Pulmonary histopathologic changes related to ARDS are usually similar regardless of its etiology [4-7]. This observation can be extended to cases caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection [7]. In 2007 Mandal et al reported abnormalities in platelet homeostasis including an increase in the number of pulmonary MKs in patients with DAD [8]. In their series of 21 patients, those with thrombocytopenia had a worse prognosis. In this autopsy study, we have shown that MKs are a common finding in the lungs of COVID-19 patients dying with DAD. Our patients showed abnormal coagulation parameters with high levels of fibrinogen, D-dimers and variable thrombocytopenia.
Numerous autopsy studies describing patients dying from COVID-19 have been published [7,12-36]. In seven of them, pulmonary MKs are mentioned in the autopsy reports. Three of these studies relate their presence to the hypercoagulability status so characteristic of these patients [29,30,36]. They describe general autopsy findings and do not quantify MKs or include a correlation with coagulation parameters. Four other reports refer to pulmonary MKs as a relevant finding [31-35]. Carsana et al quantified them revealing an increased number in 33 of their 38 patients [35]. Similarly, these reports describe general findings and the presence of MKs is not further commented. In the remaining autopsy studies, including a review article there are no references to MKs [12-28,41]. Various reasons could explain this absence. As mentioned before, MKs are not a histological variable usually associated to DAD so pathologists may not be tempted to perform a specific search or to report them. Lung MKs are rare and even if their number is increased the counts in absolute terms can still be low. If a specific search is not performed, MKs can easily be overlooked. Because MKs are trapped in the pulmonary microcirculation their morphology differs from that seen in bone marrow. Pulmonary MKs show less cytoplasm and fewer nuclear lobulations. The nucleus tends to be elongated as if adapted to the vessel diameter. Although hematoxylin and eosin stain permits a confident recognition of MKs, their detection can be facilitated by immunohistochemical analysis. CD61 is expressed by MKs, but it can also be expressed by platelets and platelet-rich thrombi [42]. Therefore, to avoid overcounting a close correlation between histology and immunohistochemistry is advisable. Another possible reason for the lack of references to MKs is that some reports describe patients with early or incidental pulmonary lesions but no ARDS [19,20]. In this sense, one of our patients without MKs had pulmonary edema but no definitive histologic findings of DAD. This patient died because of end-stage malignant lymphoma without ARDS. Other reports describing deaths in non-hospitalized patients focus on macroscopic findings, mainly thromboembolic events and although pulmonary histologic findings are mentioned they are not described in-depth. Size tissue sample is another potential limiting factor for the detection of MKs. However, it should be noted that we have easily found them in trucut biopsies. Similarly, the previously mentioned study by Duarte-Neto et al [29] is based on trucut biopsies. Finally, not all patients showed an increase number of MKs. Our series and that of Carsana et al [35] revealed no significant number of MKs in 27.8% and 13.2% of the patients, respectively.
In addition to SARS-CoV-2, two other members of the coronavirus family: SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) cause pulmonary injury. The autopsy studies performed describe pulmonary damage consistent with different phases of DAD but do not mention or illustrate pulmonary MKs [43-48]. Their absence could be attributed to a greater tendency to thrombotic events in COVID-19 patients but similar procoagulation abnormalities have been described in SARS and MERS [37].
Regarding pathogenesis, the observed increment in pulmonary MKs may obey to a compensatory response. It is well-known that such responses occur in the bone marrow because of thrombocytopenia. Knowing that the lung is a normal site of megakariopoiesis it is tempting to believe that the increased number of MKs observed in our patients is, in part, secondary to thrombotic events, platelet activation, aggregation and consumption. In this sense, a recent study shows that COVID-19 significantly alters platelet gene expression, triggering a robust platelet hyperreactivity [38]. In addition, COVID-19 patients have elevated plasma levels of thrombopoietin, a well-known megakaryocyte growth factor [38]. In addition to DAD-related thrombosis of the pulmonary microcirculation, COVID-19 patients have a systemic procoagulatory status.
Finally, another interesting aspect of MK biology concerns its fibrotic capacity. MKs produce transforming growth factor-beta and participate in bone marrow fibrosis [49]. A similar pro-fibrotic capacity has been demonstrated for pulmonary MKs in an experimental model of lung fibrosis [50]. Precisely, diffuse lung fibrosis is one of the greatest complications of ARDS. Therefore, pulmonary MKs must be considered as potential contributors to fibrosis in this precise context.