Chemical composition of feed ingredients
Chemical composition of feed ingredients is presented in Table (1). The detanninated pomegranate peel (DPP) contained lower OM (84.12%), EE (1.62%), NFE (57.72%) and tannins (14.65%) compared with dried pomegranate peel (PP), while DPP recorded higher content of DM (96.75%), CP (5.89%), CF (18.87%), NDF (30.10%), ADF (29.17%), ADL (12.09%), hemicelluloses (1.82%), cellulose (17.07%) and lignin ( 6.89%) than PP.
Chemical constituents of dried peels are almost close to the findings of Taher-Maddah et al. (2012), Kushwaha et al. (2013) and Sadq et al. (2015). Conversely, some differences are uncovered between chemical compositions of PP in the current study in contrast with those shown by Mirzaei-Aghsaghali et al., (2011), Ebrahimi (2012) and Delavar et al., (2014). These differences in the chemical constitution of PP may be produced by different unique materials, growing conditions (geographic, seasonal variations, changes of weather, and land characteristics). Chemical compositions of DPP were in harmony with Kushwaha et al., (2013) thatthey informed that DM (17.63%), ash (3.29%), EE (1.43%), CP (6.43%), CF (24.36%), NDF (28.54%), ADF (26.11%) and lignin (7.59%). Higher chemical compositions in DPP than PP showed that preservation and growth of the above compositions during the detannination process but in case of lower test values in DPP than PP showed that losses of the above components during the detannination process. The summative analysis of concentrate feed mixture; Egyptian clover and wheat straw were in the common range.
Digestibility and nutritive values of tested rations
Date in Table (2) presented the average values of digestibility coefficients and nutritive values of the tested rations. No significant differences were found between the tested rations regarding nutrients digestibility except EE digestibility, where R2, R3, and R4 were superior to R1. The result indicated that CP and CF digestibilies were the highest in R3 compared to other treatment groups. Furthermore, the mean value of OM and EE digestibilies were the highest value was found in R2. Also, DM digestibility was higher value in R2, R3, and R1 than R4 .While, NFED showed higher digestibility in control group (R1) followed by R2, R3, and R4.
Hatami et al., (2018), Sadq et al. (2015) and Jami et al. (2012) discovered that utilizing pomegranate peel helped in improving the digestibility of nutrients in diets in comparison of the control treatment. These scholars stated that the development in digestibility may occur because of the added nutritive value of the PP extract itself and low and moderate (2% − 4.5%) concentrations of condensed tannins in the diet improved production efficiency in ruminants, by growing the flow of non-ammonia nitrogen and essential amino acids from the rumen. In ruminants, a mainly significant positive impact of tannins is dietary protein protection from ruminal microflora attack (McNabb et al. 1996). The high digestibility of ether extract (EED) was discovered in lambs fed 4% PP, due to tannin was protected the ether extract to degrade in the rumen and it escapes and flow rate from rumen into the tiny intestine and it is more fitting to absorption (Patra and Saxena, 2011). These findings may support the obtained results of EE digestibility.
In contrast, Karamnejad et al. (2019), Shaani et al., (2015), Eliyahu et al., (2015), that found feeding PP containing diets brought about a decline in DM, OM, and CP digestibility in comparison of the control. Also, Abarghuei et al. (2013) reported that dietary inclusion of tannin- rich pomegranate peel extract (up to 1200 mg/day) had no influence on the digestibility of DM, OM, NDF, and ADF in dairy cows. The inconsistency among these works might be connected with variations among studies, in the diets used as well as the differences in the amount and type of pomegranate (i.e., the concentration and nature of the active ingredients), and kind of experimental animals, all which can influence digestibility.
Data in Table (2) cleared that no significant differences were obtained between the tested rations for SV, TDN, DCP, DE, ME and NEL.
The R2 and R3 were recorded slightly higher of SV, TDN, and DCP than R4 and R1. The increases in TDN, SV, and DCP value for R2 and R3 may reflect the results of digestibility coefficients of CP, EE, CF, and NFE.
Digestible energy (DE), metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy for lactation (NEL) were deceased with R1 and R4 compared with R2, and R3. The results that obtained by Sadq et al. (2015) in this regard may support our findings they found that the higher TDN, DE, and ME are increased in lambs fed 1% PP compared to lambs fed 0, 2, and 4%.
Milk yield and milk composition
Overall mean values of milk production and composition are shown in Table (3). The R3 was the best ratio for daily milk yield, where R4 showed the worst one. Also, The R3 recorded the highest values of FCM followed by R4 then R1 and finally R2. There are significant differences (p > 0.05) for fat% and total solids % between the tested rations, where the ration four (R4) was the highest value compared with other rations. There are no significant differences (p > 0.05) for solids not fat %, total protein % and lactose % between the tested rations, where the ration two (R2) was the highest value compared with other rations. Moreover, There are no significant effect (p > 0.05) for ash % between the tested rations.
