The liver transiently accumulates TAG following a single exercise bout, particularly if the exercise bout is challenging. This ability to rapidly expand the hepatic TAG pool size, referred to here as lipogenic flexibility, has been discovered previously but remains poorly understood. We explored the phenomenon of lipogenic flexibility through lipidomics analysis of the liver following a moderate-intensity exercise bout (CE) and a high-intensity exercise bout (HIIE) in mice. Through the present work, we have rigorously confirmed the presence of transient liver TAG accumulation after exercise, and we have elaborated the findings through the analysis of various lipid classes in the liver. We discovered associations between liver TAG content and other lipids in sedentary mice that are transiently altered by a single exercise bout, and the implications of these findings are discussed below. We also discuss the issue of intensity-dependence of the lipogenic flexibility response, as indicated by robust responses particularly to HIIE for TAG content changes as well as additional metabolic impacts indicated by PCA plots of acyl chain compositions. Finally, below we discuss the overall implications of the present results for understanding the mammalian exercise response, and we consider the implication for metabolic health.
The exercise-responsive lipogenic flexibility in the liver is depicted primarily by a significant accumulation of hepatic TAG after exercise, which returns back toward baseline sedentary levels by the following day. Accurate measurement of TAG is truly essential as we work to characterize this phenomenon. We have observed this hepatic TAG phenomenon by two independent analytical procedures, including a colorimetric biochemical TAG assay published previously (17) and an analytical chemistry-based approach using thin layer chromatography followed by gas chromatography as reported in the present report (Table 1). Both approaches led to the observation of an intensity-dependent accumulation of TAG in the liver of female mice after exercise which resolved by the following day. In the biochemical work, published previously, both sexes were studied, while for the current lipidomics approach we selected a single sex for sample submission to a lipidomics analysis laboratory. In these female mouse liver samples, we observed a high degree of correlation between TAG results from the two methods, with a slope near unity; thus, one can be confident that previous observations are robust and confirmed by the present TAG analysis. What’s more, in the present report a broad range of lipids are reported, leading to an elaboration of the lipogenic flexibility phenomenon beyond the measurement of TAG and its lipid droplet-related proteins that we reported previously (17).
The present results in Fig. 1A indicate that under sedentary conditions, there is a significant positive correlation between hepatic TAG and DAG content. This finding is consistent with previous knowledge that TAG accumulation in the liver is associated with DAG accumulation (1–5), which can then lead to impairments in metabolic health (2, 7, 8). However, when transient TAG accumulation is triggered in the liver by exercise, the correlation between TAG and DAG is disrupted (Fig. 1B); this indicates that the metabolically inert TAG pool can accumulate in this scenario without being strongly associated with lipotoxic DAG accumulation. Furthermore, as the lipid content remodeling is transient in the acute response to a single exercise bout, there was a trend toward a correlation between hepatic TAG and DAG in the liver in exercised mice on the day after exercise. As the hepatic TAG content returned back toward CON levels during recovery from exercise, its association with DAG content was also nearly reestablished. We have previously reported that the transient enhancement of perilipin-2 (pln2) expression in the liver after exercise may stabilize lipid droplets as the TAG pool size expands (17), and this stability may limit DAG accumulation when TAG is rapidly accumulating in the liver during and after exercise.
Under sedentary conditions, hepatic TAG is also significantly correlated with hepatic PE (Fig. 2A), while this statistical association is disrupted during the rapid expansion of the hepatic TAG pool following a single exercise bout (Fig. 2B). This is followed by a trend toward the correlation between TAG and PE being reestablished in exercised mice on the day after the exercise bout (Fig. 2C). The positive association between TAG and PE in sedentary mice or exercise-recovered mice could be potentially expected, based upon the literature, because cellular PE content could affect lipid droplet biology. PE is an important component of the phospholipid monolayer that surrounds lipid droplets (27). At least in the other cell types that have been studied, PE is important for the formation of lipid droplets (28) or the fusion of lipid droplets to promote accumulation of large lipid droplets (29). Thus, a relationship between TAG accumulation and tissue PE content under basal physiological conditions seems understandable. However, during the transient TAG accumulation in the liver that occurs rapidly during and/or soon-after exercise, PE level is no longer correlated with TAG. The TAG pool expansion may outpace that of PE biosynthesis during induction of the lipogenic flexibility response to exercise in the liver, as a potential increase in lipid droplet size could reduce the surface-area-to-volume ratio and therefore weaken the relationship between the phospholipid monolayer and TAG contents within lipid droplets.
