3.1 Precipitation spatial pattern
Figure 1 shows the precipitation climatology for the four databases. For wet (Figs. 1a-d) and dry (Figs. 1e-h) periods, CHIRPS data (Figs. 1b and 1f) underestimates the precipitation in the northwest portion of the AB: an area with lower precipitation (less than 5 mm day-1) appears in the climatology between 3°S-7°S, 75°W-73°W. We can also notice differences in the Andes-Amazon transition region, where the hotspot rainfall regions are located. MSWEP (Fig. 1c) shows three centers of higher precipitation (> 15 mm day-1) in this transitional area, while the other databases (Figs. 1a, 1b and 1d) characterize the precipitation as a narrow band, oriented in the northwest/southeast direction from 8ºS to 18°S, approximately. This difference is most notable at the onset of the rainy season (SON) and its demise (MAM) (not shown).
Despite these differences in the precipitation climatology (Fig. 1), all databases identified the same rainfall AB sub-regimes through the cluster analysis (Fig. 2 and Fig. S1). As in previous studies (e.g., Mayta et al. 2020), six rainfall sub-regimes are defined: the North Amazon Basin (NAB, R1), the Northwest Amazon Basin (NWAB, R2), the Northeast Amazon Basin (NEAB, R3), the Central Amazon Basin (CAB, R4), the Southwest Amazon Basin (SWAB, R5), and the Southeast Amazon Basin (SEAB, R6).
For normalized precipitation (Fig. 2), the four databases identify the same sub-regimes, with the exception of slight differences in the spatial pattern in NAB and NWAB between HYBAM (Fig. 2a) and the others (Figs. 2b-d). Despite these differences, the annual cycle of daily precipitation (Figs. 2e-j) is almost the same for all datasets. For the non-normalized precipitation case (see Fig. S1 in the supplementary material), CHIRPS's misrepresentation of the rainfall in the AB northwestern portion, also identified in the climatology (Figs. 1b and 1f), is even more evident. CHIRPS (Fig. S1b) groups this region together with SWAB, while the other bases classify this region within the central basin sub-regime (R4, CAB). Comparing the spatial distribution of the normalized (Figs. 2a-d) and non-normalized (Figs. S1a-d) precipitation sub-regimes, the largest differences occur for SWAB. This region covers a narrow area in the extreme west of the AB in the non-normalized case (Fig. S1), featuring less seasonality in the annual precipitation cycle (Fig. S1i), with a dry winter and a summer with lower precipitation (~ 5 mm day-1). In the normalized case (Fig. 2), SWAB covers the entire region of hotspots and characterizes a typical monsoonal regime in the precipitation annual cycle (Fig. 2i), with a wet summer (DJF) and a dry winter (JJA). Another difference occurs for the SEAB region, which covers almost the entire southern portion of the basin in the non-normalized case (Fig. S1), although its annual precipitation cycle (Fig. S1j) is very similar to the normalized case (Fig. 2j).
Complementing the cluster analysis (Fig. 2 and Fig. S1), the SI pattern depicted in Fig. 3 also shows that the four rainfall databases capture the seasonality differences of the AB precipitation. In the NWAB, the SI indicates an area of equable rainfall regime (SI between 0.20 and 0.39), with no drier period defined (see NWAB boxplot in Fig. 2e). In the central, eastern and southwestern areas, SI is between 0.4 and 0.59, which indicates rather seasonal regimes, with short drier seasons. In fact, if we compare this result with the precipitation annual cycle obtained by the cluster analysis (Figs. 2g-i), we can observe that for these areas there is a dry period lasting only two to three months during the austral winter. For SEAB, SI indicates a seasonal regime (SI between 0.60 to 0.79), with well-defined wet and dry periods (Fig. 2j).
3.2 KGE comparison
KGE metric (Fig. 4) quantified the performance of each dataset based mainly on remote sensing (CHIRPS, MSWEP and TRMM) compared to observed-derived HYBAM data. Table 2 also shows the average KGE considering the entire basin and for different seasons. Overall, CHIRPS has the highest KGE values (Fig. 4a), considering the entire year (KGE = 0.35). A similar performance is observed for all seasons, except for the May-September and JJA period, in which MSWEP performs better. TRMM is the database with the worst performance (lowest correlation and highest variability ratio of the precipitation across the basin, Figs. 4c, 4f and 4i), with an average KGE of 0.14 considering the entire year.
