Several methods using imaging data have been reported to objectively evaluate DRUJ instability, including plain radiography, computerized tomography (CT), and ultrasound examination18-31. Nakamura et al. reported that DRUJ subluxation and dislocation were indicated when the difference in the radioulnar distance between the affected and non-affected wrists was 6 mm or more on a normal lateral radiograph18. Additionally, on a posteroanterior radiograph, a widened gap between the distal radius and the ulna with respect to the unaffected side is a strong indicator of dorsal ulnar subluxation/dislocation, while increased overlap indicates volar ulnar subluxation/dislocation19,20. However, a true lateral view of the DRUJ was difficult to take, and as little as 10° of supination or pronation made radiographic diagnoses inaccurate19-21.
Bilateral CT evaluation of the DRUJs is useful for detecting differences in anatomical details and DRUJ congruency between normal and injured wrists22,23. There are various methods of quantifying the instability on axial CT images, such as the radioulnar line (or Mino’s) method, the radioulnar ratio method, the subluxation ratio method, the epicenter method, and the congruency method19, 24-28. The radioulnar line method and the congruency method showed high false-positive rates29, while the epicenter method was the most specific and reliable among them28, 29. However, there was no clear statistical correlation between the stress test and CT parameters for DRUJ instability after distal radius fracture30. In addition, since both plain radiography and CT are static evaluations, the instability of DRUJ could be underestimated.
Recently, musculoskeletal evaluation using ultrasonography has become widespread. The potential advantages of ultrasound are its noninvasiveness, low cost, lack of ionizing radiation risk, and dynamic and real-time evaluation. Hess et al. reported a sonographic method of quantifying DRUJ instability by measuring volar ulnar head translation relative to the distal radius with the forearm pronated, and distinguished a normal from an unstable DRUJ31. They showed that the average volar translation and differences between both wrists with normal DRUJ were 2.5 mm and 0.65 mm, and those of unstable DRUJ were 5.8 mm and 2.8 mm31. However, they only assessed volar side instability, and ultrasound devices remain dependent on the operator and experience.
The reliability of EMS has been reported in the quantification of the Lachman test and pivot-shift test, which evaluate knee laxity after ACL injuries9-16. The measurements could be useful for understanding the pathophysiology of ACL injury pattern9-16. In this study, a new quantitative evaluation system for DRUJ movement using an EMS was developed. As a result of the accuracy assessment of the EMS, the error between the mean of the measurements and the true value was < 0.2 mm, SD was < 0.1 mm and Pearson's correlation coefficient was 0.997, indicating high accuracy. Similarly, the reproducibility evaluation of the EMS showed that SD was < 0.17 mm, indicating high reproducibility. Furthermore, in vivo measurements of the ICC demonstrated almost perfect intra- and inter-rater reliabilities32, with an ICC (1,5) of 0.856 and an ICC (2,5) of 0.868. These results suggest that the EMS could be a clinically useful measurement method for quantifying DRUJ movement.
A previous cadaveric study investigated DRUJ movement during the ballottement test with a non-holding technique using a magnetic sensor system, and reported that the average movement before TFCC sectioning was 10.8 mm33. Ultrasound measurements reported a volar ulnar head translation of 2.5 mm in the pronated position31. In the in vivo measurements of this study, the mean dorsovolar ulnar head translation in healthy volunteers was approximately 6.0 mm, which was lower than that in the cadaveric report and higher than that in the ultrasound study. These results seem to be reasonable in comparison with the cadaveric study, considering that the dynamic stability through muscle contraction was affected and the forearm was examined in the pronated position. In addition, dorsal instability has not been adequately investigated in ultrasonographic studies; therefore, dorsovolar ulnar head translation may be underestimated. In the comparison between the dominant and non-dominant sides, ulnar head translation was slightly greater on the non-dominant side; however, there were individual differences, and no significant differences were found. Although the translation distance of females tended to be higher than that of males, there was no significant difference between males and females in each parameter, which was similar to a previous report using CT evaluation34. DRUJ instability varies greatly among individuals and is difficult to assess, especially in patients with joint laxity. This study also had a large normal range of 4.28–9.10 mm. Therefore, it is important to compare the difference between the healthy side and the affected side28,29,34. In the cadaveric study mentioned above, DRUJ instability increased by 2.3 mm after TFCC sectioning33. The ultrasonographic study reported that the average difference between both wrists with normal DRUJ was 0.65 mm, while with unstable DRUJ, it was 2.8 mm31. Another study on CT assessment under stress in the neutral position reported that a contralateral difference of 2–3 mm suggested instability34. In this study, the average difference between the dominant and non-dominant sides was 0.11 mm (0.01 to 0.90 mm) in healthy volunteers. These results suggest that a difference of < 1 mm between both wrists might be considered a stable DRUJ.
The advantage of the EMS is that dynamic changes in the DRUJ can be assessed objectively and in real time without any invasion or exposure9-16. TFCC injury is the main cause of DRUJ instability, but some cases are difficult to diagnose even with MRI or arthrography. Thus, objective measurement using EMS could help in the diagnosis and understanding of the pathology. Furthermore, EMS can be used for postoperative evaluation. These benefits demonstrate the potential of EMS as a clinically useful test.
This study has several limitations. First, the effect of the skin motion was not evaluated. Therefore, it would be preferable to assess this in a cadaveric study. However, the influence of skin motion was minimized by devising a measurement device to firmly grip the DRUJ. The soft tissue around the DRUJ is thin; thus, the influence of skin motion on the results should be minimal. In addition, our in vivo measurements showed that the ICC (1,5) and ICC (2,5) were 0.856 and 0.868, respectively, and the ulnar head translation was also reasonable compared to that of the cadaveric study using the magnetic sensor system33. Second, a comparison with other imaging tests was not performed. Third, the sample size was small; however, we successfully confirmed the effectiveness of the measurement system and the values from healthy subjects in this study. We would like to further increase the sample size and compare the results with those of the patient group in the future.