In a population of VLBW newborns, morbidity and mortality were related with hs-PDA, along with GA and BW. When we corrected data for confounding variables, we observed that hs-PDA associated with GA and BW, were risk factors for the occurrence of prolonged mechanical ventilation, BPD, IVH, ROP, and hypotension. We also observed in a univariate analysis, performed in a subgroup of extremely low gestational age neonates (ELGAN) and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) newborns, an increased risk of BPD in patients with hs-PDA. We found a significant relation between hs-PDA and BPD in multivariate analysis for ELGAN and ELBW. Finally, we showed that the presence of hs-PDA may increase the duration of hospitalization in enrolled newborns.
It has been hypothesized that hemodynamic condition generated by hs-PDA may induce different organs injuries, leading to an increased risk of clinical complications [24]. Despite it is clinical plausible, there is still uncertainty from current evidence regarding possible association between hs-PDA, morbidity and mortality in VLBW infants. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) did not clarify whether PDA may have clinical consequences in this population [25], whereas, several not controlled studies found a relation between symptomatic hs-PDA, morbidity and mortality [26–28]. A retrospective study, exploring the impact of PDA on survival, found that mortality rate was higher among preterm infants with PDA [2]. In this study, all patients enrolled had a PDA and confidence intervals for the odds for mortality were relatively wide. We found that hs-PDA influenced morbidity in a more complex regression model, solely in association with GA and BW. Contemporarily, we observed that hs-PDA did not independently affect survival, neither in VLBW nor in ELGAN and ELBW infants. It is worth mentioning that the presence of a hs-PDA could, in turn, depend on GA and BW. This aspect may limit the clinical validity of the multivariate model.
Our results suggest that the presence of hs-PDA may prolong the duration of mechanical ventilation. A persistent shunt, increasing the pulmonary blood flow, can lead to pulmonary edema, loss of lung compliance, and deterioration of respiratory status. In a retrospective cohort study was assessed the relation between PDA and prolonged mechanical ventilation in preterm newborns [29, 30]. Although a causal association has not been proven, the link was greatest among infants born at lower gestational age who were treated with mechanical ventilation in the presence of a large ductal shunt [29]. In addition, authors did not perform a multivariate analysis in order to confirm their findings adjusted for other covariates. We did not found any association between hs-PDA and occurrence of prolonged mechanical ventilation in ELGAN and ELBW enrolled in our study, neither in univariate analysis nor in multivariate analysis. However, the difference in the rate of patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation, observed between Cases and Controls, might become significant in a larger population of ELGAN and ELBW newborns.
Prolonged mechanical ventilation could be also a condition that may have increased the risk of BPD in enrolled newborns affected by hs-PDA. A causative relation between the PDA and the development of BPD was suggested by observational retrospective evidence [28, 31]. Schena et al. estimated that occurrence of BPD depended on severity of hs-PDA exposure. El-Khuffash et al. in a study exploring possible prognostic values of a PDA score based on echocardiography measurements found that association between PDA and BPD strengthens with decreasing gestational age [24]. On the other hand, in a recent study comparing mandatory closure vs. a non-interventional approach to manage hs- PDA in preterm newborns, despite longer PDA exposure, the non-interventional approach was associated with significantly less BPD [32]. However, all newborns with hs-PDA enrolled in this study required ventilatory treatment, which could have influenced the occurrence of BPD. We observed a relation between hs-PDA and BPD still when we corrected the data for confounding variables including GA and BW. This association was observed in a multivariate analysis performed in the sub-group of ELGAN and ELBW subjects. However, the significance of multivariate model suggests that further studies, including a larger number of preterm newborns, should be performed to confirm these findings.
We observed a relation between hs-PDA and IVH a suggested by previous retrospective studies. A large retrospective cohort study on VLBW infants demonstrated that the rate of spontaneous closure before hospital discharge occurs in the majority of patients. However, the Authors excluded the deceased infants from the analysis, whose cause of death was reported to be potentially related to PDA, including IVH and all of them had documented PDA [33]. Our multivariate analysis showed that hs-PDA was a risk factor in association with GA and BW for IVH. Further studies are needed to establish the causality between hemodynamic consequences of PDA and occurrence of IVH.
We showed the association between PDA and ROP, as observed in previous studies. Results from recent wide prospective study showed that PDA requiring medication significantly correlated with the development of ROP. This research, as well as our study, found that PDA was significantly correlated with ROP in the multivariate logistic regression analysis adjusted for GA and BW [34]. Taking these results into account, it is possible to hypothesize that hs-PDA, in critical ill newborns, may increase the risk of ROP due to hemodynamic instability that, in turn, may influence development of the immature and incompletely vascularized retina [35]. We did not observe the association between hs-PDA and ROP in ELGAN and ELBW patients. Probably, in these subjects, the extremely immaturity of retina vascularization represents a major risk factor for ROP independently by the presence of hs-PDA.
We observed a significant increased risk of hypotension in newborns with hs-PDA. Our findings are in keeping with the results of Ratner et al. who showed that a hs-PDA was associated with a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure [36]. Although it is true that a moderate-to-large PDA can lower systemic blood pressure [37] and is associated with the presence of hypotension at the end of the first week [14, 38], no studies to date has determined whether the PDA actually is responsible for the hypotension or whether its presence is just a surrogate for nonspecific causes related to immaturity/illness. Our multivariate analysis suggested that hypotension in preterm newborns depend contemporarily on hs-PDA, BW and GA. However, the hs-PDA does not seem to influence the occurrence of hypotension in ELGAN and ELBW subjects. Clinical validity of these results should be confirmed in a specifically designed clinical trial focused on hypotension.
A causal relationship between pregnancy-induced hypertension and occurrence of PDA has been described in previous studies. According with a recent cohort research, we demonstrated a higher rate of pregnancy-induced hypertension in Cases compared with Controls. That increased risk for developing PDA in newborns of women with preeclampsia has been attributed to the likelihood of shared angiogenic imbalance between the mother and fetus [39–41].
A large number of previous piece of research have included infants with PDA regardless of hemodynamic significance [42–44]. Therefore, any effect of PDA may have been masked by the absence of clinical consequences of a physiological condition.
Our results should be interpreted considering study limitations. The association between hs-PDA and morbidity outcome in VLBW may be related to the effects of chance, random error, bias or confounding factors. We verified that effect on the main outcome of the study persisted even after correction for confounding variables. Despite of everything, other confounding variables, unknown or not considered in our statistical analysis, may have influenced the study results. In addition, covariate “hs-PDA” could dependent by GA and BW. To limit observer bias, researchers unaware for study aims collected the data for the analysis, a third party observer was involved to collect data on the outcome of the study, and a blinded statistician performed the data analysis. Finally, Results regarding population of ELGAN and ELBW newborns should be interpreted considering the small number of subjects enrolled as Controls compared with Cases.