The present study highlighted that LBs of tomato plants should be removed at a suitable length at about 6 ~ 7 cm (T4 treatment), which was benefit for promoting plant growth and yield, as well as for reducing labor costs when compared with blindly or lazily pruning (T1 or T7 treatments). Considering that auxin is mainly synthesized in the young leaves of apical and lateral buds (Ljung et al., 2001). We thought that pruning length of LBs could change the auxin homeostasis, which combined with CKs to play important roles in regulating the whole plant growth and development. However, the physiological and molecular mechanisms of the regulation of pruning length of LBs on plant growth and yield have not been well investigated in fruit crops. The present study, as far as is known for the first time, described a complete set of auxin and CKs homeostasis and signaling in responding to pruning length of LBs for revealing the mechanisms of pruning-regulated plant growth and yield at hormone levels in tomato plants.
One of the main functions of roots is in the acquisition of water and mineral nutrients from the soil environment (Shin et al., 2007). To maximize the capture of nutrients utilization, roots may proliferate or elongate resulting in increased root weight and root / shoot ratio for the patches of soil that contain mineral nutrients. Here, we found that tomato plants with pruning length of LBs at about 6 ~ 7 cm (T4 treatment) had an optimal architecture for high yield production as indicated by the increased root dry weight, shoot dry weight and root / shoot ratio (Fig. 1). As we known, lateral roots constituted the major components of the whole root system for both biomass and function. Previous studies indicated that interplay of auxin and CKs played central roles during lateral root development (Jing and Strader, 2019). Decades ago, it was described that auxin promoted but CKs inhibited the lateral root formation (Bottger, 1974; Goodwin and Morris, 1979; Wightman, et al., 1980). Subsequent studies indicate that cytokinin treatment inhibits lateral root initiation and development, converse to the stimulatory effects of auxin treatment (Mason et al., 2005; Li et al., 2006). In accordance with root dry weight (Fig. 1C), significantly enhanced concentrations of IAA and reduced concentrations of four forms of CKs were observed in T4 treatment when compared with T1 treatment (Fig. 4A,B). Because there was no difference of FZY1 expression among T1, T4 and T7 treatments, we considered that the enhanced accumulation of IAA was mainly obtained from the LBs of shoot. The gain-of-function mutation of IAA16 has been reported to display resistance to the auxin and impede root elongation and fertility in Arabidopsis (Rinaldi et al., 2012). Additionally, loss function of ARF5 and ARF7 inhibited lateral root development and showed a SOLITARY ROOT phenotype in Arabidopsis (Okushima et al., 2005; Smet, 2010). Thus, the reduced transcripts of IAA16 and enhanced transcripts of ARF5 and ARF7 in T4 treatment were responsible for the positive auxin signaling response and root development (Fig. 1C and 4C). Auxin has been found to stimulate oxidative breakdown of active CKs, which is mediated by CKXs (Coenen and Lomax, 1997). The varying patterns of IPT2, LOG2 and CKX2 (Fig. 4C) implied that enhanced accumulations of IAA in T4 and T7 treatments resulting in total CKs biosynthesis; however, the active CKs were degraded by CKX2 or inactivated by LOG2 in roots. To our interesting, both active and inactive forms of CKs were reduced in T4 and T7 treatments (Fig. 4B), which implied that the inactive CKs might be transported and activated in shoot. Moreover, auxin has also been demonstrated to have effects on increasing the activity of CKX at enzyme levels (Palni et al., 1998). So, we also examined the expression of TRRs, which have been used as markers of CKs signaling (Shani et al., 2010). The transcripts of TRR3/4 and TTR7/15 were decreased with the increased pruning length of LBs (Fig. 4C). Together with changes in CKs concentrations, these results suggest that the CK signal transduction pathway is partly inhibited by the excess LBs. Totally, these evidences suggested that adequately increasing the pruning length of LBs has a positive effect on root development via regulating the hormones and signaling of auxin and CKs.
