Anatomical changes such as dental loss, head and neck joint changes (8–11) affect airway management, including intubation and ventilation (12). A prospective study reported that head and neck movement, thyromental distance, and inter-incisor gap decreased with age; however, the dentition grade, Mallampati score, and cervical joint rigidity increased. Therefore, the authors concluded that middle-aged or elderly adults had a higher risk of difficult endotracheal intubation (13). However, we observed no significant difference in the proportion of elderly patients between the difficult and non-difficult intubation groups. This difference may be because our age cutoff was 65 years, while Rose and Cohen showed that patients in the 40–59-year age range were at risk for difficult endotracheal intubation (8); we defined this middle-aged group as “non-elderly,” which may have masked the effect of aging on difficult intubation.
We recorded the indications for intubation because they may have been key factors; for example, head and neck trauma may decrease neck mobility and even affect the measurement of thyromental, thyrosternal, and sternomental distances. Endotracheal intubation is often considered a contraindication in cases with maxillofacial trauma as maxillomandibular fixation may be disturbed (14). Therefore, it was recommended that intubation of the laryngeal mask airway be included in the algorithm for these patients (15). However, our study included only one patient with facial trauma, which limited our evaluation. No other indications for intubation, including lung, heart, and renal disease, differed significantly between two groups. Therefore, the cause of intubation may not be a major factor related to difficult intubation.
The lack of significant differences in some presentation variables may have been due to trouble in measurement or definition such as lack of teeth and poor neck mobility. Varying presentations were possible for the “lack of teeth”; “lack” could range from one to all. If all the teeth are lost, it will be difficult for upper and lower gums to come into contact, limiting temporomandibular joint movement (16). The location of tooth loss also requires clarification. Evidence has revealed that the loss of posterior teeth results in over-closure of the oral cavity (17) while the loss of anterior teeth may allow easy access to the airway and prevent intubation-related teeth loss (18, 19). Regarding poor neck mobility, despite Brit Long’s report of the positive likelihood ratio of impaired neck mobility for predicting difficult endotracheal intubation (20), and in Wilson’s difficult endotracheal intubation predictive model, head and neck movement was divided into three levels to calculate the risk (21). Nevertheless, measurement is difficult in humpbacked patients because their kyphotic deformities are related to spinal osteoporosis and degeneration of intervertebral discs (17); as the neck of patients cannot fully extend, clearly discriminating neck and back stiffness from non-precise measurement is difficult, as shown by our raw data.
Intubation injuries included mechanical damage to the patients’ teeth and/or airways, hematoma formation, and even aspiration of gastric contents (29–31). The most common cause of postintubation injuries was overfilled cuffs (31). A systematic review reported a high prevalence of intubation-related laryngeal injury (83%) (32). However, in our study, the rates were 2.6% and 5.6% in the difficult and non-difficult endotracheal intubation groups, respectively; both were significantly lower than previously reported, which may be due to the high consensus among the participant physicians in the present study. Thus, they were likely more careful and attentive when evaluating and intubating these patients.
The four key predictive factors in our formula were reasonable; the combination of Mallampati classification and thyromental distance is preferable for airway assessment because of its better specificity and positive predictive value over either alone (33). However, this combination had low sensitivity, indicating the need for additional predictive factors; thus, the results of our study may be a possible solution to this obstacle.
The previously reported multi-factor predictive models included Naguib's new model, a predictive formula developed using logistic regression that includes thyromental distance, Mallampati score, inter-incisor gap, and height (34). While the first two factors were also included in our algorithm, inter-incisor gap was not, despite its significant association with difficult intubation in the univariate analysis. Moreover, our formula used BMI rather than height. Other studies have also reported that difficult intubation is more common among obese patients (35), indicating that BMI is a more powerful predictor.
In our formula, Mallampati score had the largest coefficient, making it the most important factor. A previous study reported no significant association between an increased Mallampati score and difficult intubation; thus, their revised LEMON methods excluded the weight of Mallampati score (36). However, they also reported that the Mallampati score was not easily available and was obtained in only 57% of patients. In comparison, we assessed all patients successfully; thus, their negative result may have been a result of too many missing Mallampati scores.
