3.1 Stress response characteristics of surrounding rock
Figure 6 show the stress response characteristics of surrounding rock of cavern without fault. It can be seen from the figure that after unloading, the stress of points M1 and M2 in the Y direction suddenly decreases, which is due to the loss of supporting rock mass due to the excavation of the cavern. For point M3 and point M4, they bear the initial stress of point M1 and point M2, showing a sudden increase of stress concentration. At the same time, the stress state of point M3 and point M4 is not the same due to the inhomogeneity of rock particle medium. On the contrary, in the X direction, the stress of point M3 and point M4 shows a downward trend, while the stress concentration occurs at point M1 and point M2.
Figure 7–8 and Table 3 show the stress response characteristics and maximum stress of the cross fault cavern under unloading. The angle of fault changes the unloading stress state of surrounding rock and has a great influence on the stability of the cavern. For the stress in Y direction, the change of point M1 and point M2 is small. The stress reduction of the fault with angle 90° is due to the fact that the fault crosses the measuring circle. This means the fault with angle 90° will lead to the large unloading stress at the top of the cavern in Y direction. At point M3, except fault with angle 60° and 90° result in the increase of stress, the stress of point M3 decreases due to the faults of other angles. The maximum stress of point M3 without fault, with fault angle = 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° are 71MPa, 66.7MPa, 64.2MPa, 72.1MPa, 71.3MPa, 67.1MPa and 67.4MPa. At point M4, except for the fault angle of 90°, the stress at point m3 decreases. The maximum stress of point M4 without fault, with fault angle = 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° are 71MPa, 69.1MPa, 62.6MPa, 67.6MPa, 71.2MPa, 70.8 and 65.1MPa. Generally, the existence of fault will lead to the decrease of unloading stress (Y direction) at the arch waist of the cavern, especially when the fault angle is about 60°.
For the stress in X direction, the point M1-M4 changes greatly due to the existence of faults. At point M1, the fault angle is 0°, 90° will lead to stress increase, while other angles will lead to stress decrease. When the fault angle is 120°, the stress reduction is the largest. When the fault angle is 0°, the stress increases most. The maximum stress of point M1 without fault, with fault angle = 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° are 31.1MPa, 34.6MPa, 29.5MPa, 25MPa, 33.9MPa, 24MPa and 19.6MPa. At point M2, a fault angle of 30° will increase the stress, while other angles will decrease the stress. When the fault angle is 60°, the stress reduction is the largest. The maximum stress of point M2 without fault, with fault angle = 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° are 32.2MPa, 34.7MPa, 31.2MPa, 25.4MPa, 31.6MPa, 26.5MPa and 30.1MPa. At point M3, fault angles of 0°, 60° and 90° lead to stress increase, while other angles lead to stress decrease. When the fault angle is 0°, the stress increases most. When the fault angle is 30° or 150°, the stress reduction is the largest. The maximum stress of point M3 without fault, with fault angle = 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° are 9.1MPa, 13.5MPa, 8.5MPa, 9.9MPa, 9.4MPa, 8.5MPa and 9.8MPa. At point M4, the fault angle is 0°, 90° will lead to stress increase, while other angles will lead to stress decrease. When the fault angle is 0°, the stress increases most. When the fault angle is 150°, the stress reduction is the largest. The maximum stress of point M4 without fault, with fault angle = 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 150° are 16.6MPa, 18.4MPa, 12.7MPa, 16.7MPa, 17.7MPa, 15.2MPa and 11.7MPa. It can be seen that the fault angle has great influence on the X direction of surrounding rock, especially when the fault angle is 0° and 90°. At the same time, the fault angles of 30° and 90° can reduce the stress concentration of surrounding rock in X direction.
In general, the fault angle has a great influence on the stress distribution of surrounding rock. Faults with angles of 0° and 90° will increase the stress concentration of surrounding rock (except for some points), while faults with other angles will reduce the stress concentration of surrounding rock.
