High-resolution proteomics of salivary glands
A total of 218 proteins with at least two unique peptides (95% confidence per peptide) were identified in uninfected A. aegypti SG (Table S1). To identify proteins, we used a custom protein database including annotated proteome database from VB and UniProt as well as de novo proteome data (unpublished) generated from our previous work on A. aegypti SG transcriptome collected at the same time point from the same mosquito colony 16. This custom protein database is unique to our study conditions with the A. aegypti Singapore strain. We identified five newly annotated proteins which included one putative-C-type lectin, one 18.6 kDa secreted protein, one uncharacterized (no homolog in Drosophila melanogaster) protein, one aggrecan core-like protein and one 34 kDa salivary protein. A large majority (175 out of 218) of the proteins that we detected were also found in the only other high-resolution SG proteomic analysis 32 (Fig. S1a). Discrepancies between the studies may stem from different starting protein amounts, mosquito colonies and mosquito age at collection. Signal peptides (SP), which directs proteins to the secretory pathways 45, may indicate secretion into saliva. We detected 71 SP-proteins (32.57% of all proteins), among which 39 were previously found in A. aegypti saliva 27 (Fig. S1b). Of note, proteins could also be secreted by non-classical pathways 45,46 as exemplified by SGS1 that do not have an SP but is detected in saliva 27. Hereafter, proteins with a SP (including the secreted SGS1) were categorized as secretory proteins, whereas non-SP proteins were considered as cellular proteins.
Among the annotated proteins, 31 had a putative function in ribosome, stress and mitochondria (RSM), 30 in metabolism (MET), 23 in replication, transcription, translation (RTT) and 19 in cytoskeleton (CS). Most of these (97 out of 103) did not have a SP (Fig. 1a, b). There were also seven proteins related to proteolysis (PROT), two related to polysaccharide digestion (DIG), seven related to transport (TRP), 30 related to diverse functions (DIV) and 51 had unknown functions (UNK) (Fig. 1a, 1b; Table S1). Interestingly, there were 11 proteins related to immunity, including three serpins (SRPNs), one serine protease, four C-type lectins (CTLs), two fibrinogen related protein (FREPs) and one lysozyme (LYS) (Table S1). We did not detect proteins related to signaling of the canonical immune pathways. Seven proteins were related to blood-feeding (BF) and included two D7 proteins, two apyrases, one ADA, a prosialokinin precursor and one odorant binding protein (OBP) (Fig. 1a, 1b; Table S1). All immunity- and BF-related proteins had a SP (Fig. 1a, 1b; Table S1).
Salivary gland proteome response to DENV2, ZIKV or CHIKV infections
Owing to the different EIP for flaviviruses and alphaviruses 10,12, SG were dissected at 14 days post oral infection (dpi) for DENV2 and ZIKV, and at seven dpi for CHIKV. Blood inocula resulted in 100 % of infected SG at the collection time, as determined previously 16. Controls for DENV2 and ZIKV, and for CHIKV were dissected at the corresponding times post uninfectious blood feeding. Using iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomics, we found 35, 17 or 16 upregulated, and 23, 10 or 13 downregulated proteins by DENV2, ZIKV or CHIKV infection, respectively (Fig. 2a, 2b; Fig. S2, Table S2). Detection of the corresponding viral proteins in the SG proteome further confirmed infection.
Seven proteins were commonly regulated by all infections (Fig. 2a, 2b; Table S2). Among them, immunity-related GILT-like (AAEL004873), BF-related ADA (AAEL026165), two proteins without conserved functional domains named SGS1 (AAEL09993) and SGBAP (AAegL5.3 AAEL019996/ NCBI GenBank Accession No. EAT45119.1 47, ABF18177.1 48) were upregulated by all three virus infections (Fig. 2a, 2b; Table S2). The BF-related D7 protein (AAEL006424) and immunity-related CTL25 (AAEL000556) were upregulated by ZIKV infection and downregulated by DENV2 and CHIKV infections. Finally, the immunity-related SRPN23 (AAEL002704) was increased by CHIKV infection and decreased by both flaviviral infections (Table S2). All regulated proteins except SGS1 have a SP.
