Description of the Study Areas
The study was carried out in Abune Aregawi Debere Bereket Church, and Montogera Estifanos Church Forest in Amhara Regional state and in Mai- Anbesa Kidane Miheret Monastery, and Emba Kidest Arsema Mekane Kidusan Andinet Monastery Forest in Tigray Regional State as the geographical context within which the research questions were explored. Each of the church forests is described separately as follows.
Abune Aregawi Debere Bereket Church Forest
Geographical location
Abune Aregawi Debere Bereket Church Forest is found in South Gondar Zone of Amhara region, particularly in Fogera woreda with an area of 21.8 ha. It is located at 37°49'E to 37° 98'E of longitude and 11° 67'N to 12°04' N of latitude. The altitude of Fogera woreda ranges from 1783 to 2410 m.a.s.l. (meter above sea level). Woreta is the capital of the district and is found 625 Km from Addis Ababa and 55 Km from the Regional capital, Bahir Dar. The woreda is bordered on the north by Limo Kemekem; Dera by, south, on the west, by Lake Tana and on the east, by Farta.
Metrological data from 1986-2019 obtained from Ethiopian National Meteorology Agency (ENMA) of the nearest station (wereta) was extracted, analyzed and presented in climate diagram (Figure 2). The average annual rainfall is about 1454 mm, while the annual mean temperature also varies from 10.6°C to 30.3°C. Rain fall is mono-modal, June to September being the rainy season.
Topography, Soil and Land use
Agro ecologically, the woreda is classified as ‘weina dega’ (mid land). As the Woreda Agricultural Office indicated the soil type of the woreda is categorized as 65% black soil (vertisol), 20% brown soil, 12% red soil, 3% gray soil.
The land use/cover of Fogera woreda is dominated by agricultural land, 69.9% of the total land mass within woreda is allocated to agriculture, Grazing land 14.59%, and Forest land 4.67 %. (Secondary information from wereda Agricultural Office).
Montogera Estifanos Church Forest
Geographical location
Montogera Estifanos Church Forest is found in the Amhara Regional State with an area of 7.5 ha. LiboKemkem wereda is one of the districts located in south Gondar at the North West part of Ethiopia. The town of the district is located 645 kilometers from Addis Ababa to the North and 85 kilometers from the regional city of Bahir Dar to the North. It is located at 37°57'E to 37° 96'E of longitude and 11° 96'N to 12°36'N of latitude. The wereda is bordered in the North, by Semien Gondar Zone; in the South, by Fogera Woreda; in the West, by Lake Tana, and in the East, by be Belesa Woreda. The elevation of the woreda ranges from 1783 to 2410 m.a.s.l as of the woredas agricultural office.
Metrological data from 1986-2019 obtained from ENMA of the nearest station (Addis zemen) was extracted, analyzed and presented in climate diagram (Figure 4). The study area has mean annual rainfall which is 1347 mm. The mean annual temperature of the study area ranges from 8.7- 32°C.
Topography, Soil and Land use
The agro-climatic zone of the Woreda consists 81.1% of Woinadega, and 18% of Dega, and 0.9% of kolla. LiboKemkem is characterized by plain, mountainous, ups and downs, depression and swampy areas which account 42%, 21%, 30%, 1% & 6% respectively. The soils of the study area are categorized as 60% brown soil, 22% red soil, 15% black soil and 3% gray soil. A survey of the land in this district shows that 39.9% of the total land mass within the woreda is allocated to agriculture. Grazing land, 14.3%; Forest land, 4.6 %, and others 41.5% (secondary information from wereda Agricultural Office).
Mai- Anbesa Kidane Miheret Monastery Forest
3.1.3. Geographical location
Mai- Anbesa Kidane Miheret Monastery Forest is found in Enderta, a district found in south eastern Administrative Zone of Tigray Regional State in Ethiopia with area of 33 ha. It is located at 785 km of North of Addis Ababa, the capital city, and geographically laid on 13º 24' to 13º 64' North Latitude and 39º 27' to 39º 74' Eastern Longitude and altitude in the area ranges from 1400m to 1800m. It shares borders with Wukro to the north, DeguaTemben to the west, afar region to the east, and HintaloWajirat to the south.
Metrological data from 1987-2019 obtained from ENMA of the nearest station (Mekele airport) was extracted, analyzed and presented in climate diagram (Figure 6). It is also characterized by rainfall of 575 mm per annum, and the minimum and maximum temperature is 8.9°C and 27 °C respectively.
Topography, Soil and Land use
Agroecology greater portion of Enderta lies in the midland agro-ecological zone. The landscape is mostly plain and hills, with bush vegetation. Its soil type is dark reddish brown and dark black clays and other types.
