Game Hours and Sensor Recording
Data were collected from 21 different players during nine games in the 2017 New South Wales Rugby League Harold Matthews competition, with an average of 12.9 players per game. This equated to 79.4 player game hours (4,762 minutes) with backs accounting for 52.1% (2,479 minutes) and forwards accounting for 47.9% (2,283 minutes) of the hours. A total of 15 x-patch™ sensors were available and deployed at the beginning of the season. Throughout the season, the number of available and working sensors was reduced to eleven due to deteriorating battery life (i.e., the sensor did not recharge), or the sensor was permanently lost during a game. The x-patch™ became detached 16 times throughout the season from eight different players (2 players once, 5 players twice, and 1 player 4 times), for a total of 456 minutes of lost data due to detached sensors for the season (backs: n = 4, Total = 148 min, Mean = 37 min, Median = 33 min, SD = 11.11, Range = 29–53; Forwards: n = 12, Total = 308, Mean = 25.7 min, Median = 28.5 min, SD = 9.94, range = 11–45). In addition, there were 121 minutes of game time lost due to 3 faulty sensors (all forwards).
Sensor Recorded Impacts
There were 3,835 impacts recorded by the x-patch™ as 10 g or greater. The distribution of sensor impacts was as follows: 10-<20g = 66.3% (n = 2,544), 20-<30g = 17.3% (n = 664), 30-<40g = 7.0% (n = 268), 40-<50g = 4.2% (n = 160), 50-<60g = 2.0% (n = 75), 60-<70g = 1.1% (n = 43), 70-<80g = 0.9% (n = 35), 80-<90g = 0.5% (n = 18), 90-<100g = 0.3% (n = 11), and 100 g or greater = 0.4% (n = 17). Impacts outside of game time (i.e., in warm-up, cool-down, during application/removal of sensors) accounted for 1,199 impacts (31.3%; 678 before game, 521 after game). On video review 34 impacts were removed due to occurring in the process of, or after, the sensor becoming detached in a tackle. A further 636 impacts were removed due to two players placing the sensor in their sock after it became dislodged. This yielded a total of 1,966 impacts greater than 10 g during game play.
Video Verification of Sensor Recorded Impacts
Of the 1,966 sensor recorded impacts during game play, 1,541 (78.3%) were verified on video. The distribution of sensor impacts verified during game play was as follows: 10-<20g = 63.4% (n = 977), 20-<30g = 20.3% (n = 313), 30-<40g = 7.4% (n = 114), 40-<50g = 4.2% (n = 65), 50-<60g = 2.3% (n = 35), 60-<70g = 0.8% (n = 12), 70-<80g = 0.6% (n = 9), 80-<90g = 0.5% (n = 7), 90-<100g = 0.1% (n = 2), and 100 g or greater = 0.5% (n = 7). During game play there were 624 total impacts ≥ 20 g, with 564 (90.4%) verified on video (i.e., 257 as a result of a hit-up, 278 from a tackle, and 29 off-the-ball incidents; see Fig. 1). Of the 564 video verified impacts ≥ 20 g, 413 (73.2%) were identified as direct head impacts and 151 (26.9%) as non-direct impacts occurring to either the shoulder, chest, arm, or waist. Of the 413 video verified direct head impacts ≥ 20 g, the tackler (defender) recorded 204 (49.4%), the ball carrier (attacker) recorded 186 (45.0%), while 23 were recorded during off-the-ball incidents (5.6%; incidental contact n = 4; melee/scuffle or fighting n = 1; contact celebrating tries n = 10; contact celebrating penalty n = 1; contact packing scrums n = 5; clutching at own head after tackle n = 2). Direct impacts (as determined by video review) had a greater PLA compared to indirect impacts [direct n = 413, mean = 37.3, median = 31.3, SD = 17.5, range 20-113.3; indirect n = 151, mean = 25.5, median = 24.0, SD = 5.4, range 20-45.7; U = 15,728.00, p < .001; Cohen’s d = 0.83] as well as greater PRV compared to indirect impacts [direct n = 413, mean = 29.9, median = 28.5, SD = 11.3, range 6.8–56.6; indirect n = 151, mean = 24.8, median = 23.4, SD = 8.7, range 6.2–54.9; U = 23,162.00, p < .001; d = 0.48] (Fig. 2). The individual player data by position, playing time, video-verified impacts, and impacts per game hour are provided in Table 1.
