Plant tissue culture
Cichorium intybus (chicory) Agrobacterium-transformed root cultures were kindly provided from Premier Tech ( and grown on solid B5 media without plant hormones. Serial cultures were maintained on liquid B5 medium (Gamborg et al., 1968) with 25 g/L sucrose and subcultured bi-weekly. Subculture involved transferring ~0.5 g FW of tissue into 50 mL of fresh B5 media in wide-mouth 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask on a 120 RPM orbital shaker with a 2.5 cm stroke. Root culture maintenance and bioreactor experiments were conducted at 25°C in the dark. Theobroma cacao secondary somatic embryo tissue cultures of PSU Scavina 6–1 were established from greenhouse grown floral buds as previously described (Li et al., 1998; Maximova et al., 2002). Tissue was kept at 25°C in the dark on solid media per protocol utilizing SCG / E5B and ED media (Shires et al., 2017) for ~6-8 weeks. Dioscorea cayenensis (yam) plantlets were provided by Morufat Balogun, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Plantlets of D. rotundata (IITA accession no. Tdr2436) were provided by Leena Tripathi, IITA-Nairobi, Kenya. Both species were maintained based on the protocol optimized by Manoharan et. al. (Manoharan et al., 2016). Briefly, nodal cuttings of approximately 25 mm in length were subcultured on solid Yam Callus Proliferation Media (YCPM), a MS-based media supplemented with picloram, casein hydrolysate, and proline (see Online Resource S1A-1) for three weeks. Thereafter, they were subcultured every 2-3 weeks onto fresh solid Yam Basic Media (YBM) (see Online Resource S1A-2) for two months, in air, without light, and at 25°C. Next, explants were subcultured on the same YBM media into larger Magenta™ GA-7 culture vessels and placed in a growth chamber with 16:8h diurnal cycle, measured as PAR of 77 ± 2 mE·m-2·s-1) for approximately 6-8 weeks or until plants reached ~95 mm and had substantial node growth. After several months of meristem proliferation, the process was re-initiated to ensure propagules maintained embryogenicity.
Horizontal (H) Hy-TIB Vessel Component Fabrication
H Hy-TIB version 3 (v.3): The cost analysis spreadsheet (Online Resource 2) outlines the source and costs of materials for both previously reported vertical orientation (V) of Hy-TIB and horizontal orientation (H) Hy-TIBs of the current work. Intermediate materials, including high durometer PP tubing, larger ID/OD SS tubing in fluid distributor, that were used only in versions 1 (v.1) and 2 (v.2) have been excluded. Several of the components of the reactor were custom machined at Penn State’s Learning Factory including (1) stainless steel (SS) insert that had to be cut to size, sanded, perforated, and bent, (2) SS fluid distributor that had to be cut to size, perforated, and epoxied to insert, and (3) SS gas connectors that had to be cut to size and lathed to specification. CAD component drawings, PDFs, and machining specifications are included in Online Resource S3,1B, and S1C, respectively.
H Hy-TIB Infrastructure, Assembly & Inoculation
Pre-Sterilization Assembly. Online Resource S1D and S4 provide instructions on the assembly of H Hy-TIB vessel via step-by-step pictorial instructions and video. In brief, the insert is placed inside the polypropylene (PP) plastic bag (VWR 95-42-564) with protruding fluid distributor-end inserted first (towards closed end). Just below (~½”) the seam and in the center of the bag, the distributor is pushed through the PP bag, and the bag is punctured to ensure flow. Similarly, gas tubing is attached to the bag with the press-fit swage as described in the Discussion. A growth matrix (e.g. filter paper, cheesecloth, fabric) is added onto the insert; this prevents propagules from flowing through perforations during operation. For in-line sampling (i.e. refractive index), a Luer tee connector (Cole Parmer, EW-45500-56) and syringe port (MediDose, IV2004) were installed into tubing connected between the fluid distributor and media reservoir.
Post-sterilization inoculation. H Hy-TIB reactors were pre-assembled without tissue and autoclaved. Explants (e.g root fragments, cotyledons, nodal cuttings) were aseptically distributed into the bag, sealed in a laminar flow hood using a commercial heat sealer and inflated via the gas inlet filter with a Drummond pipettor to ensure asepsis (or ‘sterility’). Media was introduced post-autoclaving by replacing the empty bottle with a sterile media-filled counterpart, then clamping all tubing lines to avoid liquid getting into the air lines when the media bottle was inverted into operational position (noting that air lines must be above media level).