Table 2
Mean KGE for each precipitation database for each season of the year
All year
For each line, values in bold represent the highest KGE for each season. |
In general, Fig. 4 shows that all databases perform better (higher KGE values) for the AB eastern portion (Figs. 4a-c). It is interesting to note that CHIRPS (Fig. 4a) presents low KGE and underestimates the NWAB precipitation (Fig. 4g), which was already expected due to the previous results of the climatology (Fig. 1) and cluster analysis (Fig. S1).
KGE is also averaged (Table 3) for a representative area of each one of the six sub-regions identified in the cluster analysis. CHIRPS shows poor performance for the NWAB and the best representation of the observed precipitation for the NEAB and SEAB regions. The CHIRPS performance is better at the onset of the rainy season (SON) and for the entire rainy season. On the other hand, MSWEP has the best results for the NAB, NEAB and SEAB regions. For all databases, considering the entire year, the worst KGE values occur for the NWAB (0.073 for CHIRPS, 0.143 for MSWEP and 0.020 for TRMM). In this region, the correlation between CHIRPS, MSWEP and TRMM with HYBAM is low (Figs. 4d-f). CHIRPS (Fig. 4g) underestimates the precipitation, while MSWEP (Fig. 4h) and TRMM (Fig. 4i) overestimate it. In addition, there is a higher precipitation variability ratio for all databases at NWAB.
Table 3
Mean KGE for each AB sub-region
All year
Wet (Oct-Apr)
Dry (May-Sep)
For each column, values in bold represent the highest KGE values for each sub-region for each period |
Low KGE values are also found over the hotspot rainfall regions (SWAB sub-region). MSWEP and TRMM show high variability in this region, mainly during the austral summer. Both datasets also underestimate the precipitation over this region (β < 1 in Figs. 4h-i). Because MSWEP uses TRMM data as an input, the poor representation of the precipitation in this region by the satellite would justify the better performance of CHIRPS for the precipitation in the hotspots. But it is important to observe that CHIRPS also uses TRMM-3B42 in its calibration, but it gives more weight to the gauge data (Funk et al. 2015).
3.3 Rainfall spectral frequencies
Mayta et al. (2020) computed HYBAM precipitation power spectrum for each AB sub-region, with focus on the intraseasonal band (30 to 60 days). In this study, spectral analysis (Fig. 5) is computed for the representative areas of each sub-regime identified in the cluster analysis, considering the entire year. In general, we found similar spectral peaks to those documented in Mayta et al. (2020).
For the NAB region (Figs. 5a-d) only TRMM (Fig. 5d) exhibits an intense and significant peak at the 30 to 60 days intraseasonal band. For all databases, precipitation significantly peaks at a 5 day period, representing the influence of the synoptic scale in NAB. TRMM also depicts a small but statistically significant peak at the 1–3 days scale, which represents, for instance, the sea breeze influence and mesoscale convective complexes in the precipitation in the NAB (Reboita et al. 2010). It is worth mentioning that the frequency of HYBAM is higher than the other databases for all sub-regions, so that the scales of the power versus frequency axis are different for HYBAM.
In the NWAB (Figs. 5e-h), only HYBAM and TRMM exhibit significant peaks at the intraseasonal band, with a maximum at 45 days period for TRMM (which is the mean life cycle of the MJO). Previous studies had already shown that intraseasonal variability induces a precipitation dipole between NWAB and SEAB regions (Mayta et al. 2019), and pronounced peaks in the intraseasonal spectral band are expected. CHIRPS, TRMM and MSWEP databases capture spectral peaks at the 5–10 days band, and this high-frequency peak is not pronounced for HYBAM data. Differences between these databases are also observed in the KGE analysis, which indicates some differences in the rainfall representation over the NWAB region between TRMM, CHIRPS and MSWEP compared to HYBAM (Fig. 4).
