The results and observations of this study have evidenced support to the notion that loss of FANCD2 and associated protein (in the DNA damage repair pathway) are associated with malignant transformation in OED. The lower, statistically significant, expression of post-translationally modified proteins in T OED when compared to NT OED is indicative of inactivation of the pathways and was a more accurate predictor of malignant transformation than clinical parameters such as smoking history and site. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining for FANCD2 coupled with a binary dysplasia score could correctly predict malignant transformation in 10/17 initial biopsy samples obtained prior to transformation, with a ‘false positive’ rate of 2/23 non-transforming OED biopsies. This performed better than dysplasia grading alone, either as a binary score or the current WHO classification. The significantly different rates of malignant transformation in between patients with low FANCD2 (83%) expression and higher FANCD2 (25%) expression further validate its potential utility in the clinical setting in determination of the risk of carcinogenesis. The data of Rudland et al (11) indicates that cytoplasmic as well as nuclear staining may be prognostic, but their complicated system for scoring extent and intensity of staining was not appropriate for our samples which were generally small in nature. There could be scope for future validation studies to utilise resection specimens if necessary, however there is generally some degree of heterogeneity in tissue architecture/grade of dysplasia and interpretation of these findings require further thought and definition of the scoring criteria utilised. Both CHK1 and CHK2 phosphorylate the FANCD2 protein at different sites, but only phosphorylation of the s331 residue activates the protein complex. Upstream, the ATR pathway is of interest because when CHK1 is phosphorylated, it in turn activates FANCD2 by phosphorylation.
The loss of FANCD2 expression has to be viewed within the context of the presence of OED or OSCC, hence the importance of including the grade of OED (or diagnosis of OSCC) into the FANCD2-OED Risk Score (Table 6.5). In several anonymised normal oesophageal control samples(Figure 6.3) the expression of FANCD2 was not observed similar to the normal oral epithelium (obtained from the margins of resected OSCC/OED specimen) (Figure 6.1A). This suggests that in the absence of OED or OSCC, the lack of FANCD2 expression would indicate that the Fanconi Anaemia Pathway has not been activated. The difference in these normal controls with transforming OED is that quite consistently the post-translational modifications e.g. pATR, pChk1, pFANCD2(s331) and pFANCG(s7) have all been preserved in the control specimen. These warrants further investigation in order to explain the mechanism of the Fanconi Anaemia Pathway in normal and diseased tissue within the context of the process of carcinogenesis.
In this analysis, moderate dysplasia was classified together with mild dysplasia as ‘low risk’ while severe dysplasia was classified as ‘high risk’. Other researchers have classified moderate dysplasia as ‘high risk’, but recent discussion in the literature suggests that both suggested binary classifications are simplistic (33, 34). Alternative suggestions for binary classification of oral dysplastic lesions rely heavily on pathological interpretation, which could be prone to intra and inter-observer reliability problems (35, 36). It is acknowledged, therefore, that the proposed histopathology/IHC classification in its current format will have skewed the moderately dysplastic lesions in this study towards higher FANCD2-OED scores and is thus prone to false negatives, although it still performed better than histopathology alone. Its strength may be in identifying lesions which will NOT transform, but development into a routine, clinical test requires a more robust definition of reduced immunostaining utilising data from a larger number of transforming and non-transforming lesions. This study is best categorised as proof-of-concept as the design and the cohort are not adequate for a robust prognostic biomarker study. One of our observations was that lichenoid-type inflammatory reactions were seen in the lamina propria of some OED and various carcinomas. These are regarded as secondary and/or host response(s) to changed antigenic profile of dysplastic or tumoral epithelium, and not specifically related to the condition oral lichen planus.
When the NT and T groups were compared, there were significant differences in site, smoking aetiology and appearance between the two cohorts. These are such strong predictors of transformation in our modest cohort that it was impossible to adequately match the two groups. The validity of diagnosis of the grade of OED from an incisional biopsy could potentially be questioned as the issue of heterogeneity of OED especially in a large lesion is a valid consideration. In the Liverpool Oral Dysplasia MDT clinic, the biopsy of OED lesions is carried out by senior surgical members of the team where the area of most clinical concern is sampled. Experience in our practice would suggest that concordance of initial biopsy and definitive histopathology diagnoses were very high and had not adversely impacted on patient outcomes. This was demonstrated in the reported cohort of patients where patients who have their OED excised did not have their grade of OED upgraded but the more often scenario was that the area with the most severe grade of OED has been completely excised by the incisional biopsy. Therefore, the findings observed for FANCD2 immunohistochemistry and Western blotting were valid from the statistical and clinical perspectives.
Six of the twenty-three NT lesions (that we would have expected to transform) were totally excised – therefore some of the differences observed between NT and T groups might potentially relate to the method of treatment rather than the inherent cancer risk of the sample (Table 6.3) This could be a reflection that there is such strong prescription bias on grade and/or clinical features of lesions that it would be impossible to adequately match the cohorts.
