This was a prospective multicenter study from a national key research and development program about COPD. Data were exported from the electronic database of this program. A total of 1637 COPD patients with comorbid OSA were assessed. The prevalence of OSA in COPD patients was 65.7%, with an OSA diagnosis indicated by AHI ≥ 5 events/h. A meta-analysis by Shawon and colleagues estimated that among COPD patients, OSA had a prevalence ranging from 2 to 65.9%.9 These data suggested that OSA was prevalent in COPD patients. Although males accounted for more than 80% of the cohort, the OVS group had more male patients than the COPD-only group, showing that males were more likely to develop OSA even in the COPD cohort. In addition, retirees accounted for more than 45% of the patients, and the OVS group had more office clerks or workers and better income, which may correspond to more current smoking and alcohol consumption, higher BMI and larger neck circumference, which are established risk factors for OSA.6,15,18−22 Cigarette smoking was very prevalent in this cohort of COPD patients who had a duration of COPD of more than 5 years. There were fewer than 20% patients who never smoked, and the proportions of current smokers among COPD patients and COPD patients who also had OSA were 56.3% and 48.0%, respectively. Considering the high prevalence of COPD or OVS and the related disability, disease and economic burden, smoking prevention and cessation are of importance. The two groups had no significant difference in age, mMRC dyspnea scale score, CAT score or duration of COPD, which may indicate that they had a similar clinical status when enrolled in this study. Age did not differ between the two groups, which may be related to the prevalence of OSA reaching stabilization in the elderly group.23 Spirometry and PSG were performed while the patients were relatively stable. Even so, the COPD-only cohort had poorer lung function and more severe sleep-disordered breathing and worse nocturnal desaturation, accompanied by more hypertension and more frequent acute exacerbation in the previous year. These characteristics were also in line with our preliminary analysis.24 This finding may confirm that OSA indeed contributed to poor outcomes of COPD, as reported.7
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to extensively examine the role of BMI in the risk of OSA in COPD patients and examine nonlinearity in detail by using flexible spline models. First, our study is a national multicenter, cross-sectional and prospective survey with 1637 COPD cases included in the final analysis. Second, our data not only indicated the relationship of BMI with the risk of OSA in COPD patients but also examined different BMI categories. Finally, for the first time, the nonlinear relationship of BMI with OSA in COPD subjects was flexibly modeled and visualized by using the restricted cubic spline.
Our study showed that BMI or BMI category was significantly related to the risk of OSA in COPD patients, with a p value or p for trend ≤ 0.001. The risk of OSA was 1.596 times higher in the obese group than in the normal weight group in the crude model; after sex and age were adjusted (Model 1), the risk increased slightly. When confounders, i.e., sex, age, job, education, income, smoking, alcohol consumption, FEV1%pred, acute exacerbation in previous year, and high blood pressure were fully adjusted (Model 2), the risk was still 2.623 times higher. These data confirm that obesity is an important risk factor for OSA in COPD patients. For the overweight group, compared with the normal weight group, the higher risk became no longer significant when confounders were fully adjusted, but there remained a trend of higher risk with a p value of 0.072. This may relate to reverse causality and the control of covariates, such as smoking or spirometry. Unexpectedly, the underweight group also showed a trend of a higher risk of OSA than the normal weight group, with a p value of 0.071. We further investigated the relationship of BMI with OSA in this cohort of COPD patients using a restricted cubic model. The plot showed that BMI had a J-shaped association with OSA in COPD patients, with the lowest risk in the range of 20–24 kg/m2. Studies have reported that BMI has a J-shaped, U-shaped or inverse association for adverse outcomes of respiratory disease.13,25,26 A population-based cohort study of 3.6 million UK adults showed that BMI had a J-shaped association with respiratory diseases, with the nadir of risk occurring in the range of 21–25 kg/m2.25 Therefore, it makes sense that a healthy weight plays a vital role in the prognosis of chronic disease. Follow-up studies and meta-analyses indicated that among COPD patients, low BMI was associated with higher mortality.27–29 A National Survey from Korea showed that low BMI contributed to COPD development and mortality, while normal or higher than normal weight had a protective effect.30 However, a large, randomly selected population study by Landbo et al.31 suggested that obesity had a protective effect in severe COPD patients, but in those with mild to moderate disease, obesity was associated with a worse prognosis. Moreover, a follow-up study of 968 COPD patients enrolled from the hospital reported that after adjusting for confounders, including GOLD stage, the optimal BMI with the lowest risk for death was in the overweight category: 25.09–26.56 kg/m2. 32 A study in the general population suggested that BMI༜24.4 kg/m2 was a risk factor for COPD in OSA patients, and being overweight but not obese likely protects moderate to severe OSA patients from the risk of COPD. 33 Therefore, it is possible that a healthy weight or overweight may protect against the development of OSA in patients with COPD. This hypothesis, which is mainly speculative, needs further study. To our knowledge, no survey has evaluated classified BMI with the risk of OSA in a COPD cohort.