Table 3
Maximum stress of monitoring points
Maximum Stress
No fault
Fault angle = 0°
Fault angle = 30°
Fault angle = 60°
Fault angle = 90°
Fault angle = 120°
Fault angle = 150°
Note: Mi-X represent the stress of monitoring points in X direction and Mi-Y represent the stress of monitoring points in Y direction, i = 1, 2, 3, 4. |
3.2 AE characteristics
The acoustic emission (AE) characteristics of rock mass is directly related to the generation of micro cracks in the rock mass. In the PFC model, a contact (parallel bond) fracture will produce a release of strain energy, that is, an acoustic emission occurs. Therefore, the acoustic emission event of rock sample can be simulated by counting the number of particle contact fractures through FISH language (Chen et al, 2021). Figure 9 shows the evolution characteristics of acoustic emission during unloading of faultless caverns. It can be seen from the figure that in the process of sudden unloading, a large number of acoustic emission hits events occurred in the surrounding rock of the cavern. The maximum value of acoustic emission hit event is 6, and there are two peaks, which is due to two times of rapid crack propagation in surrounding rock. At the same time, it can also be seen that the number of acoustic emission hits increases first and then decreases, which indicates that the stress concentration of the cavern needs a process. After the stress concentration leads to the damage and failure of the rock mass, it returns to the stable state of the surrounding rock, which is consistent with the stress evolution curve in Fig. 6.
Figure 10 shows the AE evolution curves of surrounding rock under different fault angles. Generally, the existence of faults does not change the overall law of AE evolution curve, that is, the number of AE hits increases first and then decreases. However, the existence of faults changes the maximum number of AE hits and the duration of AE. Compared with the AE characteristics of no fault cavern, the maximum hit value of AE increases when the fault dip angle is 30° and 120°. The difference is that when the fault angle is 30°, the duration of AE hit event is longer, while the duration of AE hit event of 120° fault cavern model is slightly shorter. The maximum hit value of AE of the tunnel model with fault angle of 90° is the same as that of the tunnel model without fault, both are 6, but the duration of AE hit increases. The results show that the maximum value of AE hits is smaller and the duration of AE hits is shorter when the fault angle is 0°, 60° and 150°. These phenomena indicate that the existence of faults affects the crack development of caverns. In general, the maximum hit value of AE increases when the fault dip angle is 30° and 120°, while other angles decrease. The number of AE hits caused by the fault angle of 30° is the most, about 134 times, which is 31 times more than that of the no fault cavern model. The number of AE hits is 104 times for the model with 90° fault, which is one more than that of the model without fault. The total number of AE hits in other fault models decreased. The number of AE hits of the cavity model with fault angles of 0°, 60°, 120° and 150° are 49 times, 85 times, 78 times and 45 times.
3.3 Strain energy characteristics
The law of thermodynamics shows that energy conversion is the intrinsic essence of the change process of physical characteristics of materials. When the sample is loaded, part of the work done by the loading plate is used for the internal damage, plastic deformation and crack propagation of rock, which is called dissipation energy. The other part is stored in the rock in the form of strain energy. From the energy point of view, the damage and fracture of the specimen is the result of energy accumulation and transformation process such as internal strain energy and dissipation energy. Many studies (Xie et al, 2004; Ma et al, 2020) show that the analysis of strain energy is helpful to understand the instability mechanism of rock mass and control the stability of rock mass.
In the PFC model, the strain energy consists of two parts: the strain energy EK and the parallel bonding strain energy , i.e,
where, and are the normal and tangential contact forces of particles; kn and Ks are the normal and tangential contact stiffness of particles; ͞Fn and ͞Fs andare the normal and tangential parallel bond forces; ͞kn and ͞Ks are the normal and tangential parallel bond stiffness; ͞Mt and ͞Mb are the torque and bending moment of parallel bonding; ͞A is the area of parallel bonding; ͞J and ͞I are the polar moment of inertia and moment of inertia of parallel bonded section.
Through the fish language built in PFC, the strain energy can be monitored in real time.
Figure 11 shows the strain energy characteristics of caverns with and without faults. Due to the confining pressure, a large amount of strain energy, about 32e7J, is accumulated in the early stage before unloading. When the cavern is unloaded, the strain energy of the model first decreases and then increases, because the energy in the rock mass is dissipated due to the sudden release of excavation space. However, with the stress re-distribution of surrounding rock, the strain energy of the whole model increases. Compared with the non-fault cavern model, the strain energy attenuation of the cross fault cavern model (in the early unloading stage) is larger, and the strain energy increment in the later unloading stage is also larger. This is because of the existence of faults, the deformation space and amount of the whole model are increased. In general, the strain energy increment of the cavern model with 0° and 30° fault angles are the largest, followed by 150°, 60°, 120° and 90 °.