From the epidermal microbiomes of 27 T. semifasciata individuals, 31 114 584 sequenced reads were identified as bacteria and archaea spanning 27 phyla, 42 classes, 92 orders, 208 families, and 564 genera (Table 1). The total number of families present for T. semifasciata metagenomes ranged from 164 to 208 phyla. Water-associated microbiomes significantly differed from host-associated microbiomes in taxonomic composition (PERMANOVA: Family, Pseudo-F df = 1, 31 = 2.056, P(perm) < 0.05). The water column microbial communities had little within-group variation (SIMPER analysis; 72.96 similarity) and high dissimilarity and are not compared further.
Table 1
Base pair and sequence count for T. semifasciata across environments.
Base Pair Count
Sequence Count
Captive 1
Captive 2
Captive 3
Captive 4
Semi-Captive 1
Semi-Captive 2
Semi-Captive 3
Semi-Captive 4
Wild 1
Wild 2
Wild 3
Wild 4
Wild 5
Wild 6
Wild 7
Wild 8
Wild 9
Wild 10
Wild 11
Wild 12
Wild 13
Wild 14
Wild 15
Wild 16
Wild 17
Wild 18
Wild 19
Microbial community richness (d), evenness (J’), and overall diversity (1/λ) were similar across captivity status (Table 2). To understand the taxonomic composition and variation across environments we then characterized each group of metagenomes. The major contributors to taxonomic classes of epidermal microbiomes belonging to T. semifasciata long held in captivity were Alteromonadales (57.1% ± 4.29 S.E.), Burkholderiales (5.91% ± 0.79) and Sphingomonodales (5.51% ± 0.85), belonging to Gamma-, Beta-, and Alphaproteobacteria clades respectively. Of the marine generalists, the Pseudoalteromonadaceae family were the most abundant family present (30.1% ± 2.42), followed by Alteromonodales (20.01% ± 1.60), Sphingomonadaceae (4.48% ± 0.73), and Shewanellaceae (2.62% ± 0.14; Figure 2). The epidermal microbiomes of T. semifasciata inhabiting the southern coast of California harbored different abundances of major clades than their captive counterparts; fine-scale taxonomic resolution revealed differences between captive and wild benthic shark microbiomes were accounted for by major taxonomic contributors (>1% relative abundance), with smaller populations having no significant impact on microbiome compositions. While the Pseudoalteromonadaceae family dominates the skin microbiomes of T. semifasciata residing in captivity (21.4 ± 1.45 S.E.), the Flavobacteriaceae family contributed the most to metagenome compositions belonging to wild T. semifasciata (10.13 % ± 1.98), followed by Pseudomonadaceae (8.86 % ± 1.87) and Alteronomonadaceae (7.26 % ± 0.94). The Pseudomonadaceae (18.75 % ± 2.87) and Flavobacteriaceae (8.38 % ± 0.337) families were among the top three major taxonomic contributors to T. semifasciata microbiomes for semi-captive shark microbiomes, with the Moraxellaceae (11.26 % ± 2.12) family comprising significantly more of the microbial composition than in other groups.
Table 2
Table 1 Average biodiversity indices for epidermal microbiomes belonging to T. semifasciata across environments.
Margalef’s (d) Index ± S.E.M.
Pielou’s (J) Index ± S.E.M.
Inverse Simpson (1/λ) Index ± S.E.M.
