Catestatin treatment affects the microbiota composition in CST-KO and WT mice.
The composition of the gut microbiota is shaped by, among others, host-produced antimicrobial peptides 17,18. Here, we treated CST-KO and WT mice (n=12) with 2 µg/g body weight/day CST by intraperitoneal injection for 15 consecutive days. Amplicon sequencing of the V3-V4 regions of the bacterial 16S gene was performed on the fecal samples of CST-KO and WT mice with and without CST treatment (n=12). Microbial richness, assessed by the observed number of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and Chao1 index, showed a significant decrease in CST-KO compared to WT mice (Figure 1A). Interestingly, the richness levels were restored upon treatment of CST-KO mice, but not in WT mice treated with CST. Next, the microbiota diversity was determined by Shannon’s H and inverted Simpson’s index, both indices are used to measure similar parameters of alpha diversity. Similar to the richness scores, the diversity index was significantly higher in the CST-treated CST-KO mice but not in the CST-treated WT group (Figure 1B). The data highlight that the effect of the absence of CST in CST-KO mice on the microbiota diversity and richness could be restored upon treatment with CST, while in WT mice, with normal CST levels in their gut, the microbiota diversity and richness did not change with CST treatment.
As a general exploratory analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed and showed distinct clustering of the CST-KO, WT, and CST-treated groups (Supplementary Figure 1A). Particularly, the CST-KO group clustered away from the other 3 groups, while the cluster of CST-treated WT mice showed a great spread and was overlapping with clusters of CST-treated CST-KO mice and WT mice.
To correct for any residual variation in the data, we further employed constrained RDA (redundancy analysis) to determine which bacterial taxa were associated with the different groups of mice at the genus level. The analysis was constrained to both, the mouse genotype and treatment (non-treated and CST-treated). Similar to the cluster separation detected by PCA analysis (Supplementary Figure 1A), both constraints had a significant influence on the model (p < 0.001, determined by ANOVA-like permutation test), explaining 13.4% (genotype) and 9.8% (treatment) of the variation, respectively (Figure 1C). Notably, the CST treated CST-KO group was shifted to the left side along RDA1, indicating a shift in “genotype” upon CST treatment, as opposed to WT, where the treatment group only moved along RDA2, which is associated with the treatment.
To assess the treatment effect exclusively on each genotype, we performed RDA constrained to untreated and CST-treated groups. On the genus level, Dubosiella and Romboutsia showed the strongest association with CST treatment along RDA1 (explaining ~31.2% of the variation) in the CST-KO mice (Supplementary Figure 1B). In WT mice, RDA demonstrated an association of Faecalibaculum, Bifidobacterium, Romboutsia, and Anaeroplasma with the baseline along RDA1 (~17.2% explained variance), while Akkermansia was more associated with PC1 (~25.1% explained variance; residual variance). Alloprevotella and Candidatus Saccharimonas representing the strongest associations with CST treatment in WT (Supplementary Figure 1B).
To further identify which bacterial taxa were affected by the CST treatment, pairwise comparisons of bacterial abundances were performed between CST-treated and untreated groups for each genotype. Focusing on the phylum level, Firmicutes decreased in relative abundance, while Bacteroidota, Patescibacteria, Desulfobacterota, and Proteobacteria increased with CST treatment in both CST-KO and WT groups. Verrucomicrobiota showed lower abundance in CST-KO but increased significantly in CST-treated groups (Figure 1D). The changes depicted on the phyla level in CST-treated WT mice are consistent with findings from Rabbi et al, albeit different CST administration and dosage regimen 19. These shifts in the main bacterial phyla upon CST treatment was further confirmed to be consistent in human microbiota by in vitro culturing of healthy human fecal samples with 10µM CST (Supplementary Figure 1C). On family level the most prominent changes were observed for Erysipelotrichaceae, which was consistently decreased in treated groups and Lachnospiraceae, which was increased in CST-KO, but decreased in WT in the CST treated groups. Further Lactobacillaceae was found to be decreased in CST-KO, but increased in WT CST treated groups (Figure 1D).
Notably, on the genus level, CST treatment reduced the abundance of Staphylococcus and Turicibacter in CST-KO and WT mice, while Alistipes, Akkermansia, and Roseburia, were significantly increased only in the CST-KO group (Supplementary Excel Sheet).
Next, we used LEfSe (Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size; Segata et al., 2011) to complement our differential abundance analysis. The main discriminant feature separating the groups (untreated and CST-treated) in CST-KO mice were species from the genera Atopostipes, Jeotgalicoccus, Turicibacter, Staphylococcus, and Coriobacteriaceae UCG-002 family (Figure 1E). In WT mice, the most discriminating genera were Lactobacillus, Candidatus Sacchararimonas, Turicibacter, and Enterococcus.
Changes in microbial composition are often accompanied by metabolic changes, in particular, the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) 20. Thus, levels of SCFAs; acetate, butyrate, and propionate, were measured in the cecum of untreated and CST-treated CST-KO and WT mice (Figure 1F). Remarkably, CST treatment significantly increased the levels of acetate and butyrate in CST-KO mice but not in the WT group. Specifically, butyrate was significantly lower in the CST-KO mice compared to their WT counterparts. Both observations are consistent with the observed significant increase in the SCFA-producing bacteria, Alistipes, Akkermansia, and Roseburia in the CST-KO group.
