In order to understand the mechanism that drives the oscillation we need to determine what governs the strength of the AMOC. Therefore we need to understand the movement of salt and how this varies through time. The 30kyrST (Table 2) simulation includes a full set of salinity tendency diagnostics (PSU/yr); positive/negative values indicate where salt is added/removed via a process. Figure 4 shows the composite spatial patterns of the tendencies during AMax (interstadials), AMin (stadials) and the anomaly. To highlight key sites of spatial variability, Figure 5 shows the first EOF and corresponding PC1 timeseries for each tendency (additional EOFs do not further clarify the mechanism and are not shown).
Within the NA, advection is the dominant tendency that transports salt northwards along the NAC from the saline tropics to the subpolar regions, driven by the salinity gradient. The total (vertical and horizontal) advective tendency is negative in the tropics as salt is removed via advection, and broadly positive at higher latitudes, particularly the eastern SPG, reflecting the direction of the NAC (Figure 4a-b). The key area of variability is the eastern edge of the NAC and the subpolar gyre, with interstadials showing an increase in horizontal advection in the Nordic Seas and a decrease in the SPG (Figure 5a-b).
The diffusive tendencies include horizontal and vertical diffusion and the Gent McWilliams scheme (Gent and Mcwilliams, 1990), which parameterises isopycnal eddy mixing (Figure 4d-e, Figure 5c-d). These broadly counter advection as they remove the salinity gradient developed via advective processes. As such, variability in diffusion largely opposes advection. The combined advection and diffusion tendencies (Figure 4f) highlight the changing role of the SPG and GIN Seas. The composite anomaly indicates that during interstadials these tendencies are more positive in the GIN Seas and negative across the SPG, particularly the Eastern SPG. This negative anomaly indicates contraction of the SPG and a broader inflow of salty water along its eastern flank, with increased transport of salt into the GIN Seas.
Convection (Figure 4c, Figure 5e) is a comparatively small tendency and is primarily present in surface (0-300m) waters, yet it is crucial in forming deep water and driving overturning. During stadials, convection is limited to the Iceland Basin. During interstadials, convection increases across the Norwegian Sea, Iceland-Scotland ridge, the Irminger Sea and across the central SPG. This indicates a widespread increase in deep-water formation.
Surface tendencies are comprised of sea-ice processes and freshwater fluxes (Figure 4g-h, Figure 5f-g) associated with the P-E balance. Note that the model does not have prognostic ice sheet calving. The tropics are more saline primarily due to the negative precipitation-evaporation (P-E) balance which adds salt; this is key in maintaining the STG/SPG salinity gradient. In the tropics, variability in the P-E balance reflects the changing position of the ITCZ. Interstadials show a negative anomaly due to increased freshening from a northward shifted ITCZ and vice versa. This tendency is largely positive at higher latitudes during interstadials due to increased evaporation associated with warmer temperatures.
The impact of sea ice on salinity is complex and its role differs depending on location. In the Arctic and eastern GIN Seas, sea-ice formation removes freshwater and so increases salinity in these regions. However, in areas of the GIN Seas and SPG sea ice freshens during both stadials and interstadials (Figure 4h). This is due to the seasonal nature of sea-ice; with build up during the winter from freezing of sea water and accumulation from precipitation, which melts in the summer flushing out both frozen sea water and accumulated freshwater. The net impact is a freshening effect. The role of sea ice diminishes across the SPG during interstadials due to retreat of the sea-ice edge. However, in the Nordic and Irminger seas, the tendency becomes more negative due to a decrease in sea ice cover and consequent release of freshwater.
The changing regional roles of the tendencies are key in driving the oscillation. In order to identify what triggers the transitions between stadials and interstadials, Figure 6 shows the timeseries for regional tendencies and different climate variables. Only those tendencies important to each region are shown.
4.1 Stadial period
During stadials, temperatures are cold, sea ice extent is widespread, and the NAC and AMOC are weak. Salinity and ocean temperature in the northern NA are at a minimum due to reduced transport of warm, saline waters from the tropics. Advection is at a minimum in the Nordic Seas but remains high in the Irminger Sea and across the SPG, indicating that advection is predominantly into this region during stadials as indicated by an enhanced Irminger current (Figure 3). The transport of salt is too small to maintain substantial deep-water formation and the increased density gradient indicates a more stratified water column and so convection is at a minimum.
In the Nordic Seas, colder conditions accelerate sea-ice formation, which adds salt and acts as a negative feedback, countering the decline in advection. In the SPG and Irminger Sea, the seasonal nature of sea ice means it freshens these regions. Across the south and central SPG, sea ice acts to freshen more during the stadial as sea ice is more widespread. However, in the EGC and Irminger Sea its role is less negative as colder conditions reduce seasonal sea ice fluctuations.
