Reference NEXAFS signatures and components maps
Collecting NEXAFS spectra of reference compounds at the Fe L-edge, C K-edge and N K-edge (Fig. 1) was necessary for comparison with those extracted from samples stacks. They were also used as reference spectra for mapping the distribution of individual compounds in the samples and for obtaining RGB maps.
At the Fe L-edge, the references FeII_ref and FeIII_ref present four main peaks at 708 eV (Fe L3 edge), 709.8 eV (Fe L3 edge), near 720–721 eV (Fe L2 edge) and near 723 eV (Fe L2 edge) (Fig. 1a). The peaks intensities of these two references are different which, in principle, makes it possible to quantify the FeII to FeIII ratio as was done on silicates systems [27]. However, here, no precise quantification was carried out as the reduction of iron under the beam could not be neglected (optical density changes up to 15% were measured during an acquisition). These Fe L-edge spectra also helped choosing STXM energies that are appropriate to map FeII or FeIII rich regions (Fig. 2, 3, 4): they show that 708 eV is preferentially related to FeII while 709.8 eV is more specific of FeIII. In order to enhance the readability of the images, the 700 eV maps (before the edge) were subtracted from the 708 eV maps (characteristic of FeII). Similarly, the 708 eV maps (specific of FeII) were subtracted from the 709.8 eV maps (specific of FeIII). These subtractions gave a more contrasted view of respectively FeII and FeIII distributions.
Gelatin is the only compound of the system that contains nitrogen. Hence, N K-edge mapping will be specific of the presence of gelatin. At this edge, the NEXAFS spectrum of gelatin (Fig. 1b) presents a broad band at 405.7 eV that corresponds to 1s-σ* transition [28], and a main peak at 401.1 eV that corresponds to amide groups. The distribution of gelatin was also obtained with maps at 401.1 eV from which maps at 398 eV (before the edge) were subtracted in order to enhance the contrast.
At the C K-edge, the raw linen rag fiber NEXAFS spectrum (Fig. 1c, fiber) is similar to previously reported cellulosic fibers [22, 29]. It shows three peaks corresponding to aromatic carbons (285.1 eV) and vinyl keton (286.7 eV), possibly formed during milling, and C-O transition of osidic bonds and alcohol groups (288.9 eV). The gallic acid spectrum (Fig. 1c, Ac) also matches previously published data [22, 30] with eight peaks corresponding to 1s-π* transitions of aromatic carbons (285.1 eV), aromatic alcohol (286.0 to 288 eV), carboxylic group (288.4 eV), 1s-3p/σ* transition of alcohol (289.3 eV and 290.1 eV) and 1s-σ* carbon transition (292.4 eV).
The spectrum of the IGI precipitate (Fig. 1c, IGI) presents some common feature with the one of gallic acid with the signature of aromatic carbon (C = C, 285.1 eV), aromatic carbon connected to hydroxyl group (C = C-OH, 286 eV to 287 eV), carboxylic groups (288.4 eV) and 1s-σ* carbon transition (292.4 eV). However, for the IGI sample, the peak at 288.4 eV is enhanced in comparison to the other peaks and larger than for gallic acid. This suggests modifications in the environment of the carboxylic acid groups which is coherent with a precipitate formation (iron chelation in precipitate is done via phenolic hydroxyls groups and the carboxylic acid group [31]. The gelatin spectrum (Fig. 1c, G) exhibits a main peak at 288.3 eV related to the amide groups. Some other minor contributions are observed at 285.5 eV, 287 eV and 289.5 eV, but these signatures are too weak to be used for discrimination.
These preliminary observations show that cellulose, gelatin and ink components have different C K-edge NEXAFS signatures. Yet, mapping their distribution using a single energy remains difficult as their signatures partially overlap. Absorption contrasts are thus not always optimal. Subtraction with a map recorded before the considered edge may help enhancing the contrasts. In the following of this work, this was done with the maps that were spotting gallic acid (287.7 eV), cellulose (286.7 eV), gelatin (288.2 eV) and IGI (285.2 eV) from which maps at 280 eV before the C K-Edge were subtracted. Yet it remained necessary to crosscheck these maps with extracted spectra taken from the regions that were supposed to be rich in the spotted component. Comparing observed distributions with maps and NEXAFS spectra obtained at other edges (Fe L and N K) also appeared useful to study properly the distribution of these different components.