Overall, the results indicated a significant impact of CST treatment on the diversity and composition of the microbiota in the CST-KO mice, where CST is absent. This effect was much less prominent in WT mice which have normal levels of CST.
CST treatment of CST-KO mice promotes the growth of core taxa present in WT mice.
To investigate whether certain taxa exhibit similar behavior (increase or decrease in abundance) between genotypes when CST is administered, we focused on the core microbiota (common taxa between CST-treated groups), representing microbiota members, which directly (e.g., via resistance genes) or indirectly (e.g., via cross-feeding), resist the antimicrobial effect of CST. To do so, log-fold changes between CST treated and untreated groups for both WT and CST-KO mice were compared (Figure 2). Intriguingly, almost all significant changes in core taxa (determined by unpaired Wilcoxon test) were exclusively higher in abundance in CST treated CST-KO mice (quadrants I and II), while, for WT, both significant increases and decreases in the abundance of core taxa were observed. These results coincide with the RDA analysis (cluster of CST-treated CST-KO group moving closer to WT) and indicate that the effect of CST treatment in CST-KO mice promotes the growth of core taxa associated with WT mice. Taxa present in quadrant II, which represent those common taxa between the untreated WT and treated CST-KO mice, are partially restored in their abundance in the latter group. Interestingly, Turicibacter was the only core taxon in both genotypes, exclusively negatively affected by CST treatment, exhibiting a significant decrease in abundance and therefore suggesting higher susceptibility to CST. To confirm this observation, we performed in vitro assays, to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for Turicibacter sanguinis. MIC was also performed for Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, which increased in abundance upon CST treatment. The screening revealed low MIC for T. sanguinis (32µM CST), while B. thetaiotaomicron had a higher MIC (>64 µM CST), thus confirming our in vivo observations. Reverse-phase HPLC analysis of spent culture supernatant after 24 hrincubation with CST revealed degradation/uptake of CST from the medium, in the case of B. thetaiotaomicron, but not for T. sanguinis, hence explaining the higher MIC value in B. thetaiotaomicron (Supplementary Figure 2). Taken together, the data imply that the changes in the gut microbiota composition associated with the CST treatment (Figure 1) may be caused by the antimicrobial resistance of certain taxa to CST. However, the underlying mechanisms remain obscure.
Catestatin treatment promotes the abundance of the gut microbiota harboring antimicrobial resistance phosphoethanolamine transferase-encoding genes.
To determine whether bacteria with an increase in abundance in CST-treated groups harbor antimicrobial resistance genes, a metagenomic prediction was performed using PiCRUSt2 on KO (KEGG Orthology) level. From a panel of known AMP resistance genes 21, one KEGG Orthologue (K03760) was found to be significantly different in abundance between CST treated and untreated WT mice and close to significance in CST-KO, when corrected for multiple testing (Supplementary Excel Sheet).
Sequences within this KEGG Orthogroup contain orthologs of EptA (E. coli) phosphoethanolamine transferase. As KEGG Orthologs only contain sequences from reference genomes with no specific gut metagenomic context, we sought to refine our search to investigate the taxonomical distribution of the EptA. To do so, the EptA protein sequence from E. coli BW25113 was used as a query to search the Unified Human Gastrointestinal Genome catalog (UHGP). Identified protein sequences were further filtered and clustered into orthogroups using OrthoFinder, to confirm their relationship and exclude any false positives. The analysis revealed 9 orthogroups, while only 5 had more than 2 sequences. The largest orthogroup contained 96% of all protein sequences and was thus used for further analysis. The phylogenetic tree obtained by OrthoFinder exhibited a distinct grouping of sequences without great dispersion, where there was a major subdivision between sequences from the different clades of Bacteroidota, Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobiota, and Campylobacterota, while sequences of the same phylum were clustered in separate clades (Figure 3A).
Using the taxonomical distribution of eptA, we reanalyzed the abundance of genera harboring eptA upon CST treatment. Remarkably, both CST-treated groups showed a significant increase in microbiota-harboring eptA, though the effect in the CST-KO group seemed to be more pronounced (Figure 3B). To further support our findings that eptA-harboring core taxa increase in abundance in CST treated groups, we looked at individual log-fold changes of single taxa, as described above (Figure 2). Indeed, eptA-harboring core taxa were higher in abundance in CST treated groups, regardless of the genotype (Supplement Figure 3A).
Levels of antimicrobial peptides are higher in proximity to the mucosa compared to the lumen 18. Thus, to replicate our findings in a more physiological environment, we reanalyzed raw sequencing data obtained from a mouse cohort offering paired comparisons between luminal and mucosal microbiota 22. Intriguingly, a significant increase in the abundance of microbiota harbouring eptA-like genes was detected in mucosal samples compared to luminal microbiota (Figure 3C). Notably, this effect was only seen in samples originating from the distal colon, but not from the ileum.
