Study Selection
Of 1753 screened studies, a total of 241 were included. 1196 were screened via title and abstract, with 728 excluded as not relevant. 468 full-text articles were assessed. 227 were excluded at the full-text stage (Fig. 1).
Study Characteristics
We studied papers evaluating FMT across a range of indications (Fig. 2A). The most common area of investigation was metabolism / metabolic disease, accounting for 23.7% of all papers reviewed. Other areas of investigation included infectious diseases (15.4%), gastroenterology/inflammatory bowel disease (14.9%) and cognition/behaviour/affect disorders (6.6%).
Studies ranged in the sample size used per experimental group (median [range]:8 [2–70]), reflecting varying power requirements for specific models. Disappointingly, 21.4% of the eligible studies did not clearly state the sample size of the recipient group. While the sample size for the donor FMT group was not extracted in our analysis due to low levels of reporting, it is also important to acknowledge that this should also be clearly reported alongside information on whether FMT contents are pooled across multiple donor samples. Donor sample size is particularly pertinent in the use of human donors, as recently outlined by Gheorghe et al. (Gut Microbes 2021, accepted 8/6/21, in press), with the use of a single donor considered N = 1.
Data extracted
Collection, processing and storage
There are several aspects of FMT preparation that must be acknowledged and highly protocolised for rigorous results: collection of donor stool, processing and storage. The vast majority of papers used faecal pellets to prepare the FMT product (73.0%; Fig. 2B), with the remaining using caecal (12.9%) contents or other gastrointestinal products (e.g. duodenal aspirates and faeces, mucosal scrapings, small and large intestinal contents collected from a culled mouse). A range of preparation techniques were used to produce the FMT, including filtrates, supernatants and slurries. In the papers reviewed, a faecal slurry was most commonly used (50.6%; Fig. 3C), with supernatants and filtered products used in 33.6% and 9.9% of papers, respectively.
In any FMT preparation, the vehicle/diluent must be carefully considered. In the studies included for analysis, phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was the most common solution (80.5%; Fig. 2D), with a small number of studies including additives to the PBS (glycerol, cysteine hydrochloride) to improve microbial viability. The concentration of cysteine-hydrochloride was consistent across all studies (0.05%), whilst the concentration of glycerol ranged from 5–50%. While only 7.5% of studies failed to report the vehicle solution used for FMT preparation, 91.7% of studies failed to report whether this solution was reduced (i.e. de-oxygenated) or if the FMT was prepared under anaerobic conditions.
The high number of studies that failed to explicitly state whether FMT was prepared under anaerobic conditions is concerning as it has been reported that FMT prepared under aerobic conditions profoundly decreases microbial viability, altering microbial metabolite synthesis and abundance of many anaerobic commensals14–16. Similarly, the way in which the faecal/caecal contents were processed was poorly reported, with 33.6% of studies failing to report on homogenisation. This methodological step was generally reported with limited detail, using broad terminology such as “dissolved”, “mixed” or “suspended” (Fig. 2E), with only 12% of studies providing sufficient detail for replication of the homogenisation step. A similar observation was made for filtration methods used when preparing supernatants or bacterial preparations, with 31.5% of studies failing to report on any filtration or “clean up” steps. For clarity and replication, manual filtration should be defined with the size of the strainer used and centrifugation defined using standard metrics (x g, min, oC).
Once processed, the final FMT product can and should be quantified in terms of its concentration. Strikingly, 31.5% of studies failed to report a concentration, with the remaining studies using a wide range of units, including mg/ml (63.0%), pellets/ml (13.9%) and CFU/ml (9.6%). While we do not intend on recommending a specific unit to define concentration, it is critical that the final FMT product is defined in a standard unit of measurement that can be replicated by others. Studies reporting pellets (but no volume) or millilitres (but no weight) were deemed irreproducible.