Analysis of unsized fiber I: iron absorption in the fiber
With SEM imaging (Fig. 2a), it can be seen that the fiber I presents an unusual structure with no lumen visible. Instead, the fiber seems very large (approx. 30 µm) and extremely flat (Thickness approx. 4 µm). This unexpected structure suggests that the original fiber has been cut lengthwise during paper milling. The two walls would then correspond to the inner and outer walls of the former fiber.
Fe L-edge maps (Fig. 2, left part) show a significant presence of iron around the fiber, consistent with a thin ink layer. Outside the fiber, mainly one region is brighter on the map at 709.8 eV (Fig. 2b, yellow arrow), suggesting aggregates rich in FeIII probably corresponding to IGI precipitate. Inside the fiber, iron seems to concentrate along cracks and mainly correspond to FeII as it is particularly noticeable on the map at 708 eV.
On an enlarged region of the fiber I (Fig. 2, right part), stack fits were performed using the Axis2000 software to get a RGB map showing the distribution of FeII (in yellow) and FeIII (in blue) based on a comparison with the reference compounds spectra. This approach confirmed that the surface of the fiber is coated relatively homogeneously with a thin FeII rich layer that also follows cracks in the inner part of the fiber. Many of these cracks are oriented perpendicular to the walls, and were probably formed during paper milling. Bright Fe-rich spots, approx. 200 nm wide are also observed along the cracks and are predominantly composed of FeII.
Extraction of Fe L-edge spectra from the regions of interest 1 to 3 (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3a, left), showed that iron is not only distributed along cracks but also penetrates in the fiber (region 3) where it is present at very low concentration (low O.D.) (Fig. 3a, left, spectrum 3). Although the spectra 1 to 3 significantly differ in optical density, they have a similar shape, the peak at 708 eV being more intense than the peak at 709.8. This feature corresponds to a FeII/FeIII mixture with a predominance of FeII versus FeIII. C K-edge spectra were also extracted from these three regions of interest (Fig. 3a, right). They were all similar to the spectrum of cellulose recorded on the raw fiber (Fig. 1c, spectrum fiber). This is consistent with the fact that, even if the fiber is inked, cellulose remains its main organic constituent. On the spectrum extracted from region 2, at the surface of the fiber (Fig. 3a, right, spectrum 2), there is a shoulder at 287.7 eV that probably comes from gallic acid or IGI. This signature is not perceptible in the inner part of the fiber (regions 1 and 3, Fig. 3a, right, spectra 1 and 3), suggesting that gallic acid and IGI do not migrate in significant amount within the fiber and mostly remain outside. As no other carbon signature than cellulose was detected inside the fiber (region 1, Fig. 3a, left, spectrum 1), the iron that has migrated inside the fiber might be chelated to sulfates or to cellulose hydroxyl groups.
The fact that iron is mainly present as iron(II) inside the fiber helps understanding why unsized papers that are impregnated by iron gall ink can be altered within a few months [21]. Indeed, the oxidation iron(II) to iron(III) leads to the production of protons, thus lowering the local pH and promoting acid hydrolysis of cellulose macromolecules. As polymeric chains are getting shorter, paper gradually loses its mechanical properties.
Analysis of fiber G_I: gelatin prevents iron migration
The fiber G_I presents a rather classical linen rag fiber shape (ovoid) with a central hole corresponding to the lumen (Fig. 4a). The SEM image shows some damage due to the milling process (holes where the FIB section is too thin).
Fe L-edge maps (Fig. 4b) highlight regions containing iron that are mostly located outside the fiber, suggesting some coating with an ink layer. STXM observations focused on an area from the edge of the section to the lumen (Fig. 4, yellow squares and right part). The Fe L-edge mapping confirmed that iron remains mainly outside the fiber with an uneven FeII and FeIII distribution. Only small amounts of iron (mostly FeII) penetrate in the fiber as attested by NEXAFS iron spectra (Fig. 3b, left, spectra 6 and 7) and the RGB iron map. Moreover, the concentration in iron decreases with the distance to the surface, since the sub surface contains greater amounts of iron (Fig. 4, region 6; Fig. 3b, left, spectrum 6) than the inner part of the fiber (Fig. 4, region 7; Fig. 3b, left, spectrum 7).
