14C feeding in cucumber stem and petiole
To proof the presence of photosynthesis in cucumber stems and petioles, and its allocation of assimilation, 14CO2 were feeding under light to different organs of cucumber in seedling stage (Additional file 1: Fig. S1). The different tissues of cucumber irradiance were read at 48 h after a 1 h 14C labeling period. Although at a low level, a positive photosynthetic capacity of stem and petiole were shown, the assimilation of total 14CO2 by stem and petioles is equal to 5.00% and 3.41% to one leaf blade in one seedling stage cucumber plant, and the total of non-leaf organs is 7.69%, which is nearly to the sum of petioles and stem (Table 1). Over half of the assimilated 14CO2 (61.55% and 55.26%) were remained in fed stem and petioles after 48 hours, however the percentage of 14C remained in leaf blade is only 14.39%. These results shown that stems and petioles were both important source and sink organs under the absence of leaf blade condition, and they are the most important tissues to maintain growth after cutting off leaf blades.
The photosynthetic organs allocated 14C to growing point with a much lower proportion in leaf blade (0.08%) than in stem (2.06%) and petiole (2.36%), and all the growing point 14C feeding activity is around 1.5 kDPM, but the carbon distribution to roots were quite different with a high carbon distribution from leaf blades (26 kDPM) and low from stem (1.6 kDPM) and petiole (1.9 kDPM) under leaf less condition. These results may because the demand for photosynthetic products in growing point is saturated with the high level of carbon fixation in leaf blade, stem and petiole, but the 14C assimilation transport to root is insufficient for root growth after leaf cutting. The above results shown cucumber stem and petiole have the capacity of photosynthesis, and the photosynthetic product can contribute to sink organs growth with sufficient (growing point) or insufficient (root) supplement.
Ultrastructure content of cucumber stem and petiole
To explore the photosynthetic characteristics of cucumber stem and petiole, two genotypes, one dark green (DG) and one light green (LG) were used for further analysis (Fig. 1A). The chlorophyll and carotenoid content in DG is much higher than in LG (Fig. 1B) in stems and petioles (about 2-3 times) and also have a difference in leaf blade. The amount of chlorophyll and carotenoid in stems and petioles were much lower than leaf blades, and is about 4~8% of equal weight leaf blades.
In order to further explore the basic physiological structure of stems and petioles, we observed the Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to observe the features of stomata and chloroplast in cucumber leaf blades, stems and petioles. Stomatal frequency on the surface of stems and petioles are only 3.12% and 1.32% of that on leaf blade, respectively (Additional file 2: Table S1), but the sizes of stomata are significantly larger on stem and petiole surfaces than those on leaf bade (Fig. 2). These percentages and the phenomenon of large stomata are similar to those in cucumber green fruit exocarp, and other species with photosynthetic in non-leaf organ [5, 21]. There is no significant difference between DG and LG on the stomata features and frequency (Additional file 2: Table S1).
Cells in stems and petioles are larger than in leaf blades, but the chloroplasts quantity per unit area in these tissues are lower (Fig. 3). The sizes of chloroplasts in stems and petioles are smaller (Fig. 3), and the number of thylakoid grana lamellae are 1.4 and 1.7-fold larger than in leaf blades (Additional file 2: Table S1), which is similar with cucumber fruit chloroplasts, and resembling the chloroplasts of shade plants [5]. Interestingly, there is no significant difference between DG and LG on the chloroplasts frequency, but the number of thylakoid grana lamellae is significant lower in different tissues of LG than in DG (Fig. 3, Additional file 2: Table S1).
Photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging
The photosynthetic rates of leaf blade, stem and petiole of DG and LG were measured by LI6400 portable photosynthetic measurement system. The net photosynthetic rate and respirator rate of leaf blade were almost same in both DG and LG cucumber, and calculated with a similar net photosynthetic rates around 18.7 μmol m–2 s–1 (Table 2). Although the net photosynthetic rate in both stem and petiole were in a low level, and even got the negative data in stem, the total photosynthetic rate can be calculated by minus respiratory rate, and shown the positive photosynthetic capacity in stems and petioles. The net photosynthetic rates of stem and petiole in DG cucumber were significantly enhanced compared with that of LG, but there was no significantly difference in the respiration rate between theses varieties (Table 2).
Spatial heterogeneities of photochemical reactions in different tissues were identified using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging system [22]. PSII photochemical efficiencies (Fv/Fm) and Photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) of two varieties in different green tissues were almost similar (Fig. 4), indicating that the photosynthetic machinery for absorption and conversion of light energy are similar in different green tissues of cucumber. NPQ in cucumber stems and petioles were significantly lower than in leaf blades, and in petioles LG is slightly lower than DG, this may be related to their carotenoid contents in different plant tissues, which are responsible for heat dissipation.