The final FMT product can then be used immediately (fresh) or stored and used at a later date. As such, clarity on this methodological detail must be clearly provided particularly in light of the evidence that shows storage conditions impact microbial preservation and viability17, 18. Of the papers included in our analysis, 31.9% administered freshly prepared (i.e. not stored) FMT. A number of papers (18.7%) noted that the FMT product was frozen (-20oC and − 80oC) prior to administration, however close to half of the papers (49.4%) did not report any methodological detail on storage conditions (Fig. 2F).
Recipient preparation and FMT administration
Once the FMT has been prepared, there are many considerations in its administration related to both the product itself and the recipient, including typical reporting standards related to husbandry. Of the studies included, 30.2% failed to provide any detail on animal housing conditions (i.e. single vs co-housed). Given the coprophagic nature of rodents, it is critical that this be clearly reported in all studies in which FMT is used to acknowledge / exclude potential confounding impacts.
We also investigated how, if at all, recipient mice were prepared for FMT. As suggested previously19, there is some evidence that bowel lavage or cleansing could improve FMT efficacy, however, these remain speculative and not widely recommended. Accordingly, very few studies (N = 3) included in our analysis reported bowel preparation procedures in recipient mice. One study fasted mice the night prior to FMT administration and two studies provided PEG3350 as a laxative beforehand. Antibiotic-induced depletion was used in 60.5% of studies, most commonly administered in drinking water (61.4%) for a median of 14 days [1–91 range] (Fig. 3A). The most common combination was a cocktail of ampicillin, neomycin, vancomycin and metronidazole (ANVM; Table S1).
While antibiotic-induced depletion has, to date, been an area of critical methodological consideration in optimal FMT administration, it remains an area of contentious debate. In fact, increasing evidence suggests that antibiotic depletion may not be necessary for FMT uptake; albeit the evidence is conflicting. While Ji et al. (2017) reported great FMT durability with antibiotic depletion compared to either a MoviPrep bowel cleanse or no pretreatment20, others have shown no difference. For example, Freitag et al. (2019) showed that pre-treatment with antibiotics did not improve the overall engraftment of the donor microbiome, and only improved the engraftment of a small number of taxa19. While Ji et al. (2017, not included in this review) utilised a human donor microbiome, Freitag et al. (2019) used a mouse donor microbiome, suggesting that antibiotic administration may be useful in improving FMT engraftment across the species barrier. While we do not intend on recommending the use of antibiotics in FMT studies, these findings highlight the need to clearly describe all pre-treatments used to prepare the recipient for FMT.
FMT administration can be achieved via oral or rectal routes. It has been previously speculated that as oral gavage inoculum needs to pass through the acidic stomach environment, rectal administration may be more efficient21. However, a previous study of FMT in mice showed that specific pathogen-free mice treated with antibiotics and then orally or rectally inoculated with donor mice gut microbiota had no differences in microbial community after inoculation22. As such, while rectal administration is preferable in efficacy and safety outcomes for clinical FMT use, oral gavage is often selected in mouse studies, presumably due to convenience23. In line with these findings, the overwhelming majority of studies included in our analysis opted for oral administration (90.4%; Fig. 2G) and only a small number used rectal administration (2.9%). Three studies reported alternative methods of administration, including directly pipetting into the oropharynx24, which can be used when oral gavage is not permitted (note that other methods including co-housing and vertical transfer (generational transfer between mothers and pups) were excluded). The route of administration was the most consistently reported aspect of FMT methodology; only 5.3% of papers either did not report or did not clearly state how their FMT product was administered.
Administration volume is also critical to FMT replication, with our analyses identifying a large range of volumes administered to recipient mice (median[range]: 200µl [25-1000]; Fig. 3B). Volume was not reported in 19.9% of studies included in our analysis. Similarly, the frequency of FMT (or absolute number of treatments) was not reported in 13.2% of studies. Of the studies that did report this metric, there was again a significant range (1-120 treatments) with a median of 5 FMT treatments (Fig. 3C).