Notably, OSA is highly prevalent in obese individuals and has been investigated extensively.4,18,34 Although few studies have investigated the prevalence of OSA in underweight people, a Japanese study of 3659 OSA patients from 11 hospitals showed that underweight patients exhibited a higher AHI than normal weight patients.35 A recent survey showed that lower BMI was a risk factor for OSA in elderly Thai hypertensive patients.36 In this study, we hypothesize that several factors might explain the association of OSA with COPD patients with low BMI. First, COPD patients with low BMI may have poor nutritional status and more body wasting, which results in reductions in ventilation and activities of upper airway muscle function and increases upper airway resistance. 37–39 Second, the position during sleep also impacts the upper airway. A study of diagnosed OSA patients who underwent drug-induced sleep endoscopy showed that the prevalence of tongue-base obstruction in patients with low BMI was 100% in the supine position. 40. Third, narrowing of the upper airway can occur due to inflammation. Cigarette smoking-induced upper airway inflammation likely contributes to OSA. Stokes et al. showed that overweight/obese individuals are less likely to smoke than their normal weight counterparts. 41 Similar behavior may be present in COPD patients with a low BMI. OSA also appears to exacerbate lower airway inflammation.42 In addition, inhaled corticosteroids may contribute to OSA by causing upper airway myopathy or extrapulmonary inflammation, which may impair upper airway reflexes or neuromuscular responses.43–45 Finally, the extent of emphysema and chronic bronchitis influence the occurrence of OSA. Studies show that lung hyperinflation against the risk of OSA by lowering the critical closing pressure of the upper airway, while chronic bronchitis predisposes patients to a higher risk of OSA due to lower respiratory drive and peripheral fluid retention in the cor pulmonale. 46–48 In fact, a majority of COPD patients have a mixture of emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and the risk of OSA is associated with protective and promoting factors in COPD patients.
Therefore, it may be reasonable that BMI had a J-shaped association with OSA, with the lowest risk in the range of 20–24 kg/m2 and lower or higher than normal weight associated with a higher risk of OSA in COPD patients. Unintentional weight loss should perhaps be considered a deleterious factor rather than obesity as a protective one. Maintaining a healthy weight should be recommended. In the present study, the low BMI group showed a trend toward a higher risk of OSA than the normal weight group, but the difference was not significant. In the future, prospective and follow-up studies focusing on the relation of low BMI and BMI category with OSA and prognosis in COPD patients are needed to shed light on this complex issue.
There are some limitations in this study. This was a multicenter, cross-sectional study, the data may be heterogenous and potential recall bias cannot be excluded. In addition, patients were enrolled from inpatient or outpatient clinics, and although lung function tests and PSG were performed under the guidance of professional technicians when subjects were in a stable state, the patients may be somewhat different from the general population. However, the project leaders, main researchers and specialists in related fields engaged in discussion and agreed on these issues before the study was conducted. The unified criterion, standardized instruments, standardized operations, standardized projects and processes and relatively large sample could minimize bias and heterogeneity.