Polychromophilus infection in Malagasy bats and phylogenetic analyses
On the basis of the results presented herein including the analysis of seven different families of bats, Polychromophilus infection in Malagasy bats from the eastern portion of the island appears to be limited to two families (Miniopteridae and Vespertilionidae), while the other five tested families (Pteropodidae, Hipposideridae, Emballonuridae, Myzopodidae, and Molossidae) were negative. Such host-parasite associations are in keeping with previous investigations carried out worldwide [10, 17, 18, 27, 43]. To date, 10 out of the 12 species of Miniopterus tested and occurring on Madagascar are infected by P. melanipherus based on morphological or molecular screenings. Miniopterus brachytragos was represented by six individuals in the current study which were negative. Hence, the absence of P. melanipherus infection in M. brachytragos may associated with the limited sample size, as this species was previously found infected by Haemosporidae [44]. Miniopterus petersoni, with a limited geographical distribution [45], has not yet been analyzed to date due to the absence of blood samples. Based on generalized linear model analysis, M. gleni and M. griveaudi present higher risk of infection than the other Malagasy species within this genus. This may be due to their roosting behavior, as these two species occur in large day roosting colonies within caves and both species have broad geographical distributions and little genetic variability, which we assume is related to their high dispersal capacity [45–47].
Phylogenetic analysis based on a portion of cytochrome b gene of Polychromophilus spp. in bats from different localities showed that they form a monophyletic group composed of five distinct clades, of which three are documented on Madagascar. Polychromophilus melanipherus was identified in Miniopterus spp., providing further support that this blood parasite species is specific to the Miniopteridae and with a broad Old World distribution [8, 10, 48]. This parasite infects different species of Miniopterus without geographic or host species barriers [10, 17, 43, 49]. Apart from Miniopterus spp., Paratriaenops furculus (Rhinonycteridae) has already been reported to be infected with Polychromophilus melanipherus [27], whereas a closely related member of this family, Triaenops menamena, which occurs in sympatry with Paratriaenops furculus in the same day roost sites [45, 50] tested negative for this parasite [27].
The second clade represented by Polychromophilus murinus, occurred in different genera and species of the family Vespertilionidae [27, 51, 52]. Compared to infection of P. murinus in European bats, it appears that on Madagascar, within Vespertilionidae, only Myotis goudoti is infected by P. murinus. A third lineage of Polychromophilus, identified herein as Polychromophilus sp. 3 based on molecular data, was found in a single specimen of Scotophilus robustus (Vespertilionidae). