Our study contributes to the understanding of how wind, topography, and vegetation structure control megafire behavior and spread in mesic temperate forests. Specifically, we identified important changes in the relative influence of fuels and topography on the probability of high-severity fire within five western Cascade megafires under record fuel aridity, with and without extreme winds. While conceptual frameworks describing the relative influence of climate, weather, fuels, and topography on fire behavior and spread have been proposed in drier/warmer ecosystems in North America (58, 59) and elsewhere (23, 60, 61), our study advances understanding of how these factors interact at fine-scales to drive megafire events in mesic, biomass-rich, temperate forests with historically infrequent fire. Despite the conventional wisdom that extreme fire weather overrides the influence of fuels and topography on burn severity ((41, 45, 62, 63), but see e.g., (42)), our results indicate that in topographically heterogeneous, fuel-rich landscapes like the western Cascades, these fine-scale factors interact with and mediate the influence of extreme winds on fire severity during periods of extreme atmospheric and fuel aridity.
The ca. 350,000 ha that burned during the 2020 Labor Day fires represents nearly 10 times the area that burned in the western hemlock vegetation zone of the PNW between 1984–2010 (47), and matches historical (20) and modeled large burns in the region (64). More than half the 2020 burn extent occurred at high severity (> 75% mortality; Table S5), twice the high-severity proportion observed during the 1984–2010 period (47). The vast majority of the area burned over the ca. 72-hour period with extreme east winds and high fuel aridity (P1; Fig. 1), matches weather conditions reported during historic large-scale events (49, 50). Fire activity that continued once east winds subsided, yet while fuel aridity remained extreme (P2; Fig. 1), more closely resembled that extent and proportion of high-severity fire activity observed between 1984–2010 (47). Overall, the burn severity patterns found in our study area (ca. 62%) were higher than those founds among other megafire events in wet-temperate climate regions elsewhere (9, 24).
The probability of high-burn severity was substantially higher during the period of high fuel aridity with extreme winds (P1), yet lower in predictability was lower. The lower predictability is expected empirically (65) and conceptually (66) due extreme winds and stochastic fire behavior. Confirming hypothesis H1, topography (i.e., slope) was the most important predictor of high-burn severity during P1 yet became less influential than forest structure (i.e., canopy height) during P2, contrary to hypothesis H2. Although this switch in the strongest predictors of fire severity was evident when extreme winds subsided, both topographic and forest structure variables played notably important roles in driving high-severity fire during both periods. As cool air and overall fire protection returned to canyon bottoms and drainages when winds subsided (67), fire was shifted towards flatter and SW/W-facing slopes. This shift was particularly notable among the southernmost fires, which saw a greater proportion of high-severity fire along south and southwestern slopes compared to the three northern fires (Fig. S4; (20, 47, 68)). With the drop in wind speeds, slopes were less important than canopy height and stand age during P2. The probability of high-burn severity remained high for low-stature forests while taller trees were likely protected by thicker bark, increased canopy-base height (69), and lower canopy bulk density (70, 71). This buffering effect was amplified along streams in the moist, deep soils of the canyon bottom (34, 66, 72). Thus, fuel moisture patterns associated with topography (e.g., canyon bottoms and drainages) did not buffer vegetation from high-severity burns during P1 as conventionally expected (i.e., fire refugia, (66); but see (73)), and only in P2 did topographically drier south- and southwest-facing slopes experience the highest burn severity due to high afternoon solar radiation, (e.g., (74)). In summary, these results indicate that under current variability of climate and weather conditions, tall/old stands are more likely to be protected from high-severity burns outside of extreme wind events, while short stands can burn under high fuel aridity alone even on flatter areas.
Similar to fires within the drier forests east of the Cascades (75) topography interacted with the effects of fuel aridity and winds on burn severity as hypothesized. During the atmospherically arid and windy period, severity was particularly influenced by steep slopes, which were more exposed to winds, likely creating convective heating, and favoring fast fire spread (34, 72, 76). While the probability of high-burn severity was especially high on east-facing slopes, even protected canyons oriented parallel to the east winds burned at higher rates of severity than those observed during the past half-century (72, 77, 78). Steep slopes amplified the effects of strong winds and lead to extensive mortality in taller and older stands to high-burn severity. The extent of high-severity burns within older stands during the first period of the fires suggests that winds are a key mechanism in the periodic, large-scale conflagrations that have historically marked the region (79–81).