Among the secretory proteins, immunity and BF related proteins were the most regulated ones (Fig. 2c; Table S2). Among the immunity proteins, SRPN25 (AAEL007420) increased upon DENV2 and CHIKV infections, while SRPN26 (AAEL003182) was only increased by DENV2 infection. CTL16 (AAEL000533) and CTL25 (AAEL00556) decreased with DENV2 infection and increased with ZIKV infection, whereas CTL21 (AAEL011408) only increased upon ZIKV infection. C-type lysozyme (LYSP, AAEL009670) and FREP20 (AAEL000726) were reduced by DENV2 and ZIKV infections, while FREP22 (AAEL000749) was reduced upon DENV2 infection only. BF-related proteins included two apyrases (AAEL006347, AAEL006333) upregulated by DENV2 and CHIKV infections, one D7 protein (AAEL007394) downregulated by DENV2 and CHIKV infections, another D7 protein (AAEL006417) downregulated by CHIKV infection, a prosialokinin precursor (AAEL000229) downregulated by ZIKV infection, and a 34 kDa salivary protein (AAEL003600) downregulated by both DENV2 and CHIKV infections.
Among the cellular proteins, MET-related proteins were the most regulated (Fig. 2d; Table S2). Within the glycolytic pathway, seven proteins (glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, AAEL012994; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, AAEL016984; enolase, AAEL024228; triosephosphate isomerase, AAEL002542; phosphoglycerate kinase, AAEL004988; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, AAEL005766; and pyruvate kinase, AAEL014913) were upregulated by DENV2 infection and two (AAEL016984, AAEL014913) by CHIKV infection. Within the TCA cycle, three proteins (aconitase, AAEL012897; two malate dehydrogenases, AAEL007707, AAEL008166) were upregulated by DENV2 infection, while another malate dehydrogenase (AAEL008166) was upregulated by CHIKV infection. Two proteins related to fatty acid metabolism (pyruvate carboxylase, AAEL009691; saposin, AAEL003046), one protein related to energy metabolism (arginine kinase, AAEL009185) and one related to amino acid metabolism (aspartate amino transferase, AAEL002399) were upregulated by DENV2 infection. Another protein related to amino acid metabolism (pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase, AAEL005422) was downregulated by ZIKV infection (Table S2).
Among RSM-related proteins, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI, AAEL002501) was commonly upregulated by both flaviviral infections. However, another PDI (AAEL000641) was uniquely downregulated by DENV2 infection alone. Thioredoxin reductase (AAEL002886) and 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (AAEL0010697) were commonly upregulated by DENV2 and CHIKV infections. Few other RSM-related proteins were uniquely regulated by all three infections (Table S2). The weak overlap between infections indicates an overall virus-specific response at the protein level in SGs.
Functional evaluation of virus-induced proteins in SGs
To determine the function of the four upregulated proteins (i.e., SGBAP, SGS1, ADA and GILT-like) on DENV2, ZIKV or CHIKV infections, we depleted these proteins in SGs by RNAi-mediated gene silencing (silencing efficiency ranged from 48.7–73.9%; Fig. S3). DsRNA (dsCtrl) targeting the bacterial gene LacZ was injected as control. To study the impact of gene depletion in SG only, we bypassed the midgut barrier by infecting mosquitoes through intra-thoracic inoculation with an inoculum enabling an increase or a decrease in infection 16. At 8 days post inoculation (dpin) with DENV2 and ZIKV, and 4 dpin with CHIKV, we quantified gRNA in SGs and calculated infection prevalence (defined as percentage of infected SG) and infection intensity (measured as viral gRNA copies per infected SG). We used different mosquito batches to test the different genes, and because we observed that infection in control mosquitoes varied between batches (Fig. 3–5), infection outputs were compared within batches.
For all three viruses, infection prevalence was not altered by any gene silencing (Fig. 3–5). Of note, infection prevalence was 100% for ZIKV and CHIKV, thereby preventing observation of a pro-viral effect with this parameter. Interestingly, gene silencing altered infection intensity in a virus-specific manner. DENV2 infection intensity was increased by SGBAP depletion (Fig. 3). ZIKV infection intensity increased upon SGBAP and GILT-like depletions, and decreased upon SGS1 depletion (Fig. 4). CHIKV infection intensity was higher when SGBAP and ADA were depleted (Fig. 5). By studying SG proteins with uncharacterized impact on infection, we identified the virus-specific function of GILT-like, SGS1 and ADA, and the broad antiviral function of SGBAP (Table 1).
Table 1
Functions of commonly regulated proteins on DENV2, ZIKV and CHIKV infection in salivary glands
Gene name
Gene ID
Fold change regulation
Salivary gland broad antiviral protein (SGBAP)
Salivary gland surface protein 1 (SGS1)
No effect
No effect
Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
No effect
No effect
Gamma interferon responsive lysosomal thiol-like (GILT-like)
No effect
No effect