The median follow-up period was less in the NT vs the T group [3.4 years (range 0 - 14 years) vs 6.9 (range 1 – 21 years)], and this may partially explain the observation of NT OED lesions with low (≤1) FANCD2-OED scores, one of whom had only been followed for 19 months, and T OED lesions with high (≥2) FANCD2-OED scores, 6 of which were obtained more than 3 years prior to transformation. These data may give some indication as to the sensitivity of this technique for prediction of malignant transformation prior to the event. For example, of the 6 T OED patients in whom we had non-neoplastic tissue from an intermediate timepoint, we observed that the FANCD2-OED scores decreased in 2 patients (from ≥2 to ≤1 in both cases) and remained static in 4 patients (3/4 of whom scored ≤1 at the initial biopsy), with all the OSCC from these patients scoring 0 (n=5) or 1 (n=1).
It has been reported that phosphorylated proteins are more labile, and that epitope degradation can occur within 30 minutes of ischaemia in formaldehyde (37) leading to loss of certain post-translational modifications (PTMs), specifically phosphorylation. Utilising the protein extraction protocol described in this study, the expression of PTMs has been shown to be consistently down-regulated across 4 different phosphorylation sites (ATR (s428), CHK1 (s317), FANCD2 (s331) and FANCG (s7)) in biopsy tissue destined to transform (T-OED) compared with that which was not (NT-OED). This finding is significant given the lack of availability of fresh tissue collections from cohorts of dysplasia patients and suggests that PTM biomarkers of transformation may be developed for FFPE tissue. This could potentially be used to influence treatment decisions in clinical practice or when utilised within the context of a clinical trial in the management of OED to stratify treatment/intervention arms.
The hypothesis that malignant change in OED involves alteration of the FA pathway is supported by both our immunohistochemistry and western blotting data. These reinforce the previously described differences observed in the appearance and site of OED in these two groups of patients(1) but are not simply a reflection of these differences as no associations were observed between site or appearance of lesion and PTM of these proteins. Samples from T OED lesions showed significant reduction in the phosphorylation of ATR, CHK1, FANCD2 and FANCG in comparison to non-transforming samples, indicating a lack of ATR-CHK1 activation following DNA damage and/or replicative stress. It may be argued that these observations are due to a lack of stimuli in the transforming group as they have a preponderance of non-smokers, but analysis of our data does not support this as no significant difference in PTM expression was observed between smokers and non-smokers. The ability of CHK1 to phosphorylate several functionally important sites for optimal function and activation of the FA pathway appears to be compromised in these patients which, it is proposed, will lead to the impairment of the functionality of the FA core complex and lead to a reduction in subsequent HRR activity (20, 25, 29, 38). In contrast, non-transforming samples showed high levels of FANCD2 s331 and FANCG s7 phosphorylation, indicating that these sites were successfully phosphorylated by activated CHK1, and could function effectively in DNA repair, thus reducing the burden of DNA damage in these cells and reducing the risk of malignant transformation.
FANCD2 monoubiquitylation, which is thought to be promoted by ATR-CHK1 mediated FANCD2 phosphorylation (19, 30), is a critical step in FA pathway activation(29, 39) and evidence suggests that a reduction in FANCD2 monoubiquitylation has a greater influence on genomic instability than down regulation of FANCD2 expression (40). In our study, it was observed that transforming samples have lower levels of FANCD2 monoubiquitylation (FANCD2 L expression) compared to non-transformers, and interestingly, they consistently displayed lower levels of total FANCD2 expression. These findings agree with our concurrent immunohistochemistry data where we observed a lack of FANCD2 protein expression in T-OED compared with NT-OED lesions.
The direct evaluation of the DNA sensing-signalling-damage repair cascade in OED has not been previously reported, although there is recent evidence that individuals with reduced, systemic, double strand break repair capacity are more prone develop to head and neck cancer (38). It has been suggested that activation of DNA damage response might be protective in the early stages of oral carcinogenesis, but progressive
deregulation over time could eventually result in the failure to suppress malignant transformation(41). The results of the current study indicate that additional evaluation of these pathways is worthwhile to understand their capability to predict malignant transformation in OED at the initial diagnostic biopsy, especially as time to transformation may be as long as 7 years (1, 3). Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) status at putative tumour suppressor gene loci (3p14, 9p21, 9p22 and 17p13) is currently the most reliable predictor in malignant transformation in OED (42-44) and there is evidence to suggest that LOH is secondary to homologous recombination deficiency/DNA damage repair deficiencies at 15 cancer sites, including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (45), indicating a possible link with the current data.
In the process of validating the FANCD2-OED Risk score, a multi-centred setting with larger sample size would be desired, to control for as many variables as possible matched for smoking, clinical appearance, age and management (surveillance vs excision). This would with the numbers needed to treat analysis inform the sensitivity and specificity requirements of the potential for the FANCD2-OED Risk score to serve as a potential biomarker for malignant transformation in OED(46). This should explore possibilities of refining the processes presented in this study, to streamline the diagnostic pathway so that clinical application would be feasible and cost effective. It remains to be seen if the FANCD2-OED Risk score could be more accurate in the prediction of malignant transformation when compared to loss of heterozygosity(47), or perhaps they could be utilised jointly. This could inform the development of future novel treatment strategies in the management of OED.