The study conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the review board/ethics committee of the Peking University Third Hospital. A review of all patients was conducted and informed consents were obtained from the participants.
The methods and cohort have been published in previous study[15] and briefly described here. The cases in this study came from a cohort project - Peking University Third Hospital Ectasia Cornea Disease Cohort Project, which is a single center prospective cohort based on the outpatient of Peking University Third Hospital and was established in 2013, all cases of the cohort were from the patients who came to Peking University Third Hospital Eye Center seeking refractive surgeries and consented to join in the cohort study.
All patients had a series of ocular examinations including corrected distance visual acuity and near vision, the slit lamp biomicroscopy for anterior and posterior segment. Demographic information of these cases such as ages, history of refractive error, ocular surgery history, and family history were recorded. Besides, Sirius (Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici, Florence, Italy), Pentacam HR (Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany), and Allegro Topolyzer (Alcon Inc., TX, USA) were used for every cases. All the examination results of the patients were analyzed by a professor who is also the chief-surgeon of refractive surgery and decided whether the subject is suitable for refractive surgeries. All cases were followed up regularly in the first 6 months and the necessary examinations were applied at the visit. All the data files of baseline and the follow-ups were collected by an assigned employer and the data was input in Microsoft Excel data frame by two assistants.
To the date of 2018.12.31, total 171 cases (278 eyes) were conformed to the inclusion criteria of this study in the cohort project database, the inclusion criterion and exclusion criterion as follows:
Inclusion criterion: In this study, all cases were selected from the cohort project database. All cases were diagnosed as ‘suspect KC’ by Sirius or the final D value reported as ‘yellow or red’ by Pentacam Belin/Ambrósio Display (BAD-D), and those have stable refraction and vision without any signs of cornea ectasia after at least 2 years of follow-up after laser corneal refractive surgeries (LASEK, FS-LASIK or SMILE).
Exclusion criterion: Eyes with incomplete baseline information, or without records of follow-up.
Keratoconus diagnosis: referred the criterion[3], clinical diagnosis for keratoconus by one chief professor doctor based on comprehensive judgment. Those eyes diagnosed with KC were excluded from any corneal refractive surgeries.
All the auxiliary examinations for cases in the cohort project database were repeated for 3-4 times, including Sirius, Pentacam, and Toplyzer. In this study, we compared the cornea horizontal diameter measured by Toplyzer, central cornea thickness measured by Sirius or Pentacam, and ThkMin (minimum thickness) in Sirius or Pentacam, between the ‘normal eyes’ and ‘TSK eyes’ defined by Sirius and Pentacam respectively.
Variables of tomography in this study:
Usually, variables of corneal tomographers are marked in different colors according to different range of values.
In Sirius, SIf (symmetry index of front corneal curvature) < 0.85 (white), 0.85-1.25 (yellow), > 1.25 (red); SIb (symmetry index of back corneal curvature) < 0.22 (white), 0.22-0.37 (yellow), > 0.37 (red); KVf (keratoconus vertex front) < 15um (white), >= 15um (red); KVb (keratoconus vertex back) < 15um (white), >= 15um (red); BCVf (Baiocchi Calossi Versaci front) < 0.80 (white), 0.80-1.20 (yellow), > 1.20 (red); BCVb (Baiocchi Calossi Versaci back) < 0.80 (white), 0.80-1.20 (yellow), > 1.20 (red).
In Pentacam, the difference index comparing with normal cornea including Df (deviation of front elevation difference map), Db (deviation of back elevation difference map), Dp (deviation of average pachymetric progression index), Dt (deviation of minimum thickness), Da (deviation of Ambrosio’s Relational Thickness maximum), D (Belin/Ambrosio enhanced ectasia total derivation value).
Df: Deviation of front elevation difference map. The value Df is normalized to its mean value and is reported as the standard deviation from the mean. The value is color coded based on its variation from the norm: White: within normal limits; Yellow: >=1.6SD from the mean, suspicious; Red: >=2.6SD from the mean, abnormal.
Db: Deviation of back elevation difference map. The value Db is normalized to its mean value and is reported as the standard deviation from the mean. The value is color coded based on its variation from the norm: White: within normal limits; Yellow: >=1.6SD from the mean, suspicious; Red: >=2.6SD from the mean, abnormal.
Dp: Deviation of average pachymetric progression. The value Dp is normalized to its mean value and is reported as the standard deviation from the mean. The value is color coded based on its variation from the norm: White: within normal limits; Yellow: >=1.6SD from the mean, suspicious; Red: >=2.6SD from the mean, abnormal.
Dt: Deviation of minimum thickness. The value Dt is normalized to its mean value and is reported as the standard deviation from the mean. The value is color coded based on its variation from the norm: White: within normal limits; Yellow: >=1.6SD from the mean, suspicious; Red: >=2.6SD from the mean, abnormal.
Da: Deviation of ARTmax. The value Da is normalized to its mean value and is reported as the standard deviation from the mean. The value is color coded based on its variation from the norm: White: within normal limits; Yellow: >=1.6SD from the mean, suspicious; Red: >=2.6SD from the mean, abnormal.
D: Total Deviation value. The five parameters (Df, Db, Dp, Dt, Da) are taken into account and a regression analysis is performed against a standard data base of normal and keratoconic corneas. The results are displayed color coded: White: within normal limits; Yellow: >=1.6SD from the mean, suspicious; Red: >=3.0SD from the mean, abnormal.
Statistical analysis
Statistical description includes calculation of the mean, standard deviation, 95% confidence interval. Unpaired student t test was used for cornea horizontal diameter and cornea thickness and Chi square test was used for ratio. Statistical significance was defined as P<0.05. All the eligible data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Version 26 statistic software (IBM SPSS Inc. Chicago, Illinois, USA). And the figures were made by GraphPad Prism 8.0.2 (GraphPad Software, Inc. San Diego, California, U.S.)