Presenting complaints/reasons for admission/attendance is recorded and the admission date and times are recorded
The service user's name, date of birth, and healthcare record number are on each page/screen
Initial assessment includes contact details for family member/carer
There is a documented reason if the service user refuses to give family member/carer details
Documented evidence of discharge planning is recorded from admission
There is documented evidence of service user consent for family member/carer involvement in care and communication
The service user is involved in all aspects of his/her assessments e.g. falls, risks, neglect etc. as per local policy
It is documented that the mental health service, with the service user's informed consent has involved other named service providers in their assessment if required
Care Plan
There is documented evidence that the service user is involved in the co-production of their nursing care plan
Nursing interventions are individualised and include nurse's name, signature, the date and time
There is documented evidence that the nursing care plan has been reviewed on a regular basis, as defined by the individual clinical area
There is documented evidence that information has been provided to the service user on their care and treatment plan
There is documented evidence that the service user is involved in all aspects of his/her treatment and care
Any alterations in nursing documentation are as per NMBI Guidelines
All records are legible, in permanent black ink
Student entries are countersigned by the supervising nurse
All entries are in chronological order
Any abbreviations/grading systems used are from a national or locally approved list/system
Management of Risk
There is documented evidence that the service user has been systematically assessed for clinical risks by a nurse or other named professional
Where risk is identified there is documentary evidence that a risk management plan is in place
The nursing staff have documented and evaluated the actions taken in a response to any identified clinical risk
Management of Violence and Aggression
There is documented evidence that incidents of violence and aggression are recorded
There is documented evidence that timely and appropriate post-incident debriefing has occurred for service users.
There is documented evidence in the nursing care-plan of the nursing responses to violent and/or aggressive incidents
Physical Health and Wellbeing
There is documented evidence that that medical history is recorded in the service users' notes
The allergy status is clearly identifiable on nursing documentation
There is documented evidence of an ongoing a physical health assessment from admission/referral.
There is documentary evidence that identified physical health care needs are addressed in the nursing care plan
Recovery Based Care
The service user has been informed of / offered peer support to aid in their recovery
The nurse has documented evidence that the service user has access to a recovery-based programme
There is documented evidence that the service user is involved in all aspects of his/her recovery planning including discharge planning
There is documented evidence in the nursing care plan that the nurse has provided Information about voluntary services that may help service users in their recovery process
Nursing Communication
There is evidence in the clinical notes that a nurse has communication with the service user as per care plan
The nurse has offered the service user information regarding their rights
There is documented evidence in the nursing care plan that the nurse has offered the service user with information on advocacy services and how to access them
There is documented evidence to support the coordination of nursing care on transfer or discharge
There is documented evidence that the service user's communication style and preferences are recorded in the nursing notes
Medication Management
There is documented evidence in the nursing care plan that medication side effects are assessed by the nurse
A registered nurse is in possession of the keys for Medicinal Product Storage
All medicinal products are stored in a locked cupboard or locked room
All medication trolleys are locked and secured as per local organisational policy and open shelves on the medication trolley are free of medicinal products when not in use
A current drug formulary is available on all medication trolleys
Misuse Drug Act (MDA) drugs are checked & signed at each changeover of shifts by nursing staff (member of day staff & night staff)
Two signatures are entered in the MDA drug register for each administration of an MDA drug
The MDA drug cupboard is locked and keys for MDA cupboard are held by designated nurse
MDA drug keys are kept separate from the other medication keys
The individual’s prescription documentation provides details of individual’s legible name and health care record number
The Individuals’ identification band has correct and legible name and healthcare record number and/or photo ID if in use
The allergy status is clearly identifiable on the front page of the prescription chart
Prescribed medicines not administered have an omission code entered
The generic name is used for each drug prescribed
The date of commencement of the most recent prescription is recorded
The prescription is written in block letters
The correct legible dose of the medicine is recorded with correct use of abbreviations
The route and/or site of administration is recorded
The frequency of medicines administration is recorded and correct timings indicated
The minimum dose interval and/or 24 hour maximum dose is specified for all "as required" or PRN medicines
The prescription has an identifiable prescriber’s signature (in ink)
Discontinued medicines are crossed off, dated and signed by a person with prescriber authority
Service User Experience
Were you provided information about this service?
Were you introduced to the nurse or nurses responsible for your care?
Do you know the names of your nursing team?
Have you received information from your responsible nurse on how to manage symptoms of your illness?
Has your medication and any potential benefits/side effects been explained to you by your responsible nurse?
Have you got the relevant information on who to contact in times of a crisis?
Were you involved in developing your nursing care plan?
Were you offered a copy of your care plan?
Have you been offered the opportunity to have your family member/carer involved in your care?
Are you offered 1:1 nursing time as indicated in your care plan?
Has information been offered on organised activities/groups in your area?
Do the activities/groups offered support you in your recovery process?
Is there the opportunity for access to outside space?
Can you access fresh drinking water?