To further confirm the bioinformatics analysis outcome for the involvement of the eptA gene in CST resistance, wild-type E. coli BW25113 and an eptA knockout strain (∆eptA) were employed and were cultured in different concentrations (8-100µM) of CST (Figure 3D). The results indicate that the lack of eptA led to a decreased carrying capacity (Figure 3D), which is equivalent to the maximum population size of the culture, as well as a concentration-dependent prolonged lag-phase during the growth of the E. coli (Figure 3D).
Similar to the majority of known antimicrobial peptides, CST is recognized by the PhoPQ system, which involves the induction of expression of the gene pmrD, followed by activation of pmrA, and eventually eptA expression 23. To this end, we tested the expression of the above-mentioned transcription regulators in E. coli BW25113 strain. Most notably, phoP showed approximately 3-fold increase at 0.5 h after stimulation of E. coli BW25113 strain stimulated with 20µM CST (sufficient concentration for detection without growth penalty), but only 2-fold and less prolonged in the control, before returning to baseline expression. The pmrA showed a later upregulation (after 1h) compared to phoP in E. coli BW25113 CST-stimulated cultures, while pmrD expression spiked in the presence of CST, but was invariant between the different conditions (Supplementary Figure 3B).
Taken together, the results show a higher abundance of the bacteria-harbouring eptA-like genes upon CST treatment, potentially providing these CST-resistant bacteria an advantage to colonize the gut, and, in turn, indirectly affect the colonization of other bacterial taxa.
Catestatin peptide is degraded by E. coli omptin protease
The ability of E. coli BW25113∆eptA to still resist comparatively high CST concentrations lead us to test whether the bacterium harbours an additional resistance mechanism, such as degradation or uptake, similar to what we observed in B. thetaiotaomicron (Figure 3D). We analyzed the spent culture supernatant by reverse-phase HPLC, which showed absence of CST-corresponding peaks after 24 h of incubation with E. coli BW25113∆eptA as well as E. coli BW25113 (Supplementary Figure 4A). To test whether the enzyme involved in the CST degradation is excreted in the supernatant, sterile-filtered supernatants of non-stimulated E. coli BW25113 cultures were incubated with CST and subjected to tricine SDS-PAGE to visualize the degradation/uptake of CST. Indeed CST was cleaved by E. coli BW25113 after incubation for different time intervals from 30 min up till 24 h (Figure 4A). This suggested the involvement of a secreted or membrane-anchored protease, which can also be present in secreted vesicles, in CST degradation. To identify which protease was involved, literature search was performed and revealed that E. coli harbours only 2 major outer membrane proteases, predicted to cleave CST 24. Among those proteases is the omptin, an outer membrane protease, encoded by ompT. To confirm that omptin was responsible for the CST degradation, an E. coli ompT knockout strain (E. coli BW25113∆ompT) was employed and was cultured in different concentrations of CST. Compared to the wild-type and E. coli BW25113∆eptA strains, E. coli BW25113∆ompT showed no growth at 100µM CST and an extensively prolonged lag-phase at 64µM (Figure 3D and Figure 4B). Collectively, the results imply that wild-type E. coli BW25113 possesses the ability to cleave CST through its outer membrane protease omptin, providing the bacterium with another defense mechanism, together with EptA, to resist the antimicrobial action of CST.
To further confirm the complementary function of EptA and omptin, we performed qPCR on control (unstimulated) and CST-stimulated cultures of wild-type E. coli BW25113 and E. coli BW25113∆ompT. Intriguingly, eptA expression was upregulated about 1.7-fold in E. coli BW25113∆ompT without CST stimulation compared to the wild-type strain (Figure 4C). When stimulated with 20µM CST, an increase in the expression of ompT, but not eptA, was detected in wild-type E. coli BW25113 without stimulation and at 0.5 h after stimulation, while this effect was reversed at later time points (Supplementary Figure 3B).
As E. coli BW25113 is considered a lab-strain, which might not be representative of naturally occurring E. coli strains, we also tested for the presence of ompT in two gut isolate strains, namely E. coli Nissle 1917 and E. coli DSM 11250. Both were found to be ompT carrying (Supplementary Figure 4B). Taken together, the results indicate the capacity of E. coli strains harbouring omptin to degrade CST, plausibly altering endogenous levels of the peptide in the gut in cases where the abundance of E. coli is significantly increased, such as in inflammatory bowel disease 25 To test this hypothesis, we investigated the abundance of ompT-like genes (KO term K01355) in different subtypes of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which are also associated with altered levels of CST 15, using publicly available data from the MetaQuery database 26. Remarkably, a significant increase in the abundance of ompT-like genes was found between non-IBD and Crohn’s disease patients. Similarly, there was a significant increase in the abundance of ompT-like genes between Crohn’s disease patients and patients with ulcerative colitis, but not between ulcerative colitis diseased and non-IBD subjects (Figure 4D). This observation was consistent with the abundance of E. coli in those patients (Figure 4D). Overall, the data indicate that CST degradation by bacteria-harbouring omptin-like proteases may play a role in altered levels of the peptide previously detected in IBD patients, which, in turn, would result in an overgrowth of these bacteria and worsening of the disease situation.