The tropics exhibit an opposing salinity anomaly due to a decrease in advection out of the tropics and an increase in surface salinity flux. The latter reflects the southward shift of the ITCZ due to the increased meridional temperature gradient. This enhances the negative P-E balance (Figure 3d) and so the tendency is more positive. Due to reduced advection, salt is kept within the STG and advected into intermediate depths, where in contrast to surface waters, subtropical gyre circulation has strengthened (not shown). These factors cause an accumulation of salt in the tropics and an increase in the salinity gradient between the two regions during the stadial (Figure 7). The build-up and collapse of this salinity gradient is crucial in maintaining the oscillation. Note that across the Northern North Atlantic, salinity and AMOC strength increases steadily throughout the stadial (Figure 7). In the Nordic Seas, sea ice growth may play an important role in driving these increases.
4.2 Transition into an Interstadial
The transition into an interstadial is characterised by an increase in both AMOC strength and NA salinity/temperature. Advection decreases within the central SPG and Irminger Seas and increases into the Nordic Seas, indicating a shift in circulation. This shift may be a response to increasing temperatures, so water needs to move further north to lose enough heat to sink. Convection increases in all these regions however, despite reduced advection. In the Nordic Seas sea ice volume decreases to zero, this freshens the region, which acts as a negative feedback to increased advection.
In the Nordic Seas the increase in convection and temperature and decrease in sea ice cover and the density gradient, lead AMOC change by approximately 50 years (Figure 8) indicating this region is key in triggering the interstadial. We do not see a similar lead for any of the other regions. The driver of this may be a wind-driven positive feedback in response to a decrease in sea-ice cover and an increase in sea-level pressure (SLP) across the Nordic Sea (Figure 6a). As regional salinity increases, circulation and temperatures increase, and sea ice cover decreases. Consequently, a negative SLP anomaly develops (Figure 6a), which occurs with the same lead-time as convection, temperature and sea ice changes (Figure 8). This strengthens the Icelandic low and increases regional wind stress curl (Figure 6a). This wind-driven feedback may be the trigger that invigorates convection and circulation in the Nordic Seas, a similar mechanism to that proposed by Klockmann et al. (2020) in the MPI-ESM. This in turn accelerates the NAC, which flushes the anomalously saline waters from the STG into the SPG and Nordic Seas. This causes a rapid increase in salinity and active deep-water formation and the AMOC accelerates. Consequently, there is a rapid decline in the salinity gradient between these regions during the transition (Figure 7).
In contrast, temperatures decrease in the Greenland Sea and EGC during the onset of the interstadial. This is due to an increase in Arctic inflow along the EGC due to enhanced circulation throughout the GIN Seas, which drags cold water from the Arctic into both regions. In the Greenland Sea, this results in a decrease in salt added via advection but a more positive sea ice tendency, which contributes to the positive overall salinity change in the basin. This leads AMOC change by approximately 50 years and highlights the increase in circulation in the region prior to AMOC change.
4.3 Interstadial Period
The interstadial events are comparatively short-lived, characterised by elevated salinity, warm temperatures, a limited sea-ice extent, and a strong AMOC. Advection is high into the Nordic Seas but at a minimum into the Irminger and central SPG. Despite this, salinity and convection remain high across all regions indicating widespread deep-water formation. In the Irminger Sea, reduced advection is replaced by an increase in diffusive processes, responsible for the increase in regional salinity that maintains convection. In the central SPG however, salinity increases due to a decrease in the freshening role of surface and sea-ice processes due to the retreat of the sea-ice margin.
In the tropics, salinity is at a minimum due to a decrease in surface fluxes and an increase in advection out of the basin. The former reflects a northward shift in the ITCZ, which increases precipitation and the P-E balance. As such, the salinity gradient between the Northern NA and STG decreases to a minimum (Figure 7).
4.4 Transition into a Stadial
The transition into a stadial is triggered by the collapse of the salinity gradient between the STG and northern NA during the interstadial (Figure 7). This collapse is a response to increasing freshening from surface fluxes and advection of the salinity anomaly out of the region. Figure 7 shows that the rapid decline in AMOC strength occurs when the salinity gradient falls from a high of between 1.25 and 1.30 PSU (gkg-1) during the stadial to between 0.48 and 0.55 PSU (gkg-1). Between these critical values, the salt required to drive convection and deep-water formation cannot be sustained and so the AMOC rapidly diminishes. This is comparable to the MPI-ESM (Klockmann et al., 2020), in which a gradient of approximately 0.5 gkg-1 was shown to trigger an interstadial.
In response, salt transported via advection shifts from the Nordic Seas to the Irminger Sea/central SPG, and convection decreases across all regions. In the Nordic Seas, sea ice formation accelerates as temperatures decrease, which shifts the Icelandic low southward causing an increase in regional SLP and decrease in wind stress curl (Figure 6a). Circulation in the GIN Seas weakens, which reduces the EGC and drawdown of water from the Arctic, so the Greenland Sea and EGC experience a comparative warming. In the tropics, advection out of the region decreases, and the ITCZ is once again shifted southward. This southward shift decreases the P-E balance and salinity begins to accumulate. The oscillation can then start again.