P4 protein construction
Membrane association and plasmodesmata targeting are crucial functions of viral movement proteins. To investigate domain(s) in the P4 protein that are responsible for membrane association, we first predicted transmembrane (TM) domain(s) in the P4 protein using several bioinformatics algorithms. Results shown in Figure S1 revealed two potential TM domains in the P4 protein. Both DAS and TMpred algorithms showed that the P4 protein was an integral membrane protein and the two predicted TM domains were located at a region encompassing aa residue 127-129 (by DAS algorithm) and aa residue 117-138 (by TMpred algorithm), respectively.
P4 protein targets PD of host cells
To determine whether the P4 protein could target plasmodesmata in cell walls, we first infiltrated N. benthamiana leaves with A. tumefaciens cultures carrying the pP4-YFP or pPDLP8-YFP plasmid. The infiltrated leaves were harvested at 48 hpi and then examined for the intracellular localization patterns of the two fusion proteins by Confocal Microscopy. The result showed that the P4-YFP fusion protein accumulated as yellow fluorescence punctates in the cytoplasm and near the cell walls (Figure 1, upper panel, red arrows showed). The PD-YFP fusion protein was found to produce small yellow fluorescence punctates near the cell walls, but not large punctates in the cytoplasm like the P4-YFP (Figure 1, lower panel).
To confirm if the computer-predicted TM domains in the P4 protein had the ability to target plasmodesmata, we fused the P4 mutants ΔP4117-138 and ΔP4AAA117-138 to YFP, respectively, and expressed them in N benthamiana leaves. By 48 hpi, the infiltrated leaves were harvested and examined under the confocal microscope. The results showed that the yellow fluorescence from the ΔP4117-138-YFP fusion or from the ΔP4AAA117-138-YFP fusion was near cell walls, but no yellow punctates were observed in the cell walls, reminiscent of PD localization (Figure 2). The co-localization of P4 or its mutants with PDLP8 (marker protein localized in PD) showed that only P4 could target PD (Figure 3).
P4 protein functions as movement protein
To determine whether the P4 protein can move through PD, we infiltrated N. benthamiana leaves with A. tumefaciens culture carrying the pP4-YFP plasmid. As a control, we infiltrated N. benthamiana leaves with a different culture carrying the pPDLP8-YFP plasmid. A total of 35 fluorescent loci expressing PD-YFP were examined under the confocal microscope at 24 hpi and the PD-YFP fusion was found in single cells only (Figure S2 and Table S2). At the same time point, the P4-YFP fusion in 21 of the 23 fluorescent signals had trafficked through the PD and entered the neighboring cells.
To further determine whether the P4 protein functions as movement protein to drive virus cell-to cell moving through PD, we infiltrated N. benthamiana leaves with A. tumefaciens culture carrying the plasmid of P4 or its mutants and CMV infectious clone with its movement protein 3a replaced by GFP . As a control, we infiltrated N. benthamiana leaves with a different culture carrying the plasmid of expressing P4 and its mutants. As figure 4 shown, P4, not P4 mutants could drive Cucumber mosaic virus movement protein deficiency mutant cell-to-cell moving through PD. A total of 46 of the 50 fluorescent signals expressing P4-GFP and CMV movement protein deficiency mutant were examined under the confocal microscope at 6 dpi, and the P4 mutants was found in single cells only or less than 16% virus entered the neighboring cells (Figure 4 and Table 1).
Table 1 Movement of PeVYV P4 between epidermal cells in N. benthamiana leaves at 6 dpi
No. of loci examined
No. of loci with a single cell (%)
No. of loci with more than 2 cells (%)
50a (100%)
CMV 3a
∆P4 117-138
∆P4 AAA117-138
a Loci with signal cells expressing GFP fluorescence.
b ρ-value was determined using the unpaired two-tailed Student t-test.