Desperate situations often call for desperate measures. In the setting of a rapidly emerging epidemic of a new disease or pandemic, there are usually shortages of critical supplies for prevention or treatment, whether they be non-pharmaceutical (like N-95 masks), novel vaccines, or new therapeutics. In such circumstances, priorities are often set for implementing specific interventions. Informing the approach for setting priorities can be critical for reaching specific outcomes.
Our analyses show the impact on infections, hospitalizations, and deaths when vaccine allocation prioritizes the elderly and/or high-risk populations. No prioritization is the best performing strategy at reducing the number of infections in almost all scenarios (up to 500,670 fewer cases when comparing to two-stage and multi-stage prioritization); however, it results in the largest number of deaths. By contrast, multi-staged prioritization of elderly and high-risk individuals is the best performing scheme to reduce the number of deaths. Our analyses comparing no-prioritization and two-staged prioritization follows the findings in the literature [11–13]; however, different from those, we implemented and evaluated multi-staged prioritizion, prioritizing high-risk individuals after vaccinating elderly and found it provides the greatest benefit in reducing COVID-19 mortality.
When evaluating infections in the high-risk population, multi-stage prioritization results in the fewest number of infections at higher implementation rates. When vaccination starts in December with a rollout speed of 3, there are 3,568 fewer high-risk cases or a 1.4% reduction. When vaccination starts in September with rollout speeds of 2 and 3, there are 1,995 fewer high-risk cases or a 1.5% reduction and 8,248 fewer high-risk cases or a 9% reduction, respectively, when compared to no prioritization. The reduction in hospitalizations as a consequence of the vaccine prioritization schemes is also observed at weekly vaccination rollout speeds of 2 and 3. When looking at hospitalizations within the high-risk population, who is the group that is more likely to get severe complications, the multi-staged prioritization of elderly and high-risk individuals performs the best (up to 687 fewer high-risk hospitalizations or up to an 8% reduction when the rollout speed is 2 and up to 1,491 fewer high-risk hospitalizations or up to a 13% reduction when the rollout speed is 3, compared to no prioritization). Prioritization of only the elderly does not reduce hospitalizations compared to no prioritization.
The performance of the prioritization policies for deaths does not follow the general pattern we observed for infections and hospitalizations where no prioritization generally performs better. We observe significant reductions in deaths when prioritizing elderly and high-risk individuals since those populations have a higher probability of developing complications and dying, while hospitalizations only depend on age. No prioritization is the worst-performing strategy at reducing overall deaths and deaths among high-risk individuals. When vaccination starts in December and the vaccination rollout speed is 1, two-staged prioritization results in the fewest number of overall deaths and deaths among high-risk individuals (411 fewer overall deaths or a 7% reduction in overall and high-risk deaths compared to no prioritization). When the vaccination rollout speed increases to 2 and 3, multi-staged prioritization is the best at reducing overall deaths and deaths among high-risk individuals (up to 1,030 fewer deaths or up to a 24% and a 26% reduction in overall and high-risk deaths, respectively, compared to no prioritization). For non-high-risk individuals, there are no significant differences in the number of resulting deaths when following two-staged or multi-staged prioritization. When vaccination starts in September, multi-staged prioritization remains the best strategy at reducing overall deaths and deaths among high-risk individuals at all vaccination rates (up to 472 fewer deaths or up to a 21% and a 24% reduction in overall and high-risk deaths, respectively, compared to no prioritization.)
The results show that the ranking of the prioritization schemes depends on the vaccination start date, subpopulation evaluated, rollout speed, and outcome considered. Therefore, policymakers should consider factors related to vaccine deployment when choosing a vaccine prioritization scheme. However, another critical factor to consider is the additional burden that vaccine prioritization can have on the system that might result in delays in getting people immunized. Having no vaccine prioritization, i.e., opening vaccination to every adult regardless of age, reduces the spread of the pandemic by limiting infection but results in a higher number of deaths, especially among the elderly and high-risk population. While the prioritization of the vaccination of the elderly and high-risk individuals can have a significant impact, especially in reducing hospitalizations and deaths in the overall and high-risk populations, it is important to mention that its benefits might be not be realized fully if the rollout of the vaccine slows down due to logistical, access, and communication barriers, among others.
We ran an alternative scenario [see Supplementary Section B, Additional File 1] where the vaccination start date in two-staged and multi-staged prioritization was pushed a week later compared to no prioritization to illustrate potential delays due to following a prioritization schedule. The results showed that when a delay occurs, no prioritization strictly dominates two-staged and multi-staged prioritization for infections and hospitalizations. However, the schemes with prioritization still resulted in lower overall and high-risk deaths than no prioritization for all scenarios. The decrease in deaths due to the prioritization schemes ranges up to 13%, as opposed to 26% when there were no delays. For example, when the vaccine starts in December with a rollout speed of 3, no prioritization results in 4,295 overall deaths and 3,757 high-risk deaths, while multi-stage prioritization results in 3,265 overall deaths and 2,768 high-risk deaths (a 24% decrease in overall deaths and a 26% decrease in high-risk deaths). In the case that vaccines are delayed by one week due to prioritization logistics, multi-stage prioritization results in 4,000 overall deaths and 3,419 high-risk deaths. Even with the week delay, multi-stage prioritization results in 295 fewer overall deaths (a 7% reduction) and 338 fewer high-risk deaths (a 9% reduction).
The findings of this study show that multi-staged prioritization performs better, reducing hospitalization and deaths when compared to two-staged prioritization, especially at a rollout speed of 2 or 3. However, two-staged prioritization only requires the allocation of vaccines prioritizing the elderly as opposed to multi-staged prioritization that also requires allocation by risk group, and therefore implies greater coordination efforts. It is important to ensure that incorporating a staggered vaccination rollout by age and risk factors does not impair the vaccine rollout speed.
African-Americans, Hispanics, and native Americans have been at disproportionate risk for COVID-associated illness, hospitalization, and death since the beginning of the pandemic largely due to greater risks of exposure due to inequitable social determinants of health and access to medical care [20]. It may be useful in future models to consider how equitable vaccine promotion and access would impact hospitalizations and deaths.
The results of the impact of prioritization of elderly and high-risk individuals during vaccination rollout can be applied to vaccine distribution across the US; however, results depend on the prevalence of elderly and high-risk individuals in the population studied.