In agreement with our hypothesis, we found that the ability to resist pressure is indeed affected by the shape of the female pelvic floor, as delimited by the lower birth canal. For flat and ellipsoid models, a circular shape led to the highest displacements. Deviation from circularity in either the anteroposterior (AP) or mediolateral (ML) direction equally reduced deformation, stress and strain. This symmetrical behaviour results from the geometrical symmetry of the flat and ellipsoid models as well as from the isotropic material properties adopted here (see Methods). The curvature of the ellipsoid model also resulted in considerably less displacement, stress and strain. For the more realistic anatomical model, by contrast, the AP cross-section was not symmetrically shaped, with the maximum curvature located at the area of the anal sphincter. As a result, the highest deformation was not observed for a circular model but for a mediolaterally elongated shape with AP/ML=0.83. The highest values of strain and stress occurred in models with AP/ML=0.71. An even more extreme ML oval shape only weakly reduced displacement, stress, and strain. However, increasing the AP/ML ratio towards a more AP oval shape of the anatomical model led to a rapid decrease in all three measures. As our anatomical model still is an idealization of the real pelvic floor, the actual pelvic floor shape leading to the greatest deformation may deviate from our estimate but is likely to have an AP/ML ratio smaller than 1 (see Validation in the Methods).
These findings suggest that a mediolaterally elongated shape of the pelvic midplane and outlet is particularly disadvantageous for pelvic floor support. The more anteroposteriorly oval the lower birth canal is, the more resistant is the pelvic floor in response to pressure. This is in agreement with clinical literature reporting that a mediolaterally wide pelvic outlet predisposes to pelvic floor dysfunction 20,31–33. Based on these findings, we suggest that the length and orientation of the ischial spines and the sacrum specifically evolved to decouple the shape of the lower birth canal from that of the upper canal in order to ensure a pelvic floor shape that increases the mechanical stability of the pelvic floor.
The stability of the pelvic floor does not only depend on its size and shape. Parity, mode of delivery, age, obesity, and weakness or injuries of pelvic floor tissue are important risk factors for pelvic floor disorders 22,34–36. However, all these factors presumably are uncorrelated with pelvic canal shape and thus are able to evolve independently. In other words, the presence of other, clinically more relevant factors does not rule out that the shape of the lower birth canal has an effect on pelvic floor stability. In turn, this implies that pelvic floor stability imposes a selective pressure on the shape of the pelvic canal. Although pelvic form is influenced by nutrition during childhood and adolescence, age of menarche, and maternal age at birth, it has a relatively high heritability 37 and thus is expected to respond to the selection imposed by pelvic floor stability.
Our findings explain why the lower birth canal evolved an AP oval shape. But why did the inlet not evolve a similar AP oval shape? After all, a uniformly shaped birth canal would ease parturition as it would make rotational birth obsolete. In humans, a balanced upright stance requires a curved spine, particularly a pronounced lumbar lordosis, which brings the centre of mass of the upper body above the line connecting the two hip joints. In this way, the body is pivoted at the hip joints and balanced antero-posteriorly. An increase in AP length of the pelvis requires re-balancing this system by forward rotating the sacrum and increasing lumbar lordosis (Fig. 4) 38–41. The amount of lordosis, however, is limited by the size, strength and wedging of the vertebral bodies as well as by necessary adaptations within the spinal musculature. A large lordotic angle increases anterior shearing strain in the vertebrae and intervertebral disks, and it brings the centre of mass anterior to the sacral endplate, both of which are associated with back pain, spondylolisthesis and disk herniation 42–46. In late pregnancy, lumbar lordosis is further increased to balance the additional abdominal weight 47. We therefore suggest that an evolutionary increase in AP length of the pelvic inlet has been constrained by the adverse effects it would have on spine health and structural stability of upright posture. Since Washburn’s seminal article on the “obstetrical dilemma” 48, researchers have been asking why humans did not evolve a ML wider pelvic inlet to ease birth. Washburn and many later researchers assumed that the energetics of efficient upright walking constrain the evolution of a ML wider pelvis (but see 49). However, the fact that most women do have a ML oval inlet implies that the constraint on the ML dimension of the inlet is less severe than that on the AP dimension. Indeed, recent studies found little or no energetic disadvantage associated with a mediolaterally wide pelvis 13,47,50. Given this tight biomechanical constraint on the AP diameter of the inlet, a further ML elongation may simply contribute little to ease childbirth. As expected under this hypothesis, the particularly AP narrow pelvis of the bipedal australopithecines was associated with a lower lordotic angle (41° versus an average of 51° in humans 51). Chimpanzees, on the contrary, can biomechanically ‘afford’ a pronounced AP oval inlet because they are mostly quadrupedal and do not need to balance their weight above the hip joints.
These spinopelvic relationships also shed light on the human sex differences in lumbar lordosis and vertebral wedging, which tend to be greater in females than in males 47,52,53. Whitcome et al. 47 proposed that this dimorphism, which was already present in early Homo and partly even in Australopithecus, evolved as an adaptation to mitigate the shearing forces generated by foetal load. However, we suggest that the increased female lordosis and vertebral wedging are, at least partly, a direct consequence of the larger pelvic canal (including the inlet AP diameter) in females 8,54. Only if the average female lordosis exceeds the degree of lordosis expected for female pelvic dimensions, would an adaption for foetal load be a plausible explanation. But this remains to be shown.
The size of the pelvic canal is certainly more important for parturition and pelvic floor support than its shape. For instance, the increase in pelvic floor displacement resulting from 1 SD (standard deviation) increase in pelvic floor size (reported by Stansfield et al. 24) is about 2.8 times as large as the displacement resulting from 1 SD increase in pelvic floor shape (AP/ML). Nonetheless, our results suggest that the shape of the lower birth canal is subject to an evolutionary trade-off between childbirth, pelvic floor support and upright posture, similar to that for the size of the canal: An even more anteroposteriorly oval-shaped lower birth canal would be advantageous for pelvic floor stability but disadvantageous for childbirth; an AP oval inlet would ease parturition by avoiding rotation of the foetus but would compromise structural stability of upright posture and locomotion. However, the relative strengths and actual trade-off dynamics of these antagonistic selective forces depend on biological, environmental and sociocultural factors that have changed during human history and partly differ among populations today (“shifting trade-off model”) 55. For instance, pelvic size as well as neonatal weight and head circumference differ considerably across populations, leading to variable magnitudes of obstetric selection on pelvic form 56–58. Prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence vary across countries as well as by ethnicity and sociocultural background 59–61, imposing different strengths of selection for pelvic floor support. Physical activities and diet differ among populations and cultures, thus exerting different physical stresses on the pelvis and the pelvic floor e.g., 59 and providing different metabolic capacities during pregnancy 49. Transitions in environmental and socioeconomic conditions can also affect the relationship between foetal and maternal size, which influences the difficulty of labour 62,63. Hence, it is likely that the observed population differences in pelvic shape 30 partly resulted from local differences in selective pressures.