Landscape configuration and water quality at landscape and class levels
Our study indicated that the metrics reflecting landscape spatial configuration had a stronger relationship to the water quality variables than composition metrics for both basins under study (Tables 2 and 4). Stepwise regression and redundancy analyses showed that the water quality variables were more explained by the configuration metrics (e.g., PD, IJI, MESH, and SPLIT) of land use classes in comparison with landscape composition metrics, as reflected by the high frequency of occurrences in the best models (Tables 2 and 4). Note that composition metrics also were important in the analysis, as they were more effective for some of the water variables than configuration metrics. Our results are inconsistent with studies that claimed landscape configuration indices are more important than composition indices in predicting stream water quality in watersheds (Alberti et al. (2007); Clément et al. (2017); Lee et al. (2009); Xiao and Ji (2007)). Both basins showed that in addition to the number of land use classes, their position and distribution are also important.
At the landscape level, only phosphor (P) was included in the regression models in the Chalus basin (Table 2). The variable was positively correlated with SPLIT at the basin scale, indicating that a greater fragmentation of land use types leads to degraded water quality. Other related studies have obtained similar conclusions (Lee et al., 2009; Shen et al., 2014; Xiao and Ji, 2007). In the Khorramabad basin, TDS and NO3 showed a positive correlation with PD, AREA_MN, and MESH at the landscape level (Table 4), implying that increasing fragmentation of land use types leads to degraded water quality. Shen et al. (2014) also showed that the CONTAG metric was negative with total suspended solids (TSS) and IJI had a positive relationship with most water quality variables; indicating that a more fragmented landscape, the more degraded water quality. P had a positive correlation with PD of land use types, and it is high if the density of patches and their distance from each other are high. Although Lee et al. (2009) also Showed similar results about PD and Shen et al. (2014) found that PD was negatively related to the concentration of CODCr in the rainy season (R2= 0.431). We did not find any relationship between water variable and landscape metrics at the landscape level but, Liu et al. (2012) found that ED had negative correlations with NO2, NO3, TN, TP, and TSI concentrations at landscape level in agriculture-dominated watersheds in China, indicating that more complexed landscapes have less-polluted rivers. (Uuemaa et al., 2007) also found that edge density was negatively correlated with total nitrogen concentrations in Estonian rivers, and concluded that more complex landscape patterns can retain more nutrients and organic matter.
Shen et al. (2014) indicated that IJI had a positive relationship with most of the water quality parameters; a higher IJI indicates a fragmented landscape, and subsequently presents degraded water quality. In the present study, DO was negatively correlated to IJI, and P was positively correlated with SPLIT of agriculture areas in the Chalus basin (Table 2), and in the Khorranabad basin DO was positively correlated to patch density of agriculture (Table 4), implying that fragmented agricultural lands lead to decreasing river water quality in both basins. The results of Griffith et al. (2002) in 271 catchments in the central USA, are consistent with our results and Indicated that the presence of small agricultural areas increases land cover diversity and thus negatively affects stream water quality. However, Zhou et al. (2012) found that the percentage of agricultural land use was positively correlated with the concentrations of DO at the subwatershed scale and patch density (PD) of agriculture was negatively correlated with DO at the scales of subwatershed, catchment, and buffer zones.
grasslands are considered to act as a buffer, play a retention function, decrease the amount of surface runoff, absorbing part of runoff, and thus reducing non-point source pollution (Ouyang et al., 2010). In our study, MESH of grassland was negatively correlated with DO in the Chalus basin, implying that more fragmented grasslands lead to decreased water quality. In the Khorramabad basin, LPI and PLAND of grassland were negatively correlated with NO3, contrary to the study done by Lee et al. (2009) that showed the LPI of grassland was positively correlated with the water quality parameters. Lee et al. (2009) also showed that the LPI of grasslands was positively correlated with the water quality variable.
Streams and rivers that pass through urbanized landscapes often have higher levels of water pollutants and more nutrient loads, thus reduced biodiversity (Meyer et al., 2005). our study showed that distant urban patches in the Chalus basin lead to increase electrical conductivity (EC) because EC was mostly affected by urban metrics such as ED, ENN_MN, and PAFRAC and had a positive relationship with ENN_MN of urban patches. In the Khorramabad basin, NO3 was positively correlated with PD of urban lands, indicating that dispersed urban areas lead to increasing degraded water quality. This result is also true for TDS that had a positive correlation with SPLIT of urban areas (Table 4).