In administering the FMT, adequate control procedures must be implemented to account for the impact of the procedure. This can be achieved by administering an autologous FMT or one prepared using sham / control animals. Alternatively, the vehicle solution can be administered. 40% of papers included in our analysis failed to use a control arm or report on what their control animals received. Of the studies that did report this detail, 56% used FMT prepared from sham / control animals and 34% used the vehicle solution.
Quality control and uptake confirmation/durability
The success of FMT relies on a number of complex and interacting factors, but central to its general efficacy is its viability (after collection and processing) and uptake (“durability”).
We defined quality control (QC) as analysis of the FMT product before administration to the recipient, i.e. to identify the presence of potential pathogens and confirm viability of the product. No information regarding quality control was reported in 88.4% of studies. Of the few studies that did include QC, 16S rRNA sequencing was the most commonly used technique (53.6%) followed by standard culture (32.1%). Given the inability of 16S rRNA sequencing to determine the viability of the microbial community, these findings underscore the need to implement standardised preclinical FMT guidelines to ensure appropriate QC is incorporated at project inception.
Confirming uptake of the FMT is also critical to its efficacy. Le Roy et al. (2018) defined the durability of the FMT procedure as: 1. Establishment of high levels of bacterial taxa from the inoculum in recipients, 2. Relative abundance of bacterial taxa as similar as possible in the inoculum and recipients. 3. The removal of a high amount of endogenous bacterial taxa in non-GF recipients7. This can be determined by microbial analysis of the FMT inoculum, and gut microbial contents of the recipient both before and after FMT occurs.
Overall, explicit reference to durability assessment was lacking with microbial analyses often reported in the study but rarely compared between the FMT donor, product and recipient. In fact, 22.1% of papers did not report or did not confirm uptake of the FMT in any way. Of the papers that did report, 16S rRNA sequencing was the primary method (86.9%) with other studies reporting culture- (6.0%) or PCR-based approaches (4.3%).
Reproducibility and rigour
A recent systematic review searched scientific literature for studies suggesting a causal relationship between an altered human microbiome and disease or physiological condition12. Of the papers meeting the inclusion criteria, all but two (95%), suggested that faecal transfer from diseased donors resulted in a disease phenotype. Due to the wide range and complexity of pathologies studied in these papers, the authors suggested that the causal claims seem unlikely across this wide range. Similarly, in our study, we found that 92.5% of papers showed that FMT had an effect. While this may reflect publication bias - a tendency to favour positive findings for publication - as suggested by Walter et al. (2020), microbiome science would benefit from increased rigour and critique12. A key part of this scientific rigour is transparent and reproducible methodology12, 25.
Throughout our analysis, we found that many methods described in published manuscripts did not have sufficient detail to be completely replicated. Therefore, we developed a reproducibility index containing 10 key aspects of FMT methodology and assigned a score from 0 to 1 for each variable, where 0 = not reported, 0.5 = reported with insufficient detail and 1 = reported with sufficient detail for replication (Fig. 4). The median total value of this index was 6.5, with 23.6% of papers gaining a total value of 5 or more. While this provides an objective assessment of the level of detail in reporting, it is important to recognise that this should be interpreted with caution as the index is not validated. Thorough review of the literature yielded no appropriate method for assessing methodological reporting in this way, and as such, the reproducibility index was developed specifically for this study.
The GRAFT recommendations and future steps
Our systematic review revealed an overall lack of clarity in the reporting of FMT methods. In almost all variables we investigated, there was not only a lack of consistency in FMT protocols, but also a lack of clarity and detail in methodological reporting. For example, for FMT concentration, as well as the actual concentration ranging widely, 7 different units were used to report this key step in FMT preparation. These findings point to a lack of authoritative guidance on preclinical FMT studies for both authors and reviewers.
