Seed germination potential was substantially influenced by stress intensity and genotype. Percentage of seed germination of Misr-2 (80%) was higher than that of Gemmeiza-12 (30%) under PEG water stress (-0.4 Mpa). At -5 Mpa stress condition, Gemmeiza-12 did not germinate at all while 55% of Misr-2 seeds germinated by the seventh day. Seed germination values indicated that Misr-2 was more drought tolerant than Gemmeiza-12. Traits associated with seed germination and seedling growth were used to detect genetic variation between genotypes of a given plant for drought tolerance, and these measures were used as screening criteria for drought tolerance [29–31]. In faba bean, growth parameters of the vegetative phase were more appropriate than those of seed germination stage to evaluate salinity tolerance [17].
The superiority of Misr-2 over Gemmeiza-12 in the ability to tolerate drought was confirmed by studying seedling growth under PEG stress condition (-0.4 Mpa), where the decrease in seedling fresh weight of Misr-2 was lower (32.0%) than that of Gemmeiza-12 (41.4%). The decrease in seedling fresh weight was improved when stressed plants were treated with SA, where it was higher in drought sensitive (20.8%) than drought tolerant (13.0%). In addition, root and shoot elongation was regarded as essential parameters for estimation of drought tolerance [32]. The decrease in shoot length of Gemaz-12 was 24.7% but it was 27.4% in Misr-2. On the other hand, the root length increased when plants were exposed to PEG regardless the presence or absence of SA. Under drought stress, increase in root length of Misr-2 was (63.3%) higher than that of Gemmeiza-12 (58.9%). Proline is synthesized in leaves [33] and transported to roots to carry out osmotic regulation [34]. Under drought stress, proline in root tips was significantly higher than root base. Then, osmotic potentials differed within the over length of the root and could regulate root length and mass [35]. In our work, increase in root length of wheat tolerant cultivar was higher than sensitive cultivar under drought stress. Accumulation of proline due to up-regulation of proline synthesizing genes such as P5CS and down-regulation of proline degrading genes such as ProDH and P5CDH supplies energy for plant growth, survival and ability of plants to tolerate the applied stress [36]. Data of growth parameters indicated that Misr-2 was more drought tolerant than Gemmeiza-12. Contrary to the results of this work, [37] used Misr- 2 as sensitive wheat cultivar. According to drought indices studies, Gemaza cultivars including Gemmeiza-12 were found to be sensitive for both drought and salinity stresses [37–39]. Gemmeiza-12 cultivar was recommended for cultivation under non-stressful environments [40].
While the pigment content, expressed in mg/g F.w., under control or PEG stress in Misr-2 was higher than that of Gemmeiza-12, the decrease in total pigments (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids) of Gemmeiza-12 (26.2%) was higher than that of Misr-2 (20.8%). Plant pigments have a proven effect on providing plants with sugars and energy, which are the two important elements for plant metabolism and growth. Consequently, the cultivar that keeps the concentration of pigments not much lower (Misr-2) than the control compared to the other cultivar (Gemmeiza-12), was more tolerant under the applied stress condition (-0.4 Mpa) and expressed higher growth values. On the other side, increase pigment content and photosynthetic activity led to increased ROS generation. It nictitated increase in proline as well as enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants [41] In this work, carotenoid, which has non-enzymatic antioxidant effect, had a positive correlation with proline content as was reported by [36].
In chloroplast, products of light reaction (ATP and NADPH) are utilized to produce glucose, fructose and ultimately sucrose. ATP and NADPH crosslinked the electron transport in chloroplast with proline production in cytosol [12]. In both wheat cultivars, PEG and/or SA resulted in increasing the concentration of glucose, fructose and sucrose, the highest increase was recorded when PEG and SA were used together. The mean percentages of increase in the three sugars of Gemmeiza-12 (179.6%) was higher than that of Misr-2 (151.4%). This means that the role of soluble sugars to control osmotic potential, modulation of gene expression and controlling of photosynthetic activity as well as ROS balance in Gemmeiza-12 was higher than that of Misr-2, as was explained by [42]. In addition, accumulation of sucrose was associated with activation the expression of P5CS to accumulate proline [43].
Stomatal closure during drought stress decreased CO2 uptake and over-excitation of the reaction centers of photosystem II [44] leading to formation of ROS [45]. Therefore, the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as CAT, APX, POX and SOD enhanced and coincided with an increase in proline content [46]. Activities of all the tested enzymes increased when wheat cultivars were grown under PEG stress with or without SA treatment. Activities of SOD, CAT, APX and GR (Glutathione reductase) in wheat were increased under drought stress and correlated with drought tolerance [47]. Compared with the control, the increases in the activities of enzyme APX, POX and SOD of Gimaza-12 under the influence of PEG were higher than those of Misr-2. Plants used antioxidant enzymes to convert ROS to H2O2 and ultimately to H2O and O2. High transcription of P5CS gene to accumulate proline was observed in rice treated with H2O2 [48]. Further increase in activities of these three enzymes was detected when plants were cultured in medium containing PEG and SA, where the estimated values of Gimaza-12 were higher than those of Misr-2. Mitigation the adverse effects of drought by SA may be due to improving the non-enzymatic antioxidants such as carotenoids and enzymatic antioxidants such as CAT, APX, SOD, POD, GR [5, 49, 50, 51]. Application of SA decreased catalase activity in Gemmeiza-12 even with PEG, while it increased significantly in Misr-2. Inhibition of CAT and APX by SA was previously reported [51].
