As the first step, each satellite image obtained from different satellites was pre-processed and then GEOBIA was applied by using several indices and features to create LULC maps. Afterward, an area-based accuracy assessment was carried out to determine the accuracy of different maps. At the last step, landscape metrics were calculated and the results were evaluated.
A classification system determined with Urban Atlas and 2nd level CORINE nomenclatures was used to classify different spatial resolution images covering a pilot district located in Izmir city. High complexity and detail were needed in class definitions to most accurately define the LULC in the study area. Totally 23 classes shown in Fig. 2 are used in this research.
3.1. Image Preprocessing
Firstly, image digital number values were converted into the top of atmosphere (ToA) reflectance values. Then, the geometric correction of the WV-4 image (30 cm spatial resolution) was conducted using highly accurate ground control points obtained from 1/5000 scale ortho-photos. PHR, SPOT, and Sentinel images were geometrically corrected by using ground control points collected from ortho-rectified WV-4 images. All of the satellite images were defined in the same projection system and datum and complied with each other in a sub-pixel scale. As the last step, different dated SPOT and Sentinel images were layer stacked.
3 2. Classification
In this study, the GEOBIA method was performed by following two steps. The first step is segmentation and the widely used multi-resolution segmentation is used to create image objects by using scale, shape, and compactness parameters. It is important to define appropriate scale, shape, color, compactness, and smoothness parameter values for the extraction of different LULC classes (Definiens, 2009; Alganci et al., 2013). The most appropriate multi-resolution segmentation parameters created for different images are given in Figure 3 in dark green boxes with the representative font color of each image such as yellow for Sentinel, green for SPOT, etc.
The second step of the GEOBIA method is the classification and the resulting product of this step is a LULC map which is generated by identifying rule sets (Varga et al., 2014). The suitable indices and functions that were used to create rule sets of each image classification are shown in purple boxes in Figure 3. A detailed description of these features could be found in Sertel & Akay, 2015, Sertel et al.,2018, and eCognition© Developer – Reference Book. Figure 3 illustrates the classification steps, segmentation parameters, features, and functions that were used for the rule set creation of different images and the used vector data for different classes. A similar classification scheme was followed for each image, although some functions, features, and thresholds change according to the different image characteristics. As GEOBIA requires a particular approach when deciding segmentation parameters and values in class identifiers; the thresholds, functions, features vary for each distinct class in every image. Multi-temporal Sentinel-2 and SPOT images were layer-stacked to better identify vegetated and agricultural areas by considering seasonal conditions. Whereas, spatial resolution superiority of VHR images provides enough spatial detail to distinguish unique agricultural and vegetation patterns by using only one date image. Classifications were proceeded class by class starting with water. After the classification of each class or class group, new multiresolution segmentation with different parameters was applied to detect the remaining classes.
For each image, firstly 51000 and 52000 water classes were classified as they could be easily identified based on their spectral patterns by using the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Area and Coordinate features are also used for water classification (Figure 3). The classes with land use information and that have the support of open-source vector data were classified afterward. By using OSM vector data, road-related classes namely 12210, 12220, and 12230 were classified. Minimum overlap with OSM vectors is used, along with Asymmetry, Length/Width, and Brightness features (Figure 3). Then, after applying segmentation to unclassified areas, natural and impervious surfaces were determined.
As the next step, Wikimapia vector data and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were used for the identification of natural and man-made LULC classes. Minimum overlap with vector layers, Rectangular Fit, Coordinate, Shape Index, Brightness, and NDVI features were used to recognize some land-use classes which are 12300,12400 13300, 14100, and 14200. Urban areas were also masked in this step to prevent the mixing of low-density urban sub-classes with natural vegetation and similar classes such as 32000.
Natural vegetation and agriculture classes were determined by using NDVI, Area, Brightness, Coordinate, Standard Deviation features, and Haralick textures as Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) Homogeneity, GLCM Dissimilarity, GLCM Contrast, and GLCM mean; agriculture classes that are 21000, 22000, 23000, 24000 were classified (Figure 3). In the next step, Forests, Shrub and/or Herbaceous Vegetation Associations, and Open Spaces with Little or No Vegetation classes were determined with higher scale parameters and classified.
