Morphological evaluation of the North American Octaviania species in subgenus Octaviania.
The phylogenetic analyses in Orihara et al. (2012a) explicitly showed that three specimens of Octaviania (KPM-NC 17827, KPM-NC 17828 and OSC 13925) from eastern North America (i.e., Iowa, Minnesota and Florida) formed a distinct clade within Octaviania subg. Octaviania but there was no molecular taxonomic treatment of the unidentified taxon. We critically examined the morphology and habitat of the taxon and we compared it with the previously published literature on North American Octaviania species.
The overall macro-morphology, peridial structure and the basidiospore and basidia dimensions matched the original description of Octaviania asterosperma var. potteri Singer and Smith (Singer and Smith 1960), which was reported from Michigan, USA (see description of O. potteri below). We studied the holotype of O. asterosperma var. potteri (MICH 12376 [Potter 8898]) from the University of Michigan Herbarium (MICH). The specimen was well-preserved, but the cells of the peridium were collapsed. The basidiospore morphology matched those of the three North American specimens of Octaviania sp. (Table 2). We therefore identify the North American Octaviania species as O. asterosperma var. potteri. Below we propose a new status for this species as Octaviania potteri stat. nov.
Phylogenetic placement of new taxa inferred from the multi-locus phylogeny
The multi-locus dataset comprised of ITS and LSU nrDNA, TEF1 and RPB1 sequences of the Leccinoideae consisted of 94 specimens and 3603 aligned nucleotide positions. The Bayesian inference reached convergence after ca. 1.38M generations. Accordingly, we discarded the first 1400 trees in each parallel run, and the remaining 2601 trees in each run were summarized to approximate Bayesian posterior probabilities (PPs). ESS of all the model parameters were sufficiently large (> 200). The total arithmetic and harmonic mean of estimated marginal log likelihoods (lnL) for runs were − 27576.51 and − 27653.13, respectively. In the RAxML analysis, the final ML optimization of log likelihood was − 27424.085894. The overall topologies between the Bayesian and ML trees were nearly identical.
The resulting phylogenetic trees (Fig. 1) robustly recovered the known generic relationships within the Leccinoideae, some with higher statistical support than in previous studies (e.g., /Spongiforma-Borofutus-Tylocinum clade; Wu et al 2016, /Leccinum-Leccinellum-Turmalinea-Rossbeevera clade: Wu et al. 2018; Orihara et al. 2016a; Kuo and Ortiz-Santana 2020). Octaviania sp. “E” (= O. tenuipes sp. nov.) from Japan and O. asterosperma var. potteri from North America (= O. potteri stat. nov.) were placed within Octaviania subg. Octaviania, as was previously shown by Orihara et al. (2012a). A previously unknown species-level clade (= O. tomentosa sp. nov.) was also placed within Octaviania subg. Octaviania.
Specimens of O. tenuipes sp. nov. exhibited minimal infraspecific genetic divergence. In contrast, both O. potteri stat. nov. and O. tomentosa sp. nov. showed considerable genetic divergence among specimens. In the O. tomentosa clade, a specimen from Amami-oshima Island in the Ryukyu island chain, was genetically divergent from the other specimens from mainland Japan. In the O. potteri stat. nov. clade, the geographically isolated specimens from Hokkaido, Japan (KPM-NC 18032) and Colombia (HUA 222100) were nested among the North American specimens.
Although the generic type species, O. asterosperma, was not included in the multi-locus phylogenies, the nLSU gene tree indicate that O. potteri stat. nov. is genetically distant from O. asterosperma var. asterosperma and it should be treated as a distinct taxon (Fig. S1; the lnL of the ML tree = -3239.444877).
Comparison of single-gene tree topologies within Octaviania subgenus Octaviania
The four ML gene trees based on ITS nrDNA (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), LSU nrDNA, RPB1 and TEF1 datasets were estimated with the final ML optimization of lnL of -1806.362004, -1975.613722, -2139.994105 and − 2417.247141, respectively (Fig. 2). All of the species-level clades in subg. Octaviania except O. potteri stat. nov. were recovered in each tree with high bootstrap values.