Based on our findings, we recommend the routine assessment of Mallampati score in all patients regardless of whether the patient has been admitted to the ED or general ward. Because the Mallampati score had the largest β coefficient value, it can allow early detection of those with a high risk of difficult endotracheal intubation; when these patients require intubation, the necessary time for evaluation may not be enough, so pre-assessment will allow physicians to be well-prepared for this challenge.
In our study, all patients were pre-treated with initial sputum suction and foreign body removal; therefore, recorded upper airway obstruction indicated at least middling to severe obstruction due to residual or newly produced issues. As a component of the modified LEMON criteria, the sensitivity and negative predictive value of upper airway obstruction are well-validated (37). Our results showed that none of the upper airway obstruction subclasses were significant. Previous studies did not evaluate upper airways obstruction subclasses separately or only reported the percentages of each kind of impaction overall (38). To our knowledge, our study is the first to show that individual evaluation of each kind of impaction may show non-significant results, but grouping all impaction types into a single variable can reveal significant differences.
Sternomental and thyrosternal distances did not differ significantly in our study. GAP analysis implied that although sternomental, thyrosternal, and thyromental were anatomical distances, but thyromental distance had its distinctness due to the smaller Pearson coefficient to all the other distances. Ramadhani reported sternomental distance as an indicator of head and neck mobility in 1996 (22). One study reported a significant difference in this anatomical distance between the single and multiple-attempt laryngoscopy groups (23). However, our study did not compare single and multiple attempts, and several factors, such as the difficulty in evaluating neck mobility, may affect the results. Another study also did not recommend sternomental distance as the sole predictor (24), indicating its weaker predicting role. In contrast, the non-significant difference in thyrosternal distance was consistent with the findings of previous studies. Unlike thyromental distance, thyrosternal distance was not a good bedside parameter for predicting difficult endotracheal intubation (25–28).
In previous studies, it has been proven that the number of remained dentate decreased when people become older and older, and the elderly also had higher proportion of becoming completely edentulous (41, 42), our GAP analysis also found the same trend, the variables of age and lack of teeth were moderately correlated. Besides, the moderately correlation of sunken cheeks and difficult mask ventilation can also be shown by GAP analysis, which matches the result of previous studies, sunken cheeks was found to independently identify difficult mask ventilation (43, 44), so by the above two associations, this visualization tool is reasonable and reliable. However, we found sunken cheeks was a predictor of non-difficult endotracheal intubation in this study, it may imply less intubation resistant from facial muscle.
The training level of operator should be considered, so similar study excluded the case which is intubated by low experience operators, including last year of medical student and first-year internist in general practice (45). Therefore, we only included the patients who were intubated by chief residents and attending physicians, and the GAP analysis also demonstrated that the variable of operator has almost zero correlation to all of the adverse index such as intubation injury, number of attempts, and even difficult intubation, implied that our chief residents and attending physicians have almost equal level of the skill of endotracheal intubation, so there was less experience related bias in our study.
Our study had some limitations. First, our formula directly used the β coefficient and the four coefficients were not integers because we did not adjust them to avoid decreasing the sensitivity or specificity. While this prevents easy calculation by physicians, the derived formula can be entered into a computer as a simple program or application to solve this problem. Second, because our emergency physicians had heavy work, they could only enroll patients when they were relatively unbusy, therefore, we included only 110 patients, which was far fewer than the numbers included in other similar studies, however, as approximately 1000 patients are intubated in the emergency department of MacKay Memorial Hospital each year, our study of 110 patients could be considered a sampling survey, and we also plan to enroll a new group of patients to validate our derived formula. Furthermore, the prospective design meant that we could avoid missing data, unlike in retrospective studies. Third, most of the agreements were signed by the patient’s delegates after successful intubation; an increasing number of intubation attempts would likely increase the difficulty of enrollment due to patient family anxiety and irritation. However, the participant physicians participating in this study may be more careful and have highly consensus about intubation; therefore, the incidence of difficult intubation may not have been underestimated.