Copal management strategies and their rationale
B. bipinnata receives various types of management practices, along an intensity gradient. In situ practices in forest and agroforestry systems have the main purpose of increasing the quantity of individuals with desirable attributes. This constitutes a frequent practice in Mesoamerica [45] and has mainly been registered for some edible tree species [5, 46, 47]. Our study is an effort to register strategies in species with ritual purposes. In Northeast Africa, diverse species of the genus Boswellia and Commiphora are harvested for resin in arid landscapes, where they are promoted and protected, among other in situ management strategies [48, 49]. In Indonesia, several species of the genus Styrax L., whose resin is tapped, are currently managed in large plantations, although it has been recognized that these production systems have a previous history of silvicultural management [50].
Ex situ management of copal often implies transplanting of seedlings, young plants, and vegetative parts, and even seeds sowing. The same has been registered for Boswellia papyrifera (Caill. Ex Delile) Hochst. [51] and for Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton [52], where reproduction using stakes has the purpose of accelerating growth, shortening time, and assuring the propagation of individuals with high resin yields [14]. Moreover, those who use this propagation technique are aware that this method does not guarantee that offspring will possess the same attributes selected in the parent trees.
At the same time, planting of seeds of both species constitutes a strategy to assure resin production through management intensification in anthropic landscapes. Mena [28] reports for the study area, that B. bipinnata has higher densities in agroecosystems and systems transformed by humans, compared to the low densities in wild vegetation [53]. This can express people´s worrisome interest for having high densities of desired species [50], and that, in order to achieve this, they must transform natural spaces, adapting them to have a higher capacity to produce elements valued by people. This situation is similar to that reported in Ethiopia with incense and myrrh-producing species like S. senegal, Vachellia seyal (Delile) P.J.H.Hurter, B. papyrifera, Boswellia neglecta S.moore, Boswellia rivae Engl., Commiphora myrrha (T.nees) Engl. and Commiphora guidotti Chiov. ex Guid. [49]. But this contrasts with reports for species that produce latex, such as Castilla elastica Cerv., where no management practices are reported because, according to the perception of people, these trees germinate on their own and are very abundant [54]. This reinforces the perception that as soon as resources seem to be at risk, the practices, and the intensity of management of valued species increase [8, 18].
Also, in B. bipinnata, management practices are also done at the landscape level, where copal is a central part of an agroforestry system where selection and propagation processes are performed with high intensity (Fig. 5). Management of resiniferous species in agroforestry systems is strongly promoted by several international agencies and constitute notable efforts from public policy in many countries [55]. Such is the case in Asia and Africa for S. senegal, Faidherbia albida (Delile) A.Chev., Boswellia serrata Roxb., Canarium strictum Roxb., Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub., Garcinia kola Heckel, and Ocimum gratissimum L., as a strategy to stop deforestation, land degradation due to agriculture and cattle, and also to offer economic alternatives that root people to their territories [52, 56–58].
In some Latin American countries, several species that produce resin, gum or latex, have been promoted through agroforestry systems, some, for hundreds of years, as it is the case of B. copallifera [59, 60], B. linanoe [61, 62], Manilkara zapota (L.)P.Royen [63, 64], Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex A.juss.) Müll.Arg. [65], and Protium copal (Schltdl.& Cham.) Engl. [66–69]. These anthropogenic landscapes have high biological diversity because of long selection and manipulation processes carried out consciously or unconsciously by humans in in situ environments throughout generations [4, 70].
This is therefore a confirmation that copal management strategies and practices are intimately linked to the initial worry to increase the spatial and temporal availability of plant resources of cultural and economic importance [18].
Artificial selection criteria
In B. bipinnata human selection of the quantity of resin produced per individual is the main criterion for favoring trees in the wild, or to tolerate, promote, protect or plant them in agroecosystems or silvicultural management. This has been reported for some species of the Burseraceae family, like P. copal, Bursera submoniliformis Engl. and B. linanoe [67, 71, 72]. In this study, we documented that for B. bipinnata human selection is directed to diverse utilitarian attributes, such as yield, scent, color, and consistency of resin (Table 4). Copal managers identify trees with high resin production according to the strength and size of the stem, as reported for P. copal, Clusia Plum. ex L. sp., B. submoniliformis and H. brasiliensis [65, 67, 71, 73]. For S. senegal, Ladipo [52] reports that selection is done based on the growth rate, resistance to drought, high yield and resistance to plagues and diseases.
For B. bipinnata, we also registered in greater depth that selective pressures include the identification of individuals with desirable utilitarian attributes. This can result in more individuals with adequate attributes being kept in wild vegetation or in agroforestry systems. On the contrary, if they don´t possess desired attributes, they are eventually eliminated. This has been documented for various edible and medicinal species in Mesoamerica [4], and particularly in long-lived management species like Crescentia cujete L. in the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico [74, 75].