Interestingly, one O. tenuipes specimen collected from a Castanopsis sieboldii forest in Mt. Tohken, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (KPM-NC 27968) had an identical RPB1 sequence to O. japonimontana, which was inferred to be sister to O. tenuipes in the RPB1 tree with moderate BS support. This result was confirmed by sequencing the RPB1 region of the specimen twice using different primer pairs. Furthermore, one O. potteri specimen from Minnesota, USA (RH1181; KPM-NC 17828) had at least two heterogeneous RPB1 sequences, one of which was apparently derived from O. potteri but another was remarkably divergent from the other O. potteri sequences. The ML phylogeny showed that the divergent sequence from the RH1181 specimen forms its own clade and is an unknown species-level lineage that is sister to O. kobayasii (Fig. 2). It should also be noted that the TEF1 sequence of a O. japonimontana specimen from Mts. Tanzawa, Kanagawa Prefecture (KPM-NC 27623; Fig. 4g) was remarkably divergent from the other O. japonimontana sequences (i.e., the TEF1 identity between the two specimens from Mts. Tanzawa [KPM-NC 27622, 27623] was 98.96% [1051/1060 bp]) despite the high sequence homogeneity of O. japonimontana in the other three regions. For comparison, the TEF1 sequence identity between O. tenuipes (INSD acc. no.: MT874813) and O. durianelloides (MT874817) was 98.65% (1094/1109 bp.)]
Network analysis based on the multi-locus dataset of subgenus Octaviania
The network analysis of the multi-locus dataset supported the O. tenuipes specimen with the RPB1 sequence of O. japonimontana (KPM-NC 27968; Fig. 2) in the position of an intermediate lineage between O. tenuipes and O. japonimontana, showing a high degree of reticulation in the tree (Fig. 3). This relationship was supported with high bootstrap values (86.8–100%). On the other hand, no other clear reticulations suggest recent hybridization among species in subg. Octaviania.
Based on our morphological studies and phylogenetic results (Fig. 1), we describe two new species, O. tenuipes and O. tomentosa, from Japan. The multi-locus phylogenetic analyses also strongly support O. potteri stat. nov. as sister to O. hesperi in O. subg. Octaviania (Fig. 1). Furthermore, our nLSU gene tree shows that O. potteri stat. nov. is phylogenetically distant from O. asterosperma var. asterosperma (Fig. S1). We conclude that the taxon previously considered as O. asterosperma var. potteri is a distinct species from O. asterosperma s. str., and we propose a new status, Octaviania potteri, for the former taxon.
We are aware of the work by Kuo and Ortiz-Santana (2020) that proposed the synonymy of all the sequestrate Leccinoideae within a broadly circumscribed genus Leccinum s.l.. While the phylogenetic analyses of Kuo and Ortiz-Santana (2020) resolved monophyletic clades for all of the sequestrate genera (e.g., Octaviania, Chamonixia, Turmalinea and Rossbeevera), several other major clades of epigeous Leccinoideae taxa were otherwise poorly resolved. Based on the lack of resolution in their phylogenetic trees and the uncertainty that remains about the evolutionary relationships within the Leccinoideae, we opt to retain the sequestrate genus names Octaviania, Chamonixia, Rossbeevera and Turmalinea. We acknowledge that these sequestrate taxa belong to the Leccinoideae but feel that synonymy with Leccinum is premature, results in the loss of information, and does little to clarify the taxonomy and phylogeny of this group. In our multi-locus phylogeny, some relationships within Leccinoideae clades that were unresolved in Kuo and Ortiz-Santana (2020) were resolved with high statistical support (i.e., ML BS ≥ 75% and PP ≥ 0.97; Fig. 1). For example, phylogenetic placement of the core clade of Leccinum (= Leccinum s.str.) was not resolved in Kuo and Ortiz-Santana (2020), whereas our phylogeny supported that Leccinum s.str. was sister to the clade comprised of Leccinellum s. str., two undefined leccinoid clades, Rossbeevera and Turmalinea (Fig. 1). Our phylogeny also supported monophyly of the Leccinellum s. str. clade, which was not strongly supported in Kuo and Ortiz-Santana (2020). However, we could not include the two independent clades, Leccinum talamancae and L. longicurvipes, whose phylogenetic positions within the Leccinoideae remained uncertain. Our results suggest that we need to further address the phylogeny and systematics of Leccinoideae before lumping together all the well-defined epigeous and sequestrate genera into one large and broadly circumscribed genus. We will wait to determine a final taxonomic scheme for the sequestrate genera until a more highly resolved phylogeny becomes available that provides appropriate insight on this group.
