3.1. Networks and enriched functions in CRC-associated genes
A total of 3,298 CRC-associated genes were identified in GenBank. IPA identified a total of 596 pathways and 25 networks associated with these genes. The top/majority of pathways were involved in molecular mechanisms of cancer, CRC metastasis signaling and Wnt/β-catenin signaling. The majority of networks were involved in cancer, cellular movement, organismal injury and abnormalities, cellular development, embryonic development, organismal development, cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, protein synthesis, and RNA damage and repair (Fig. 2).
Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment and network analysis of CRC-associated proteins showed that the top three functions were epithelial cell proliferation, ameboidal-type cell migration and regulation of vasculature development (Fig. 3).
3.2. Networks and enriched functions in triptolide target genes and proteins
A total of 33 proteins were identified as candidate triptolide targets, and IPA revealed a total of 294 enriched pathways and 10 networks. The most significantly enriched pathways were neuroinflammation signaling, glucocorticoid receptor signaling, T helper (Th) cell differentiation, Th1 and Th2 activation, and CRC metastasis signaling. The top networks identified were involved in gene expression, cellular function and maintenance, cell cycle, inflammatory response, organismal injury and abnormalities, cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, cell death and survival, dermatological diseases and conditions, and infectious diseases (Fig. 4).
3.3. Networks of shared proteins and special proteins targeted by triptolide
The intersections between the set of potential triptolide targets and CRC-related proteins were analyzed using Venny software, which identified 29 shared proteins (Fig. 5A). STRING suggested that the 29 proteins can interact with one another via 269 interactions (edges) (Fig. 5B).
Proteins linked to CRC and potentially targeted by triptolide participate in several canonical pathways involved in a range of biological activities. To demonstrate the ability of our integrative bioinformatic approach to propose specific protein targets for further mechanistic studies, we selected the top pathway in the IPA categories “molecular mechanisms of cancer” and “colorectal cancer metastasis signaling” that were linked to CRC and targeted by triptolide. Several nodes in this pathway emerged as potential direct targets of triptolide in CRC: JUN, FOS, CASP3, BCL2, IFNG, and VEGFA (Fig. 5C and D). Combining these results with STRING analysis, we identified JUN, FOS, CASP3, BCL2, IFNG, and VEGFA as particularly likely targets of triptolide in CRC.
3.4. Predicted binding of triptolide to target proteins in CRC
To further validate candidate triptolide targets in CRC, we tested the precision of docking between triptolide and the following potential target proteins by YASARA software (Fig. 6): (A) CASP3 (PDB: 5IAN), (B) BCL2 (PDB: 6GL8), (C) VEGFA (PDB: 4KZN) and (D) IFNG (PDB: 1EKU). As shown in Fig. 6, triptolide binds to the active sites of these target proteins and interacts with several amino acid residues, with most interactions being hydrophobic.
For instance, in the combination of triptolide with VEGFA, there are different hydrophobic interactions between triptolide and residues of VEGFA such as Gln-22, Tyr-25, His-27 and Pro-28. In addition, triptolide can form a hydrogen bond with a length of 1.8 Å and a bond energy of 8.40 kJ/mol with the Arg-207 residue of CASP3, and its aromatic ring forms a π-π interaction with the aromatic ring in Phe-256 of CASP3. Overall, these results provide further evidence that these four proteins may act as triptolide targets in CRC.