To date, the role of accumulated proline on drought-stressed plants is controversial, where the correlation between increase in proline content and drought-tolerance is unclear [52]. There are two opinions, the first one indicates that accumulated proline enhances salt- or drought-tolerance of the plant. The second opinion contrasts the first one and suggests that proline accumulation results as a symptom of stress injury rather than an indicator of stress tolerance within plant species [52]. In our work, shoots and roots of wheat cultivars exposed to PEG showed a significant increase in proline content, it may be due to inhibition of protein synthesis, decrease proline utilization or degradation, increase proline synthesis and enhance protein hydrolysis [53, 54]. There were differences in proline content among the two wheat cultivars under applied concentration of PEG. Proline content in root and shoot of Gemmeiza-12 were higher than those of Misr-2. In barley, no relation could be detected between proline accumulation and salinity tolerance, instead it represents a symptom of susceptibility [55]. In Artemisia aucheri, proline level was higher in drought sensitive wheat cultivar than resistant one under non-stressful or stressful condition regardless the application of SA or not [4]. In potato, the highest rate of proline accumulation was observed in drought-sensitive genotype, where slight increase in proline accumulation was observed in drought-tolerant one [52]. Our and their data supported the theory that proline accumulation under drought is a sign of stress-induced plant injures.
When plants were subjected to nutrient medium with PEG and SA, proline concentration was increased especially in plant roots, it was higher than that of the control but lower than that of plants exposed to PEG only. Proline concentration in shoots of Misr-2 was not influenced under the influence of PEG and SA together. Proline accumulation was attributed to increase of P5CS activity due to SA application [4].
In plants, biosynthesis of proline from glutamic acid via P5C is the main route for proline accumulation under stressed conditions. This pathway is catalyzed by P5CS and P5CR. Expression of P5CS gene in Misr-2 shoots and roots was hardly detected under non-stress condition even with SA, while it was clearly detected in Gemmeiza-12. Also, proline content of Gemmeiza-12 shoots and roots was higher than that of Misr-2. There was a positive correlation between registered proline content and P5CS expressions as was reported by [52]. Germination and growth indicated that the cultivar (Misr-2) that was more resistant to drought, had lower concentration of proline and lower P5CS expression, the opposite was true for Gemmeiza-12 (drought sensitive cultivar). In other plant species (A. thaliana), P5CS and P5CR transcripts are correlated with the proline content in organs, except in roots where it was lower than that of shoots. The low proline content under P5CS transcripts levels in roots of both wheat cultivars may be due to export of proline via xylem from roots to shoots [56]. Also, under non-stress condition, the values of proline content were controlled by expression of proline degrading genes (ProDH and P5CDH) where they were lower in Gemmeiza-12 than those of Misr-2.
Under PEG stress, expression of P5CS in Misr-2 was lower than that of Gimaza-12. On the other side, expression of proline catabolic genes including PDH and P5CDH were higher in Misr-2 than that of Gemmeiza-12. Up-regulation of proline biosynthetic genes and repression of proline catabolic genes led to increase of proline content, in wheat cultivars, it was associated with increase total pigments and photosynthetic activity which led to increase soluble sugars and activities of CAT, APOX, GPOX and SOD due to increase in ROS content, and they were higher in Gemmeiza-12 than those of Misr-2. Accumulation of soluble sugars was associated with activation P5CS expression and led to accumulation of proline [43]. When proline was supplied exogenously, soluble sugars and other soluble substances were accumulated [57]. The current study indicated that the proposed role of proline accumulation in express of drought tolerance [4, 5] was debatable because proline accumulation and the expression of proline synthesizing genes of wheat sensitive cultivar were higher than those of drought resistant cultivar. Drought tolerance in wheat cultivars was proportional with expression of proline catabolism genes, where their expression was higher in drought tolerant cultivar than sensitive one. It seems that when proline accumulation is maximized under drought conditions, the genes responsible for proline degradation pathway (PDH and P5CDH) work to convert proline to glutamate [58]. In drought-tolerant potato genotype, expressions of PDH and P5CDH genes were higher than those of drought-sensitive genotype under the influence of severe drought stress [52]. Consequently, drought-tolerant potato genotype was accumulated proline lower than that of drought-sensitive genotype under PEG-induced drought stress. Then, low proline content in wheat and other plant species such as potato was resulted from low expression of proline synthesizing genes (P5CS and P5CR) and high expression of proline degrading genes [52]. Consequently, P5CS and P5CR genes down-regulation and PDH and P5CDH genes up-regulation may be essential prerequisite for drought-tolerant genotypes [52, 59]. The obtained data confirm the opinion suggests that proline accumulation results as a symptom of stress injury rather than an indicator of stress tolerance within plant species [52]. Our data indicated that, expression of PDH and P5CDH obviously decreased when the expressions of proline synthesis genes (P5CS and P5CR) increased under drought conditions as was detected in Gemmeiza-12.
In both plant cultivars, expression of P5CS in plants treated with PEG and/or SA was higher than that of control. In Misr-2, while, stressed plants showed up-regulation of P5CS gene, further up-regulation of P5CS was detected in stressed plants treated with SA. Vice versa was detected in Gemmeiza-12. Proline accumulation under drought stress can be related to up and/or down-regulation of P5CS and PDH genes, respectively [59]. There was a positive correlation between the level of P5CR expression and SA-induced proline accumulation under drought condition. As was detected in our work, [4] found that P5CS activity was increased in parallel with proline accumulation levels under drought stress and more activity of P5CS was observed when drought stressed plants were pretreated with SA. As in Misr-2 cultivar, [5] reported that treatment drought stressed plants with SA enhanced proline synthesis-related genes (P5CS and P5CR) but no change could be detected in proline degradation-related genes (PDH and P5CDH). Consequently, in Misr-2, proline content of plants treated with PEG and SA was as same as of that of control. Under the influence of SA, up-regulation of PDH and P5CDH genes in Misr-2 were clearly higher than those of Gemmeiza-12. Stimulation of PDH by SA without change in proline content was detected in other plant species [4].