In our study, based on COx, 29.7% of our cohort developed new-onset impaired CA after CPB with MHCA. The occurrence of impaired CA in adult patients undergoing CPB with MHCA was consistent with children in previous reports [24,25].
Factors known to influence CA during CPB include temperature, PaO2, PaCO2, perfusion pressure, flow rate, and hematocrit [24–27]. Temperature reduction exponentially decreases cerebral metabolism and preserves cellular stores of high-energy adenosine triphosphate [25]. Carbon dioxide is a potent cerebrovasodilator, and elevated PaCO2 can obviously increase CBF volume in both awake and anesthetized states [26]. In our cohort, the patients with impaired or normal CA did not differ significantly in the above factors (Table 2). The reason for the elevated PaCO2 during MHCA was that we used pH-stat for blood gas management to ensure sufficient cerebral perfusion. High PaCO2 might be detrimental to preserve the function of CA. However, the PaCO2 showed no significant difference between patients with impaired and normal CA in our study.
We found that impaired CA seems to associate with intraoperative low rScO2. The period of rScO2 < 55% in impaired CA patients was longer than in normal CA patients (Fig. 3). This result was consistent with previous studies that the period of rScO2 less than 55% during aortic surgery was closely related to the occurrence of postoperative neurological events [20,21]. These results indicated that by regulating cerebral perfusion blood flow rate and pressure alone might not avoid the events of rScO2 lower than 55%. Other methods also should be considered, including raising hematocrit to improve oxygen delivery, maintaining deep hypothermia during the circulatory arrest to suppress cerebral metabolism, and minimizing the duration of HCA. Whereas using α-stat management during moderate hypothermia produces better neurologic outcomes than observed with pH-stat management, it is unclear which strategy is superior in adults when MHCA is used [28].
Our results suggested that patients with impaired CA had a higher rate of postoperative delirium, consistent with several studies in coronary artery bypass grafting or valve surgery [29,30]. Patients with impaired CA were also at increased risks of in-hospital mortality, AKI, mechanical ventilation > 24 h, respiratory infection, and length of ICU stay. Like the present study, other work reported that impaired CA was associated with longer mechanical ventilation and hospital stay [29]. The onsets of AKI, respiratory infection, and postoperative death were affected by many factors, including the cardiac function, bleeding, and the duration of mechnical ventilation. Although the events of low cardiac output and reoperation due to bleeding showed no significant difference between patients with impaired CA and those with normal CA, the causal relationship between impaired CA and postoperative death, AKI and respiratory infection was uncertain from our study which merits prospective studies. Our findings might indicate that impaired CA was one of the manifestations of systemic organ injury in patients who underwent CPB with MHCA. These observations suggested the need to comprehensively monitor patients who undergo CPB and MHCA to ensure sufficient oxygen delivery to key organs. In particular, patients with impaired CA may require early interventions before postoperative complications onset, such as increasing systemic oxygen delivery, providing renal replacement therapy, and/or giving mild hypothermia therapy. Randomized controlled trials were needed to examine whether these early interventions can improve patient outcomes.
We found that patients with a history of diabetes or previous cerebral infarction were more likely to develop impaired CA after CPB with MHCA (Table 1). This was consistent with previous work suggesting that diabetes may associate with the occurrence of impaired CA by inducing cerebral microvascular endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy [31–33]. The previous cerebral infarction may weaken or damage the response of CBV to changes in blood pressure [34,35]. In our cohort, the patients with previous cerebral infarction showed normal preoperative rScO2 and CA function, but they might still suffer CA impairment after CPB with MHCA. These findings suggested that it was necessary to assess CA through COx calculation in patients with a history of diabetes or previous cerebral infarction even though their preoperative rScO2 were normal.
Our study presents several limitations. First, we were able to enroll only 64 cases because of the relatively small number of total aortic arch replacement surgeries for acute type A aortic dissection at our institution. Second, COx < 0.3 was tested in the animal study as a threshold of impaired CA. Thus, perspective studies were ongoing to validate COx < 0.3 as a measurement tool for impaired CA in adult patients. Third, because rScO2 monitoring was not routinely performed in our ICU, we could not continuously assess postoperative CA. Fourth, not all patients received a rigorous assessment by a neurologist or psychiatrist to identify the postoperative neurological complications. This may lead to an underestimation of the occurrence of postoperative neurological complications. In addition, only the temporary rather than permanent neurological complications were evaluated. Fifth, we did not analyze the potential impact of vasoconstrictors or inotropics on CA because the accuracy of the dosage and usage time could not be ensured. Finally, there is no control group without MHCA in our study. But the occurrence of new-onset impaired CA in patients who underwent CPB and HCA was higher than those who underwent CPB alone in literature. This might reveal that HCA increased the risk of new-onset impaired CA. Large, prospective trials are needed to understand more about changes in CA and its impact on patient outcomes.