Germination study
A significant decrease of germination percentage (G%) was observed for all genotype as a consequence of the F treatment used (P < 0.0001) (Table 1). Under both KF and NaF treatments with 80 mg kg-1 of F, a significant reduction of germination was observed. Among genotypes under comparison, LYA 85 and JES showed the highest G% under NaF80 and KF 80, respectively (100% and 93%). Under both KF and NaF treatments with 200 mg kg-1 of F, the germination was significantly affected for all the genotypes. Using KF, the African bean genotypes survived with a low G% (7-28%), while no germination occurred using NaF. Nevertheless, with NaCl 200 mg L-1, G% for LYA 85 and LYA90 did not statistically differ from control (100%), while for BOR and JES it was significantly lower (93%).
Effect of F on plant growth
The effects of F treatments on the AP and R length and biomass in P. vulgaris seedlings were explored using two parameters: tolerance index (TI) and growth ratio (GR) (Table 2). All beans’ genotypes were more tolerant to KF than NaF, and a significant effect of the treatment level was observed (P < 0.0001). Beside the treatment, also the genotype differentially responded to the F treatments (P < 0.01). BOR was the most susceptible variety, and TI value was computable until 80 mg kg-1 (0.72, and 0.76 respectively for KF and NaF). Indeed, BOR seeds did not germinate under NaF200 and KF200. LYA90 showed the highest TI value (1.04 and 0.94) under KF80 and NaF80, respectively (Table 2). Under KF200, the African genotypes showed a significant decrease in TI values (JES: 0.52, LYA85: 0.49 and LYA90: 0.62). A slight decrease of TI was observed for both BOR and JES under NaCl200, while it remained unchanged for LYA85 and increased for LYA90 (Table 2).
As observed for TI, also GR% was significantly affected by the treatments and genotypes (P = 0.0091; P <0.0001, respectively). GR% for BOR followed the same trend observed for TI. In addition, under KF80, both JES and LYA90 (76%) showed the lowest GR%, while under NaF80, GR% was much lower for JES (48%) and LYA85 (59%). Under KF200, LYA 90 showed the lowest GR (62%). In contrast, JES showed the lowest GR % under NaCl200 (74%) (Table 2).
The DW showed a different trend for R and the AP with highly significant differences (P < 0.0001) (Table 3). DW-R decreased drastically with F salt concentration (Table 3). The effect of F treatments (80 mg kg -1) were much more negative on roots than on the aerial part. Under NaF 80, the highest DW-R reductions were registered (BOR 50%, JES 79%, LYA85 69% and LYA90 47%), while moderate reductions were observed under KF80 (BOR 40%, JES 39%, LYA85 16% and LYA90 40%). Under KF200, DW-R decreased respectively by 50% (JES), 76% (LYA85) and 73% (LYA90), while the parameter was not computed for BOR since there was not germination. Under NaCl200, the highest decline observed was for JES (44%) and LYA90 (31%). In the present study, the R/AP dry weight ratio decreased in all the treatments except for NaCl 80 in BOR and JES compared to the control. This indicated that the R/AP of all genotypes responded in a similar manner to the treatments except for BOR and JES at NaCl 80. LYA 85 and LYA90 showed the highest ratio under NaCl 200 (Table 3).
The highest R/AP ratio was observed in JES under KF200 and in LYA90 under NaF 80 treatment, while the lowest was observed in LYA85 under KF200 and in JES and BOR under NaF 80.
Fluoride uptake
Overall, the type of salt (treatment) and salts concentrations (treatment levels) had a significant impact on F tissue content, while no genotype effect was observed. Under F0, LYA90 showed the highest F content in AP (8.15 mg kg-1) while BOR in R (6.75 mg kg-1) (Table 4).
Under KF 80, no significant differences were recorded in terms of F accumulation among all the genotypes for both AP and R. (Table 4)
Under KF treatments, JES accumulated the lowest F amount at KF 200 when compared to F0 (73.3 mg kg-1) in the AP, while LYA 90 accumulated the highest F content (107.3 mg kg-1). On the other hand, LYA 90 and JES took up the lowest quantity of F in their R when comparing KF200 to F0 (+32.8 mg kg-1 and +43.6 mg kg-1 respectively). LYA 85 instead accumulated +62.2 mg kg-1 of F with KF200 compared to F0 in R. (Table 4).
About NaF, the only data available is the treatment with 80 mg kg-1, since higher concentration of salt inhibited the germination. BOR was able to accumulate the greatest quantity of F in AP compared to the other genotypes, reaching the value of 37.2 mg kg-1. In general, all African bean genotypes accumulated less F in both organs compared to BOR, absorbing probably less F from the enriched (NaF) substrate used. LYA 85 accumulated the lowest amount of F compared to the other bean genotypes (17.67 and 10.98 mg kg-1 in AP and R, respectively). (Table 4).