41.21 ± 4.15
0.59 ± 4.3E-02
70.50 ± 3.54
41.53 ± 3.54
0.624 ± 3.37E-02
73.30 ± 2.27
40.07 ± 1.44
0.581 ± 2.88E-02
68.29 ± 2.29
While no statistical differences were observed between wild and neither captive nor semi-captive epidermal microbiomes (PERMANOVA Family level, Pseudo-F df =2, 18 =, P(perm) > 0.1); Genus level, Pseudo-F df =2, 18 =, P(perm) > 0.1), SIMPER analyses revealed trends along captive durations: microbiomes belonging to captive sharks are more similar to those associated with semi-captive sharks (87.99 Average Similarity (A.S.) = 100 - Average Dissimilarity) than to wild sharks (84.27 A.S.), and semi-captive sharks are more similar to captive sharks than to wild sharks (85.6 A.S.). Dissimilarity between captive and wild T. semifasciata was attributed to higher abundances of Pseudoalteromonoadaceae in captive microbiomes, consistently driving differences between the two groups (3.04 Diss/S.D.). Taxonomic clades accounting for consistent differences between semi-captive and wild sharks were Alcanivoraceae (2.79 Diss/S.D.), Planctomycetaceae (2.47 Diss/S.D.), and Moraxallanceae (2.38 Diss/S.D.), and were higher in proportional abundance in semi-captive metagenomes. The constant contributor of dissimilarity between captive and semi-captive individuals was attributed to Halomonodaceae (3.74 Diss/S.D.), which was approximately twice the relative abundance in semi-captive epidermal microbiomes. There was no difference in the microbiome variation of T. semifasciata epidermal microbiomes residing in each environment (PERMDISP: Pseudo-Family, F df =2, 18 = 1.508, P(perm) > 0.1, Genus, Pseudo-F df =2, 18 = 1.32, P(perm) > 0.1). The microbial families of T. semifasciata epidermal microbiomes did not form distinct clusters for each environment when visualized using an nMDS; the structure of T. semifasciata epidermal microbiome data across captivity showed no difference in coefficients of similarity and several microbial families were found to be highly correlated (> 0.85; Figure 3). These families include Pseudomonadaceae, Shewanellaceae, and Sphingomonodaceae, and represent major taxonomic contributors (>1%) for all three groups of T. semifasciata. Less represented clades (<1%) related to the spread of metagenomes include Beijerinckiaceae, Brucellaceae, Rickettsiaceae, and Bacteroidaceae as illustrated in nMDS overlays (Figure 3).
Comparisons of functional gene potentials of T. semifasciata epidermal microbiomes across environments
There were between 661 and 778 metabolic categories identified in all T. semifasciata metagenomes. Water column metagenomes functional potentials were significantly distinct from T. semifasciata epidermal microbiomes (PERMANOVA: subsystem level 1, Pseudo-F df = 1, 31 = 1.93, P(perm) < 0.05) and were not compared further.
Of the 27 major gene pathways identified in T. semifasciata metagenomes, six contributed >5% of reads, with the two top contributors (>10%) involving carbohydrate (12.2% ± 0.196 S.E.) and amino acid (11.0% ± 0.151) metabolism. Analyses of functional levels revealed no statistical differences between all groups (PERMANOVA: subsystems level 3, Pseudo-F df 2, 18 = 0.859, P(perm) > 0.5). In addition, differences in similarity between groups were insignificant, as wild metagenome metabolic profiles were comparable (SIMPER: wild vs semi-captive, 90.02 A.S.; captive vs semi-captive, 91.42 A.S.) with the greatest dissimilarity measured between wild and semi-captive shark populations (90.4 A.S.) when analyzing metabolic pathways (SEED subsystem level 2). The functions contributing consistently to differences between wild and semi-captive epidermal microbiomes, as identified by SIMPER analysis, were genes involved in gene transfer agents (1.95 % contribution, 1.95 Diss/S.D.), motility and non-flagellar swimming (1.69 %, 1.38 Diss/S.D.), and protein secretion system type VII (1.47 %, 1.35 Diss/S.D.).