The C K-edge NEXAFS spectra obtained inside the fiber (Fig. 4b, regions 6 and 7; Fig. 3b, right, spectra 6 and 7) match the fiber reference with characteristic peaks at 285.1, 286.7 and 288.9 eV (Fig. 1c, spectrum fiber). In contrast, the C K-edge NEXAFS spectra of regions located outside the fiber (Fig. 4b, regions 4 and 5; Fig. 3b, right, spectra 4 and 5) attest of the presence of gallic acid with characteristic signatures at 286.0 eV, 286.5 eV, 287.6 eV and 288.4 eV. Yet some contribution from IGI cannot be excluded as it also presents two characteristic peaks at 286.7 eV and 288.4 eV that superimpose those of gallic acid (Fig. 1c).
The C K-Edge characteristic peak of gelatin at 288.3 eV (Fig. 1c) is too close from the above-mentioned peaks to allow detection of gelatin in the C K-Edge data. Therefore, gelatin was researched in the N K-Edge recorded data. Previous work performed on similar fibers, sized in a similar way (yet without IGI application) showed that gelatin does not penetrate the paper fiber, but simply coats it [12]. These measurements were performed with the same system using similar acquisition parameters than in the present study, and N K-edge maps allowed an easy location of gelatin. On the present fiber G_I however, the N K-edge maps at 401 eV (an energy characteristic of gelatin amide bonds) is highly noisy (Fig. 4c), as the NEXAFS spectra, which shows only a weak and broad signal at 405.8 eV in region 4 and 5 outside the fiber. This suggests that only traces of nitrogen (supplementary material, Fig S2, spectra 4 and 5), most probably gelatin, are present outside the fiber but at low concentration, close to the detection limit.
These examinations of STXM maps and NEXAFS spectra suggest that most of the gelatin formerly coating the fiber was released in the solution during ink impregnation. This removal was not expected since gelatin is known to be insoluble in water at ambient temperature. We suppose here that the presence of several ionic species in the ink solution contributed to the partial solvation and dissolution of gelatin.
The C K-edge and Fe K-edge stacks evidence that, in the G_I fiber, a layer of ink (region with high iron content, containing gallic acid and possibly IGI) coats the cellulosic fiber and that only the fiber sub surface contains iron (mostly FeII), as illustrated by the RGB maps (Fig. 4b, 4d). On this latter, a small penetration of FeII is seen on a depth of a few hundreds of nanometres. It corresponds to a maximum O.D. of 0.07 (Fig. 3b, left, spectrum 6), a value close to the value of 0.05 measured in the inner part of the unsized fiber I (Fig. 3a, left, spectrum 3). These two values are much higher than the maximum O.D. found in the inner part of the G_I fiber sample (Fig. 3b, left, spectrum 7), meaning that the former presence of gelatin significantly prevented migration of iron in the fiber.
Analysis of fiber I_G: impact of a spray of gelatin on iron distribution
Previous studies have shown that depositing gelatin on an inked paper can slow down the depolymerisation process [17]. Thus, applying gelatin on graphic documents during conservation treatments should limit iron gall ink corrosion. The I_G fiber was therefore prepared to investigate possible interactions between ink and gelatin when this latter is applied a posteriori.
In the SEM image of the thin section I_G, three fibers can be distinguished (Fig. 5a, A, B and C). Even if the lower part of the foil was damaged by the FIB milling the upper part was appropriate for analysis. At the N K-edge, the presence of gelatin was clearly established by STXM mapping at 401 eV, an energy characteristic of amide bonds (Fig. 5d). As expected [12], gelatin coats the three fibers without migrating inside. It is also noticeable inside the lumen of fiber B probably because this fiber was initially opened on one end, allowing gelatin solution to migrate in the lumen along the fiber axis. At the C K-Edge, the distribution of gelatin can also be seen on the map at 288.3 eV (Fig. 5c), an energy that is specific of the gelatin NEXAFS spectrum (Fig. 1c, spectrum G). On this map, the gelatin free areas correspond to the cellulosic fibers for which a good response is obtained at 286.7 eV (C K-edge, Fig. 5c). The map at 286.7 eV also shows small cellulose rich areas situated between fiber A and fiber B that probably correspond to some fibrillated cellulosic matter partially detached. As for the maps recorded at the Fe L-edges, they show that the gelatin coating contains some amount of iron distributed relatively evenly together with bright spots rich in iron.