Transcriptomic analysis of cucumber stem and petiole
In order to further focus on the photosynthetic and its product transport in the different green tissues of cucumber, RNA-Seq was used to analyze the transcriptomes of leaf blade, stem and petiole in DG cucumber. A total of 291.84 million clean reads for each sample was generated (Additional file 2: Table S2). After removing low-quality sequences, adaptor sequences and sequences contaminants, 561.87 million cleaned reads (96.26% of the sequenced reads) were mapped to the cucumber genome. For further comparative analysis, gene expression levels were calculated using the Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per Million fragments mapped (FPKM) reads approach. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the stem, petiole and leaf blade could be classed into three separate groups (Fig. 5A) (Additional file 2: Table S2), indicating that there were great differences in gene expression among leaf blade, stem and petiole, and the samples have good repeatability.
A total of 15244 genes was expressed in the sampled tissues accounting for 65.57% (15244/23248) of the annotated genes (23248) in the cucumber genome [23]. About 52.77% (12267) of the annotated genes were present in all samples (FPKM≥1; Additional file 2: Table S3), and 8.38% (1277) were specifically expressed in stem and petiole. KEGG enrichment analysis shown that the specifically stem and petiole expression genes are associated with responses to alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism, plant hormone signal transduction, linoleic acid metabolism and so on.
KEGG enrichment analysis of the specific expression genes in stem (453), petiole (370) and leaf blade (465) shown that the specific expression genes in leaf blade are most related to plant hormone signal transduction (Fig. 5B and D); the specific expression genes in stem are most related to phenylpropanoid biosynthesis (Fig. 5B and E); the specific expression genes in petiole are most related to Nitrogen metabolism, photosynthesis, carotenoid biosynthesis and so on (Fig. 5B and F). We further searched the genes related to photosynthesis and carbon metabolism in these three groups of genes (Additional file 2: Table S4). In addition to common expression genes, no photosynthesis related gene specific expressed in stem and petiole, but there were some genes specific expressed in leaf blade, and most of them are related to PSII reaction center proteins, including PSII reaction center protein Z and H, PsbY (FPKM≥1) and so on. Some other genes involved carbon metabolism also specific expressed in leaf blade including 2 alpha carbonic anhydrase 7 genes. The pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit beta-3 gene specific expressed in stem, and an alpha carbonic anhydrase 7 gene specific expressed in petiole. These results shown the carbon metabolisms working in leaf blade, stem and petiole may different, and carbon metabolism is mainly carried out in the leave blade, the petiole and stem serve as supplements to leave blade.
The up-regulated and down-regulated genes compare with leaf were identified (Fig. 2B and C), and the common up regulated genes in stem and petiole were 1911 (1911/23248=8.22%), the common down regulated genes were 2314 (2314/23248=9.95%). KEGG analysis shown the common up-regulated genes are related to plant hormone signal transduction, alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism, biosynthesis of amino acids and so on in stem and petiole (Fig. 2D). These up-regulated genes are in the similar biological pathways with the specific genes expressed in stem and petiole, and shown the specific characteristics of stem and petiole compared with leaf blade (Fig. 2D, Additional file 2: Table S4). Most of the common down-regulated genes in stem and petiole are related to photosynthesis and the photosynthetic metabolic pathway, including porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism, glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism, carbon metabolism, photosynthesis-antenna proteins and so on, which are also in similar metabolism pathway with the specific genes expressed in leaf blade (Fig. 2E, Additional file 2: Table S4).
In addition, through the cluster heatmap of up-regulated and down-regulated genes in stem and petiole relative to leaf blade (Additional file 1: Fig. S2), we can see that the expression of differential genes (S1-S3) in stem and petiole (P1-P3) are obviously different from that of leaf blade, which indicates that the expression pattern of differential genes in stem and petiole are similar, but different from leaf blade. At the same time, it also shows that the three repeated samples we take have a good consistency.
Gene expression and enzymatic activity of Rubisco and PEPC
Rubisco enzyme and PEPC enzyme are key enzymes in photosynthesis, stomatal opening and initial immobilization of CO2. Quantitative real-time PCR of Rubisco large subunit CsRbcL, small subunit CsRbcS, and PPC families including CsPPC1, CsPPC2 and CsPPC3 were measured in DG leaf blade, stem and petiole (Fig. 7). The expression of CsRbcL and CsRbcS in leaf was significantly higher than that in stem and petiole, while the expression of CsPPC1 and CsPPC3 in leaf blade was no-significant difference between different tissues. CsPPC2 expression level in leaf blade was significantly higher than that in stem and petiole, which is assistant with previously study that CsPPC2 expressed mainly in leaves [5].
The enzyme activities of Rubisco and PEPC in non-leaf organs (stem and petiole) were both higher in stem and petiole than in leaf blade (Fig. 7), which shown an opposite trend of Rubisco expression pattern. The content of Rubisco enzyme in leaves was very high, accounting for more than 50% of soluble protein [24], which may cause the decrease of enzymatic activity in units of total protein.