As increasing of growth imbalance caused by hemivertebrae, progression of the curves in coronal and sagittal plane are rapid and relentless [2]. Meanwhile, rotation and translation of apical vertebra were also common and inevitable. The development of a curve is variable depending on the type and site of anomaly, as well as the growth potential of the deformed vertebra. In addition, the rate of deterioration is not uniform and becomes more severe during the growth spurt. After skeletal maturity, severe curves may continue to deteriorate slowly due to misalignment of the spine or the secondary degenerative changes [14]. Previous study has reported that kyphoscoliosis in the thoracolumbar junction often have bad prognosis if no proper intervention were performed [15]. For patients with posterior-lateral double ipsilateral thoracolumbar HV, although this condition is less common, paraplegia is a far greater risk. Besides progressive kyphosis, these vertebral abnormalities may also lead to frontal plane curve and resulted in kyphoscoliosis. Other than the risk of spinal cord compression in apex vertebra site of scoliosis or kyphosis, it produces a compensatory lumbar hyperlordosis causing low back pain. Therefore, surgical treatment usually was required at the early age to prevent further severe deformity.
In spite of the developments by leaps and bounds in spinal surgical technologies in three decades, the surgery of congenital scoliosis due to HV is still controversial. Excision of the HV addresses the deformity directly and allows reliable correction immediately in very young patients. Satisfactory correction and restoration of balance can be achieved [16]. Generally speaking, severe global imbalance is not common if curve located in the thoracolumbar spine. Because of the compensatory space was enough in coronal plane (cranial and caudal) and sagittal plane (thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordorsis). In present study, posterior hemivertebrectomy with unilateral short fusion in patients less than 10 years old were performed. The aim is to preserve vertebral growth potential on the concavity, making for further correction of deformity as spine growth. As for unilateral fusion, previous studies had indicated it was effective and safe for very young children at long-term follow-up [17]. Excision of HV removes the primary cause of the scoliosis, which can achieve immediately good correction. However, for patients more than 10 years old, the curve is stiffer in late adolescent than juvenile; larger gap closure force after HV resection requires solid fixation. Therefore, bilateral transpedicular screw fixation and fusion are indispensable for these patients. Our results showed that correction rate of the major scoliotic and kyphotic curve were 74.2% and 65.3% respectively, which is similar to previously reported results for HV excision [4, 7, 10].
One concern is coronal decompensation after excision of thoraco-lumbar hemivertebre with short fusion. A large series reported by Li, et al showed that the overall rate of coronal decompensation is approximately 10.1%, which including 179 cases in children younger than 5 years. Preoperative lower instrumented vertebra (LIV) translation and postoperative LIV disc angle were identified as two independent risk factors [18]. In our study, there are two cases presented the coronal decompensation. We think too short fusion segment and incomplete excision of proximal HV were main reasons. In young children with CS, fusion span determination relies mainly on optimal correction of scoliosis with solid screws and maximal preservation of spinal mobility and growth potential. However, more failure rates and residual curve progression were found in cases with double ispilateral full segmental HV if too short fusion or partial resection in corrective surgery. It is indicated that radical excision of HV could remove the causes of deformity immediately and stop the curve progressive.
Another concern is neurological complication after HV resection via posterior approach. Aydogan M, et al [7] reported 11 cases with kyphoscoliosis due to HV by hemivertebrectomy and posterior instrumentation. None of the patients exhibited neurological problems associated with surgery. Our results suggest that HV excision in thoraco-lumbar region is not associated with an increased risk of neurological complications. Only in one patient undergoing one stage excision of three HV, intraoperative mild neurological injury was found. Based on our experience, the correction and balancing of congenital thoraco-lumbar curves are more effectively achieved by HV resection than other treatments. It should be undertaken only by those experienced with this technique.
Some cases presented residual curve progression after surgery, which attributed to many factors: multiple malformed vertebra, associated with failure of segmentation, concave fused ribs, improper maneuver, shorter fusion level, incomplete HV resection, as well as implants failure. Shi Z et al investigate the causes of failure in the first operation and the revision procedure for patients with congenital scoliosis due to HV [19]. They suggested that limitations of the primary surgery, no or incomplete resection of HV, improper operation during surgery, improper internal fixation material and fixation scope were main cause of revision surgery. A study including 28 children less than 6 years old with HV were reported by Ruf M et al [20]. They found two patients additional operations were performed because of new developing deformities. One was a bar formation at the operative site and an adjacent segment; another was a new bone mass at the site of the HV excision. They suggested that short fusion may increase the risk of a new deformity and may require re-operation, but this risk was acceptable to minimize the compromise of normal spinal development for very young patients. In our current study, three patients required additional surgery due to residual curve progression during follow-up. They had larger and rigid curve in coronal and sagittal plane before primary surgery. Incompletely excision of proximal HV was the major cause in two cases. Too short fusion and malformed vertebra growth was the major cause in another patient. The revision surgeries were performed and satisfactory outcome were seen at the latest follow up.
In terms of anterior column reconstruction (ACR), a titanium mesh cage was used for anterior column support and fusion in patients who had residual anterior gap after HV resection. Suk et al recommended the application of ACR in which anterior gap greater than 5 mm [21]. Aydogan M et al. [7] reported on 19 patients undergoing HV removal with 15 cases experiencing anterior mesh cage support to fill interbody space. They found anterior support in short segmental fusion could correct thoracolumbar kyphosis and increase the stability. In our cases, six cases showed anterior larger gap after HV excision; and titanium mesh cage were used in order to support anterior column and avoid spinal cord shorten too much. In addition to, it was beneficial to get solid fusion in osteotomies sites.
This study has some limitations. First, it was a retrospective study with the inherent risk of data inaccuracy. Second, small number of patients included and more patients are needed in the future. Finally, this study does not contain results about quality of life in the follow-up. Further study including quality of life and mental health status are needed to performed in the future.