immediately post-implantation and an MRI scan of the brain within 48 hours. Radiological images were reported by a neuroradiologist blinded to the treatment arm allocation. Clinically significant haemorrhages were defined as those in which the patient had a postoperative complaint or neurological deficit and with a corresponding haemorrhage on the postoperative imaging. Non-clinically significant haemorrhages were defined as haemorrhages without any neurological consequence or clinical sequelae.
Clinical examination for neurological deficits was performed immediately postoperatively and at subsequent clinical interactions at 24 and 48 hours. The electrode insertion sites were checked by the clinical teams, who were blinded to the implantation method, and any infection reported. All patients received prophylactic antibiotics for the duration of the SEEG implantation as part of institutional microbiology policy.
We randomly assigned patients to the PAD or ISYS1 trajectory guidance implantation systems (using a 1:1 ratio), employing a computer-generated random sequence and random permuted blocks. An independent statistician created and tested the randomisation list which was then uploaded onto a computerised system provided by SealedEnvelope™. A designated member of the surgical team randomised patients by logging into the online system after a patient had given informed consent 2 to 7 days prior to the scheduled surgery date. No members of the trial team were aware of block sizes to ensure that allocation was concealed.
The patients, trial statistician and reporting radiologists were blinded to the intervention arm. For practical and logistical reasons it was not possible to blind the surgical and research team members.
Sample size
The sample size was based on a difference of 20% in the median time for SEEG bolt insertion between the robotic and conventional frameless insertion groups, based on previously published data and our preclinical testing24–26. To detect this difference with a 5% significance level and power of 90% using a two-sample t-test on log-transformed insertion times would require 37 electrodes to be inserted in each group. This assumed that electrode insertion times have a log-normal distribution and that the median insertion time is approximately 20 minutes with a standard deviation of 5 minutes. In addition, we inflated the sample size to account for the clustering of electrodes within patients, assuming an estimated intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.2 and an average cluster size of 10 electrodes per patient. This would imply that 104 electrodes should be included in each group (approximately 11 patients per group assuming an average cluster size of 10 electrodes per patient). Finally, we increased this to a sample size of 16 patients per group to account for the possibility of patient drop-out and variable cluster size 27.
Statistical methods:
All analyses used intention-to-treat principles (with patient data analysed by the group to which the patient was randomised). We analysed the electrode insertion time (minutes) using random-effects linear modelling to account for electrode clustering within patients with log-transformed times owing to right skewness in the insertion time distribution. We analysed electrode-level continuous secondary outcomes (skull entry point accuracy, target point accuracy and error of angle of implantation) using similar random effects linear models (with a log-transformation to account for skewness). Categorical secondary outcomes (numbers of haemorrhages, infections and neurological deficits) were summarised in tables by the randomised group. We performed all analyses using R (version 3.5.1).
Role of the funding source
The funder of the study had no role in the study design, data collection or analysis and writing of the manuscript. External audit of trial data and procedures were performed at four stages during the trial including a closeout visit. In addition to the trial management group, trial steering and independent data monitoring committees were established for trial oversight. The corresponding author had full access to the data and has final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.