Based on the TF, all the genotypes studied showed a high ability to translocate F to the aerial part accordingly to the increased concentration of F (KF200). Under treatments supplying 80 mg kg-1 of F, JES was the only variety recalcitrant to translocate F to its AP (0.6) while LYA85 and BOR were able to transfer the F to the aerial part (BOR 1.3 and LYA85 1.8) (Fig. 1).
Ion’s concentrations
Na and Ca cations distribution in R and AP tissues were studied in all genotypes. Na content varied significantly among organs (R and AP) and treatment (P < 0.0001). As expected, under NaF and NaCl, organs showed a higher level of Na compared to F0 and KF treatments. In all genotypes, Na content in both R and AP, significantly increased with the increased level of Na supplied through NaF and NaCl. Na content under NaF was significantly higher than under NaCl salt, with the highest level reached for JES and LYA85 (500%- 516%) under NaF 80. Conversely, under NaCl 80, the highest levels were observed for BOR (199%) and JES (157%) (Fig. 2A).
All genotypes showed a significant dose-dependent increase of Na content in AP, with increased NaF and NaCl stress. Using NaF salt, plants accumulated more Na than with NaCl treatment (Fig. 2): the highest Na content was reached for JES under NaF 80 and NaCl 80 respectively 584% and 433% (Fig. 2B). With KF 80 treatment we observed a reduction in Na content in AP for BOR, JES, and LYA90 of 43%, 28%, and 15%, and an increase for LYA85 of 12%.
In R, Ca content decreased by the same level with KF80 mg kg-1 treatment in BOR, JES and LYA90 by 34%, 38% and 31% respectively while for LYA85 it decreased only by 11%. Ca content in roots did not change for LYA85 under NaF 80; in contrast, it decreased by 43% for BOR, 44% for JES and 34% for LYA90. BOR and JES showed a similar trend in Ca content in R under NaF treatment. Under KF200, JES showed the highest decrease (by 74%). Under NaCl 200, no changes were observed for JES and LYA90, while an increase was recorded for BOR and LYA85 (Fig. 3).
A similar trend was observed in AP. Both under KF80 and NaF 80, Ca decreased significantly. More in detail, under KF80 it decreased by 36% in BOR, 28% in JES, 19% in LYA85 and 29% in LYA90, while under NaF80 it decreased by 52% in BOR, 13% in JES, 30% in LYA85 and 40% LYA90. LYA 85 was again the genotype with the highest Ca content in AP under F treatments. However, Ca content in the AP showed a continuous increase with NaCl treatment (44% BOR, 99% JES, 43% LYA85 and 65% LYA90 at NaCl80 (Fig. 3).
The Ca/Na ratio in AP decreased in all genotypes and treatment except for BOR and JES under KF 80. The lowest ratio was 0.88 for LYA85 under KF200 (Table 4). All genotypes exhibited a low Ca/Na ratio in AP with the lowest content under KF200 and NaF80. As a consequence of a greater increase in Na and decreased K concentration under both NaCl and NaF treatment, the K/Na ratio in AP decreased in response to the increased salt level. Indeed, the lowest decrease was observed for LYA85 under KF200 and NaCl200. Under NaF, no difference in terms of genotypes was recorded. In root, JES showed an increase in K/Na compared to the other African bean genotypes under KF200, while JES showed the lowest ratio under NaF 80 (Table 5).
The bean genotypes which showed the highest Ca/Na ratios were the most tolerant to F stress, and the most sensitive showed the lowest K/Na ratios. Our results showed that K/Na ratio decreased (especially in roots) through salt-treated plants and Na was more concentrated in roots than in the aerial part. JES showed the highest K/Na ratio in AP, thus revealing higher capability of storing the toxic ions as Na in the roots. However, according to the Ca/Na in the roots, LYA85 and LYA90 showed the highest ratio under high F concentration.
Therefore, based on the stability of the tolerance to salinity from germinative to seedlings stage, the commercial variety BOR was identified as the most sensitive to F. BOR showed a high accumulation of F and Na in R and AP with the lowest calcium content under high KF and NaF concentration. Among the African bean genotypes, LYA 90 translocated F to shoots thus mimiking the behaviour of a hyperaccumulator. The results indicated that JES and LYA85 were able to accumulate less Na and F in their R and AP, altough JES was more susceptible than LYA85. In addition, JES showed a higher reduction in biomass and R length under high NaF concentration compared to LYA85. However, among the tested genotypes, LYA85 proved to be the most tolerant variety to F exposure.