This study used longitudinal data, collected in a larger project: “Home and Health in People Ageing with Parkinson’s disease” (PI: Nilsson, MH). Baseline data collection took place in 2013 with a 3-year follow-up in 2016. A more exhaustive description of the design and methods of the project can be found in the study protocol 21.
Participants and recruitment
In the larger project, participants were recruited (outpatient context) from three hospitals in southern Sweden. PD diagnosis (ICD10-code G20.9) since at least one year constituted inclusion criterion. Exclusion criteria were as follows: difficulties understanding or speaking Swedish, living outside Skåne County, severe cognitive difficulties and/or other reasons that hindered them from giving informed consent or taking part in the majority of the data collection (e.g. hallucinations or a recent stroke).
The selection process was performed by the specialist PD nurse responsible for the patients at the outpatient clinic, i.e. at the respective hospital. In some instances, the PD nurse checked medical records and contacted the responsible movement disorder neurologist. Detailed descriptions and flowcharts of the recruitment procedures have been previously published for the baseline 20 and the 3-year follow-up 22. A flowchart (slightly revised from previous publications20,22) is presented in Figure 1.
At baseline, the final sample size was 255 participants. To be considered eligible for participation at the 3-year follow-up (± 3 months), the participants should have completed the baseline assessments and then agreed to be contacted again (n = 255). At the 3-year follow-up, eight were unreachable and 22 persons were deceased. One person was excluded since they responded outside the follow-up window. Out of those contacted, seven additional participants were excluded, i.e. had moved outside Skåne county or had no longer the diagnosis PD. This resulted in 217 potential participants. Out of these, 51 (23.5%) declined further participation. Extensive missing data and low data quality led to that an additional person was excluded. In total, 165 participants took part in the 3-year follow-up.
A specific inclusion criterion applied for the current study; only participants with a total score on the Generic Walk-12 (Walk-12G; assesses perceived walking difficulties) questionnaire at both baseline and the 3-year follow-up were included (n=149). One additional participant was excluded due to not having completed the questionnaire themselves, nor getting help in responding, but someone else had in fact responded. This rendered a final study sample of 148 participants. At baseline, their mean (SD) age was 67.9 (±8.92) years, and 33.1% were female. Their median (q1-q3) PD duration was 8 (5-11) years. Median (q1-q3) PD severity during “on-state” according to the Hoehn & Yahr staging was 2 (2-3); possible scoring range 1-5 (higher = worse) 23. Additional descriptive information is presented in Table 1.
TABLE 1: Participants’ characteristics at baseline and univariable linear regression analyses with Walk-12G scores at the 3-year follow-up as the dependent variable, N = 148
Independent variables
Univariable regression analyses
B (95% CI); β
Age (years), mean (SD)
67.9 (8.92)
0.530 (0.325, 0.734); 0.390
Sex (women = 1), n (%)
49 (33.1)
3.35 (-0.806, 7.52); 0.131
Concerns about falling (FES-I), median (q1-q3)
23 (18-36)
0.733 (0.616, 0.850); 0.719
Dual task: perceived balance problems (yes = 1), n (%)
89 (60.1)
14.2 (10.9, 17.6); 0.576
Postural instability (UPDRS III, item 30, scores ≥1, yes = 1), n (%)
112 (75.7)
8.33 (3.94, 12.8); 0.296
Bradykinesia (UPDRS III, item 31, scores ≥1, yes = 1), n (%)
87 (58.8)
6.37 (2.49, 10.3); 0.260
Freezing of gait (FOGQsa, item 3, scores ≥1, yes = 1), n (%)
81 (54.7)
11.6 (8.15, 15.2); 0.480
Worse lower extremity function (Five chair stands test ≥16.0 sec, yes = 1), n (%)†
76 (51.4)
6.55 (2.74, 10.4); 0.271
Orthostatism (NMSQuest, item 20, yes = 1), n (%)
73 (49.3)
8.12 (4.39, 11.9); 0.336
Bothered by pain (yes = 1), n (%)
93 (62.8)
7.62 (3.72, 11.6); 0.305
Cognitive functioning (MoCA), mean (SD)
25.7 (3.06)
-1.24 (-1.86, -0.623); -0.314
Fatigue (NHP-EN, yes = 1), n (%)
76 (51.4)
11.2 (7.73, 14.8); 0.465
General Self-Efficacy (GSE), mean (SD)
29.9 (6.19)
-0.735 (-1.03, -0.436); -0.375
Depressive symptoms (GDS-15), median (q1-q3)
2 (1-4)
1.53 (0.851, 2.21); 0.352
Walk-12G = Generic Walk-12 (0-42, higher = worse); B = unstandardized regression coefficient; β = standardized regression coefficient; FES-I = Falls Efficacy Scale-International (16-64, higher = worse); UPDRS III = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, motor examination (item scores 0-4, higher = worse); FOGQsa = self-administered version of the Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (item 3 scores 0-4, higher = worse); NMSQuest = Non-motor Symptoms Questionnaire; MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment (0-30, higher = better); NHP-EN = Energy subscale of the Nottingham Health Profile (those who affirmed at least one out of three dichotomous questions were classified as having fatigue); GSE = General Self-Efficacy Scale (10-40, higher = better); GDS-15 = Geriatric Depression Scale (0-15, higher = worse).