These results of daily milk yield and fat correct milk are inaccord with those got by Safari et al., (2018) and Kotsampasi et al., (2017) who discovered that the diet containing pomegranate peel had no effect on milk yield and FCM. However, Shaani et al., (2015) reported that the addition of ensiled pomegranate pulp mixture (PPM) in the diet of cow reduced milk yield and increased 3.5% fat corrected milk (FCM) compared with the control. Moreover, Abarghuei et al., (2013) indicated that cows fed 800 ml pomegranate peel extract in their diet were significantly increased in milk yield and FCM. Such differences may reflect the effect of animal breed and the differences in the amount and type of pomegranate.
This result is an agreement with the results of Alphonsus and Essien (2012) who found the same relationship between milk fat% and milk yield and the opposite relationship between milk total solids % and milk yield.
Safari et al., (2018) found that the supplementing diet containing pomegranate seed and peel significantly increased milk fat percent and milk fat yield dairy cows, and Shaani et al., (2015) reported that the addition of ensiled pomegranate pulp mixture (PPM) in the diet of cow increased milk fat percent. Such findings may support the obtained results. On the other hand Kotsampasi et al., (2017) who indicated that there were no effects of addition of pomegranate pulp silage on milk fat percent and milk fat yield of lactating dairy cows, Also Abarghuei et al., (2013) found that there is no effect of addition of 800 ml pomegranate peel extract in the diet on milk fat percent, but there were significantly increased in milk fat yield.
These results of milk TS%, and milk TS yield are in accord with those obtained by Kotsampasi et al., (2017) who indicated that there were no effects of addition of pomegranate pulp silage on milk TS% and milk TS yield of lactating dairy cows, Also Abarghuei et al., (2013) indicated that there is no effect of addition of 800 ml pomegranate peel extract in the diet on milk TS %. Moreover, Shaani et al., (2015) and Safari et al., (2018) found that the supplementing diet containing pomegranate peel significantly increased milk TS% and milk TS yield.
Such results nearly similar to that obtained by Safari et al., (2018) found that the supplementing diet containing pomegranate seed and peel significantly increased milk SNF % and milk SNF yield of dairy cows. The contrast trend was found by Kotsampasi et al., (2017) indicated that the addition of pomegranate pulp silage on diet of lactating dairy cows decreased milk SNF % and SNF yield.
Such results were followed the same trend obtained by Abarghuei et al., (2013), Kotsampasi et al., (2017) and Shaani et al., (2015) who indicated that there is no effect of addition of pomegranate peel in the diet on milk TP % and milk TP yield, but Safari et al., (2018) found that the supplementing diet containing pomegranate seed and peel significantly increased milk TP % and milk TP yield of dairy cows.
The obtained results were nearly similar to those obtained by Abarghuei et al., (2013) indicated that there is no effect of addition of 400, 800 and 1200 ml pomegranate peel extract in the diet of dairy cows on milk lactose % and milk lactose yield, Moreover Shaani et al., (2015) reported that the addition of ensiled pomegranate pulp mixture (PPM) in the diet of cow decreased milk lactose %. These results expect R4 contrast to those obtained by Safari et al., (2018) and Kotsampasi et al., (2017) who found that the supplementing diet containing pomegranate peel significantly increased milk lactose % and milk lactose yield.
These results are agreement with those obtained by Safari et al., (2018) found that there is no effect of the supplementing diet containing pomegranate seed and peel on milk ash % and increased milk ash yield of dairy cows, but Kotsampasi et al., (2017) who reported that the addition 75 of pomegranate pulp silage in the diet of dairy cows decreased milk ash % and there is no effect on milk ash yield.
Such finding differences may support the different animal breed and methodology of pomegranate prepared.
Data exhibited in Table (4) showed that overall mean values of milk yield and composition in the different lactation periods
Regarding the effect of milking period, data showed increasing milk yield and FCM from PI to PΠ and then decreasing in PIII. There are significant differences for milk yield between periods of lactation for each ration. Period Π showed the highest yield, but PIII was the lowest one, Abedo et al., (2013) found the same trend with advance of lactation. Concerning the results of the effect of milking period on milk fat %, it was clear that highest value significantly (p ≤ 0.05) was found with PI and PIII compared to PII. Such differences may also reflex the milk yield results, while there are no significant differences (p > 0.05) for milk fat yield.
Data showed that there are important differences for milk total solids % and milk total solids yield between periods of lactation, where the values of milk total solids % of PΠ and PIII were higher than PI; and the value of milk total solids yield of PΠ was higher than PI and PIII. The values of milk total solids % were 14.13, 14.45, and 14.44(g/head/day) for PI, PΠ and PIII, respectively. Also, there are significant differences for both milk SNF %, milk SNF yield, milk TP %, milk TP yield, milk lactose %, milk lactose yield, milk ash % and milk ash yield between periods of lactation, where the values of milk solids not fat % and milk solids not fat yield of PII were higher than and PI and PIΠ.