Bioreactor operation and monitoring.
Gas Composition & Flow Monitoring. The gas delivery infrastructure including a low-cost humidification setup and manifold was described previously (Florez et al., 2016). Gas flow rates were targeted at 10 mL per minute per vessel. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Analyzer (Illinois Instruments, Model 3750) was used to confirm composition of supplemented gases. Because we required extremely low overall gas flow rates, particularly for supplementation gases (O2 and CO2), even the lowest-flow rotameters (Brooks Sho-Rate model 1355E, tube: R-2-15-AAA, spherical glass floats, nominal 47.1 mL/min) were insufficient for maintaining flow. Maintaining low gas flows that more closely match consumption through the TIB reactor is desirable but challenging—particularly for inexpensive multiplexed gas delivery. Inlet gas flow resistance was maintained based on back-pressure filters that were preceded by a metal gas manifold with a small resistance heater (Florez et al., 2016). To prevent condensate from causing variable gas flow resistance in exhaust filters, we describe alternative solutions in Online Resource S1E. This issue has important implications for cost and performance and is particularly challenging for evaporation under enhanced light flux.
Manual Infrastructure & Operation. For manual operation, the pulley system was replaced by a two-tiered stand, each with two ‘arms’, to provide high and low positions for the shelf of inverted media reservoirs. Other configurations could employ a manual hoist like the automated (LA and McA) systems for scaled-up reservoirs. Online Resource S1F contains a diagram of Hy-TIB infrastructure setup, noting the height recommendations for raising and lowering of reservoir relative to Hy-TIB vessel to ensure immersion without propagule displacement.
Microcontroller-based Infrastructure & Operation. Raising and lowering of the media reservoirs was accomplished using the same infrastructure described by Florez et. al. 2016 (adapted into CAD drawings; see (see Online Resources S1B, S3), with the exception that operation of the pulley system was accomplished via a microcontroller rather than computer-based LabView software. In brief, the inverted media reservoir shelf is raised and lowered by a pulley system. In this case, the process was controlled by an Arduino Uno with the program provided in Online Resource S5. This program sent the stepper motor controller a (0/1) logic output to specify stepper motor direction and a pulsing signal for rotational steps that generated a linear translation rate of roughly 0.5 cm per second. The stepper motor is only powered on during the cycle, with the down position as default to minimize energy use.
Hy-TIB experimental conditions & data analysis
Refractive Index / Sugar Consumption. Refractive Index (RI) was measured with a high-precision refractometer (Leica, Model AR600) to determine sugar consumption by the explants. For chicory roots, a syringe port (Cole Parmer, EW-45503-04) was installed in the flow path of fluid distributor such that 0.3 mL media samples could be taken via sterile syringe every 1 to 3 days.
Root Tensile Strength. The tensile strength of propagule roots impact ease of manipulation and explant survival. To evaluate differences in root tensile strength, a simple tensometer was fabricated using two Hoffman tubing clamps (Online Resource S1I). Both clamps were covered with a soft silicone tubing to provide for a gentle clamping of both ends of a segment of root with the bottom clamp fixed to a spring nut and weight. The force (weight) necessary to break the root was assessed by gently pulling upward on the upper clamp and video-taping the balance weight to observe the maximum weight loss on the balance at the time of root rupture. Only roots which ruptured away from the clamp position were considered a valid measurement. All plants with roots removed for tensile strength measurement thrived after potting and did not affect plant survival measurements.
Chicory Root Elevated Oxygen Study. To assure actively growing roots, explant tissue was obtained by combining several 1-week-old 125 mL flask subcultures, aseptically blotted and weighed, resulting in ~2 g fresh weight (FW) tissue. The inoculum was incubated for three-days in several flasks containing 50 mL of B5 media to overcome stress from recently cut tissue, reduce the lag growth phase of roots, and identify any contamination. After incubation, the inoculum was distributed onto filter paper (Sigma-Aldrich, WHA1001150) in the assembled autoclave sterilized H Hy-TIB reactors with additional 175 mL of fresh B5 media (total 225 mL liquid inoculum). Reactors were operated with either air or elevated (40%) oxygen in air. Both the incubation periods and the reactor run were carried out at 25°C under dark conditions. The reactor was manually cycled every four hours (6 times a day), submerging plant tissue for ~10 minutes each cycle.