On the enlarged region of the map (Fig. 5, yellow square), complete stacks were recorded at the Fe L-and C K-Edges and NEXAFS spectra were extracted from different regions: in the spots rich in iron (8), in the gelatin (9) and in the fiber (10). Iron rich spots (8) mostly correspond to FeIII (Fig. 3c, left, spectrum 8). On these spots, the C K-edge signature (Fig. 3c, right, spectrum 8) is close to the spectrum of the IGI precipitate, with characteristic peaks at 285.1 eV, 286.7 eV and 288.4 eV (Fig. 1c). Yet the most intense peak at 288.4 eV also appears slightly asymmetric, with a sharp top at 288.3 eV that is interpreted as a contribution of gelatin to the signal. This point is confirmed by the fact that this region appears relatively bright on the N K-Edge map at 401 eV. An additional contribution of gallic acid in the C K-edge spectrum of region 8 is seen in the shoulder observable at 287.7 eV. These observations led to conclude that region 8 is rich in iron gall ink (consistent with the high content in FeIII) but also contains some minor proportion of gelatin and gallic acid.
Outside the fiber, in the gelatin coating (Fig. 5b, region 9), some amount of iron is detected, mostly as FeIII (Fig. 3c, left, spectrum 9). The C K-Edge signature of this region (Fig. 3c, right, spectrum 9) is similar to the one of gelatin (Fig. 1c, spectrum G), meaning that no other organic component is detected in this region.
Conversely, in the inner part of the fiber (Fig. 5b, region 10), the C K-Edge signature is similar to the one of cellulose (Fig. 3c, right, spectrum 10) with an additional small and broad peak at 289.5 eV. This peak was previously observed in the secondary wall of a linen rag fiber and also on some cellulosic reference [22] and is probably due to C-OH bonds.
A stack fit treatment of the data was performed at the C K-edge with the model spectra of the raw fiber, gelatin and IGI precipitate (Fig. 1c). The resulting RGB map (Fig. 5c, RGB map) illustrates that gelatin remains outside the fiber and contains some grains of IGI precipitate.
Interestingly, no iron was detected in region 10, inside the fiber (Fig. 2c, left, spectrum 10). This point was completely unexpected since small concentrations of iron were detected inside the two previously analysed fibers (I and G_I). Before impregnation with gelatin, the fiber I_G was expected to be comparable to fiber I and thus probably containing similar amount of iron (mainly as FeII). Consequently, the fact that no trace of iron could be detected on the I_G fiber suggests that FeII was removed from the inner part of the fiber during the gelatin spray. This is consistent with the fact that iron is found in the gelatin coating (Fig. 2c, left, spectrum 10). It is indeed of common knowledge that iron that is not involved in the IGI precipitate (such as FeII) is highly water soluble [32, 33]. When the paper is humidified, it can easily migrate out of the ink line [14]. During the gelatin spray, gelatin coats the fiber without migrating inside, but water goes in the fiber, thus allowing the dissolution of iron and its migration out of the fiber in the gelatin solution. Then the solution cools down rapidly, forming a gel that fixes iron. The high predominance of FeIII in gelatin suggests oxidation reactions occurring with gelatin consistent with the ability of gelatin to chelate iron [16, 34–36]. These chelation mechanisms may also favour iron migration by entropic effect thus contributing to the decrease of iron concentration in the inner part of the fiber below the limit of detection. Iron trapping by gelatin would explain the lower depolymerization of cellulose observed in presence of gelatin on iron gall inked papers [17]. Indeed, as iron enhances cellulose degradation [2, 3], its removal from the inner part of the fiber contributes to limit its interaction with cellulose and thus the cellulose decay.