For the NEAB region (Figs. 5i-l), the intraseasonal peak barely reaches the 95% significance level (dashed black line) for all datasets. In contrast, all databases peak at the 5 day timescale. The TRMM and MSWEP peaks at the sub-monthly scale (10 to 30 days) also reach the significance curve, which is not observed for CHIRPS and HYBAM data in NEAB. For the CAB region (Figs. 5m-p), as also discovered by Mayta et al. (2020), there are more pronounced high frequency peaks (5–7 days), which were identified by MSWEP, but for HYBAM and TRMM these peaks are lower and barely reach the 95% curve.
In the SWAB (Figs. 5m-p), only HYBAM rainfall peaks significantly at the intraseasonal timescale. For the other databases, high frequency peaks are greater in amplitude than the intraseasonal. The SEAB (Figs. 5q-t) is also affected by the precipitation dipole triggered by the intraseasonal variability in the AB during the SAMS rainy season (Mayta et al. 2020). This region exhibits low-frequency (30 and 60 days) intraseasonal peaks for all databases. With the exception of HYBAM, all the other databases also capture significant sub-monthly peaks in the 20–30 day band. Comparing all AB sub-regions, the SEAB region shows similar spectral peaks for all databases. For SEAB, high frequency energy peaks are less intense in magnitude compared to the other sub-regions and almost not at all significant at the 95% level.
3.4 The intraseasonal precipitation pattern
The rainfall power spectra show significant peaks at the intraseasonal band for almost all AB regions, but differences in the magnitude of these peaks between the different datasets imply different spatial patterns of the intraseasonal precipitation. Figures 6 and 7 depict composites of band-pass filtered rainfall in the low frequency intraseasonal band (30–90 days) for wet and dry periods, respectively, for the OMI (Kiladis et al. 2014) convective index phases. This MJO index was chosen because it is better able to capture the MJO impacts on the AB precipitation, as shown by Mayta et al. (2020).
During the wet period (Fig. 6), for all databases there is a precipitation dipole between the NWAB (Figs. 6a-d) and the SEAB (Figs. 6i-l) for the OMI phases 8 and 1 and 4 and 5. According to Grimm (2019), the MJO active phase over South America (phases 8 and 1) induces a precipitation dipole between the SACZ region (which includes SEAB) and the SESA, favoring the rainfall in the southern portion of the AB. This pattern was detected by all databases. It is interesting to note that CHIRPS presents negative precipitation anomalies during phases 8 and 1 over the NWAB (Fig. 6b). These anomalies are less intense than the anomalies for the other databases, which once again confirms the deficiency of CHIRPS in representing the precipitation in this AB portion. Through the KGE analysis, CHIRPS also presented an overall underestimation of the rainfall in the NWAB region (Fig. 4a).
For the inactive MJO phase in South America (phases 4 and 5, Figs. 6i-l) during the wet season, the pattern is of positive anomalies of outgoing long-wave radiation over the central-eastern portion of the continent (Vera et al. 2018; Grimm 2019). This pattern induces negative rainfall anomalies across the southern and eastern AB regions and positive ones in the NWAB. The extent of these positive precipitation anomalies over the NWAB is greater for HYBAM (Fig. 6i) and MSWEP (Fig. 6k), smaller for TRMM (Fig. 6l), and the anomalies are weaker for CHIRPS (Fig. 6j). For TRMM, the suppressed convection over the basin in phases 4 and 5 is represented by intense negative precipitation anomalies over almost the entire basin extension (with the exception of the NWAB).
In general, for the transition MJO phases (phases 2, 3, 6 and 7) in the wet season (Fig. 6e-h and Figs. 6m-p), the pattern of the anomalies is similar for all databases. However, there is an exception for a narrow area over the NWAB western edge, where CHIRPS and TRMM provide larger positive anomalies in phases 2 and 3 (Figs. 6f and 6h) and negative ones in phases 6 and 7 (Figs. 6n and 6p). For this region, HYBAM and MSWEP intraseasonal anomalies are weaker.