Octaviania tenuipes Orihara, sp. nov.
MycoBank MB 836874
Figures 4a–f
= Octaviania sp. “E”, nom. prov., Persoonia 28: 104
Diagnosis: This species is morphologically similar to some species in Octaviania subg. Octaviania, but is distinguished by the combination of the following characteristics: soft, whitish basidiomata with a more or less developed stipe sometimes exceeding 10 mm long at the base; a thin peridium that is mostly less than 0.5 mm thick; basidiospores 9.3–(9.5–)13.3(–15) × (8.4–)8.5–11.3(–11.5) µm with acute pyramidal spines that have one simple cavity inside.
referring to the slender stipe (sterile base) of the species, which is unique in the genus.
JAPAN, Miyazaki Pref., Aya Town, under Castanopsis sieboldii, 26 Nov. 2012, leg. T. Orihara & S. Kurogi, KPM-NC 27972.
Basidiomata sequestrate, up to 21 mm in diam., soft, depressed-globose or reniform, surface smooth or slightly floccose, white at first, becoming dirty white to light yellowish brown at maturity, turning immediately wine red when immature specimens are touched, immediately blue when mature specimens are touched, gradually oxidizing further to black, with a more or less developed stipe that sometimes exceeds 10 mm long, becoming conspicuously slender at the bottom. Peridium thin, mostly less than 0.5 mm thick. Gleba whitish in youth, then becoming brown and finally blackish brown, somewhat watery, composed of darker-colored locules filled with basidiospores and whitish mycelial veins. Stipe (sterile base) well developed compared to other typical species of the genus, often with some subhyaline spots inside, occasionally turning red (in immature basidiomata) or blue (in mature basidiomata) when cut. Odor pleasant, sweet.
Basidiospores 9.3–(9.5–)13.3(–15) × (8.4–)8.5–11.3(–11.5) µm, mean 11.3 × 9.9 µm (SD: 1.00 [length], 0.67 [width]), subglobose to broadly ellipsoid (Q = 1–1.42, Qm = 1.14), light yellowish brown to brown, covered with coarse, acute, pyramidal spines 1.1–3.3 µm high and 1–4.5 µm wide with a single, simple cavity inside, spore walls 1–1.6 µm thick. Basidia 21–32 × 8–14 µm, mean 26 × 11.1 µm, clavate, hyaline, 2-, 3- or 4-spored. Hymenium present but poorly developed, comprised of basidia and basidioles. Subhymenium absent, basidia connected to branched filamentous hyphae directly extending from trama. Trama hyaline, of subparallel to loosely interwoven, non-inflated, thin-walled (up to 0.8 µm) filamentous hyphae 2–9 µm broad. Peridium thin, mostly 100–400 µm and sometimes up to 650 µm thick, of densely interwoven, often inflated filamentous hyphae 2–17 µm broad when immature, gradually inflated with age up to 40 µm in diam., becoming pseudoparenchymatous cells at maturity, walls 0.5–1.2 µm thick, outermost hyphae pigmented brown to fuscous, somewhat narrower, up to 10 µm broad, but not forming a distinct layer. Stipe (sterile base) of compactly interwoven, hyaline, thin-walled, inflated hyphae 3–22 µm broad, partially intermingled with large, irregular-shaped, pseudoparenchymatous cells up to 60 µm in diam., walls 0.5–1.3 µm thick. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.