Per Design-Build-Test (DBT) cycle (see Results & Discussion), Hy-TIBs were initially operated manually but once shown to be comparable with LA-V and Mc-A, different modes were used interchangeably as dictated by experimentation. The heterotrophic root reactors were harvested after approximately 2 weeks post-inoculation, or once sugar consumption plateaued for either treatment. Prior to harvesting, a small sample of media was used to test for contamination based on growth on highly permissive R2A media (van der Linde, 1999). Roots were carefully removed from the reactor and blotted on paper towels and weighed. To allow mass balance closure due to evaporation, final media volume was meticulously assessed by weighing reactors, roots, and paper towels used to blot. For dry weight measurements, a 2 g fresh weight (FW) sample of the root tissue was placed on pre-tared aluminum foil packets and dried at 70 °C until consistent dry weight.
Cacao Elevated CO2 Study. Growth of cacao in M-H Hy-TIBs v.1 were operated with either air or elevated 2% CO2 in air, each with two replicates. Experimentation was conducted with 12 secondary somatic embryos per reactor (<1 cm length, without root or leaf development). The total fresh weight of inoculum per TIB was 1.53 ± 0.13 g. The growth matrix used was polyester fabric (JoAnn fabrics, Thermolam Pellon TP980) that required manual submersion in media during inoculation due to hydrophobic properties. All reactors were maintained on the same media schedule over a period of 4.5 weeks (31 days). Reactors were operated with 350 mL of media: 250 mL of ED media with an additional 100 mL containing 30 g/L sucrose and 1 g/L glucose.
The photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) light intensity was measured to be 77 ± 2 mE·m-2·s-1 using a light sensor (LICOR, LI-1400, Quantum PAR sensor) where uniformity was achieved by surrounding the TIB growth area with reflective mylar film. The lighting was maintained 24/7 for the first 2 weeks post-inoculation followed by a 16:8 light:dark photoperiod thereafter. The reactors were cycled twice daily (every 12 hours) to submerge the tissue for ten minutes each cycle. Reactors were harvested after 4.5 weeks (31 days) in a fashion similar to chicory roots to obtain fresh and dry weight data. In addition, propagules were photographed, and image analysis was conducted with open-source Semi-Automated Root Image Analysis (saRIA) program to determine root volume (Narisetti et al., 2019).
Yam Trophism Study. A study of yam in McA-H Hy-TIB (v.3) involved growth conditions as described above. The explants were established through serial nodal cutting and propagated within Magenta™ GA-7 vessels. From these plantlets, approximately 1” nodes were excised, all appearing of comparable health (i.e. no visible overcrowding, excessively dry tissue, or necrosis) to provide 25 nodal explants for each of eight bioreactor vessels. Twenty-five nodal explants were also inoculated into the GA-7 vessel for the agar control; notably, in a prior study of D. cayenensis (see Online Resource S1H), growth based on equal area distribution (i.e. 25 nodes among 4 GA-7) showed comparable growth to air/sugar Hy-TIB. The nodal explants were initially transferred to solid YBM plates and maintained at 25 °C in 16:8 light:dark cycles for three days to check for contamination prior bioreactor inoculations.
All McA-H Hy-TIB (v.3) vessels were assembled and sterilized with cheesecloth (grade 10) inoculated with nodal cuttings and 250 mL liquid YBM (Online Resource 1A-2) with and without 30 g/L sucrose based on experimental design of two reactor replicates for each treatment. Treatments consisted of air without sucrose, air with sucrose, 5% CO2 supplementation without sucrose and 5% CO2 supplementation with sucrose. The agar control containing 50 mL solid YBM containing sugar was placed on the same shelf as the reactors to ensure comparable experimental conditions. Lighting setup and intensity was the same as cacao study above. Reactors were harvested 6 weeks after inoculation. Fresh weights were obtained by removing each plantlet from its reactor, blotting on a paper towel, and weighing. In addition, propagules were photographed, and image analysis was conducted with saRIA for determination of root surface area. Dry weights were not taken since these explants continued in a potted survival study.
Yam Survival Studies: Plantlets from harvested reactors were transferred to soil in 4x9 well plastic potting trays on 1020 greenhouse flat trays with plastic domes for a high-humidity environment under LED lighting. Plants were treated as needed with Gnatrol (Valent, WDG, Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. israelensis, strain AM 65-52 fermentation solids) to suppress fungus gnats. These plants were monitored and watered when soil appeared dry for 26 days. Photos were taken of these explants at two-day intervals to monitor their progress. Survival fraction was calculated relative to the 25 nodes initially inoculated.