Cell culture and treatment
MLO-Y4 cells, a murine osteocyte-like cell line, MC3T3-E1, a murine preosteoblast cell, were purchased from the Cell Bank of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai, China). Cells were maintained at a density of 2.5 × 106/well in 6-well plates kept in a humidified incubator at 5% CO2 at 37°C. Culture medium consisted of α-modified minimum essential medium (Gibco, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA), supplemented with 1% Glutamax, 0.5% mycoplasma antibiotics, 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco), and 1% penicillin and streptomycin. For the treated group, 1 μg/ml N-g MDP (Catalogue tlrl-gmdp, Invivogen) was applied for 36 h. Both BMSCs preparation and osteogenic induction have been reported before24. Briefly, BMSCs were cultured in osteogenic medium, which involved 10 mM β-glycerophosphate, 10−8 M dexamethasone and 50 µg/ml l-2-ascorbic acid.
All protocols used in our animal experiments were approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of the Central South University and conformed with the ARRIVE guidelines. All methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations.The C57BL/6 female mice were supplied by the Experimental Animal Center of Xiang-Ya Second Hospital. After a week of adjustable feeding, mice in the exposure group were infused with 2 μg N.g MDP dissolved in 100 μl of saline solution once a day for 10 days, and the control group was infused with 10 μl saline only. Both groups were euthanized with an overdose of anesthesia (pentobarbital sodium). We have previously published the details of femur removal24. Investigators were blinded to the group allocation during the experiment and when assessing the outcome.
mRNA/circRNA sequencing
Total RNA was extracted from the samples in Trizol reagent according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Invitrogen). The concentration and purity of each RNA sample were determined using the dsDNA HS Assay kit for Qubit (12640ES76, Yeasen). The quality of the library was determined using an Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (5067-4626, Agilent), and integrity and size were quantified with this kit on an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyser (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). For the mRNA library, mRNA was purified via two rounds of hybridization to Dynal Oligo beads (N411-03, Vazyme). After depleting the samples of ribosomal RNAs, we applied fragmentation buffer (AM8740; Invitrogen) and synthesized cDNA from the fragments using random primers. Following end repair second-strand digestion and adaptor ligation, the purified fragments were PCR amplified. For the circRNA library, total RNA was subjected to ribosomal RNA depletion using the QIAseq FastSelect RNA Removal Kit (333180, QIAGEN). Remaining RNA samples were treated with RNase R (RNR07250; Epicenter) to remove linear RNAs. After preparation of cDNA, the remaining procedures were similar to those for the mRNA library. The library preparation was performed using the VAHTS mRNA-seq V3 Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NR611, Vazyme).
Bioinformatics analysis
TargetScan (http://www.targetscan.org/) software packages were used to predict the potential miRNA targets of the mRNAs. The biological processes involving these genes and KEGG (adjusted P value < 0.05; gene count ≥2) were obtained from the database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery (known as DAVID) (https://david.ncifcrf.gov/) (gene count ≥2). The differentially expressed mRNAs and proteins were visualized using STRING software (https://string-db.org/). The circRNA–miRNA–mRNA interaction network was built by merging the circRNA database (providing by GuangZhou Forevergen Biosciences), differentially expressed genes, and the predicted potential miRNA.
After extraction, RNA (1 μg) was reverse-transcribed (PrimeScript RT kit; TaKaRa, Otsu, Japan) and qPCR performed (SYBR Premix Ex Taq II kit; TaKaRa) using the following primer sequences: Rcan2 forward, 5’-ACCTATGATGAATGTGTGACGT-3’, reverse, 5’ -TTAGCTTCTTCCCTCTGAACTG-3’; Cacnb4 forward, 5’-GTTTTACAGCGGCTGATTAAGT-3’, reverse, 5’ -TAACATCAAACATTTCAGGCGG-3’; Plag1 forward, 5’- CTTTCAGTGGGAAGCCTTGGGATG-3’, reverse, 5’ -GAACGCTGCCGACAGTGAGTG-3’; Lpar6 forward, 5’- ATCGTTTGCATTGCTGTGTGGTTC-3’, reverse, 5’ -GCAGGCTTCTGAGGTATTGTTCCC-3’; Npnt forward, 5’-GGTGATGGAGGACATGCGAATAGG-3’, reverse, 5’ -GTAGGCTGTGGTGTTGGGTTTGG-3’; Lin28b forward, 5’-GGAGACGGCAGGATTTACTGATGG-3’, reverse, 5’ -AATGGCACTTCTTTGGCTGAGGAG-3’; Clock forward, 5’- TTCCTGACCAAAGGCCAGCA-3’, reverse, 5’- CTCGCCGTCTTTCAGCCCTA-3’; Rora forward, 5’- TGGTGGAGTTTGCCAAACGC
-3’, reverse, 5’- TGAGAGTCAAAGGCACGGCA-3’; and β-actin forward, 5’-CAACGAGCGGTTCCGATG-3’, reverse, 5’-GCCACAGGATTCCATACCCA-3’ (all Shanghai Generay Biotech Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China). Cycling conditions for PCR (LightCycler Real-time PCR System, Roche) were as follows: 30 s at 95°C for polymerase activation; 40 cycles of 5 s each at 95°C and of 20 s each at 60°C. Primer specificity was confirmed using melting curves, and the 2-ΔΔCt method was used to analyze the qRT-PCR results.
Western blots
Western blots were performed as previously described23. Briefly, total protein extracts were prepared in RIPA buffer, which contained inhibitors of proteases and phosphatases. After electrophoresis, the SDS-PAGE–separated proteins were transferred to a polyvinylidene fluoride membrane (EMD–Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). The membranes were blocked with QuickBlock (P0252, beyotime) for 20 min and incubated overnight at 4°C in 3% bovine serum albumin (9048-46-8, Sigma-Aldrich) in TBST supplemented with primary antibodies against CLOCK (AF0323, Affinity Biosciences), RUNX2 (ab23981, Abcam), Osteocalcin (PA5-86886, Invitrogen), and β-actin (AM1021B, Abcepta). Immunoreactive bands were detected using an antirabbit peroxidase–conjugated secondary antibody (1:5000; Bioss) and visualized with enhanced chemiluminescence (GE Healthcare, Little Chalfont, UK).
Immunohistochemistry was performed as previously described23. Briefly, right femurs were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24–48 h, decalcified in 10% EDTA for 21 d, and embedded in paraffin. Decalcified right femur sections 5 μm thick were deparaffinized in turpentine, 3% H2O2 was used to suppress endogenous peroxidase activity, and the sections were treated with 0.1% trypsin for antigen retrieval. After incubation with a CLOCK polyclonal antibody (AF0323; 1:100, Affinity Biosciences) overnight, sections were incubated with secondary antibodies. Antibodies were detected by staining with a horseradish peroxidase–conjugated rabbit anti-mouse IgG and diaminobenzidine (GTVision III Detection System/Mo&Rb Kit; Gene Tech, Shanghai, China). Specimens were counterstained with hematoxylin.
Statistical analysis
All experiments were carried out in triplicate. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Statistical significance was considered at P < 0.05 using the Student’s t-test. The results are presented as mean ± standard deviation.