Habitat, distribution and seasonality
hypogeous or subhypogeous under evergreen Fagaceae; widely distributed throughout Japan; spring to early summer and autumn to early winter.
Other specimens examined: JAPAN: Tokyo Met., Hachioji City, Mt. Takao, M. Nakajima, 7 Sep. 2015, KPM-NC 28187; Hachijo Island, Hachijo Town, along Boh-ei Rd., under Castanopsis sieboldii, 31 Oct. 2003, H. Sasaki 257, KPM-NC 28191; ibid, H. Sasaki 261, KPM-NC 28192; Hachijo Island, Hachijo Town, Mitsune, Kamogawa Forestry Rd., under C. sieboldii, 15 Jul. 2015, A. Hosono, KPM-NC 27958; Hachijo Island, Hachijo Town, Mitsune, under C. sieboldii, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 26008; ibid, 29 Jun. 2003, H. Sasaki 157, KPM-NC 28190; ibid, 2 Jul. 2005, H. Sasaki 567, KPM-NC 28193; Chiba Pref., Katsuura City, Okitsu, under Lithocarpus edulis, 8 May 2016, T. Kasuya, KPM-NC 27956; Kanagawa Pref., Hakone Town, Hakone-yumoto, Soh-un Park, under C. sieboldii, 2 Oct. 2016, leg. T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27957; Odawara City, Iryuda, near Myoriki-ji Shrine, under C. sieboldii, 1 Dec. 2016, M. Nakajima, KPM-NC 25370; Miyazaki Pref., Miyazaki City, Tano-cho-otsu, Tano Forest Science Station, Miyazaki Univ., under C. cuspidata, 22 Nov. 2012, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27960; Nichinan City, Inohae Valley, 23 Nov. 2012, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27965; ibid, under Q. gilva and Q. salicina, KPM-NC 27964; Kagoshima Pref., Tarumizu City, Mt. Tohken, under C. sieboldii, 24 Nov. 2012, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27968; Kimotsuki-gun Minamiosumi Town (the former Sata Town), Nishikata, under C. sieboldii, 30 Nov. 2003, H. Sasaki 306, KPM-NC 28405; ibid, H. Sasaki 308, KPM-NC 28406; ibid, H. Sasaki 309, KPM-NC 28407; ibid, H. Sasaki 310, KPM-NC 28408; ibid, H. Sasaki 311, KPM-NC 28409; ibid, H. Sasaki 312, KPM-NC 28410; Kimotsuki-gun Minamiosumi Town (the former Sata Town), near Kaitaku-iriguchi bus stop, under C. sieboldii and Q. glauca, H. Sasaki 317, KPM-NC 28411; Tanegashima Isl., Nishino-omote City, Anjoh, Ohno Forestry Rd., along Ohkawada River, under C. sieboldii, 8 Dec. 2015, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 24889; Nishino-omote City, Furuta under Lithocarpus edulis, 28 Nov. 2003, H. Sasaki 301, KPM-NC 28404; ibid, under C. sieboldii, 8 Dec. 2015, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 24891; Tanegashima Isl., Minamitane Town, Nakanoshita, near Shimonakahachiman Shrine, under Castanopsis sieboldii, Quercus phillyraeoides and Lithocarpus edulis, 28 Nov. 2003, H. Sasaki 294, KPM-NC 28401; ibid, H. Sasaki 295, KPM-NC 28402; Tanegashima Isl., Nakatane Town, Masuda, near Tanegashima Airport, 28 Nov. 2003, H. Sasaki 298, KPM-NC 28403; Amami-oshima Isl., Yamato-son, north-eastern foot of Mt Yuwan, umder C. sieboldii subsp. lutchuensis, 17 Nov. 2007, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 17813.