Association between management and resin production
According to the results, for B. bipinnata we found a linear relationship between the size of trees (expressed as height, cover and DBH) and resin yield. That is: trees with larger canopy cover and trunk diameter yield more resin. This is a tendency registered for many species but is particularly clear in B. papyrifera [76–78] and in P. copal [79]. We registered a yield between 31 and 190 g of resin per tree in both types of management. The latter matches with that reported by Cruz et al. [26], who estimate that B. bipinnata produces on average 174 g per tree. In contrast, Cruz-Cruz et al. [80] estimate a slightly higher average yield of 313 g of resin. B. copallifera and B. glabrifolia (Kunth) Engl. produce a slightly higher yield, of 260 and 280 g respectively [80].
We also found that managed B. bipinnata trees produced from three to six more times the quantity of resin than wild trees (Table 6). This is perhaps one of the most important findings, for it confirms the hypothesis that in situ management promotes the presence of individuals with higher resin yields, due to a long history of selection through time.
However, the resin quantity produced by B. bipinnata is exceptionally low compared to other Burseraceae species. For example, B. papyrifera registers a production between 840 and 3,000 g of resin per tree [48, 78, 81]; P. copal from 16 to 308 g [79]; and Styrax sp. from 200 to 1,000 g [50]. These differences are probably related to several factors, mainly the size of each of the species. B. bipinnata reaches relatively small heights, between 3 and 6 m. In contrast, B. papyrifera and P. copal can reach heights from 6 to 12 m and from 20 to 30 m, respectively.
Other factors that influence resin yields are the season, and the duration and intensity of harvest. For B. bipinnata, traditional management establishes that trees can only be harvested once the rainy season has started, after flowering and for a period of three months (July to October). This contrasts with B. papyrifera, which can be harvested for a period of more than six months and is harvested during the dry season [51, 78], letting it rest during the rains because it is thought that resin can wash off, affecting its quality [48]. P. copal is harvested in the dry season, during a period from 4 to 8 months, depending on the region and culture of those who manage it [79, 82]. C. wightii is harvested during the dry season, surely expressing other physiological consequences [83]. This is probably related to the capacity to accumulate secondary metabolites, which occurs in the rainy season, right before tapping, as observed for B. papyrifera [81]. An increase in the quantity of latex in H. brasiliensis is also reported, because they are grown in plantations, a condition that allows them to absorb more CO2, compared to trees that grow in places with more shade [84].
In species like M. zapota, S. senegal, and Prosopis spp., the production of resin and latex is often related to environmental variables, mainly to temperature and relative humidity [58, 85]. However, according to the environmental data of the six management units studied, the differences in copal resin production for B. bipinnata are due to management and not to environmental variables (Table 6), therefore it is possible to assert that human management is responsible for such differences in resin yields. Thus, B. bipinnata trees produce greater resin quantities do so as a result of intensive and non-random selection processes [78], where yield turns out to be a key factor, over all because this is a NTFP whose commercialization is based on the kilograms of resin extracted [86].
Nussinovitch [23] observes that many species whose exudates and resins are extracted often do not produce enough quantities to extract, regardless of being healthy and growing in favorable environments (Climate and soil). An explanation has been that under mechanic stress conditions, production can increase, especially when damage has been done to the bark [87]. This has been documented for B. papyrifera where large resin quantities are yielded during the first years of harvest [88]. Ballal et al. [58] also report that trees of S. senegal produce greater resin quantities when harvest is intensified. This can be associated to the formation of new conduits as a response to increased tapping rates [89, 23].
Nevertheless, when the rates of harvest are increased and if tapping of the tree continues after reaching maximum yield, yield starts to decrease and can even lead to death [81]. Therefore, it is important to consider the harvest method and the post-harvest treatment. For B. bipinnata, copaleros have it clear that making more incisions than can be tolerated by the tree may compromise next year´s yields or the tree itself.
Purata [24] mentions that a greater harvest rate can produce more resin yields; however, it can also hamper growth, as well as the production of flowers and fruits [65], as observed in several Prosopis species where the gum exudate increases after the fruits have matured [90]. In future studies it would be relevant to assess the implications of extractive practices are on the reproductive biology of the copal tree, particularly the trade-off between resources allocation for plant protection vs. reproduction, contributing to a more precise evaluation of the use of this resin and its long-term sustainability in diverse regions of Mexico. Our research offers evidence that management can also lead to differences in some physiological parameters, such as the quantity of resin yielded and long life cycles in species with ritual uses.