Table 1
Cross-tabulation of Frequency of Verified In-Game Impacts ≥20 g Measured by the x-patch™
| | | All X-patch™ Recorded Impacts During Game Time | X-patch™ Recorded Direct Impacts |
| Playing Position | Player Time in Game (Mins) | Sensor-Recorded In-Game Impacts | Video Verified Game Impacts | Percentage of Impacts Verified (%) | Video Verified Impacts per Game Hour | Video Verified Direct Impacts | Video Verified Direct Impacts per Game Hour |
Player 1 | Back | 211 | 17 | 16 | 94.1 | 4.5 | 12 | 3.4 |
Player 2 | Back | 337 | 22 | 22 | 100 | 3.9 | 17 | 3.0 |
Player 3 | Back | 490 | 46 | 44 | 95.7 | 5.4 | 30 | 3.7 |
Player 4 | Back | 463 | 36 | 36 | 100 | 4.7 | 24 | 3.1 |
Player 5 | Back | 300 | 14 | 14 | 100 | 2.8 | 9 | 1.8 |
Player 6 | Back | 390 | 15 | 15 | 100 | 2.3 | 10 | 1.5 |
| Forward | 30 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
Player 7 | Forward | 259 | 26 | 25 | 96.2 | 5.8 | 14 | 3.2 |
Player 8 | Forward | 192 | 39 | 35 | 89.7 | 10.9 | 22 | 6.9 |
Player 9 | Forward | 204 | 67 | 56 | 83.6 | 16.5 | 44 | 12.9 |
Player 10 | Forward | 398 | 37 | 37 | 100 | 5.6 | 31 | 4.7 |
Player 11 | Forward | 272 | 25 | 25 | 100 | 5.5 | 20 | 4.4 |
Player 12 | Forward | 247 | 63 | 63 | 100 | 15.3 | 45 | 10.9 |
Player 13 | Back | 87 | 12 | 11 | 91.7 | 7.6 | 8 | 5.5 |
| Forward | 63 | 10 | 8 | 80 | 7.6 | 7 | 6.7 |
Player 14 | Forward | 118 | 24 | 16 | 66.7 | 8.1 | 13 | 6.6 |
Player 15 | Forward | 91 | 30 | 26 | 86.7 | 17.1 | 20 | 13.2 |
Player 16 | Forward | 185 | 62 | 47 | 75.8 | 15.2 | 37 | 12 |
Player 17 | Back | 180 | 20 | 18 | 90 | 6 | 12 | 4 |
Player 18 | Forward | 36 | 9 | 8 | 88.9 | 13.3 | 3 | 5 |
Player 19 | Forward | 72 | 12 | 11 | 91.7 | 9.2 | 9 | 7.5 |
Player 20 | Forward | 56 | 26 | 21 | 80.8 | 22.5 | 17 | 18.2 |
Player 21 | Back | 21 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Forward | 60 | 9 | 8 | 88.9 | 8 | 7 | 7 |
Total | 4,762 | 624 | 564 | 90.4 | 7.1 | 413 | 5.2 |
Note. Season Totals. Players 6, 13 & 21 played in both forward and back positions during the season. Sensor recorded impacts were ≥ 20gs. |
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Insert Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 About Here
Impacts Seen on Video and Not Recorded on the Sensors
There were 858 video witnessed impacts, including 28 direct head impacts, that did not result in any reading from the x-patch™, either because the sensors did not activate (despite other impacts being recorded on those sensors in close temporal proximity) or because the impact did not reach the 10 g threshold (see Fig. 3).
Sensor Recorded Impacts Not Verified on Video
There were 1,199 sensor recorded impacts that occurred before or after the game (Fig. 1). The distribution of those sensor impacts was as follows: 10-<20g = 62.8% (n = 753), 20-<30g = 13.2% (n = 158), 30-<40g = 9.3% (n = 111), 40-<50g = 6.1% (n = 73), 50-<60g = 2.7% (n = 32), 60-<70g = 2.2% (n = 26), 70-<80g = 1.8% (n = 21), 80-<90g = 0.8% (n = 10), 90-<100g = 0.7% (n = 8), and 100 g or greater = 0.6% (n = 7). There were 506 impacts registered as ≥ 20 g that were not seen on video, and of those 185 occurred before the game (36.6%, presumably during warm up), 60 occurred during the game (11.9%), and 261 occurred after the game (51.6%). It seems particularly unusual that there would be 261 ≥ 20 g impacts (as well as 260 impacts between 10 to 20 g) occurring after the game had ended.