Orihara et al. (2012a) tentatively described O. tenuipes as “Octaviania sp. E” because, at that time only one collection of an immature basidioma had been examined and the morphology of this new species was not sufficiently known. This species has now been recorded from subtropical to temperate regions in Japan, associated with Castanopsis and evergreen Quercus tree species. Morphologically, O. tenuipes tends to have a rather slender and well-developed stipe compared to the other species of Octaviania. Octaviania japonimontana, which is phylogenetically close to O. tenuipes, is somewhat similar morphologically, but O. japonimontana occurs in deciduous Fagaceae forests (with Q. crispula and Fagus spp.) and tends to have basidiomata with thicker peridia and a more rubbery texture. However, these differences are sometimes inconspicuous so molecular methods are sometimes necessary to confirm the species identification. Another closely related species, O. durianelloides Orihara, also resembles O. tenuipes when the basidiomata are immature. However, at maturity the basidiomata of O. durianelloides have conspicuous brown scales or warts on the surface, which is unique in the genus.
Octaviania tomentosa Orihara, sp. nov.
MycoBank MB 836875
Figure 5
Diagnosis: This species is distinguished from other Octaviania species in the combination of the following characteristics: small, soft, felty to tomentose, white to dirty white basidiomata up to 15 mm in diam.; peridium usually very thin (mostly 70–250 µm thick), composed of filamentous hyphae and isodiametric cells with thin cell-walls (up to 0.8 µm thick); Basidiospores 10.2–(11–)14.4(–15) × 8.6–(8.8–)12.6(–13.2) µm, with acute or sometimes curled, pyramidal spines that have a few slit-like cavities inside.
Latin, tomentosa (felty or cottony), referring to the tomentose surface of the basidiomata.
Holotype: JAPAN: Ibaraki Pref., Kasama City, Mt. Sashiro, under Q. myrsinifolia, 9 Sep. 2018, M. Ohmae & T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27954.
Basidiomata sequestrate, up to 15 mm in diam., soft, subglobose, depressed-globose or reniform, surface felty to tomentose, white to dirty white, not becoming yellowish or brownish with age, turning blue or bright red when touched or injured, immature basidiomata tending to turn red rather than blue where touched, after exposure gradually turning black, stipe short, not exceeding 3 mm long, with white rhizomorphs. Peridium usually very thin (less than 0.25 mm) but sometimes variable in thickness, in some cases up to 0.4 mm, context white, showing the same pattern of discoloration as the peridial surface. Gleba beige in youth, becoming brown at maturity, somewhat watery, particularly in young basidiomata, composed of locules filled with yellowish brown to brown basidiospores and whitish mycelial veins, typical of the genus. Stipe (sterile base) context white, sometimes with some subhyaline spots inside. Odor sweet at maturity.
Basidiospores 10.2–(11–)14.4(–15) × 8.6–(8.8–)12.6(–13.2) µm, mean 12.3 × 10.6 µm (SD: 1.01 [length], 0.96 [width]), subglobose to broadly ellipsoid (Q = 1.04–1.34, Qm = 1.16), light yellowish brown to ochraceous brown, covered with coarse, acute, sometimes curled, large pyramidal spines 1.6–3.3 µm high and 1.5–4.8 µm wide with a few slit-like cavities inside, spore walls 1.3–3 µm thick, with a long pedicel 6–15.5 × 1.5–2.2 µm at the base. Basidia 26–39 × 9–14 µm, mean 32.1 × 11.1 µm, clavate, colorless, 4-, 2- or more rarely 3-spored. Subhymenium not well developed. Basidia and basidioles randomly extending from hyphae in tramal plates. Tramal plates 15–80 µm thick, of parallel, colorless, thin-walled (up to 0.6 µm) filamentous hyphae 2.5–7 µm broad. Peridium usually 70–250 µm thick, context up to 180 µm thick, colorless, of interwoven, septate, thin-walled (up to 0.6 µm) filamentous hyphae approximately 3–8 µm broad when immature, cells becoming swollen and isodiametric (up to 25 µm in diam.) so that peridial tissue is pseudoparenchyma by maturity, the mature cell walls up to 0.8 µm thick; peridiopellis thin, up to 100 µm across, pigmented yellow-brown, surface turf-like but fragile and easily crushed, of interwoven filamentous hyphae or inflated cells almost the same size as those of inner context (up to 25 µm in diam.). Stipe (sterile base) of compact, interwoven, partially isodiametric, thin-walled (up to 0.8 µm), hyaline hyphae 4–20 µm broad. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.
