Profiling of the K. pneumoniae cellular proteome influenced by zinc availability impacts transcriptional and transport processes
Under infection conditions, the host will sequester free zinc ions to deprive the invading pathogen of this vital micronutrient29. Free zinc concentration in the serum is expected in the micromolar range, in agreement with a recent study in E. coli, here, we evaluate the impact of zinc availability by quantitative proteomic profiling of K. pneumoniae WT cells grown in zinc-limited and -replete (10 µM) media (Fig 1)30. We identified a total of 2,380 proteins (representing 46.4% of encoding regions) in the cellular proteome. Upon filtering for proteins identified in three of four biological replicates, we further analyzed 2,002 proteins. Notably, we identified proteins unique to each growth condition: 15 proteins in limited and 99 proteins in replete (Fig 2a). A principal component analysis (PCA) defined separation of conditions (limited vs. replete media) (component 2, 30.4%) and separation of biological factors (component 1, 40.7%) (Fig 2b). Replicate reproducibility was 92.7% amongst the limited biological replicates and 96.7% amongst the replete biological replicates.
Using a 1D-annotation enrichment analysis, which demonstrates a global overview of changes to protein abundance by testing every annotation term if the corresponding numerical values have a preference to be systematically larger or smaller than the global distribution of the values for all proteins, we aimed to identify categories of proteins based on Uniprot Keywords that were enriched or de-enriched under limited or replete conditions31. We identified three categories enriched under replete conditions, including proteins associated with lipoproteins and ribosomal-associated proteins (Fig 2c). Conversely, we observed an enrichment of 4Fe-4S, iron-sulfur, metal-binding and transferase under limited conditions. These correlate to a reduction in metal ion acquisition, an expected result when analysing the limited conditions where zinc would be less bioavailable.
Next, to define proteins with significant changes in protein abundance between zinc-limited vs. -replete conditions in the cellular proteome, we performed false discovery rate (FDR)-corrected Student’s t-test. We identified 19 proteins whose abundance was significantly different between replete and limited conditions: 17 proteins significantly increased in abundance in replete media vs. two proteins significantly increased in abundance in limited media (Fig. 2d; Table 1). Under replete conditions, the most differentially abundant protein (>13-fold change) was the histidine utilization repressor (HutC), responsible for regulating the hut operon, which is involved in degradation of histidine to glutamate and ammonia32. Other proteins highly abundant under replete conditions include phage shock proteins (PspB and PspC) and a thiosulfate transport system permease T protein (CysU), hinting at induction of a stress response to zinc availability. We also observed a significant change in abundance (>5-fold change) of a putative cation transporter (ChaB). Conversely, the two proteins significantly increased under limited conditions, include acetolactate synthase small subunit (IlvN) and a Polycystic kidney and hepatic disease-type hydroxylase (KPN78578_12210).
Secretome profiling of zinc availability defines changes in protein secretion patterns
Acquisition of zinc from the environment may result in the secretion of proteins associated with sequestering and transport into the extracellular space. To identify if K. pneumoniae secretes proteins into the extracellular environment, we performed proteomic profiling of the supernatant (secretome) of K. pneumoniae cultures. We identified 246 proteins prior to filtering and performed subsequent analyses on 130 secreted proteins (present in three of four replicates), 56 of which were uniquely present under limited conditions and eight under replete conditions (Fig. 3a). Visualizing the variance of the biological replicates using a PCA plot identified the largest separating component (component 1, 38.7%) distinguishing the limited and replete samples (Fig. 3b). The second component (component 2, 16.9%) separated by biological variance. Amongst the conditions, we found a reproducibility of 80.8% and 78.6% for the limited and replete samples, respectively. Enrichment analysis of the secretome based on Uniprot Keywords did not show category enrichment in either limited or replete conditions. However, analysis of the secreted proteins based on Gene Ontology cellular compartment identified 33 proteins to be associated with conventional secretion patterns (e.g., transmembrane, signal peptide) (Fig. 3c). In addition, we compared our secretome data set to previously proteome profiling of K. pneumoniae vesicles and found overlap of 41 (31.5%) protein identifications, supporting our detection of traditionally intracellular proteins within the extracellular environment (Supp. Table 2)33.