A total of 60 impacts ≥ 20 g occurring during game time were not verified on video review. Of these, 33 impacts were recorded when the player was on the bench, 15 were not visualized (including 12 impacts while the player was not involved or was “behind” the play and 3 impacts when the game was halted after the awarding of a penalty), 1 was partially visualized on video but was indeterminant, and 11 recorded impacts had complete visualization but with no identified contact (including 7 during a sharp change of direction from the player, 3 during change of speed while running, and 1 with no visible correlate). In all of these instances there was clearly no contact from another player. Each of these recorded impacts were verified by two reviewers to confirm them as “false-positive” impacts. There was no significant difference in the PLA of video-verified versus non-video verified impacts ≥20 g [verified n = 564, mean = 34.1 g, median = 28.4 g, SD = 16.1, range = 20.0 g-113.3 g; non-verified n = 60, mean = 30.9 g, median = 26.1 g, SD = 13.3, range = 20.0 g-76.6 g; U = 14,706.00, p = .10; d = 0.20] but a difference in PRV [verified mean = 28.5 rad/s, median = 26.9 rad/s, SD = 10.9, range = 6.2 rad/s-56.6 rad/s; non-verified mean = 25.2 rad/s, median = 22.4 rad/s, SD = 13.0, range = 6.3 rad/s-55.4 rad/s; U = 13,727.00, p = .02, d = 0.30].
There were 45 impacts recorded on the sensors that had a PLA of 80gs or greater. Of those, 16 (35.6%) were during the game, 25 (55.6%) were outside game time, and 4 (8.9%) were recorded while the sensor was known to be detached. Individual impacts during the game, outside game time, and while the sensor was detached are illustrated in Fig. 4.
Situational Characteristics of Video Verified and Sensor Recorded Impacts
Of the 413 sensor recorded and video verified direct head impacts ≥20 g, players sustained an average of 5.2 impacts per hour of game play, with a slightly higher rate of impacts during the second half of the game [first half 4.6 impacts/hr, n = 192; second half 5.8 impacts/hr, n = 221]. The magnitude of these impacts did not statistically differ between the first and second half (PLA: U = 20,211.00, p = .41; PRV: U = 21,088.00, p = .92). Forwards had a higher rate of direct head impacts ≥20 g than backs [forwards M = 8.08 impacts/hr, SD = 4.46; backs M = 2.90 impacts/hr, SD = 1.60; t(22) = 7.58 p = .001, d = 1.29]. However, the intensity of impacts did not statistically differ between forwards and backs (PLA: U = 17,047.00, p = .53; PRV: U = 17,656.00, p = .93).
The most common event that caused a sensor recorded, and video-verified, impact ≥20 g was from a defender’s arm directly impacting the head of a ball carrier (n = 120). This type of game play accounted for 21.3% of all impacts and 46.7% of all hit-up impacts. The most common event for a tackler was an attacker’s arm (n = 60) or waist (n = 60) directly impacting the head of the tackler. Each of these accounted for 10.6% of all impacts and 21.6% of tackler impacts. Contact with the playing surface accounted for 44 impacts ≥20 g (7.8%; hit-up n = 32, tackle n = 9, off-the-ball n = 3). Of the 151 indirect impacts, a ball carrier’s shoulder impacting with a defender’s shoulder (11.9%, n = 18, 3.2% of all impacts) or the defender’s chest impacting a ball carrier’s shoulder (10.6%, n = 16, 2.9% of all impacts) were the most common. A detailed overview of all impact events for a hit-up, tackle, and off-the-ball event is provided in Table 2.