When considering the variety of lipid classes analyzed in this study, it is clear that TAG was the most responsive to exercise. This indicates that the lipidomic response to exercise in the liver may be primarily related to fuel metabolism rather than changes in structural lipids within the cell. While TAG was the only lipid class showing a change in concentration, DAG was the lipid class that showed a change in the distribution of fatty acid classes within the esterified lipid pool, with exercise-induced increases in total PUFA and n-6 PUFA alongside the corresponding reduction in SFA content. While these statistically significant changes in DAG composition may be reasonably modest in magnitude, it is noteworthy that they occurred in response to only a single bout of exercise, and they were sustained even the day following exercise. Humans with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease exhibit reduced total PUFA and n-6 PUFA in hepatic DAG and TAG (1), and we show presently in a mouse model that even a single bout of exercise may act to correct this pathology-related reduction of PUFA in liver DAG. The mice in our study consumed the 5K52 diet which we previously reported to contain a reasonably substantial n-6 PUFA abundance (46% of fatty acids) (30). After HIIE the PUFA content in liver DAG rose to approach this value of PUFA expected from the diet, which may be caused by an exercise-induced release of dietary fatty acids that were stored in adipose tissue. Furthermore, while discussing the impacts of exercise on hepatic lipids, it should be noted that the most substantial impacts were following HIIE, which is an exercise approach that exhibits particularly potent impacts upon health and metabolism (17, 25, 31–36). The remodeling of PUFA content in DAG occurred after HIIE but not CE, and the response of TAG concentration was enhanced following HIIE in comparison to CE. Furthermore, principal component analysis indicated that the separation between HIIE and CON to be more notable than separation between CE and CON, suggesting potentially a more potent impact upon turnover of cellular lipids in the liver. While PCA plots, even with an individual mouse as an outlier, indicated a general separation between HIIE and CON for the lipid classes reported (TAG, DAG, PE), the CE data points were broadly dispersed and overlapped with the CON group. As a whole, the data are supportive of a biologically distinct impact of HIIE in comparison to CE, even when these exercise types are matched for distance, duration, and energy expenditure. Thus, it appears that intermittently challenging exercise is more metabolically potent in the liver than sustained mild exertion.
In order to understand the metabolic events that lead to exercise-induced changes in hepatic lipids, the timing of the changes in TAG accumulation could be considered. In this work we collected liver tissue 3 hours after exercise and the following day. The accumulation of hepatic TAG seen at 3 hours after exercise hypothetically could have occurred during exercise, during the first few hours of post-exercise recovery, or during both time periods. There have been some reports indicating that TAG has already accumulated in the liver at the end of the exercise bout in humans (11, 13, 15), mice (37), and rats (24). In another study on human subjects, TAG accumulation did not occur during exercise but subsequently accumulated during four hours of recovery (15); a similar observation was made studying mice, in which hepatic TAG did not accumulate during exercise but subsequent accumulated during three hours of recovery (38). In contrast, in a study on rats hepatic TAG accumulated during exercise but began to recover soon after, substantially returning toward baseline even within an hour of recover (9). Alternatively, in mice the hepatic TAG that accumulated during exercise was fully maintained 3 hours after exercise (37). Overall, it appears that TAG can potentially accumulate in the liver both during exercise and during hours following exercise, with a sustained elevation typically lasting for hours, but with recovery time ranging from 1 hour to perhaps approximately 24 hours. Nutritional status likely plays a role, and investigation of the effects of food/beverage intake after exercise deserves attention in the future. If accumulation of TAG in the liver is driven by plasma FFA concentration, then accumulation could be promoted both during and after exercise; exercise indeed leads to increased plasma FFA turnover and concentration both during exercise and during hours of post-exercise recovery (20). As discussed in the Introduction, control of lipolysis during and after exercise may have evolved based upon the fuel supply needs of skeletal muscle. However, as enhanced lipolysis drives an elevated FFA concentration in plasma and thus increased FFA uptake down concentration gradients into working muscle (39–41), this response places a metabolic burden upon non-contracting muscle and other organs such as the liver that will be presented with circulating FFA levels that are beyond their needs. It appears that enhanced circulating FFA, though useful for fuel trafficking from storage sites to sites of use, can place a burden and enhanced lipotoxicity risk upon peripheral tissues. Ideally, for preservation of metabolic health, this elevated FFA would be buffered into the TAG pool intracellularly, which is metabolically inert, rather than being stored in lipotoxic intermediate pools such as DAG.
It is understood that the liver after exercise is able to exhibit a lipogenic flexibility, supported by pln2 expression, that allows rapid expansion of the TAG pool and buffering of FFA into this inert pool (17). Next, it would be useful to consider this phenomenon exhibited by the liver in the context of lipid changes occurring in other tissues in response to exercise and related stressors. During exercise, the amount of intramuscular TAG declines in the exercised muscles, while TAG tends to accumulate elsewhere. TAG accumulates in the liver (present results) and even in skeletal muscle that was not actively recruited for the exercise bout (12). During fasting, which also stimulates lipolysis but is not associated with vigorous muscle contraction, skeletal muscle actually accumulates TAG as seen in laboratory animals by biochemical analysis (42) and in human subjects by measuring intramyocellular lipid by MRS (43–47). As with exercise, fasting leads to accumulation of TAG in the liver as observed in rodent studies (48–51) and accumulation of intrahepatocellular lipid (presumably mostly TAG) as observed by non-invasive MRS in human subjects research (52). It is important to keep in mind that the acute response to each bout of a stressor is not necessarily qualitatively similar to the chronic stress response. Specifically, chronic caloric restriction typically reduces hepatic TAG concentration (53) while acute fasting leads to elevation of hepatic TAG (52). Similarly, in some cases chronic exercise training modestly reduces hepatic TAG (6, 19); however, each acute bout of exercise transiently raises hepatic TAG (11, 13–16), even when pre-exercise hepatic TAG is high as in NAFLD patients (14). Specifically, the exercise modalities reported here acutely raise hepatic TAG on the day of exercise, but in mice that were chronically trained by CE or HIIE, with liver tissue collection on the day following the last exercise bout, hepatic TAG content in exercised mice was not elevated above CON (25). While chronic adaptations are certainly meaningful, the ability to buffer excess plasma FFA into the hepatic TAG pool is likely to be metabolically critical when a stressor is acutely applied that increases circulating FFA.