Cell cultures
The SH-SY5Y cell line was cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS). The SH-SY5Y cell line was purchased from Shanghai Cell Bank, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The KSHV positive cells, iSLK.219, were kindly gifted from Prof. Ke Lan. islk.219 cells and KSHV-infected SH-SY5Y cells were cultured in the presence of 6µg/ml puromycin (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA, USA), 100ug/ml G418 (Solarbio, Beijing, China) and 100µg/ml hygromycin (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). All cells were incubated at 37°C with 5% CO2.
KSHV induction and virion extraction
To induce KSHV lytic replication, islk.219 cells were treated with 1µg/ml doxycycline (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis,MO, USA) and 1.25 mM sodium butyrate (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis,MO, USA) for 72h. Virus-containing supernatant was collected and residual cells removed by centrifugation (3000rpm, 15 min) before filtering with a 0.45-µm filter. Add the same volume of cold PEG-it Virus Precipitation Solution (System Biosciences, Shanghai, China) at 4ºC overnight. Centrifuge supernatant/PEG-it mixture at 1500×g for 30 minutes at 4ºC. Aspirate supernatant and then resuspend the virus pellet in sterile PBS. Virus stocks were stored at -80ºC.
Supernatant KSHV DNA extraction
Supernatant was collected from KSHV-infected cells. Supernatant was treated with deoxyribonuclease I (DNaseI) (Invitrogen, ThermoFisher Scientific,Warrington, UK) at 37℃ to remove residual cellular DNA. KSHV DNA was isolated from the supernatant using a phenol/chloroform extraction protocol. Add the same volume of phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) to the virion production, centrifuge at room temperature for 5 minutes at 16,000g, add 1µL glycogen (20µg/µL),7.5mol/L NH4OAc (0.5×volume of sample) and 100% ethanol (2.5×volume of sample + NH4OAc), store at -20°C overnight to precipitate the DNA. Centrifuge at 4°C for 30 minutes at 16,000g to pellet the DNA, remove the supernatant and add 150µL 70% ethanol. Centrifuge at 4°C for 2 minutes at 16,000 g and then remove the supernatant. Dry the DNA pellet at room temperature for 10 minutes. Resuspend the DNA pellet in 100µL of TEN buffer and centrifuge briefly to collect the KSHV DNA.
Taqman real-time PCR
TaqMan real-time PCR assays were performed in final volume 20 µL using TaqMan real-time PCR kits (Takara biomedical technology, Beijing, China), with 6.2 µL RNA-free water, 10 µL Premix Ex Taq (Probe qPCR) (2X), each primer and TaqMan probe at 10 µM, 0.2 µL ROX Reference Dye II and 2 ng DNA template for all samples. Amplification was with primers and probe sequences in Table 1. TaqMan real-time PCR reactions were performed on an Applied Biosystems 7500/7500 Fast Real-Time PCR (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Sensitivity was determined by testing decreasing DNA quantities of ORF 26 plasmids (10-fold dilutions from 102 to 108 ng/µL). PCR was performed using cycling conditions: 50ºC for 2 min, 95 ºC for 10min; 40 cycles of 95ºC for 15s, 60ºC for 1min.
Table 1
List of oligonucleotide primers and probes
Target Gene
Sequence (5′-3′)
K8.1A for real-time PCR
RTA for real-time PCR
ORF26 for real-time PCR
LANA for real-time PCR
β-actin for real-time PCR
ORF 26 for Taq-man real-time PCR
ORF 26 for Taq-man real-time PCR
Infection of SH-SY5Y cells by KSHV
KSHV virus from islk.219 cells was used to infect SH-SY5Y cells at a density of 1 × 106 KSHV virus copy number to 1 × 103 SH-SY5Y cells. Infected SH-SY5Y cells were cultured for 3 days. Observation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and red fluorescent protein (RFP) was performed using a fluorescence microscope and infected SH-SY5Y cells were named SK-RG.
RNA extraction and real-time PCR
Total RNA from cells was extracted using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s instruction. RNA integrity was detected using 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Total RNA was reverse transcripted to cDNA using a Revert Aid First Strand cDNA Synthesis kit (ThermoFisher, Carlsbad, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol and every sample had 1.0 µg total RNA as template. The mRNA level of K8.1A, RTA, ORF26 and LANA was quantified using a SYBR Green PCR kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, GER) following the manufacturer’s protocol and primers in Table 1. The amplification protocol included an initial heat activation step at 95℃ for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of 95℃ for 30s and combined annealing/extension at 60℃for 30s. Results were calculated as 2(−△CT) values and PCR reaction specificity was confirmed by melting curve analysis.