Table 2
Sensor Recorded and Video Verified Impact Locations ≥20 g
| | Impact from Opposition (Teammate) |
| | Head | Shoulder | Chest | Arm | Waist | Leg/knee | Ground | Total |
Point of Impact | Head | 13a (4,7,2) | 64b (26,37,1) | 34c (12,22,0) | 199d (120,60,19) | 66e (5,60,1) | 26f (13,13,0) | 11 (6,5,0) | 413 (186,204,23) |
Shoulder | 0 (0,0,0) | 30 (11,18,1) | 29 (16,13,0) | 2 (2,0,0) | 13 (1,12,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 10 (8,1,1) | 84 (38,44,2) |
Chest | 0 (0,0,0) | 26 (10,16,0) | 10 (2,8,0) | 5g (0,3,2) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 18 (14,2,2) | 59 (26,29,4) |
Arm | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 1 (1,0,0) | 1 (1,0,0) |
Waist | 0 (0,0,0) | 3 (3,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 0 (0,0,0) | 4 (3,1,0) | 7 (6,1,0) |
Total | 13 (4,7,2) | 123 (50,71,2) | 73 (30,43,0) | 206 (122,63,21) | 79 (6,72,1) | 26 (13,13,0) | 44 (32,9,3) | 564 (257,278,29) |
Note. Data in the parentheses are for a hit-up, tackle and off-the-ball incident, as follows: (hit-up, tackle, off-the-ball) |
a 4 impacts from teammate’s head (3 tackle, 1 off-the-ball) |
b 7 impacts from teammate’s shoulder (tackle), 1 impact from player’s own shoulder (hit-up) |
c 6 impacts from teammate’s chest (6 tackle) |
d 32 impacts from teammate’s arm (20 tackle, 12 off-the-ball), 2 impacts from player’s own arm (2 off-the-ball) |
e 5 impacts from teammate’s waist (4 tackle, 1 off-the-ball) |
f 2 impacts from teammate’s leg/knee (2 tackle) |
g 1 impacts from teammate’s arm (off-the-ball) |
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Direction of Sensor Recorded and Video Verified Head Impacts
When looking at the direction of all video verified direct head impacts (n = 413) as recorded by the x-patch™, the most occurred to the front (n = 198; 47.9%), followed by the side (n = 111; 26.9%), back (n = 83; 20.1%), and top (n = 21; 5.1%) of the head. When examining the location via video review we found most impacts occurred from the side (n = 357, 86.4%) with fewer to the front (n = 14, 3.4%), back (n = 34, 8.2%), and top (n = 8, 1.9%) of the head. The x-patch™ accurately recorded the location in 24.9% of all video verified direct head impacts: 42.9% (n = 6) to the front of the head, 25.2% (n = 90) of video verified impacts to the side of the head, 17.6% (n = 6) of video verified impacts to the back of the head, and 12.5% (n = 1) of video verified impacts to the top of the head. The sensor greatly underestimated side-on direct head impacts visualized on video, and as such overestimated impacts in all other directions, particularly front-on impacts. A detailed description of the location accuracy for direct and indirect impacts is provided in Table 3.
Table 3
Video Verified Impacts: Location Accuracy of Direct and Indirect Impacts ≥20 g
| Total | | Direct Impact | Indirect Impact |
| x-patch™ (n) | Video (n) | Agreement (n) | Accuracy (%) | x-patch™ (n) | Video (n) | Agreement (n) | Accuracy (%) | x-patch™ (n) | Video (n) | Agreement (n) | Accuracy (%) |
Front | 269 | 68 | 35 | 51.5 | 198 | 14 | 6 | 42.9 | 71 | 54 | 29 | 53.7 |
Side | 150 | 447 | 118 | 26.4 | 111 | 357 | 90 | 25.2 | 39 | 90 | 28 | 31.1 |
Back | 116 | 41 | 9 | 22.0 | 83 | 34 | 6 | 17.6 | 33 | 7 | 3 | 42.9 |
Top | 29 | 8 | 1 | 12.5 | 21 | 8 | 1 | 12.5 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 564 | 564 | 163 | 28.9 | 413 | 413 | 103 | 24.9 | 151 | 151 | 60 | 39.7 |
Insert Table 3 About Here
Tackles and Secondary Impacts
Secondary impacts during a tackle (i.e., impacts after the initial contact) accounted for 53.5% (n = 221) of all direct head impacts and 46.1% (n = 260) of total impacts ≥20 g. For 260 secondary impacts, 16.2% (n = 42) were accompanied by a video verified primary impact ≥20 g, with 83.8% (n = 218) of all secondary impacts occurring after the primary impact was less than 20 g. There were 456 tackles that resulted in the 535 video verified impacts ≥20 g, excluding impacts that occurred “off the ball.” For 388 tackles there was one impact recorded, for 60 there were two impacts recorded, for 7 there were three impacts recorded, and for 1 there were six impacts recorded. There were an additional 27 incidents occurring off the ball that resulted in 29 video verified impacts (25 with one impact recorded and 2 with two impacts). The hit-up was a play that accounted for approximately 47.1% (n = 215) of all x-patch™ recorded events. Of the hit-up plays, the forward positions accounted for 62.8% (n = 135) of those impacts, while the back positions accounted for approximately 37.2% (n = 80) of impacts. The tackle accounted for approximately 52.9% (n = 241) of all x-patch™ recorded events. Of the tackles, the forward positions accounted for 73% (n = 175) of those impacts, while the back positions accounted for approximately 27% (n = 66) of impacts.
Insert Figs. 3 and 4 About Here