Performance and Potential of Populations
The yields of the conventional trials were in the range of the mean yields in Germany during 2016 and 2017 (Fig 1) while organic yields were considerably lower, especially in 2016. Overall, the composite cross populations performed similar in yield to the organically and conventionally bred baking varieties under organic conditions and in between those two types under conventional conditions. They had the same protein contents than the conventionally bred varieties but one percentage point less than the organically bred ones. In addition, the CCPs performed considerably better than the inbred lines extracted from them.
The poor performance of the organic trials in 2016 was in part due to the season 2014/15 being excessively dry and a water deficit carry-over that also led to the low overall effects of the fertilization. These were even less under organic conditions as organic crops depend on optimal conditions with respect to soil water and temperature for nutrient mineralization. The similarity of the yields of the populations to the organic and conventionally bred varieties is remarkable, as the populations were generated from genetic materials from 1934-2000 that had been chosen for adaptation to low-input environments (Jones et al. 2010) and comprises many parents bred in the UK, which are not fully adapted to the environmental conditions of Germany. The populations included in these trials had been grown in Neu-Eichenberg for 10 generations and were in the F15 (2015/16) and F16 (2016/17). During these years and up to the F18, under organic conditions yields were close to that of the conventionally bred varieties Capo and Achat but under conventional conditions, Capo outyielded the populations (Weedon and Finckh, 2019, 2021) and highly stable (Weedon and Finckh, 2021). This is also in accordance with older results on other populations, where yields were found to be stable or tended to increase over generations (Suneson, 1956; Qualset, 1968, Allard and Adams, 1969; Jain and Qualset, 1976; Danquah and Barrett, 2002b). Compared to their parents or parental mixtures the CCPs outyielded them when tested (Brumlop, 2017; Döring et al. , 2015; Finckh et al. , 2009; Weedon and Finckh, 2021). Similar results with other wheat populations were obtained by Goldringer et al. (2001). This suggests that populations can be considered an as alternative to inbred varieties, both in organic and conventional agriculture. However, our experiments are not representative for environments with very favorable growth conditions typical for oceanic climates in northern Germany, where yield of more than 10 t/ha are possible.
Crop density (i. e. the number of spikes/m2) was highest in populations both in comparison with commercial varieties and the inbred lines extracted from the populations. Corresponding to this, grain and spike weights were lower. The same could be observed for ground cover during tillering, where the difference between populations and inbred lines was particularly notable. Early development in the field and ground cover correlate well with root development where the CCPs have been shown to outperform most pure lines (Vijaya Bhaskar et al 2019a) and organically evolved CCPs outperformed conventionally evolved ones (Bertholdsson et al. , 2016; Vijaya Bhaskar et al. , 2019b). Through this adaptation and the adaptability combinations of different genotypes the CCPs appear to be better able to use the available space and resources than homogeneous stands of single lines. Possible benefits are higher wheat biomass and consequently yield, improved organic matter supply to the soil (Simon and Reents, 2019) as well as improved weed suppression (Finckh et al. , 2018).
Role of diversity for performance
The superiority of the CCPs over the inbred lines extracted from them was more evident in the organic than in the conventional trials where fungicides were used to control rust diseases. Under organic conditions when no fungicides were used, the CCPs always were considerably healthier presumably due to their resistance diversity. However, even in the trials with low leaf infestation and where the populations were similarly or even more affected by foliar diseases, yields of populations were higher. Thus, greater resistance to foliar pathogens is not the only benefit gained from diversity, but other factors are also of importance.
Morphological characteristics are considered a main factor for a high yield potential of wheat varieties. Besides harvest index, particular importance is given to competitive ability, which in wheat as a “community plant” should be kept low. The resulting ideotype in pure line breeding is therefore low in stature, scarcely tillering and possesses short, erect leaves (Donald, 1968). Plant types with higher competitive ability are considered less suitable, at least for high-input-conditions, because all plants compete exactly for the same resources and may thus suppress each other.
In the case of heterogeneous populations, with a range of morphological and phenological characteristics, each individual occupies a different niche, leading to a certain degree of complementary. This would allow for denser canopies and more complete ground cover, which actually was observed in our field experiments. Therefore, the negative effect of more competitive ideotypes is alleviated, if a certain degree of diversity is present in the canopies. Diversification may therefore be considered an alternative or supplementary way to achieve higher crop densities, in addition (or alternatively to) to ideotypes with low competitive ability. As the overall competitive ability of such canopies is higher, this results in the observed improved weed suppressiveness (Finckh et al. , 2018).
Several new yellow rust races have emerged after 2010 in Europe affecting many of the current varieties (Hovmøller et al. , 2016) including ‘Kerubino’ in our trials. Some of the parents of the CCPs carried resistances against these new races just like most of the pure line varieties but also against the brown rust races present during their evolution in Neu-Eichenberg (Weedon and Finckh, 2021). This diversity in resistances protected the CCPs well. The pure lines extracted from the CCPs in 2007 before the new yellow rust races arrived apparently did not carry the relevant yellow rust resistances and were as susceptible as ‘Kerubino’ on average. Thus, highly diverse populations are a valuable and durable alternative to resistance breeding based on single resistance genes.
Under conventional conditions, where Septoria nodorum and Drechslera tritici-repentis were the prevailing pathogens the populations performed similar to all other entries with at most 4. 5 percentage points higher infestation (15. 4% DLA in the CCPs versus 10. 9% in the references) that was biologically not significant. Although canopy architecture diversity generally decreases splash dispersed diseases (Vidal et al. 2017, 2018), the higher crop density of the populations may have led to higher canopy moisture and to higher disease conduciveness.
