Larval breeding habitats and their productivity
A total of 81 positive breeding habitats were identified during the study period across the seven sites (only positive breeding habitats were recorded). Generalized linear model analysis revealed a significant interaction effect between ecozone and population on abundance. Compared to the other sites, the chances of getting Aedes larvae increased in the forest zone (unadj B = -204.12 [-306.01- -102.24], p = 0.000). The abundance of Aedes larvae increased in suburban areas (unadj B = -138.01 [-224.77- -51.26], p = 0.002) compared to urban areas, Table 2.
There were significantly more positive habitats during the rainy season than the dry season (N = 50 vs N = 31; df = 5; ꭓ2= 19.44; p = 0.001), Table 3. Within the 7 sites sampled, 78 (96.3 %) of larval breeding habitats were located outdoors and 3 (3.7%) located indoors (which were all found in Larabanga), Table 3, with larval abundance of 16,426 (98.3%) and 285 (1.7%) respectively (N = 78 vs N = 3; z = -0.138; p = 0.8903).
A total of 16,711 Aedes immatures were collected over the entire sampling period, of which 12,348 (73.9%) were from car tires, 3,138 (18.8%) from discarded containers, 730 (4.4%) from air-condition saucers, 230 (1.4%) from buckets, 210 (1.3%) from tanks and 55 (0.3%) from drums (\(\chi\)2 = 1.020, df = 5, p = 0.96), Table 4. In all the different sites, car tires had the highest proportion 8,453 (71.3%) of immatures during the rainy season. During the dry season car tires were still very productive with the highest abundance for Aedes immatures 3,895 (80.2%) (\(\chi\)2 = 2.106, df = 2, p = 0.3490), Table 4.
From the different ecological zones, significantly higher numbers of Aedes immatures were collected from the coastal savannah 9,819 (58.8%), followed by the sahel savannah 5,794 (34.7%), then the forest zone 1,098 (6.6%) (\(\chi\)2 = 16.071, df = 2, p = 0.0003). A higher proportion of immature Aedes mosquitoes was found in urban areas with abundance of 10,876 (65.1%) [Accra = 3,670; Tema = 4,338; Konongo = 1,098; Navrongo = 1,770], followed by the suburban areas with a total of 3,890 (23.3%) [Ada Foah = 1,811; Paga = 2,079] and rural areas with a total abundance of 1945 (11.6%) [Larabanga = 1,945] (\(\chi\)2 = 10.040; df = 2; p = 0.0066). There were more Aedes larvae sampled outdoors, 16,426 (98.3%) immatures compared to indoors 285 (1.7%) (z = -0.138; p= 0.8903).
There were significantly more Aedes immatures during the rainy season 11,856 (70.9%) compared to the dry season 4,855 (29.1%) (z = -2.747; p = 0.0060, Table 4.
In the different study sites, the highest proportion of immatures were found in Tema 4,338 (26.0%) followed by Accra 3,670 (22.0%), Paga 2,079 (12.4%), then Larabanga 1,945 (11.6%), Ada Foah 1,811 (10.8%), Navrongo 1,770 (10.6%), Konongo 1,098 (6.6%) (\(\chi\)2 = 16.642, df = 6, p = 0.0107).
Seasonal distribution of adult Aedes mosquitoes
A total of 1,895 adult Aedes mosquitoes were collected from the study sites. Generalized linear model analysis revealed significant interaction effect between outdoor collection, ecozone and population structure on abundance. The chances of getting more adult Aedes mosquitoes increased in outdoor collection (adj B = 1.49 [1.0271- 1.9602], p = 0.000). There was a significant difference of adult Aedes mosquito abundance in suburban sites (adj B = -1.49 [-2.0433- -.9320], p = 0.000) compared to the urban sites, (Table 5). Adult Aedes were more abundant during the rainy season 1,257 (66.3%) compared to the dry season 638 (33.7%) (z = -1.433; p = 0.1519). Across the different ecological zones, the abundance of Aedes were high in the coastal savannah 955 (50.4%) [Accra (urban) = 718; Tema (urban) = 161; Ada Foah (suburban) = 76], followed by the sahel savannah 837 (44.2%) [Navrongo (urban) = 577; Paga (suburban) = 173; Larabanga (rural) = 87], and then the forest zone 103 (5.4%) [Konongo (urban) = 103] (\(\chi\)2 = 0.359, df = 2, p = 0.835). The urban sites had the highest abundance of Aedes mosquitoes; 1,559 (82.3%) [Accra = 718; Tema = 161; Konongo = 103; Navrongo = 577] followed by suburban sites; 249 (13.1%) [Ada Foah = 76; Paga = 173], then the rural sites 87 (4.6%) [Larabanga = 87] (\(\chi\)2 = 20.147; df = 2; p = 0.0001).