Emba Kidest Arsema Mekane Kidusan Andinet Monastery Forest
Geographical location
Emba Kidest Arsema Mekane Kidusan Andinet Monastery Forest is found in Hintalo Wajirat woreda on the south eastern zone of Tigray with an area of 16.9 ha. It is located 745 km north of the capital Addis Ababa and 38 km South of Mekelle, the capital of Tigray region. Geographically, it is positioned between 39°27' to 39°81' E (Latitude) and 12°88' to 13°41' N (Longitude) and the altitude of the district ranges from 1550 to 3400 meters above sea level. It is bordered by Enderta woreda on the north, Raya Azebo woreda to the south, the Afar region to the east, and Endamehoni and Alaje woredas to the west.
Metrological data from 2005-2020 obtained from ENMA of the nearest station (Hewane) was extracted, analyzed and presented in climate diagram (Figure 8). The study area has mean annual rainfall which ranges from 184 mm and the mean temperature estimate ranges from 7.3 to 29.5 °C.
Figure 8 Climate diagram of the nearest station (Emba Kidest Arsema Mekane Kidusan Andinet Monastery Forest) (Data source: ENMA).
Topography, Soil and Land use
Agro ecology of the district is Kolla (22.5%), Weina-Dega (63.75%), and Dega (13.75%). in Hintalo-Wajirat the soil compositions are vertisols, cambisols and fluvisols. The central part of the district is mostly characterized by black soil with cracking nature dominated by clay particles (Relief society of Tigray, 2000 in Mohammed, 2006).
Data Types and Sources of the study
This study was relying both on primary and secondary data. Secondary data was obtained through review relevant literature from libraries and internet including resource materials such as journals, annual reports, books, workshop proceedings and district reports. Primary data was also obtained through field measurement on necessary parameters that are used to estimate carbon stock of the study area.
Delineation of Study Area
The initial step activities such as observing the study site area in order to get the ways and to record GPS points for boundary delineation of this study sites was done. Then after, the GPS points that were taken from each study site to indicate each sample plot were recorded.
Sampling design
For this study sampling plots of square shape which have dimensions of 20 m ×20 m was formed. In each site, sample plots were laid out along 100m ground distance, using a measuring tape, GPS and compass. The boundaries of the main plots were marked, then altitude, latitude and longitude data were recorded from the centre of each main plot. Inside larger plots (20 m × 20 m plot), five 1 m × 1 m sub-sampling units (four at the corners and one center of main plot) were located for fallen litter and soil sampling. The number of sample plots varied from site to site depending on the area of the church and to different existing conditions of the study area like vegetation coverage, availability of litter within the study sites.
Methods of data collection
Inventory of trees
For this study, to estimate the carbon stock of each study site, the species having DBH equal to or greater than 5 cm was considered, since in carbon stock measurement the minimum diameter is often 5 cm DBH as recommended by IPCC (2006) and (Pearson, 2007)
All trees having DBH greater than or equal to 5 cm and height at 1.3m were measured by using diameter tape and hypsometer. In cases where trees branched at or below the breast height, diameter was measured separately for each branch and quadrat. Diameter at each stem was measured separately for trees with multiple stems connecting near the ground. A tree with multiple stems at 1.3 m height was treated as a single individual.
Litter sampling
The Litter samples were collected from 1 m × 1m quadrat sub-plots in each plot. All the litter inside within 1 m 2 quadrat sub-plots of each main plot were collected, weighed and recorded and placed in a plastic bag and labeled to which sample plot it belongs. Then field wet weight was recorded and taken to laboratory to determine the litter biomass. The total dry weight was determined in the laboratory after oven drying of the sample at 70 °C for 24 hours to determine moisture content from which the total dry mass is calculated (Ullah & Al-Amin, 2012; Negash & Starr, 2015).
Oven- dried samples were taken in pre-weighed crucibles. The samples were ignited at 550°C for one hour in muffle furnace. After cooling, the crucibles with ash were weighed and percentage of organic carbon was calculated. Finally, carbon in leaf litter t ha-1 for each site was determined.
Soil sampling
The soil samples for soil carbon determination were collected from sample plots laid for litter sampling. In each sub-quadrat one composite soil sample was taken using core sampler auger at depth of 30 cm from the four corners and center of plots. The bulk density (BD) of the soil samples were collected by using a core sampler. Soil organic carbon was determined in the laboratory following Walkley-Black Method (1934). In the laboratory, soil samples were dried at 105 °C for 24 hours to remove the soil moisture and to determine the percentage of organic carbon as well as the bulk density (Pearson et al., 2005). The soil organic carbon was calculated according to Pearson et al., (2005).
Carbon stock estimation
Aboveground biomass carbon stock estimation
To estimate the AGB carbon, the total height and perimeter at breast height of all living stems ≥5 cm DBH within each plot was measured and identified them to the species level. Then, the aboveground biomass (AGB) was estimated using allometric equations.
The generic allometric equations developed by Chave et al., (2014) was considered a suitable equation to estimate above ground biomass in a tropical forest. Since this model performed well across forest type and bioclimatic conditions of pan-tropical areas, this study used this model to determine the AGB; the equation is given below (Chave et al., 2014).
AGB = 0.0673 *(WD * DBH 2 * H) ^ 0.976 -------------------------------------- (equ.1).
Where: AGB = above ground biomass (in kg dry matter) WD = wood density (g/cm3) DBH = diameter at breast height (in cm) H = total height of the tree (in m).
Accordingly, the carbon content of tree vegetation in the study area was estimated by following IPCC (2006) which recommended the use of 47% (conversion factor: 0.47) for estimations of carbon concentration for aboveground biomass of tropical and subtropical forests
C = 0.47* AGB. …………………………………………………….. (Equ.2).
Belowground biomass carbon stock estimation
To estimate the carbon stock of belowground biomass, the methodology proposed by IPCC (2006), that is the application of a root to shoot ratio method was used.
The equations that have been used to calculate the belowground biomass is given below:
BGB = AGB* 0.26 -------------------------------------------------------------------- (equ.3).
Where BGB is belowground biomass, AGB is aboveground biomass; 0.26 is the conversion factor (or 26% of AGB). The biomass of stock density was converted to carbon stock density by multiplying default value of 0.47 carbon fraction (IPCC, 2006).
C = 0.47* BGB. …………………………………………………….. (Equ.4).
Estimation of Carbon in the Litter Biomass
According to Pearson et al. (2005), estimation of the amount of biomass in the leaf litter can be calculated by:
LB =……………………………… (equ.5)
Where: LB = Litter (biomass of litter t ha-1)
W field = weight of wet field sample of litter sampled within an area of size 1 m2 (g);
A = size of the area in which litter were collected (ha);
W sub-sample, dry = weight of the oven-dry sub-sample of litter taken to the laboratory to determine moisture content (g), and
W sub-sample, fresh = weight of the fresh sub-sample of litter taken to the laboratory to determine moisture content (g).
The percentage of organic carbon storage from the dry ash in the litter carbon pool was calculated as follows (Allen et al., 1986)
%Ash = 𝑤𝑐−𝑤𝑎/ 𝑤𝑏−𝑤𝑎 ∗ 100 …………………………………………. (Equ.6)
%𝐶 = (100 − 𝐴𝑠ℎ %) ∗ 0.58 ……………………………………………… (equ.7)
This is by considering 58% carbons in ash-free soil material.
Where, C = organic carbon (%), Wa = the weight of the crucible (g), Wb = the weight of oven dried grind samples and crucibles (g), Wc = the weight of ash and crucibles (g). Finally, carbon in litter t/ha for each sample was determined.
Carbon stocks in dead litter biomass
CL = LB × % C………………………………. (Equ.8)
Where CL is total carbon stocks in the dead litter in t ha-1, % C is carbon fraction determined in the laboratory (Pearson et al., 2005).
Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon
The carbon stock density of soil organic carbon was calculated as recommended by Pearson et al. (2005) from the volume and bulk density of the soil.
V = h p r2 ……………………………………. (Equ.9)
Where V is volume of the soil in the core sampler augur in cm3, h is the height of core sampler augur in cm, and r is the radius of core sampler augur in cm (Pearson et al., 2005). More over the bulk density of a soil sample can be calculated as follows:
BD = ……………………………………. (Equ.10)
Where BD is bulk density of the soil sample per, Wav, dry is average air-dry weight of soil sample per the quadrant, V is volume of the soil sample in the core sampler auger in cm3 (Pearson et al., 2005).
SOC = BD * d * % C ……………………………………. (Equ.11)
Where, SOC= soil organic carbon stock per unit area (t ha-1),
BD = soil bulk density (g cm-3),
D = the total depth at which the sample was taken (30 cm), and
%C = Carbon concentration (%)
3.4.5. Total Carbon Stock Density (TCSD)
The total carbon stock density of each site was calculated by adding the carbon stock densities of the individual carbon pools using the formula (Pearson et al., 2005).
Carbon stock density of a study area:
C density = CAGB + CBGB + C Lit +SOC………………………. (Equ.12)
Where: C density = Carbon stock density for all pools [ton ha-1]
C AGTB = Carbon in above -ground tree biomass [t C ha-1]
CBGB = Carbon in below-ground biomass [t C ha-1]
C Lit = Carbon in dead litter [t C ha-1]
SOC = Soil organic carbon
The total carbon stock was then converted to tons of CO2 equivalent by multiplying it by 44/12, or 3.67 (Pearson et al., 2007).