Habitat, distribution and seasonality
hypogeous or subhypogeous under evergreen Fagaceae, found on Amami-oshima Island in the Ryukyu island chain and in eastern Honshu (Kanto region), Japan; summer to autumn.
Specimens examined: JAPAN: Kanagawa Prefecture, Minami-ashigara City, Uchiyama, under Quercus myrsinifolia, 4 July 2016, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27945; ibid, 3 Sep. 2017, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27955; ibid, 24 Sep. 2018, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 27946; ibid, 19 Jul. 2020, Y. Kaneko & T. Orihara, KPM-NC 28415; Ibaraki Pref., Kasama City, Mt. Sashiro, under Q. myrsinifolia, 22 Jul. 2017, M. Ohmae, KPM-NC 27953; Tochigi Pref., Sano City, Mt. Karasawa, under Castanopsis sieboldii, 24 Jul. 2016, M. Ohmae, KPM-NC 27952; ibid, 20 Jul. 2018, M. Ohmae, KPM-NC 27947; Shizuoka Pref., Suntoh District, Oyama Town, Ashigara Pass, 12 Jul. 2020, Y. Kaneko, KPM-NC 28416; ibid, 19 Jul. 2020, Y. Kaneko, KPM-NC 28412; ibid, Y. Kaneko & T. Orihara, KPM-NC 28413; ibid, Y. Kaneko, KPM-NC 28414; Kagoshima Pref., Amami-oshima Isl., Uken-son, Yuwan, umder C. sieboldii subsp. lutchuensis, 29 Jun. 2014, T. Orihara, KPM-NC 23934.
This rare species has only been found from four sites in and around the Kanto region in Honshu and from one site in Amami-oshima Island in the Ryukyu island chain despite extensive long-term collecting of Octaviania spp. throughout Japan. These two disjunct areas are about 1200 km apart and the climates and vegetation are also quite different between the two areas (temperate evergreen forests on mainland Japan vs. subtropical forests in the Ryukyu Islands). The multi-locus tree (Fig. 1) as well as the single-gene trees (Fig. 2) clearly show generic divergence between the two disjunct lineages. The specimen from Amami-oshima Island had a thicker peridium than the specimens from the Kanto region (ca. 150–400 µm thick in the Amami-oshima specimen vs. 70–250 um thick in specimens from Kanto). However, we treat these two lineages as infraspecific variations because of the lesser degree of genetic divergence compared to other species-level divergence in both the species tree and individual gene trees (Figs. 1–2). For instance, the sequence similarity of nLSU between the Amami-oshima specimen and the holotype from Honshu is 99.15% (935 bp / 943 bp), whereas the nLSU similarity between holotypes of O. yaeyamaensis and O. etchuensis, which are genetically the least divergent species within subgenus Octaviania, is 98.31% (875 bp / 890 bp). In addition, we cannot infer the potential mating incompatibility between these geographically isolated, but unculturable specimens.
Octaviania tomentosa morphologically resembles O. hesperi in the relatively small, whitish basidiomata. However, O. hesperi is distinguished from O. tomentosa by its slightly larger basidiospores with lower Q values (10–15.6(–18.2) × 9.4–(9.9–)14.8(–17.8) µm, mean 12.8 × 12.1 µm; Q = 0.96–1.15). Octaviania hesperi also has larger pyramidal spore ornamentation (2–(2.1–)3.6(–4) × 1.3–(1.7–)5.4(–5.7) µm) with irregularly shaped, multiple slits inside (Orihara et al. 2012a). The felty to tomentose surface of the O. tomentosa basidiomata is also a distinguishing character that is absent among any of the phylogenetically related species in O. subg. Octaviania.