With wildfires becoming larger and more costly (82), managers, planners, and emergency responders are challenged to understand whether ongoing extreme fire-weather conditions are likely to result in high-severity fires in the mesic, temperate forests of the PNW and elsewhere (83). Our results highlight that the early-seral, even-aged plantations burned more severely than their older and taller counterparts over the entire event of 5 combined megafires, and particularly during the period without extreme wind. The short-stature of these forests reduces thermal buffering (84) and increases ground-to-canopy connectivity, making young forests susceptible to widespread mortality (77, 85, 86). Similar results have been reported for intensively managed forests in dry and mixed-conifer forests across the western US (87), as well as in moist forests elsewhere (e.g., (88)). Broad shifts in US industrial forestry have shortened harvest rotations (89, 90), which increases the vulnerability of these forests even in the absence of extreme wind. Because timberlands in the PNW are typically closer to large, urban areas, fires in these forests have proportionally higher impacts on urban air and water supplies. Our data suggest role for both management legacies and extreme conditions of fuel aridity and wind. Wildfire managers also should be particularly alert to reburns in the mid-term future following high-severity fires (i.e., before canopy closure), as we expect increased flammability on recently burned landscapes due to growth of early seral species such as grasses and forbs that dry easily may increase rates of fire spread (e.g., (54, 91, 92)). These conditions could lead to large-scale reburns even in the absence of extreme winds, and ultimately forest conversion if tree regeneration or climate is limiting (93).
Although increased fuel aridity under climate change may prime western Cascade forests to burn more frequently and at higher severities than historically observed (94), and especially among early-seral stands (86), the difference in fire behavior between the two meteorological periods indicate that high-severity megafires are unlikely to occur without coinciding extreme wind events. Although little work has been conducted on extreme summer wind events in the PNW, increases in annual downslope wind activity have been observed in the Cascades during the 1979–2018 period (95) and global warming has been linked to severe storms and shifts in storm tracks (e.g., (96)). As climate change continues to lengthen fire seasons (97), extreme fuel aridity will extend further into late summer and early fall (4, 98), when dry east winds are more frequent (e.g., (99)). Extreme winds notwithstanding, the 2020 fire season mirrors observed climate-driven trends in increasing area burned across the western US (4, 48). Increased fire activity under extremely high fuel aridity has been projected by mid-21st century for the western Cascades (e.g., (100, 101)). Thus, even without understanding future climate influences on large scale wind events like those observed in the PNW in September 2020, chronically warmer conditions with higher fuel aridity will prime temperate mesic forests for more frequent megafires (28, 102, 103). Addressing megafires in these mesic systems may require rethinking adaptation approaches common in dry forests globally (e.g., (104–106)).
Global increases in megafires are of paramount concern to ecosystems and human well-being yet the specific mechanisms have driven this growth are not well understood. More work in the PNW, across the western US, and elsewhere (24, 30) is needed to understand large-scale and synoptic conditions that favor extreme fire behavior under warming (e.g., (76, 107–109)particularly with respect to climate-restricted fire regimes common to mesic temperate forests. Rapid climate change has and will continue to disequilibrate historical relationships between productivity gradients and burn activity (110, 111), leading to increases fire activity within fuel-rich areas where fire has historically been climate-limited. While studies show that increasing fire activity will occur in transition zones where large and continuous fuel loads are ready to burn (112), megafires events such as the 2020 Black Summer in SE Australia, the 2020 Lightning Complexes in California, and the 2020 Labor Day fires in Oregon are linked to the compounding effects of multiple switches controlling fire regimes. Debates continue in SE Australian between those that attribute the megafires to altered fuel loads tied to management legacies (61) with those that point to extreme fuel aridity (60, 113), while both likely had compounding effects. Understanding how these switches interact and fluctuate will be necessary to better understand the conditions under which these megafires are likely to form.