To our knowledge, this is the first study to implement and describe an individually tailored programme of intense leg resistance and dynamic exercise using evidence-based prescription guidelines for adults after acute LPD. The findings indicate the intervention was acceptable to participants and larger scale research evaluating this intervention is feasible.
Compared to other UK studies of non-surgical treatment after acute patellar dislocation, the eligibility rate of 68.2% is greater than Armstrong et al. (43) (19.5%) but less than Smith et al. (16) (89.3%). To reflect normal clinical practice at the participating centre, LPDs were diagnosed if reduced by paramedics or following orthopaedic clinician assessment. On assessment, most participants had medial patellofemoral complex tenderness, patellar apprehension, a knee haemarthrosis or effusion, and a convincing history of LPD. As these findings regularly form LPD diagnostic criteria in other studies (16, 43, 44), we are confident our eligibility approach helped recruit a clinically representative sample while preserving internal validity.
All eligible patients were recruited indicating the study intervention and procedures were prospectively acceptable to participants. We recruited 3.9 participants per month, more than previous studies of non-surgical treatment after acute patellar dislocation (16, 43, 45). However, this was a single-centre study with research nurse support for patient screening and recruitment. Similar recruitment levels may not be achieved in centres without this level of support, so caution is required if estimating recruitment for future multicentre studies based on our findings.
The low attrition and positive responses to our study-specific questionnaire indicate the study intervention and procedures were acceptable to participants, but we acknowledge reliability and validity of our questionnaire has not been established. 13% attrition at three months compares favourably with 26% attrition at six weeks in the only RCT that compared exercise-based interventions after patellar dislocation (16). As attrition is the main uncertainty of a future RCT, a feasibility study with longer follow-up and sample size to estimate attrition with increased precision is required. Future studies should consider offering electronic follow-up as some participants reported this as their preferred follow-up method, and introducing an electronic follow-up option was associated with increased follow-up rates in a feasibility study comparing surgical and non-surgical treatment for recurrent patellar dislocation (46).
Participant adherence to scheduled physiotherapy sessions and prescribed exercise was high. Likert scales were used to measure participants’ exercise adherence as no reliable method exists (47, 48). However, the findings suggest the evidence-based behaviour change strategies used to increase exercise adherence may have been effective. It is unclear if the intervention restored leg strength and improved trunk and leg kinematics as intended, as we were unable to perform objective testing due to resource limitations.
Generally, there was high physiotherapist fidelity to implementing behaviour change strategies and prescribing resistance exercises as intended, demonstrating these intervention components are deliverable. There were some issues with regulating resistance exercise intensity with 34.4% of resistance exercises not prescribed at the target intensity (4–6 on the modified Borg scale). This intensity was potentially too high - other studies have used a starting intensity of 3–4 (49, 50) - for some participants in early-stage rehabilitation where pain is likely to be a limiting factor. This could explain why 12.9% of resistance exercises were prescribed at lower than the target intensity. However, 6.5% of resistance exercises were prescribed at a higher intensity and intensity could not be regulated for 8.4% of exercises due to insufficient weights at the study centre. These findings indicate a wider intensity range may be needed for resistance exercises to cater for the variable symptoms experienced during rehabilitation and the individual abilities of participants.
Running exercises were prescribed for 5/15 (33.3%) participants. This could be considered low as the median pre-injury Tegner score was six (IQR 4–7), which corresponds to recreational tennis and basketball (39). However, three participants did not complete treatment and were not prescribed any running exercise which is understandable as running is typically a late-stage rehabilitation exercise; if these participants completed treatment more running exercises may have been prescribed. It is also possible some participants chose not to return to sport due to changing priorities and the implications of reinjury, as seen in some patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (51). Future intervention iterations should allow a longer treatment duration as two participants exceeded the maximum of three months and participants reported treatment lasting four months would be preferable. Based on informal physiotherapist feedback, a longer treatment duration would also facilitate running exercise prescription.
There was no missing data from completed PROMs indicating these were acceptable to participants. As no agreed outcome set exists for this patient group (9), we used PROMs to assess knee function, activity levels, and quality of life, as recommended (40). Recently the Norwich Patellar Instability (NPI) score (19 questions) (52) and Banff Patella Instability Instrument (BPII) 2.0 (23 questions) (53) have been developed to assess instability symptoms and quality of life respectively, in patients with patellar instability. We did not use these as attrition can be an issue in this patient population and participants might consider these PROMs burdensome.
Treatment related adverse events were rare: one participant reported expected complications of rehabilitation and there was one recurrent dislocation but it could not be established if this related to study participation. A redislocation rate of 6.7% (1/15) over 15 weeks is similar to studies of non-surgical treatment after first-time dislocations (16, 45). Given five participants had recurrent dislocations, the study intervention appears safe though longer follow-up would be required to confirm this.
Until high-quality RCTs evaluating exercise-based treatments are conducted, theory can help inform the design and delivery of rehabilitation programmes for patients after LPD. The study intervention was designed following a review of the existing evidence for non-surgical treatment after LPD and refined following clinician feedback. It targets modifiable impairments – leg strength, and trunk and leg kinematics – that may predispose to poor outcome after LPD, can be tailored to patients’ individual needs, and uses strategies to support exercise adherence.
This was a single-centre study with a small sample size, so caution is required when making inferences based on our findings. Reflecting physiotherapy provision at the recruiting site, only adults were recruited in this study, however the incidence of first-time patellar dislocations is highest in 10–17 year olds (3). Due to resource limitations, we could not conduct qualitative research to explore acceptability of the study intervention and procedures from participants’ perspectives. Finally, this was a single-group study, so the willingness of participants to be randomised to a less intense treatment arm versus the study intervention is unknown.