Organic compounds in copal resin and their potential association with management
Composition of organic compounds in B. bipinnata (Table 7) is similar to that reported for other Bursera species, mostly with B. graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch., B. morelensis Ramírez, B. schlechtendalii Engl., B. simaruba (L.) Sarg., B. tomentosa (Jacq) Triana & Planch. and B. tonkinensis (Guillaumin) Engl. [36, 41, 91–93]. It is also similar to compounds identified in Protium spp., but shows important differences with the compounds reported for the genera Boswellia, Commiphora and Aucoumea Pierre [93].
Contrary to our results, Case et al. [94] found that the majority of organic compounds in B. bipinnata are germacrene, α-copaene, β-caryophyllene and β-bourbonene. Similarly, Lucero et al. [37] identify nine organic compounds, of which only three coincide with our findings: α-amyrin, β-amyrin and lupeol. Similar results presented by Gigliarelli et al. [95] note that although B. bipinnata is a species chemically variable, α-pinene can be identified as one of its main components. In contrast, our research found that α-pinene ranked 12th among the 20 compounds identified.
These differences can be due to various reasons, like the taxonomical identification, but mainly to the copal samples condition. As observed by Gigliarelli et al. [95], resin that has just been collected is different in terms of presence of chemical composition, when compared with resin that has been harvested in the past months or has been stored for years. Some reports of identification of organic compounds for B. bipinnata have been done with samples of resin that had been bought in markets and stored for many years [94, 95] and even obtained from archeological sites hundred years old [37]. These differences may also be due to a confusion with the taxonomic identity of copal species. It is very common, for example, to mistake B. bipinnata with Bursera stenophylla Sprague & L.Riley [96], therefore the botanical distinction may not be clear [95]. These differences can also happen because often different species have the same common name, as in the case of “copal blanco”, a generic name used for at least two copal species, like B. copallifera and B. bipinnata [94].
Furthermore, although both B. bipinnata populations (wild and managed) presented the same compounds, these were different in proportion and concentrations. In managed trees, in addition to the three compounds mentioned above, there exists a very important proportion of α-amyrin. In contrast, in wild trees caryophyllene has an outstanding place. According to Table 8, compounds that allow to order copal trees according to the type of management (Fig. 8) are five, all related to substances that confer scent (δ-cadinol, calemene, δ-cadinene, sabinyl acetate, α-pinene), as well as one that gives it its consistency (α-amyrin). This suggests that managed trees possess higher percentages of these five compounds (scent) when compared to wild trees. The latter may mean that management is modifying the abundance of organic compounds that give copal its scent. These processes could be a result of the selection of attributes that are desirable in this resource, as suggested by Carrillo-Galván et al. [10] and Bautista et al. [7], who found that human selection may be generating changes in the chemical profile of secondary metabolites.
Our research concurs with others made on aromatic plants that found differences in the chemical composition of managed individuals compared to wild individuals, based on their utilitarian attributes [10, 97], which can augment the desired phenotypes and even eliminate non-desired phenotypes [5].
Traditional management and domestication of Bursera bipinnata
Our results suggest that driven by its prolonged cultural importance and use, B. bipinnata is in a domestication process [24–27]. One key motivation to manage and eventually domesticate these plants is to ensure the availability of the resource and eventually improve its quality [4]. The selection of trees with scented resin and abundant yields reflect copaleros´ concerns, whose strategies seek to increase the frequency of trees with these desirable phenotypes.
We consider the traditional management of B. bipinnata as part of a domestication process that has transited through at least three of four phases of co-evolutionary plant-human interaction according to Wiersum [98, 99]. These are: the collection of products from their natural vegetation, b) conscious management of individuals with useful attributes, promoting their production capacity through concrete practices and strategies, and c) the planting of wild trees carefully selected [49]. All these phases can be observed in B. bipinnata and other resiniferous species around the world [50, 78, 89, 94], where some of them are grown in plantations, with intensive genetic improvement efforts as part of the process [100]. In this way, silvicultural management of B. bipinnata and its promotion in agroforestry systems should be considered part of a complex domestication process that satisfies production needs and ecological concerns [101]. This argument contradicts that which establishes that traditional harvest practices affect the viability of trees whose resin is extracted [102]. In B. bipinnata, copaleros have promoted and encouraged the productive restoration of the TDF, increasing its population density and with this, enhancing ecosystem services, especially provision services, as documented for other resiniferous species like B. papyrifera [100]. Therefore, we believe that the domestication of B. bipinnata strengthens ecosystem resiliency by reducing its degradation, strengthening its ecological integrity, conserving key elements and fulfilling human needs.