At the last step, Urban areas were classified using different NDVI ranges for different density urban sub-classes (11100, 11210, 11220, 11230, and 11240). After creating LULC maps, accuracy assessment was conducted by using randomly generated 248 grids.
3.3. Landscape Metrics
The purpose of landscape pattern analysis is to characterize the patch mosaic’s components and spatial configuration. There are several landscape metrics generated for this purpose. Patches are constituents of thematic maps whereas, in most applications, patches are determined by ignoring the patch heterogeneity (McGarigal, 2002).
Landscape metrics focus on the spatial character and distribution of patches. Although, they have very few basic spatial characteristics, such as size, length, shape. Patch clusters show different aggregation features depending on if the aggregation would happen in single or multiple classes. Usually, landscape metrics are defined in three levels, which are: Patch level, class level, and landscape level. All of the landscape metrics represent some features of landscape patterns. Although, before any of these metrics are taken into account, the user should first define the extent, units, and the hole landscape structure including the patches that generate it. The data format being raster or vector, also the scale and its extent may have effects on many metric values (Aksu, 2012).
In this study, different scale LULC maps of the same region created from multi-resolution satellite images were interpreted using landscape metrics. In this context, we investigated how the change in spatial resolution of satellite images (from 30 cm to 10 m) would affect the landscape metrics values and landscape pattern analysis. The landscape metrics are used to quantify the quality of different LULC maps. Landscape and class level metrics are selected from the universal and consistent landscape metrics defined by Cushman et al., 2008.
According to McGarigal and Marks, (1995), values of patch size and the number of patches provide significant information about the quality of the landscape and classes, as the patches are the building blocks of landscapes. It is expected to have higher spatial details with the improvement of spatial resolution; therefore, the change in Patch Density (PD) with the relationship to Total Area (CA) and Largest Patch Index (LPI) is investigated. Landscape Shape Index (LSI) is used to define the complexity of shapes of landscape and classes. Euclidian Nearest Neighbor distance (ENN) is one of the simplest yet useful metrics that are used to measure isolation levels of patches (McGarigal, 2015). This metric is closely related to the spatial distribution (Leitao et al., 2006). By using its area-weighted average value (ENN_AM), it was examined how isolated the patches were in the class and landscape, depending on the differences in resolution. Thus, we interpreted how the change in image spatial resolution affects the perception of patches.
A large number of metrics measuring the rate of aggregation of units within the class or landscape are other important metrics that give clues about the spatial organization. The Aggregation Index (AI) was chosen for this research among CLUMPY, PLADJ, and AI, which focuses on the clustering rates of units based on the proposition that the difference in resolution should be reflected in the spatial arrangement the most and determined to be in high correlation with each other (Szabo et al., 2012; Leitao et al., 2006; McGarigal, 2015).
Table 2. List of used landscape metrics (McGarigal et al., 2002; McGarigal et al.2015; Sertel et al., 2018)
Total Class Area (CA)
The sum of the class areas.
Patch Density (PD)
The number of patches per unit area.
Number of Patches (NP)
The number of patches of corresponding landscape or class.
Largest Patch Index (LPI)
The area (m2) of the largest patch in the landscape is divided by the total landscape area (m2).
Landscape Shape Index (LSI)
A standardized measure of patch compactness that adjusts for the size of the patch.
Euclidean Nearest Neighbor Distance Area-Weighted Mean (ENN_AM)
Shortest straight-line distance (m) between a focal patch and its nearest neighbor of the same class.
Area-Weighted Mean Patch Size
Equals the sum, across all patches in the landscape, of the patch metric values, multiplied by the proportional abundance of the patch.
Shannon's Diversity
Index (SHDI)
SHDI equals minus the sum, across all patch types, of the proportional abundance of each patch type multiplied by that proportion.
Aggregation Index (AI)
The ratio of the observed number of like adjacencies to the maximum possible number of like adjacencies given the proportion of the landscape comprised of each patch type, given as a percentage.
Table 2 presents the definition of each metric used for the study. The landscape metrics are calculated by using FRAGSTAT software applying the 8-cell neighbor rule (McGarigal et al., 2012). Because of the software's inability to compute high file sizes, the LULC maps were rescaled to 1m and the landscape metrics were calculated on rescaled thematic maps.