Study Design and Participants:
This study was a 16-week, open design, randomized clinical trial, and all outpatients or inpatients with schizophrenia or affective disorder were Chinese Han population and from Huai’an No. 3 People’s Hospital in a naturalistic clinical setting from September, 2012 to December, 2016.
Informed consent was obtained from patients or their legal guardians after enrollment. The protocol for the study was granted approval from the scientific and ethics committee of Huai’an No. 3 People's Hospital (Ethical Review No. HASYkjk 2012-003).
Patients included in this study were diagnosed with schizophrenia or affective disorder based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:DSM-Ⅳ by reviewing clinic medical records. All outpatients or inpatients’ illness (n=2) were in a stable condition, and the age was from 15 to 55 years. Patients were not obese before taking antipsychotics and had been on antipsychotics for at least six months before enrollment, and currently met the diagnostic criteria for obesity, which was specified as a BMI over 25kg/m2 based on the Regional Office for the Western Pacific Region of WHO criteria.22
Patients were excluded from the study if they had a history of intolerance or hypersensitivity to topiramate and metformin, or had a severe or unstable general medical illness, such as renal and liver function failure, or severe cardiovascular diseases. Patients who were pregnant and/or during lactation period were also not included.
70 cases of patients with schizophrenia or affective disorder with obesity induced by second-generation antipsychotics met with the inclusion criteria, 8 of them declined to participate the trial after the enrollment. Only 62 cases of obese outpatients (n=60) and inpatients (n=2) with schizophrenia or affective disorder in a stable condition of illness were randomly assigned to 16 weeks of concomitant topiramate or metformin treatment arm according to randomized table generated by online smart random A and B generator (A represents the topiramate group, B represents the metformin group). All patients continued to receive the original antipsychotic medications and community psychiatric care or did some light manual works after enrollment.
All assessments were done by investigators, and the patients’ indicators must be accurately measured although investigators had known the patients’ therapy allocation at each follow-up visit.
All patients were given a screening questionnaire, which included previous diagnosis in clinic or during hospitalization, the use of antipsychotic medications and their demographic features. All patients and caregivers only received brief counseling and information regarding the patients’ dietary management and physical exercise after enrollment of the trail.
The dosage of each antipsychotic the patients previously used remained unchanged as much as possible during the trial unless psychotic symptoms exacerbated or severe adverse events emerged. The treatment would be discontinued if researcher decided that a patient’s response was not adequate or the patient asked to be withdrawn from the trial due to severe adverse events or illness exacerbation.
The initial treatment dosage of topiramate was 50mg twice daily, if tolerated, the maximum dose was 100-200mg twice daily after week 1, and the mean daily dose of topiramate was 190.63±57.41mg after 16-week treatment. The initial treatment dosage of metformin was 0.25g twice daily, if tolerated, the maximum daily dose of metformin was 1.5g after 1-week, and the mean daily dose of meformin was 0.67±0.22g after 16-week treatment. All patients received diet, drinking or exercise counseling, no other requirements were conducted.
All patients were required to be followed up every four weeks for at least 16-week after concomitant topiramate or metformin treatment. Patient’s weight, height, waist and hip circumference (W-H ratio) were measured while dressed in light clothing without shoes on the same scale zeroed at each measurement and calculated by researcher at each follow-up visit. And blood routine, liver function and electrocardiogram examination were also conducted as possible as we can at each follow-up visit. Whereas, a few patients still cannot be followed up in time due to the bad weather condition or personal reasons. The status of the enrollment, the completed and withdrawn samples was shown below between the two groups. See figure 1.
Outcome Measurements
The primary outcome measures were weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and W-H ratio at each follow-up visit. The BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared, and W-H ratio was calculated as waist circumference divided by hip circumference.
The secondary outcomes measures were the patient’s liver function, blood routine, electrocardiogram, and other adverse events were also monitored after concomitant topiramate or metformin. Of course, the psychotic symptoms were also paid close attention to observe at each follow-up visit during the trial.
Statistical Analysis
The statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). The categorical variables were tested using a χ2 test, the continuous variables were tested by means of a repeated measurement variance analysis before and after treatment in each group of concomitant topiramate or metformin, and independent samples t-test between the two groups.
All missing data at each follow-up visit were random missing data by randomized analyses, and the missing data at week 4-16 of follow-up visit were replaced using simple imputation (last observation carried forward method, LOCF) when intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses was performed. 23
An intention-to-treat and completer analyses were performed between the two groups because of higher loss rate of follow-up. Covariance analysis was conducted to control the impact of the significant difference in baseline body mass index (BMI) when compared the patients’ weight, BMI, waist-hip ratio at 4-16 weeks of follow-up visit between the two groups.
All statistical tests were two tailed. The values represented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) at each follow-up visit. P value<0.05 was considered statistically significant.