In total, 20 native male rabbits weighing approximately 2 kg and aged 1.5-2 years were selected for surgical operations. The rabbits were purchased from local private farm. They were placed in a special cage for 15 days to let them adjust to the new conditions and were fed with special foods. Conditions and feeding were the same for all the rabbits. Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug was injected subcutaneously 0.2mg/kg to remove internal and external parasites of ringworm type. All animals received humane care in compliance with the Guide for Care and use of Laboratory animals (NIH publication No. 85-23, revised 1985). The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee of our Veterinary School. They were killed by intra-cardiac injection of 1 mg/kg Gallamine triethiodide (Specia Co., Paris, France).
The rabbits were divided into four groups of five and Theranekron (Richter Pharma, Wels, Austria) diluted 1mg/ml in normal saline 0.9% was injected 1mg/kg into the lesion sites of the five rabbits. Injections were performed on days 3,5,7 following the operations [12]. The 5 rabbits in normal saline treated control group received saline with Theranekron dose on the above-mentioned days.
In the untreated control group of rabbits, no injection was performed. Finally, in the autograft group, the harvested bone was put in place and the skin and muscle were sutured. The rabbits were sedated with acepromazine 2mg/kg and anesthetized with ketamine (30 mg/kg IM, xylazine 5mg/kg IM) and diazepam (4mg/kg, IM) [13]. Their right forelimbs were shaved and prepared for the operation. After toweling, skin incision was made on the anterior-medial surface of the radius bone so that the bone was exposed and a piece of radius bone about 10 mm in size, (twice as long as the width), was accessed from medial site. First the defected area was covered by suturing the muscles over the bone defect with 3-0 Vicryl suture material and then skin was sutured with 2-0 nylon suture. The rabbits were left in the cage without external fixation till full recovery. All the rabbits received daily doses of intramuscular 5% Enrofloxacin (5mg/kg) for 3 post-operative days.
Clinical Evaluation
To evaluate their clinical status, rabbits were examined twice a day and the operation site was checked regularly as well as using their hands, weight gaining, topical wound healing, inflammation and infections.
Radiological Evaluation
Lateral hand x-ray was prepared post operation on days 14, 28, 42, and 56. Radiographs were taken by Philips Xray machine with exposure parameters of 45 KVP, 20 mAm/s and distance between the radiographic film and the X-ray source was about 70 cm. Grid cassette (Fujifilm, USA) and standard radiography film were used. Lane and Sandhu modified scoring system was used for the evaluation and grading of the obtained radiographs [14].
Histopathological Evaluation
On day 56, all the rabbits were euthanized using anesthetic induction with a high level of magnesium sulphate cardiac injection. Then, the radius bone in all the rabbits was removed and the surrounding soft tissues were separated. Bones with defect were placed in Formalin 10% (Merk, Germany) and sent to the lab for histopathological examination. Samples were stored in the formalin 10% for one day, then formalin was replaced and samples again stored in it till fixation. To demineralize the bones, they were stored in nitric acid (%10) for 4 days, followed by washing with water and analyzed by an autotechnicon. To prepare microscopic slides, they were sent to histopathology lab to be examined by light microscopy. Emery histopathological scoring system was used for analysis. This scoring system is, as follows: zero points if the defect is empty, one point if the defect is filled only with fibrous connective tissue, two points if the fibrosis tissue is dominant in the combination of fibrosis tissue and fibrocartilage, three points if the fibrocartilage tissue is dominant in the combination of fibrosis tissue and fibrocartilage, four points if there is only the fibrocartilage tissue, five points if the fibrocartilage tissue exist along with the bone tissue and the fibrocartilage tissue is dominant, six scores, if the fibrocartilage tissue is along with bone tissue and the bone tissue, is dominant, and seven scores if the defect has only bone tissue [15].
Statistical Analysis
To analyze the obtained data, SPSS , and Kruskal-Wallis non parametric ANOVA were used. In case of P<0.05, Mann-Whitney was used to reanalyze the data. Level of significance was set at P<0.05. Statistical analyses were performed by SPSS software, version 16.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, USA).