Although β-diversity analyses revealed no statistical differences between functional profiles of metagenomes belonging to T. semifasciata epidermal microbiomes across environments, several functional pathways were found to differ. Captive shark metagenomes featured increases in relative abundances of genes; in carbohydrate synthesis (14.06% ± 0.24 S.E.) and utilization, such as the more specific fermentation (0.959% ± 0.06; Figure 4) pathway (SEED subsystem: level 2). Specific functional pathways (SEED subsystem: level 3) featuring utilization of simple sugars and sugar alcohols were also significantly increased in captive metagenomes including fructose and mannose inducible phosphotransferase system (PTS; 0.458% ± 0.01), methylglyoxal metabolism (0.37 ± 0.01), and mannitol metabolism (0.192% ± 0.26, Figure 5). Genes coding for enzymes involved in the breakdown of these saccharides i.e., beta-glucosidase (0.48% ± 0.01), were correspondingly increased in captive shark epidermal metagenomes compared to semi-captive and wild counterparts, in addition to the subsequent alcohol synthesis including acetone, ethanol, and butanol (0.20% ± 0.09). Pathways involved in heavy metal acquisition were likewise increased in captive shark microbiomes, as indicated by increased genes involved in heme/hemin uptake and utilization (0.19% ± 0.03), iron acquisition (2.65% ± 0.17). Furthermore, pathways involved in virulence, disease, and defense were significantly more abundant (5.85% ± 0.03), including specific genes related to periplasmic stress (0.02% ± 0.01), capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis and assembly (0.13% ± 0.013), murein hydrolytic activities (0.341% ± 0.01), and the antibiotic resistance gene BlaR1 family regulatory sensory-transducer disambiguation (0.34% ± 0.32). Conversely, higher functional potentials involved in vitamin synthesis (7.22% ± 0.145 S.D., p < 0.01) and nitrogen metabolism (1.82% ± 0.001) were observed in semi-captive samples. For T. semifasciata individuals, no significant gene pathways differed between semi-captive or wild metagenomes.
Metagenome Assembled Genomes constructed from Microbial Communities Associated with T. semifasciata
Cross assembly of the 27 T. semifasciata metagenomes yielded 54 MAGs containing 241 814 contigs greater than 1 kilobase pairs, with N50 of 735 bp and N75 of 583 bp. Of these, nine high quality MAGs were constructed spanning seven known bacterial phyla (Supplementary Table 1). While all T. semifasciata metagenomes were involved in MAG assembly, three groupings of contributions to MAG generation can be observed in Figure 6, where more even mean coverage of MAG contribution by T. semifasciata populations across environment is visualized. Among the groups, group 1 in Figure 6 highlights heavy contributions from both captive and wild metagenomes, while not harboring any of the nine high quality MAGs, while group 2 contains two MAGs further investigated. Finally, group 3 has an even spread of mean contribution from each metagenome environments and contains three high quality MAGs. The number of contigs wild shark hosts contributed to MAG assembly was greater (87.1% ± 4.88 S.E.) than both semi-captive (7.45% ± 6.86) and long-held captive sharks (5.49% ± 4.50) and is due to number of reads in the metagenomes.
Of the nine qualifying MAGs, two (Bin 27 and Bin 9) were identified as belonging to the Muricauda genus, an increasingly classified child taxon of Flavobacteriaceae family. Bin 27 had an average nucleotide identity match of 99.75% with the Muricauda antarctica species (Yoon et al. 2017), while identification of the species of Bin 9 remains incompletely verified (<90% similarity) at species level, with the highest resemblance matched to Muricauda reustringensis (84% similarity). The DNA G+C content of Bin 27 and Bin 9 was 45.17% and 41.72% respectively, both falling within the acceptable range reported for taxa belonging to the Muricauda genus, i.e. 41-45.4 mol% (Arun et al. 2009). Bin 27 featured a 95.77% complete genome, with 4 106 genes, 4.23 % genome redundancy, and a total length of 4 285 655 bp. The Bin 9 MAG was calculated to have a 91.55 % complete genome composed of 4 673 genes, with more genomic redundancy (7.04%) and a longer total genome length of 4 625 638 bp (Figure 7). Following genome annotation, no resistance or susceptibility to antibiotics were found in Bin 27 encoding for Muricauda antarctica. However, two virulence features were discovered: GTP-binding and nucleic acid-binding protein YchF (fig|1055723.17.peg.1964), and ferric uptake regulation protein FUR (fig|1055723.17.peg.1945).
Of the remaining seven MAGs, two were of unknown taxonomic origin with no similar genomes (Bin 36 and 47). In decreasing order of confidence, the five remaining MAGs were identified as Zunongwangia atlantica (99.75%, Bin 30), Roseivirga pacifica (96.5%, Bin 30), Leeuwenhoekiella blandensis (63.9%, Bin 22), Micavibrio spp. (39.2%, Bin 13), and Pseudomonas spp. (34.4%, Bin 12; Supplementary Table 1). Finally, Bin 36 most closely resembled a member of the Fluviicola genus (23.34% similarity), while Bin 47 matched most (20% similarity) to the Thalassospira genus.