The competition between vegetative growth and reproductive growth is universal law in plants, especially in fruit crops (Navarrete and Jeannequin, 2000). The vegetative growth of tomato is estimated visually by measurements of stem diameter and shoot dry weight. Both notations are useful: though the stem diameter is an objective indicator of the vegetative growth, the shoot dry weight is an accurate estimation of the vegetative growth and is more comprehensive than stem diameter (Hall, 1983; Navarrete et al., 1997). In this study, when pruning length of LBs reaches to 8 ~ 10 cm, the stem diameter and shoot dry weight are significantly lower in comparison with the pruning length of LBs at 4 ~ 7 cm (Fig. 1B,C), which indicates a decrease in vegetative growth (Navarrete and Jeannequin, 2000). The phenomenon of deficient vegetative growth in T5 ~ T7 treatments led to a significant decrease in total yield (Fig. 2B) and in particular in later yield of the fourth and fifth inflorescences (Fig. 2A). Hartmann (1977) showed that non pruning operation reduced the tomato yield liking our result of T8 treatment: one explanation is that instead of assigning part of assimilates to tomato fruit, large part of assimilates is diverted to the LBs. In T1 and T2 treatments, the LBs are pruned frequently. Therefore, the labor costs are significantly higher than other treatments (Fig. 3). In this case, the stem diameter, shoot dry weight and yield are significantly lower than that in T3 and T4 treatments (Fig. 1B,D and Fig. 2B). We consider that this phenomenon is mainly caused by three reasons. First, weakly root system has incompetent nutrition and water support for both vegetative growth and reproductive growth (Fig. 1C). Second, deficits of LBs-sourced auxin and root-sourced CKs (Fig. 4A,B; Fig. 5C,D and Fig. 6D,E) have detrimental effects on cell differentiation and elongation at the whole plants level (Su et al., 2011). Third, the mechanical stress, which is caused by the high frequency of pruning operations, is also considered as a inhibited factor for vegetative growth and reproductive growth. Several lines of evidence indicate that most of the mechanical stresses tested reduce leaf growth, stem diameter and even sometimes yield on several crop materials, which is especially serious on tomato plants (Heuchert and Mitchell, 1983; Biddington, 1986; Mitchell and Myers, 1995). Taken together, These explain why T4 treatment show better effects than T1 and T7 treatments for pruning management in tomato production.
Except for the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, hormones of auxin and CKs also play important roles in fruit setting and swelling and then influence the tomato yield. The homeostasis of PATS is important for fruit retention and development (Pattison and Catalá, 2012). Because excessive PATS could reduce the concentrations of auxin in ovaries, which is postulated to have a direct effect on assimilate partitioning (Agusti et al., 2002). If PATS is reduced too much, the fruit may abscind by the activation of an abscission zone at the base of the subtending organ (Else et al., 2004). The PATS velocity is influenced most strongly by the activity of AUX1 and PIN1 (Pattison and Catalá, 2012). We found that pruning operations significantly enhanced the transcripts of AUX1 and PIN1 (Fig. 5A,B). Moreover, shorter pruning length of LBs (T1) in “before pruning” treatment showed similar expression patterns of AUX1 and PIN1 with that in “after pruning” treatment (Fig. 5A,B). These data suggest that adequate reserve LBs is important for PATS homeostasis, which further influence the fruit yield. In recent years, the molecular mechanisms of the auxin and CKs signaling cascades have been well characterized in tomato fruit setting (Else et al., 2004; de Jong et al., 2011; Ding et al., 2013; El-Sharkawy et al., 2016). In tomato, both ARF5 (Liu et al., 2018) and ARF7 (de Jong et al., 2011) have been demonstrated to act as a negative regulator of fruit set. Furthermore, function of ARF7 depends on interaction with IAA14 (Ito, J. et al. 2016). So, high transcripts of ARF5 and ARF7 with low transcripts of IAA14 (Fig. 5E) can be responsible for yield inhibition that is caused by strong vegetative growth at hormone signaling levels. For CKs signaling, transcripts of IPT2, LOG2, LOG6 and CYCD3;1 showed positively response to CKs accumulation (Fig. 5D,E). Similar results can be observed in both exogenous CKs-treated or pollinated tomato fruits (Matsuo et al., 2012). The present study provides evidence that retention of LBs is benefit for maintaining the PATS of main stem, which inhibits the PATS of fruit stalks and promotes root development for CKs generation and ascending transport (Fig. 5). Thus, the transcripts of auxin- or CKs-related signaling genes were activated during early fruit development (Fig. 5E).
A unsuspected phenotype of retardant senescence of tomato lower leaves was observed in T4 treatment when compared with T1 and T7 treatments (Fig. 6A-C). The transcripts of FZY1 and PIN1 imply that the influence of pruning length of LBs on the IAA concentrations of lower leaves remain depends on PATS (Fig. 6E,F). Thus, high level of IAA can be responsible for dominant nutrients competition, which delays senescence (Agusti et al., 2002). Previous study showed that using constitutive IPT-expressing rootstock (35S::IPT) significantly enhanced the shoot CKs levels and inhibited the leaf senescence in salinized tomato plants (Ghanem et al., 2011). And we also found that the concentrations of CKs were significantly higher in T4 treatment when compared with T1 and T7 treatments (Fig. 6E). Meanwhile, the transcript patterns of IPT2, LOG2 and CKX2 indicated that the enhanced CKs mainly synthesized in root and activated in leaves (Fig. 6E,F). These results are compatible with well developed root system in T4 treatment (Fig. 1C). Together with IAA, CKs play key roles in regulating senescence-related genes expression of CRF6, MYB2, SAG12 and ORE1 against senescence (Fig. 6F). Based on hormone theory, we have discussed the different senescence phenotype between T1 and T4 treatment. When compared with T4 treatment, T7 treatment significantly increased lower leaves density, which led to less sunlight and senescence phenotype. Thus, the stronger photosynthesis of lower leaves in T4 treatment can also contribute assimilation for high fruit yield.