Due to the low level of detail found in many papers and the low mean score from our reproducibility index scoring, we suggest that a minimum set of reporting standards for preclinical FMT studies would be useful. As such, we present here the GRAFT (Guidelines for Reporting on Animal Faecal Transplantation) recommendations (Table 1, Figure 5) along with a simple check list (File S1) that can be used at project inception/design, manuscript preparation and review. By providing these recommendations, we hope to increase the transparency and reproducibility of preclinical FMT procedures, thus elevating their translational strength. While our systematic review intentionally restricted our search to studies with mice, we argue that, given the similarity in FMT procedures across species, the GRAFT recommendations can also be used to guide FMT use in other species, and may offer guidance in human-animal transplantation if followed in combination with the recommendations presented by Walter et al. (2020)12.
Table 1: GRAFT guidelines for reporting animal faecal transplant studies.
Donor phenotype / characteristics
a. Number of individual donors (per group)
b. Detailed description of donor characteristics (see also ARRIVE Guidelines for animal donors), including but not limited to:
- Species / strain of donors
- Sex / gender of donors
- Age and developmental stage of donors
c. Details of control and experimental phenotypes (e.g. healthy vs disease phenotype)
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria, with particular attention to factors relevant to the microbiome (e.g. diet, exercise)
d. Details on housing and husbandry
- Facility specifications (i.e. SPF / GF; If GF, include specifications of animal unit / isolator)
- Co-housing vs single-housing
- Arrangement of cages across racks (particularly with regards to separation of donor groups and separation from FMT recipient animals)
- Bedding and chow
Sample collection process
a. Type of sample (i.e. faecal pellet, intestinal / caecal content, mucosal scraping)
b. Time of day of collection and details on minimisation of circadian rhythm effects
c. Animal handling during collection
d. Details on sample collection methods (e.g. placing animal into clean cage until defecation or direct post-mortem collection from caecum or intestines)
- HUMAN DONORS: collection methods (e.g. normal defecation or directly from specific region of intestines during colonoscopy, medically indicated or otherwise)
Measures to minimise
a. Aseptic procedures and protocols adopted during and after collection
Immediate storage conditions
a. Methods to minimise oxidative stress (i.e. use of transport medium)
b. Immediate storage conditions (e.g. stored in reduced medium, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, kept on ice or at ambient temperature etc.)
c. Details on pooling of samples (if relevant)
- Method of pooling (e.g. equal weight of initial sample from each donor prior to processing or equal volume of processed liquid)
- Number of individual donors within each pool
Vehicle preparation
a. Details of solution, including formulation, concentration, pH, temperature, volume
b. Additives used to support microbial viability
c. If de-oxygenated solution is used, specify method of de-oxygenation
a. Report using standardised units (mg/ml)
- Avoid inaccurate units (e.g. pellets/ml)
Homogenisation method
a. Equipment used (e.g. vortex, Stomacher, autoclaved spatula)
b. Intensity (using standardised units where possible)
c. Time and temperature
Filtration method
a. Method of filtration (e.g. gravity, centrifuge, strainer, stomacher bag)
- Centrifuge: specify time, x g and temperature
- Gravity: specify time and conditions (i.e. ambient, anaerobic, temperature)
- Physical strainer / membrane: specify pore size or equivalent detail and filtration method
Anaerobic conditions
a. Clearly state if / when anaerobic conditions were used
b. Details of anaerobic conditions (i.e. chamber type, gas mix, temperature etc.)