Statistical analysis (FDR-corrected Student’s t-test) of the secretome dataset identified 23 significantly different proteins, including seven proteins with higher abundance in replete media and 14 proteins with higher abundance in limited media (Fig. 3d; Table 2). Under replete conditions, we identified proteins involved with transport such as a putative periplasmic binding protein (KPN_00624), a taurine transport protein (TauA), and a periplasmic chaperone (HlpA). The most differentially abundant protein (>15-fold change) under replete conditions was a repressor of methionine biosynthesis, (MetJ). Conversely, there were 14 proteins that displayed an increased abundance under limited conditions, including two chaperones: a heat shock protein (DnaK) and a cold shock protein (CspC), a lipoprotein (MetQ), and an outer membrane protein (OmpX). Proteins displaying the largest fold-difference (>5-fold change) were two dehydrogenases: dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (LpdA) and pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component (AceE).
qRT-PCR analysis of hutC validates protein changes in the presence of zinc and supports its role as a transcriptional repressor
Under zinc-replete conditions we observed a significant increase in abundance of HutC, a repressor of the histidine utilization (hut) operon, involved in the degradation of histidine to glutamate and ammonia32. Under high zinc conditions, the abundance of HutC increases significantly and therefore, to validate our proteomic results, we aimed to quantify changes in transcript levels of its target genes (e.g., hutG, hutH, hutI, hutT, and hutU). We performed a gene expression analysis using qRT-PCR on the hut operon under limited and replete conditions. Under replete conditions, we report a down-regulation of the hut operon genes relative to limited conditions, as expected in the presence of high HutC production (Fig. 4). These results suggest an increase in histidine degradation under zinc limited conditions and support a role of zinc in influencing transcriptional repression.
Characterization of chaB and its role in zinc homeostasis
Under zinc replete conditions, we report the increased abundance (>5-fold change) of a putative cation transporter, ChaB. To investigate the role of this protein, we produced a deletion strain using Lambda Red recombination and evaluated an impact on growth between rchaB and WT K. pneumoniae under zinc-limited and -replete conditions. The WT strain reached stationary phase at a faster rate under limited conditions (6.5 h) compared to replete (9.5 h), suggesting delayed growth and possibly reflecting a negative response to the presence of 10 µM zinc (Fig. 5a). In contrast, both independent mutants of rchaB reached stationary phase of growth faster in replete conditions (8 h) compared to limited (9.5 h), suggesting an inability of the mutant strain to transport excess levels of zinc, which may impair bacterial growth. We also observe a lower growth rate of rchaB strains under limited conditions, compared to WT, suggesting that chaB may also regulate the transport of additional cations (e.g., Ca2+ or Na+) under limited conditions. These time- and nutrient-dependent data were supported by growth of the WT and rchaB strains on zinc-limited and -replete agar plates (Fig. 5b).
We also set out to phenotypically characterize rchaB through visualization of differences in capsule production between the WT and mutant strains. The combination of India ink and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy allowed for visualization of the capsule, from which, based on comparison of a representative number of K. pneumoniae cells (100 cells per condition), we report that deletion of chaB resulted in a reduction in capsule size (Fig. 5c). We do not report any additional morphological differences associated with zinc availability, furthermore, the rchaB strain, similarly, did not display any morphological differences between either zinc condition in the outlined experiments. The reduction in capsule size may reflect our observation of a slower growth rate by OD600 measurements of rchaB K. pneumoniae under zinc limited conditions.
The capsule is a known virulence factor for K. pneumoniae and to test impact of the gene deletion on virulence, we infected macrophages with WT or rchaB strains. Using a cytotoxicity assay, we measured the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from macrophages across four time points. Comparison of the two strains indicated that the reduction in capsule size reported with the rchaB mutant did not impair the virulence of the bacteria (Fig. 5d). We identified a steady increase in macrophage death from 5% at 1 h to ~65% at 18 h post-infection. Uninfected macrophages displayed a gradual increase in cell death, with 30% cell death at 18 h post infection, representative of natural cell death over time. The similar profile of the WT and rchaB strain indicate that the ability of K. pneumoniae to evade phagocytosis or to invade macrophages was not affected by the gene deletion.