Milk radical scavenging activity
There are no noteworthy differences (p > 0.05) for antioxidant activity between the tested rations Table (5), where the R3 recorded the highest antioxidant activity followed by R2 then R4 and finally control (R1). These findings are in accord with those obtained by Shabtay et al., (2012) who indicated that the milk from cows fed pomegranate peel extract was higher antioxidant activity than the control, where hydrolyzable tannins are exposed to positively relationship with antioxidant activity and polyphenol content in pomegranate peel and juice (Gil et al., 2000; Tzulker et al., 2007) and In pomegranate, hydrolyzable tannins contain punicalin, ellagic acid, gallagic acid and punicalagin (Gil et al., 2000). Punicalagin has high lipid peroxidation-inhibitory and radical-scavenging activities (Kulkarni et al., 2004), and its health encourging elements might be of significance to the health of the animal which use it (Adams et al., 2006). So, encourage use of milk enriched with antioxidants in human diets to support human health and avoid complaints connected to oxidative stress, including cancers (Serrano et al., 1998).
Feed intake and feed conversion
There are no significant differences for dry matter and energy intake (SV, and TDN) of the tested rations Table (6), while the values of DCP intake were higher significantly (P < 0.05), for R3 and R2 followed by R4 then R1. These findings are in accord with those obtained by Safari et al., (2018) and Kotsampasi et al., (2017) who reported that there is no effect of the addition of pomegranate peel in the diet on dry matter intake, Also, Saeed et al., (2017) indicated that the diet lambs containing low level (1.5%) of PP was higher nitrogen intake compared to the control.
There were no important variations were found in feed conversion of DM, SV, TDN, and DCP between the tested rations Table (6). Regarding feed conversion of DM, SV, and TDN, R4 was insignificantly superior to the other tested rations followed by R3 then R1. Ration two (R2) was the worst one regarding feed conversion. Safari et al., (2018) concluded that milk efficiency of dairy cow fed diet containing pomegranate seed and peel was similar across the control ration.
Some blood serum parameters
No important variations were detected between the tested rations for serum total protein, albumin and globulin Table (7), where all values of them were within the normal range (6.1–7.5, 2.3–3.6 and 2.7–4.4 g/dl, respectively) as found by Boyd (2011). Generally no changes in the blood metabolites (serum albumin, total protein and globulin) suggested that damage to the liver did not occur. These results are an agreement with Hatami et al., (2018) who found that the addition of PEG to the PP diets has no effect on plasma albumin and total protein concentration. However, Safari et al., (2018) indicated that the level of albumin and total protein was lower for cows fed pomegranate by-products than control during postpartum. Also, Khan et al., (2015) found that no significant difference was found in total protein level between control and groups fed PP, while was found increased in albumin level in tested groups compared to the control.
The result indicated that the differences between rations for serum urea and creatinine Table (7) were not significant. The values of serum urea and creatinine were within the normal range (10–50 mg/dl) as reported by Kaneko (1989) and (0.7–1.5 mg/dl) as noticed by Boyd (2011), respectively. Such finding may suggest no negative effect on goat kidneys. Also, it was clear that no significant differences were obtained regarding serum glucose Table (7) of goat fed R1, R2, and R3, but there are significant differences between R4 and other tested rations. The values of serum glucose of the tested rations were within the normal range (48–76 mg/dl) as observed by Boyd (2011).
Table (7) showed no significant changes in AST and ALT levels and the values of serum AST and ALT were within the standard sort (8–40 and 5–30 Unit/dl, respectively) according to (Kaneko, 1989), which indicated the healthy effect of tested additives to goat's diets, where serum levels of AST and ALP are those conventionally used for domestic animal hepatic damagem, Specifically, ALP is used to detect bile obstruction, i.e. mild and progressive damage to the liver (Silanikove and Tiomkin, 1992), whereas liver enzymes like ALT, which is a liver specific hepatocellular enzyme released by hepatocellular damage, is used to assess liver damage (Mahgoub et al., 2008). These results of serum AST and ALT were similar to those obtained by Hatami et al., (2018) who found that the addition of PEG to the PP diets has no effect on plasma AST and ALT concentration. However, Safari et al., (2018) indicated that the level of AST was lower for cows fed pomegranate by-products than control during postpartum. Also, Ramzi, (2016) indicated that the level of AST was highest in lambs fed PP than the control, while ALT level was highest in lambs of the control compared to groups that fed PP in the diet. Such differences may support the effect of animal breed.
There were no significant differences among all groups in the overall means of serum cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, and LDL/HDL ratio Table (7). The obtained results of lipid profiles were similar to Hussein and Shujaa (2013b) they reported that the addition of PP in the diet of Awassi had no effect on cholesterol, and triglyceride concentration. On the other hand, Safari et al., (2018) indicated that the level of cholesterol was lower for cows fed pomegranate by-products than control during postpartum, and Khan et al., (2015) found that total cholesterol and HDL concentration in lambs fed 1% PP were decreased, while triglyceride, LDL concentration, and LDL/HDL ratio increased compared to control group.
Simple economical evaluation of the tested rations
Ration two (R2 ) had higher net revenue and relative percentage of net revenue compared with other tested rations Table (8). The cost of feed consumed for R3 was higher than the other tested rations because of the price of polyethylene glycol was higher, Moreover, R3 showed negatively net revenue. Finally R2 was the best one.