Role of Diversity for Stability and Adaptation
While the commercial varieties with the highest yields were able to exploit their potential primarily in environments with high yield potential the varieties bred for organic farming proved to be distinctly low-input varieties. The fact that the populations ranged in between with a high dynamic stability points to their wider adaptation to different site conditions. In contrast to the varieties bred for organic farming, the adaptation of the populations was not limited to low-input conditions or organic farming, but they were likewise adapted to the conventionally managed environments. However, our study lacks environments, where extremely high yields of more than 9 t/ha are possible; consequently, we don’t know, whether the populations are also adapted to this type of environments.
The stability of the CCPs was in contrast to the isolated inbred lines, which were clearly better adapted to HI-conditions, but highly spreading and with low overall yields. The marked difference in yield stability of populations and isolated inbred lines shows that the higher stability of the populations is due to their diversity, not their genetic background. The findings are in accordance with results of Döring et al (2015) and Weedon and Finckh, (2019). We can therefore conclude, that higher diversity is an appropriate way to improve overall adaptation to different site conditions.
The comparison with the hybrid variety ‘Hybery’, and the high-yielding variety ‘Elixer‘ should be considered with care. Stability parameters are strongly influenced by the specific environments, where the genotypes have been tested, and in the case of parameters of “dynamic“ stability also on the other genotypes tested. Thus, other studies have reported particularly high stability of wheat hybrids (Mühleisen et al. 2014). ‘Hybery’ has a superior root system during early development compared to ‘Elixer’ (Vijaya Bhaskar et al. , 2019) which could have led to its higher static stability. More than one hybrid variety of the same quality class should be included in future comparisons.
In our studies, the differences among environments were mainly caused by local factors and different crop management (fertilization levels and farming system). The results are therefore primarily valid for the adaptation to local conditions and cultivation measures. Nevertheless, high resilience of the CCPs with respect to water availability, abiotic stresses and disease pressure in one site has been documented over 13 generations (Weedon and Finckh, 2021).
We conclude, that using genetically more diverse material can be considered an alternative to varieties consisting of single inbred lines and contribute to improve yield stability. Moreover, we found, that the use of populations is not limited to low-input or Organic Farming systems, but, in contrast to the varieties bred for organic farming, they show a wider adaptation do a broad range of environments.
Evidence for evolution and adaptation to specific environments
We could show that populations having evolved under different conditions differed for several agronomic traits. Since population sizes were large enough to avoid genetic drift (Brumlop et al. , 2019), and since two parallel populations s (With exception of the populations CyclHU, CyclDE and CyclUKCYQ LM and land CCYQ LM. ctr, see Table S3), these differences have to be considered as adaptation to the specific environments. We could however not directly show, specific adaptations to either organic or conventional environments or either high-or low-N-fertilization were evident in the field trials.
No specific adaptations to either organic or conventional environments or either high-or low-N-fertilization were evident in the field trials. Additional unpublished data, where populations in the F17 were compared with stored seed of earlier generations show, that evolutionary changes did not coincide with yield losses.
However, under controlled conditions changes in early root and shoot development of the HI and LI CCPs have been demonstrated as well as their translation into early soil cover (Vijaya Bhaskar et al, 2019). An earlier comparison for yield effects among populations with different histories also was inconclusive (Brumlop et al. , 2017). It has also been documented that in the first generations when the populations were still growing int the UK only, genotypes carrying rht-genes for reduced height had been strongly reduced without negative yield effects, however (Knapp et al. , 2019). Similar observations were reported by Goldringer et al (2001) in other wheat populations. For conventional environments with particularly high yield potential (more than 8 t/ha), this might increase the risk of lodging and require higher doses of growth regulators.
A concern that has been raised with respect to the use of populations in dynamic management, is that favouring of more competitive plant types should lead to yield depression due to natural selection (Denison, 2012). Natural selection favours genotypes with higher seed production of individual plants. Evolution would therefore favour more competitive genotypes, lead to more uniform populations and to lower yields. If all genotypes compete for exactly the same resources, this would result in the reduction of productivity of other, competing genotypes. This could occur, if there were little diversity within the populations concerning specific resource efficiency, if all available resources were already exploited, i. e. the genotypes were perfectly adapted to the respective environments and if no outcrossing occurred.
This is in contrast with the high yield levels in the CCYQs . Also, the CCPs have maintained high diversity as outcrossing in wheat is regularly occurring (Brumlop et al. 2019). Thus, most likely, the population consists of members differing in their specific resource efficiency and adaptation which allows for the resilience in variable environmental conditions among years. An additional aspect is, that environmental conditions change from year to year, and different genotypes will be more competitive in different years. In the long-term, this would lead to an equilibrium between differently adapted genotypes, potentially increasing yield stability over time and, on average also grain yields.
If there are unexploited niches and if genotypes differ in their response to specific resources, production per plant coincides with better exploitation of non- or underexploited resources/niches, without reducing seed production of plants belonging to other genotypes. This should lead to differentiation within the population, and might lead to higher total yields. Such a development would ideally occur, if there is a high genetic variability within the population and if there are many unexploited niches.
The CCPs have not been evaluated for yield increases or decreases over time. This would require growing many generations side by side. Compared to reference varieties, however, no increases or decreases have been found (Weedon and Finckh, 2021). Thus, it seems, that niche differentiation is more relevant. Our results on crop density and ground cover support this hypothesis: in populations a higher plant density, and consequently higher ground cover was realized, compared to isolated lines from the same populations.