Effects of forest cover on water quality in the Chalus basin showed that NO3 had a positive relationship with the mean area of forest patches and P had a negative relationship with the density of forest patches. In the Khorramabad basin, only NO2 showed a negative relationship with the SPLIT of the forest, implying that fragmented forest cover leads to degraded water quality in the basin. Our results are consistent with the studies that claim in forested catchments, water quality will start to deteriorate as the landscape becomes more fragmented, and resulting in higher landscape diversity and lower landscape contagion Clément et al. (2017). In general, forest cover in the present study did not affect the water quality variable considerably in both basins and our results only showed that the more fragmented forest, the more deteriorated water quality. However, inconsistent with our results, Lee et al. (2009) reported a negative relationship between the LPI of forest and water quality parameters. meaning that the widespread distribution of forests could improve the water quality of the watershed to a certain extent.
On the whole, PD, IJI, and SPLIT of different land uses were the most important metrics which had significant relationships with the water quality indicators (Tables 2 and 4). Similar to Shen et al. (2015) our results also showed that metrics at the class level are a better predictor than metrics at the landscape level for the water quality variables.
Impacts of landscape metrics on water quality at multiple scales
The influence of the landscape on the water quality is scale-dependent, and our study also confirms this fact, as reported by others (Sliva and Williams, 2001; Zhou et al., 2012). The impact of landscape patterns on river water quality is different at riparian buffer zones and basin scales, thus a controversial issue. Some studies have shown that near covers to the river have greater effects on river quality than distant covers or the entire catchment. For example, JOHNSON et al. (1997) found that TP and TSS were much better explained by the land use within the stream riparian buffer than the entire catchment. While, Sliva and Williams (2001) showed that at the catchment, landscape metrics had a slightly greater influence on the water quality than the 100 m buffer in their study area and Alberti et al. (2007) found that it was not possible to determine which scale was more correlated to river quality changes.
It is acceptable that the landscape patterns of riparian buffer zones have important effects on aquatic ecosystems (Alberti et al., 2007; Shen et al., 2015). Consistent with our results, Shen et al. (2015) showed that the water quality changes were better correlated with the buffer metrics than the basin scale. In both basins, the selected landscape metrics at the 100 m buffer zone explained more than 80% of water quality variation, which has proven the importance of the landscape pattern for the 100 m riparian buffer zone (Tables 5 and 7). JOHNSON et al. (1997) predict 56% of the variation in water quality in summer and 40% in autumn and Galbraith and Burns (2007) found 68.8% of the variation in the chemical and physical variables. Shen et al. (2014) showed 46.9% and 24.5% of the variation in water quality in rainy and dry seasons respectively. Since the effects of landscape patterns at the 100 m buffer zone are much stronger than earlier studies, landscape planners should focus on the riparian buffer zones and enhancing their function to improve the river water quality in the Chalus and Khorramabad River basins.
Many of the earlier studies have identified urban areas as dominant factors contributing to degraded water quality. In our study, forest cover, agriculture, and urban areas were recognized as important explanatory variables for water quality. It is known that urban land uses play primary roles in decreasing river water quality passing through urbanized landscapes (Lee et al., 2009; Shen et al., 2014; White and Greer, 2006), and Agricultural areas can result in non-point source pollution by runoff from bare soils, pastures and crop fields (Mehaffey et al., 2005).
At the 100 m buffer scale, ED of the forest, PLADJ, and MESH of urban areas in Khorramabad basin and AI of the forest, ED of urban, and SPLIT of agricultural lands were recognized as significant variables affecting the water quality in the Chalus basin (Tables 6 and 8). Forest edge density (ED) also showed a positive influence on water quality at 100 m buffer riparian scale with TDS and appeared as the most dominant metrics in multivariate analysis at 100 m scale. In other scales only metrics related to agriculture and urban were seen as dominant variables, indicating that these land-use classes are final determinatives in water quality changes in our study areas. As the scale increased, all dominant variables at each scale indicated a decreasing trend of the landscape impact on the water quality. Joshi et al. (2016) also showed that the largest patch index of urban (LPI) and aggregation index of forest (AI) were the most important predictors for NH3-N, NO3-N, and TP. Clément et al. (2017) proposed that a forest edge is beneficial for water quality with a density of higher than 36 m/ha. They also compared two catchments with similar characteristics, and different forest edge densities, and water quality. Their results indicated that in the catchment with the higher edge density, water quality is better, implying complex woodlands following river corridors and gullies, improves the filtration capacity.
Although in Chalus basin human activities were insignificant, they had considerable effects on Chalus river quality, and metrics of urban and agriculture were recognized as a dominant variable at all scales, implying that a large amount of forest cover cannot impede the effects of human activities in a basin because this kind of activities have been created near rivers and have more impacts on the river than distant natural covers.