The Holuhraun volcanic eruption in North-East central Iceland began 31 August 2014 and ended 27 February 2015. The study period was 1 January 2010–31 December 2014, and the time before the eruption was used a reference period. The Holuhraun eruption persisted until end of February 2015, whereas our study period ends 31 December 2014 due to a change in the database recording of events. However, SO2 never exceeded the air quality guideline limit during January and February 2015, although daily mean concentrations were still higher than before the eruption.
The mean population of Iceland during the study period was 320 000 inhabitants. The capital area, Reykjavík and surrounding municipalities, had 205 282 residents at the beginning of the study period, and 215 965 residents at the end.(22) The analysis was restricted to the capital area (residential postcodes 101–171, 200–225, and 270) where adequate information about SO2 exposure was available for the whole study period. The Icelandic health care system is state-centred, mainly publicly funded system with universal coverage.(23) We obtained data on respiratory health and individual data on residence (postcode), age, sex and an anonymous personal identification number from 1) ) the National Medicines Register; 2) Primary care centres (that function as first point of contact) and 3) Landspitali, the national university hospital, the country’s centre of clinical excellence.(24) All registers are held by the Icelandic Directorate of Health and extraction is subject to approval from the Icelandic Bioethical Committee. From the National Medicines Register we extracted data on dispensing (pharmacy sales to individuals) of prescription anti-asthma medication (AMD) classified by Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code R03 of the WHO. AMD relieve symptoms of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, and are occasionally prescribed to individuals with respiratory infections. Furthermore, AMD is a proxy for respiratory health in a population.(25–28) From the primary care centers (PCC) and hospital emergency department (HED) databases at the Directorate of Health we extracted data on individuals diagnosed with respiratory illnesses.
In the main analyses, we analysed the number of MD visits in primary case (PCMD) and all HED visits regardless of admission status. As the same bout of illness is likely to result in recurring contacts with the health care system, we included only the first record of an individual’s health care contacts within a 14-day period for the same diagnosis category to avoid exposure misclassification with respect to the timing of the outcome. For each outcome, we constructed daily time series starting 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2014 for the following age groups; children (under 18 years of age), adults (18–64 years), and elderly (age 65 years and above), see data selection in Flow diagrams 1–3 in the supplemental material. We obtained SO2, PM10, and NO2 data along with meteorological data from the Icelandic Environment Agency’s stationary air pollution monitor located in Reykjavík (Fig. 1) for the study period and constructed a time series of daily mean values.
Statistical methods
Descriptive statistics were calculated for all exposure and outcome variables for the period before and after the beginning of the eruption (for health data, we used age at date of first occurrence in the data) (see Table 1, see also supplementary material, Flow diagrams 1–3). Correlations of the exposure variables can be found in the supplement (Table S1). We use the t-tests to assess as whether there was a statistically signficant difference in concentrations of relevant pollutants and the number of daily health outcome events before, and during the eruption (Table 1 and Table 2).
In the regression analysis of the daily number outcomes during the whole study period, SO2 exposure was given as either a) a continuous variable, or b) an indicator value of the 24-hour SO2 concentration exceeding the air quality guideline value (125 µg/m3).(2) We fitted distributed lag non-linear models (DNLM) to the data. (29) to identify the delay in days (lag days) from exposure to the observed health outcomes (Supplemental Figure S2) and concentration response (Supplemental Figure S3 and Figure S4). We estimated the effects of SO2 exposure on the outcome by fitting generalized additive models (GAM).(30)
Yt ~ Quasipoisson (\(\mu\)t)
log µt = α + β1SO2t + β2PM10 + β3NO2 + β5RelativeHumidity + β6Idow + β7Strike + β8Yt−1
+ s1(Temperature) + s2(Day in the time series) + s3(Day of the year, bs=”cc”)
Where Yt denotes the daily number of health events, β1 denotes the log relative rate of events associated with a 10 µg/m3 increase in SO2 at lag 0–2. Furthermore, the results are adjusted for co-pollutants and weather (PM10, NO2, and relative humidity) at the same lag intervals as the main exposure. Idow is an indicator for day of week and odd holidays, and Strike is an indicator of strike days (used only in HED and PCC data, as medical doctors were on strike during high SO2 days (See Table S1 for a total list of strike days). Several methods of addressing this issue were tested; no adjustment, excluding strike days, or adjusting for the indicator. The latter was found to yield models with a better fit and was used where appropriate. We used an autoregressive term (adjusting for the outcome at lag 1) to improve the autocorrelation of the model residuals.(31) The terms s1(Temperature) and s2(day in the time series) are smoothing functions which allow for non-linearity). The term s3(day of the year, bs=”cc”) is a b-spline with a penalized cyclical cubic term day of year designed to control for seasonal trend.(32) Results from models with no adjustment for other pollutants (Partially adjusted models) are also presented. Quasipoisson distribution was assumed for all outcomes. All analysis was performed in R Studio.(33)
Subgroup analysis
We present results from stratified analyses of categories of anti-asthma drugs; 1) adrenergic inhalants (R03A), a large proportion of which are short-acting beta agonists, and 2) other inhalant drugs (R03B), mainly glocucorticoids and anticholinergenics. For PCMD and HED visits, we present results stratified for 1) infectious diseases including acute upper respiratory infections (ICD codes J00-J06), influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18), and other acute lower respiratory infections (J20-J22), and 2) obstructive respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD, and asthma (J44 and 45). Age-stratified results are also presented.
Sensitivity analysis
To explore the robustness of the analysis, analysed the association between all respiratory PCC contacts including phone calls, consultations, and “other” because PCMD visits are subject to availability. To estimate the total impact on the health care systems from increased population morbidity we also analysed all PCC contacts including recurring PCC contacts within 14 days. For HED visits, we performed a sensitivity analysis including only individuals who were admitted for in-patient care (Table S3). Additionally, we performed sensitivity analysis on different lags of SO2 for HED admissions, as our exploratory analysis revealed lag-specific effects for different age-categories (Figure S2c-d, Table S3). In sensitivity analysis of the exposure (Table S4), we wished to exclude the possibility of our results being entirely due to official advice encouraging individuals with respiratory diseases to have sufficient medicine at hand. This was broadcast to the public on days with forecasts of high SO2 and it was speculated that some SO2-associated increases in AMD could be due to compliance with this advice. As AMD is most often dispensed in larger quantities, a compliance effect would present itself as decreased effect estimates of SO2 after the first days or week of warnings as regular users have filled their supplies. Thus, present results from analyses where we 1) excluded the first day, then 2) the first week, from the time series (Table S4). To eliminate any confounding effect of air pollution from other volcanic eruptions ((Eyjafjallajökull 2010 and Grímsvötn 2011) that impacted air quality during the study period (Daily mean of key air pollutants and events are indicated in Figure S1)(34) we reanalysed AMD, PCMD and HED excluding the years 2010 and 2011 (Table S4). Also, we performed analyses allowing for non-linearity of both lag structure, and concentration of SO2 and present those results in the supplement (Figure S2 and Figure S3). Furthermore, we investigated lag-responses of sub-categories of respiratory disease (Figure S4) and effects of longer lags (Figure S5).