Octaviania potteri (Singer & A.H. Sm.) Orihara, Healy, M.E. Sm., stat. nov.
MycoBank MB 836876
Figure 6
≡ Octaviania asterosperma var. potteri Singer & A.H. Sm., Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 21 (3): 10 (1959) [MB 353662]
Holotype: USA: Michigan, Ithaca, Gratiot, Schovence's Woods on exposed soil along a logging road in rich heavy soil (mud), 17 Sep. 1949, V. Potter 8898, MICH 12376.
Basidiomata sequestrate, mostly 8–20 mm in diam., firm, rubbery, subglobose, depressed-globose or reniform, surface smooth or floccose to minutely scaly, white at first then becoming ochraceous at maturity, initially turning red or sometimes greenish blue at the base when touched or injured, gradually turning black, stipe reduced or rudimentary, with white rhizomorphs at the base. Peridium varying in thickness, but mostly not exceeding 0.8 mm thick, context white, showing the same pattern of discoloration as the peridial surface. Gleba brown at maturity, finally becoming blackish brown, composed of locules filled with brown basidiospores and whitish mycelial veins, typical of the genus. Stipe (sterile base) rudimentary to pulvinate, white. Odor sweet to cloyingly sweet at maturity. Taste not recorded.
Basidiospores 9–13.4(–14) × 7.6–12.3(–13.2) µm, mean 11.2 × 9.9 µm (SD: 1.06 [length], 1.14 [width]), subglobose to broadly ellipsoid (Q = 1–1.42, Qm = 1.13), dextrinoid, light yellowish brown to ochraceous brown, covered with coarse, large pyramidal spines 1.6–3.4 µm high and 1.6–4.5 µm wide with a single slit-like cavity inside, spore walls 1.4–2.2 µm thick, with a pedicel up to 13 µm long at the base. Basidia 19–35 × 10–15.5 µm, clavate, mostly 2-spored or rarely 3- or 4-spored. Subhymenium not well developed. Tramal plates 30–200 µm thick, hyaline or light yellowish brown, of subparallel to interwoven, inflated, hyaline, filamentous hyphae 3–15 µm broad. Peridium 200–450 µm thick, context hyaline or light yellowish brown, pigmented yellow-brown near surface, of interwoven, inflated filamentous hyphae 3–13 µm broad, pseudoparenchymatous cells up to 45 µm in diam. at maturity, cell walls ca. 1 µm thick; peridiopellis very thin (up to 60 µm thick) or absent in some parts, of partially inflated, septate, filamentous hyphae 3–7 µm broad subparallel to surface. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.
Habitat, known distribution and seasonality
hypogeous or subhypogeous under species of Fagaceae; eastern North America (Canada [Quebec], USA [IA, IN, FL, MN, NC, WV]), East Asia (Japan [Hokkaido]), South America (Colombia); summer to autumn.