Cells (2×106) were centrifuged at 800rpm for 5 min. Aspirated the supernatant and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 20min, centrifuge at 800rpm for 5 min and wash cells with 1×PBS, then permeabilized with 0.1% Triton-X-100 for 15min. Removed the supernatant and resuspended the cells in 1× PBS. Dropped the cell solution in 12 wells slides, 10 µl per well. Slides were blocked overnight at 4°C with the indicated antibodies were diluted in Bond Primary Antibody Diluent (Leica, Shanghai, China): anti-LANA (1:500dilution, MBL, Japan), anti-RTA (1:400dilution, ABBIOTEC, San Diego, CA,USA), anti-K8.1A (1:400dilution, Santa, USA). Slides were washed with 1×PBS, and incubated with horseradish peroxidase-labeled polymeric secondary antibody. Dako REALTM EnVisionTM Detection System (Dako, Glostrup, DK) was used for chromogen deposition and hematoxylin was used for counterstaining.
Mtt Assays
Cells (2000) were incubated in wells of a 96-well plate. At days 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 20µl 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT, Solarbio, Beijing, China) was added to each well. After 4h at 37°C in the dark, MTT medium was removed and dimethyl sulfoxide (Solarbio, Beijing, China) 100µl/well was added. Absorbance of dyed solutions was measured at optical density 490nm (OD490).
Transwell assays
A total of 1×104 SK-RG and SH-SY5Y cells were inoculated into 24-well plates with 8-µm pore size chamber inserts. Cells were seeded in 600 µL serum-free DMEM into the upper chamber of each well and 20% FBS was added to the lower chamber before incubation at 37°C in 5% CO2 for 48h. At the end of the incubation, cells were fixed in methanol for 20 min and stained in 0.1% crystal violet for 30 min for microscopic inspection.
Flow cytometry
Digested the SK-RG and SH-SY5Y cells with trypsin without EDTA, centrifuged at 800rpm for 5 min. Fixed the cells in ice-cold methanol store at -20°C overnight. Centrifuged the cells at 800rpm for 5 min, resuspended the cells with 500µl 1× PBS, add 5µl PI and 5µl RNAseA, incubate at 37°C in the dark for 30min, the cell cycle were detected by flow cytometry (BD Biosciences, New York, USA).
Transcriptome Sequencing
Transcriptome sequencing was performed by BGI Shenzhen Company using three groups of SK-RG cells and three groups of SH-SY5Y cells. A total of six samples were measured using the BGISEQ-500 platform and filtered using SOAP nuke from BGI Company. After obtaining clean reads, we used hierarchical indexing for spliced alignment of transcripts to compare the clean reads to the reference genome sequence and used the integrative genomics viewer genome to browse to look at the alignment of reads with the genome.
BGI tested DEG according to the method described in Wang L, et al[13]. The DEGseq method is based on a Poisson distribution. DEGseq was used to normalize the data and screen for differentially expressed genes. The P-value was required to be less than 0.05 for removing low-repeat differentially expressed genes. Fold-changes were defined as > 2 for upregulation and < 0.5 for downregulation. Horizontal clustering and gene ontology (GO) were used to calculate the quantity of genes in different nodes. Pathway enrichment analysis of DES target genes used the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database.
Western blots
Western blotting used polyvinylidenedifluoride membranes (PVDF) and 5% nonfat milk as blocking reagent, as described previously [14]. Primary antibodies were: anti-CDK4 (1:1000 dilution, Bioward Technology, Nanjing, China), anti-CDK6 (1:500 dilution, Bioward Technology, Nanjing, China), anti-cyclin D1(1:500 dilution, Bioward Technology, Nanjing, China), anti-p27(1:1000 dilution, Bioward Technology, Nanjing, China), anti-Notch1(1:1000 dilution, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), anti-NICD(1:1000 dilution, Abcam, USA), anti-RBP-JK (1:1000 dilution, Abcam, USA), anti-Hes1 (1:1000 dilution, Cell Signaling Technology, USA), and anti-β-actin (1:1000 dilution, ZSGB-BIO, Beijing, China); and secondary antibody was goat anti-mouse IgG (1:10,000 dilution, ZSGB-BIO, Beijing, China) or goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:10000 dilution, ZSGB-BIO, Beijing, China).
Transfection assays
LANA plasmid was from Hangzhou Normal University. SH-SY5Y cells were transfected with 2 µg LANA or vector using Lipofectamine 2000 transfection reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After 24, 48 and 72h, cells were lysed and RNA was extracted for real-time PCR to determine transfection efficiency (Supplement Fig. 1).
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Independent t-tests were used for data measurement. Error bars represented standard deviations. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.