During the dry period (Fig. 7), the discrepancy between CHIRPS and TRMM anomalies at the northwest edge of the basin is observed when compared to HYBAM and MSWEP. CHIRPS provides intense negative precipitation anomalies for phases 4 and 5 (Fig. 7i) and phases 6 and 7 (Fig. 7n) in the NWAB region (and positive in phases 8 and 1, Fig. 7b, and phases 2 and 3, Fig. 7f), which is also observed for TRMM. It is worth mentioning that these CHIRPS results may also be a reflection of its low performance in NWAB for the dry period, as already indicated by the KGE analysis (Table 3).
With the exception of NWAB, in general, the databases agree closely as to the representation of the intraseasonal rainfall in all the AB regions for the dry period (Fig. 7). For the wet period (Fig. 6) there is a greater similarity between the intraseasonal precipitation pattern for the HYBAM and MSWEP data in all OMI phases.
3.5 Diurnal variability
To complete the comparisons of the precipitation between different databases at different timescales, the rainfall diurnal variability is compared for TRMM and MSWEP. Figure 8 shows the comparison of the precipitation diurnal cycle for three locations in the AB: Manaus (GoAmazon campaign), Rondônia state in Brazil (TRMM-LBA campaign), and a site located in the Andes region (Huayao station data).
At the GoAmazon station (Fig. 8b), the precipitation peak occurs around 18:00 UTC according to the GoAmazon radar. The precipitation rate peak in TRMM data also occurs at 18:00 UTC, but there the maximum intensity is underestimated. In general, the TRMM diurnal cycle underestimates the diurnal observed precipitation by about 0.55mm. MSWEP represents the magnitude of the rainfall peak well, but its maximum occurs 3h before the observed peak by the radar. This fact contributed to a lower KGE between the estimated diurnal cycle by MSWEP compared to the radar (Fig. 8a). Although the accumulated precipitation of the MSWEP diurnal cycle is almost the same as that observed (the difference between the radar diurnal accumulated rainfall and that of MSWEP is only 0.03mm), the anticipation of the rainfall peak by MSWEP makes its KGE (KGE = 0.61) lower compared to TRMM (KGE = 0.71), which better represents the observed curve of the diurnal cycle (Fig. 8b).
For the LBA networks (Figs. 8c-e), the diurnal cycle, previously described by Marengo et al. (2004), is represented well by MSWEP and TRMM during the morning, as expected, due to the strong dependence of the MSWEP estimate on the TRMM results. However, considerable differences occur by the end of the afternoon, when the deep convection is well organized. For N2 site (Fig. 8c), MSWEP satisfactorily represents the observed rainfall curve, but again the precipitation peak occurs 3h in advance compared with the observations. The opposite occurs for TRMM, which overestimates the precipitation during the morning, but the peak of the rainfall coincides with that observed at 21:00 UTC. At N3 (Fig. 8d), the MSWEP precipitation rate is nearly two orders of magnitude larger than that observed at 18:00 UTC in the LBA data. In fact, the worst KGE result for MSWEP is for N3 (Fig. 8a). At N4 (Fig. 8e), a first low rainfall rate peak is observed in the early morning (9:00 UTC), which is registered at 6:00 UTC for TRMM and MSWEP. A second and more intense peak occurs in the afternoon (18:00 UTC), which is also observed in the MSWEP data, while TRMM overestimates by three times the maximum hourly precipitation and shows this peak 3h later than observed (at 21:00 UTC). For LBA data, in general, MSWEP represents the magnitude of the precipitation in the morning well, but it overestimates the rainfall in the afternoon and night, while TRMM overestimates rainfall rates throughout the day, but it “hits” the rainfall peak time.
At the Huayao station in the Andes region (Fig. 8f), as shown by Saavedra et al. (2020), the precipitation rate peaks around 00:00 UTC. This maximum is also observed in the TRMM data, which greatly underestimates the rainfall peak. MSWEP, on the other hand, represents the magnitude of the maximum hourly precipitation, but again indicates the peak 3h before the observed precipitation. From 09:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC, the Huayao station recorded almost no precipitation, similarly to TRMM and MSWEP.