Quality control
a. Method used to assess FMT quality and composition prior to administration (e.g. plating, genomic sequencing)
b. Outcome of quality assessment (e.g. CFU/ml, diversity index)
State of final product
a. Define administered product as:
- Faecal slurry (i.e. faecal contents with minimal filtration) - or -
- Faecal supernatant / filtrate (i.e. microbial free) - or -
- Microbial preparation (i.e. lyophilised or other)
Time in storage
a. Time between preparation of final product and administration
Storage conditions
a. Details of storage conditions between preparation and administration, including:
- Volume per aliquot
- Storage temperature
- Duration of storage
b. If faecal product is used fresh, this must be clearly stated with details including:
- Short term storage conditions (i.e. on ice, fridge, room temperature, anaerobic chamber)
- Time between preparation and administration
Freeze/thaw cycles
a. Method of thawing faecal product prior to administration
- Include number of freeze-thaw cycles
Recipient preparation
Recipient phenotype / characteristics
a. Number of recipient animals (per group)
- If multiple animals receive FMT from the same donor (or pooled sample), this number should be reported for each donor, separately to the total
b. Detailed description of recipient characteristics (see also ARRIVE Guidelines), including but not limited to:
- Species / strain of recipients
- Sex of recipients
- Age and developmental stage of recipients
c. Details on housing and husbandry
- Facility specifications (i.e. SPF / GF; If GF, specifications of animal unit / isolator)
- Co-housing vs single-housing
- Arrangement of cages across racks (particularly with regards to separation of experimental groups and separation from FMT donor animals)
- Bedding and chow
Host preparation techniques
a. Methods of host preparation used prior to transplantation (e.g. antibiotic depletion, bowel cleansing, fasting) with relevant detail, including but not limited to:
- Duration
- Frequency (e.g. of changing antibiotic solution)
- Specific treatment used (e.g. antibiotic names and concentrations)
b. Preparation methods used in control group(s), with details as above
c. Adverse events in response to preparation treatment (e.g. weight loss with antibiotics)
Confirmation of preparation success
a. Ideally, successful depletion of recipient microbiota should be confirmed through faecal analysis prior to FMT
Route and method of administration
a. Oral or rectal administration (or both)
b. Method of administration (e.g. oral gavage, lavage, enema, coprophagia)
c. Details on use of anaesthesia or fasting prior to administration (particularly rectal) and coprophagic approaches (i.e. was additional FMT smeared on coat to improve uptake)
Volume and concentration
a. Define in standard units for each individual FMT
- Specify if absolute unit or relative to body weight of recipient
Time and frequency
a. Time of day of administration
b. Frequency of FMT, including total number and daily frequency (i.e. a total of 3 FMT by oral gavage at a frequency of 1 per day, number of days between doses)
c. Time between FMT administration and assessment of outcomes (i.e. disease status, behavioural change, microbiota composition etc.)
Control treatment
a. Define treatment received by control animals (e.g. vehicle solution, autologous transplant, heat-killed FMT, FMT from control donor group)
- Include control formulation, concentration, volume, time, and frequency as above
Engrafting / uptake of donor profile
a. Define how engraftment / uptake of the FMT procedure was confirmed (e.g. 16S rRNA / shotgun sequencing, faecal culture)
- It is recommended that the same analysis be applied to the final FMT product administered to compare composition of donor and recipient
b. Timing of sample collection for engraftment assessment relative to FMT administration and outcome assessments
c. Details on sample collection methods, as for donor:
- Time of day of collection
- Handling during collection
- Method: Placing animal into clean cage until defecation or direct post-mortem collection from colon, caecum or other site
Durability / stability
of donor profile
a. Particularly for lengthy experimental designs, it may be informative to analyse the recipient microbiota at multiple time-points after FMT administration to determine the long-term stability of the donor profile within the recipient
While these guidelines provide the much-needed structure for preclinical FMT protocols, it is critical to emphasise that we do not aim to recommend what methods should be used, as different experimental endpoints and research questions will clearly need a different methodological design (as previously discussed by Gheorghe et al., Gut Microbes 2021, accepted 8/6/21, in press). However, by consistently reporting the following set of guidelines, future studies will be more reproducible and thus be more likely to generate clinically relevant outcomes. Similarly, these guidelines will facilitate and structure the peer review process for preclinical FMT studies, which based on our analyses is poorly guided. We envisage that the GRAFT reporting recommendations will facilitate interpretation and experimental replication in future preclinical FMT studies, improving reproducibility and allowing better systematic review and meta-analysis.