Other specimens examined: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Iowa, Boone Co., Ledges State Park, under Quercus alba, 20 Sep. 2007, R. Healy RH3, FH 00284316; Emmet Co., Fort Defiance State Park, under Quercus rubra, Ostrya virginiana, Tilia americana, 26 Jul. 2000. R. Healy RH720, ISC-F-0072478; Story Co., Ames, Inis Grove Park, under Q. alba, O. virginiana, T. americana, 18 Aug.1998, R. Healy RH234, ISC-F-0072476; Ames, YMCA Woods, under Q. alba, 21 Sep. 1996, R. Healy, ISC-F-0072477; ibid, 25 Jul. 1997, R. Healy RH48 (ISC-F-0072479); ibid, 25 Aug. 1999, R. Healy RH555 (ISC-F-0072471); ibid, 9 Aug. 2000, R. Healy RH750, ISC-F-0072473; ibid, 27 Aug. 2000, R. Healy RH782, ISC-F-0072475; ibid, 27 Aug, 2007, R. Healy, FLAS-F-62023; ibid, 25 Sep. 2006, E. Braun and Mycology Class, ISC-F-0072472; ibid, 6 Sep. 2007, R. Healy RH30, FH 00284311 (duplicate: KPM-NC 17827 & FLAS-F-66562); Hickory Grove Park, under Quercus macrocarpa and T. americana, on slope by man-made lake, 11 Aug. 2009, R. Healy, FLAS-F-62022; Van Buren Co., Lacey-Keosaqua State Park, under Q. alba and T. americana, 30 Jul. 2001, L. McCormick, ISC-F-0072474; Indiana, Fort Wayne, 7 Nov. 2014, K. Parker (MES806), FLAS-F-66547; ibid, K. Parker (MES807), FLAS-F-66548; Minnesota, Fillmore Co., Forestville State Park, in mixed oak woods, 5 Aug. 2009, E.G. McLaughlin RH973, MIN 912630; ibid, 10 Jul. 2010, R. Healy RH1181, KPM-NC 17828 (duplicate: FLAS-F-66563); Rice Co., Nerstrand Big Woods State Park, in mixed oak woods, 8 Aug. 2009, R. Estell RH997, MIN 912622; Washington Co., Afton State Park, in mixed oak woods, 27 Aug. 2009, R. Healy RH1017, MIN912618; ibid, D.L. McLaughlin RH1018, MIN912635; North Carolina, McDowell Co., along Blue Ridge Parkway near Mineral Museum, 21 Sep. 2003, T. Eliott (Trappe 32742), FLAS-F-66549; at junction of Jones and Onslow Co., Croatan National Forest, White Oak River, 17 Jul. 2007, T. Eliott (MES801), FLAS-F-66550; Florida, Wakulla Co., Skipper Bay road, St Marks NW refuge, under Pinus elliottii and Q. virginiana, 29 Dec. 2003, D. Mitchell & W. Roody DMEL04-18 (Trappe 32178), OSC 131925; West Virginia, Randolph Co., Stuarts Park, 19 Sep. 1999, K. St. Louis (Trappe 25908), FLAS-F-66551; McDowell Co., Bervind Wildlife Management Area, 11 Jul. 2002, D. Mitchell (Trappe 27950), FLAS-F-66773; CANADA: Quebec, Montreal, 13 Sep. 1991, F. Marzitelli (Trappe 12445), FLAS-F-66546; JAPAN: Hokkaido, Tomakomai City, near Kuchinashi-numa Pond, under Quercus crispula, 12 Sep. 2011a, M. Ohmae, KPM-NC 18032; ibid, 21 Sep. 2012, K. Yamamoto & T. Orihara, KPM-NC 25043; COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca Province, Guacheta, Reserva Natural el Chaute o Robledal, Road from Guacheta to Raquira km 6, under Quercus humboldtii, 28 Feb. 2020, A. Corrales 1036, HUA 222100.
Remarks: Octaviania potteri was originally described based on a specimen from Michigan, USA (Singer and Smith 1960). The North American specimens have been reported from Quebec province in Eastern Canada and six states in eastern North America (NA). However this taxon has never been collected from western NA despite active ongoing searches for truffles in California and the Pacific Northwest (e.g. Gilkey 1954, Trappe and Castellano 2000, Trappe et al. 2009). Interestingly, this species shows a remarkable disjunct distribution between eastern North America, South America (Colombia) and East Asia (Japan) (Fig. 1). This is the broadest distributional range of any known Octaviania species. As far as we know, this is also the first record of Octaviania sensu stricto from South America. The mechanism of dispersal of O. potteri individuals is worth being investigated from a phylogeographical viewpoint in the future. Morphologically, it is difficult to characterize this species because most characters of the basidiomata are typical of other taxa in the subgenus Octaviania. However, the distinctive dextrinoid reaction of the basidiospores and the very thin peridiopellis (i.e., an outermost filamentous layer of the peridium) that is sometimes absent in patches are two features that are distinct compared to any of the closely related species.