†12 participants did not manage the test. These were categorized as having worse lower extremity function (i.e. ≥ 16.0 seconds).
General procedure
A self-administered postal survey preceded the home visit by about ten days. The home visit included a structured interview and clinical assessments. Baseline and the 3-year follow-up were similar in terms of general procedure and data collection. We used Walk-12G data from both baseline and the 3-year follow-up. All other data in the present study were collected at baseline.
Data collections
Perceived walking difficulties
Perceived walking difficulties was assessed by using the Walk-12G 24, which constituted the dependent variable in this study. Walk-12G is a self-administered questionnaire, which assesses perceived walking difficulties during the past two weeks. The 12 items address various aspects of perceived walking difficulties, such as perceived limitations in the ability to climb stairs, balance problems and effort level while walking. The summed total score ranges between 0 and 42 (higher = worse). The Walk-12G has been psychometrical evaluated and has shown to be both reliable and valid in people with PD 24.
Independent variables
Independent variables were selected based on results from prior cross-sectional PD studies, as well as theoretical and clinical reasoning regarding their relationship with perceived walking difficulties.
At the home visits, clinical assessments addressed different types of functioning, such as lower extremity function, bradykinesia, postural instability and global cognitive functioning. Lower extremity function was assessed by using the Five chair stands test (1 trial), which was performed “as fast as possible” 25. Participants were categorized into two groups based on their median result: those who completed the Five chair stands test in 16 seconds or more were categorized as having worse lower extremity function (coded 1); this time limit is identical to the cut-off value for an increased fall-risk in people with PD 26. Participants that did not manage the test (n=12) were categorized as having worse lower extremity function (i.e. coded 1). Two items of the motor part of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS III) were used: postural stability (item 30) and bradykinesia (item 31) 27. The items (originally rated 0 to 4, higher = worse) were dichotomised. A score of 0 was considered as having no problem (coded 0), whereas a score of one to four was categorized as having postural instability or bradykinesia, respectively (coded 1). Global cognitive functioning was assessed by using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), scored 0-30 (higher = better) 28.
The postal survey included several self-administered questions and questionnaires that addressed personal factors, different motor aspects and non-motor symptoms related to PD, such as general self-efficacy, concerns about falling, FOG and fatigue. General self-efficacy was assessed by using the General Self-Efficacy scale, scored 10-40 points (higher = better) 29. Concerns about falling was assessed using the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I), scored 16-64 (higher = worse) 30. FOG was assessed by using item 3 of the self-administered version of the Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (FOGQsa) 31; item 3 is scored 0-4 (higher = worse). Those who scored >0 were categorized as freezers 32. Fatigue was evaluated using the Nottingham Health Profile, energy subscale (NHP-EN) 33. Those who affirmed at least one out of three dichotomous questions were classified as having fatigue 34. A dichotomous (Yes/No) question addressed perceived balance problems while dual tasking: “Do you experience balance problems while standing or walking when doing more than one thing at a time, e.g. carrying a tray while walking?”21 Item 20 of the Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire (NMSQuest) was used for addressing orthostatism (Yes/No) 35.
Additional data collection included pain (“Are you bothered by pain?” Yes/No) and depressive symptoms, which were assessed by using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), scored 0-15 (higher = worse) 36. The two latter were interview-administered at the home visit. For descriptive purposes, we also reported PD duration.
Statistical analysis
The paired samples t-test was used to compare mean total scores of the Walk-12G, i.e. from baseline and the 3-year follow-up. For Walk-12 G scores, standard error of measurement (SEM) was calculated using the formula SEM = SDpooled × . SEM was calculated for baseline and follow-up scores, respectively.
Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r) were used for studying the relationship between potential independent variables in the upcoming multivariable regression analysis. There were no signs of multicollinearity between the independent variables. That is, no correlation exceeded 0.7. However, FES-I scores at baseline were strongly correlated (rs =0.869) with baseline Walk-12G scores, which were included as a controlling factor in one of the regression models.
Univariable linear regression analyses were used for studying the associations between the dependent variable (Walk-12G at the 3-year follow-up) and independent variables (Table 1). All associations fulfilled the criterion p<0.3. Consequently, all independent variables were simultaneously included in the following multivariable linear regression analyses (method: enter) to avoid leaving out a confounding variable. As older age is strongly associated with walking difficulties in people with PD 14, age was included as a controlling factor.
Model 1 identifies factors that can predict perceived walking difficulties at the 3-year follow up. A second multivariable model (i.e. Model 2) was created, controlling for baseline Walk-12G scores in order to identify predictive factors of a change in Walk-12G over a 3-year period, i.e. given the Walk-12G score at baseline. In both multivariable analyses, the estimate and p-value for each independent variable were examined; the variable with the highest p-value was manually removed from the model. This procedure continued until the p-value was <0.1 for all remaining independent variables.
Residuals of all final multivariable models were visually inspected for normality, linearity and constant variance. Unadjusted and adjusted R2 indicate the predictive capacity of the models. Statistical significance was set to a 0.05 level. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS statistics, version 25 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, United States).