In the different sites during the dry season, the highest abundance of Aedes mosquitoes were found in Accra 178 (27.9%) (HLC= 163; BG= 15], followed by Navrongo 173 (27.1%) [HLC=157; BG=16], Tema 108 (16.9%) [HLC=102; BG=6], Konongo 103 (16.1%) [HLC=88; BG=15], Ada 60 (9.4%) [HLC=50; BG=10], Larabanga 15 (2.4%) [HLC=0; BG=15], then Paga 1 (0.2%) [HLC=1; BG= 0] (\(\chi\)2 = 20.500; df = 6; p = 0.0023).
During the rainy season, the highest abundance of Aedes mosquitoes were found in Accra 540 (43.0%) [HLC=499; BG=41] followed by, Navrongo 404 (32.1%) [HLC=354; BG=50], Paga 172 (13.7%) [HLC=168; BG=4], Larabanga 72 (5.7%) [HLC=54; BG=18], Tema 53 (4.2%) [HLC=31; BG=22], Ada Foah 16 (1.3%) [HLC=0; BG=16] then Konongo 0 (0%) [HLC=0; BG=0], (\(\chi\)2 = 132.896, df = 6, p = 0.0001).
Indoor and outdoor abundance of adult Aedes population
Overall mosquito abundance was highest outdoors as compared to indoors over the entire sampling period. Indoor sampling yielded a total of 381 (20.1%) and outdoor a total of 1,514 (79.9%) over the entire sampling period (z = -5.427; p = 0.0000). During the rainy season, a high proportion of Aedes mosquitoes were captured from outdoors 77.8% (978), compared to indoors 22.2% (279) (z= --2.989; p = 0.0028). Similarly, a greater number of Aedes mosquitoes were sampled outdoors 84% (536) than indoors 16% (102) during the dry season (z= -5.021; p = 0.0000), Fig. 2.
A total of 1,140 Aedes mosquitoes were collected by HLC, BG traps and PPK in Larabanga, Navrongo, and Paga during the experiment. Overall, HLC (734) yielded 2.4 times higher adult abundance of Aedes mosquitoes compared to PPK (303), and yielded 7.1 times higher adult abundance of Aedes mosquitoes compared to BG (103), However regression analysis showed that there was a significant difference between HLC and BG trap (p = 0.000; CI = -2.180248 -.7245137), but no significant difference between HLC and PPK (p = 0.350; CI = -.4820909 1.359284), Table 6.
Generalized linear model analysis revealed significant interaction effect between outdoor collection, study site and sampling method on abundance. More adult Aedes mosquitoes were collected outdoor (adj B = 0. 87 [0.22, 1.52], p = 0.009). Adult Aedes mosquitoes were more abundant in Navrongo (adj B = 0.83 [0.07, 1.58], p = 0.032) and BG traps were the least efficient traps for the collection of Aedes mosquitoes (adj B = -1.39 (-2.14, -0.64), p < 0.001), Table 7.
Resting height of Aedes mosquitoes
The maximum height at which Aedes mosquitoes were caught resting was 5m whereas the lowest height for resting was 1m. The mean height that most of the Aedes mosquitoes caught preferred to rest ranged from 1.8m - 2.0m indoors and 1.3m - 2.8m outdoors (\(\chi\)2 = 1.408, df = 2, p = 0.4945). No mosquito was caught resting indoors in Navrongo, Table 8.
Aedes species composition in the study sites
Morphological identification of adult Aedes collected in all sites showed that Aedes aegypti 1,854 (97.8%) were the most abundant species present at all sites followed by Aedes africanus 40 (2.1%) and Aedes luteocephalus 1 (0.01%), Table 9. From the larvae collected in all sites that were allowed to grow to become adults in the insectary, all 11,506 Aedes mosquitoes that emerged and were identified morphologically were Aedes aegypti, Table 9.
Blood meal analysis was carried out on blood-fed mosquitoes that were sampled by the BG trap and Prokopack in Larabanga, Navrongo, and Paga. Out of 44 blood-fed mosquitoes analysed by PCR, 20 amplified. Out of the 20 that amplified, 18 (90%) had taken a human blood meal, 1 (5%) had fed on human and cow and 1 (5%) had taken a blood meal from dog and goat.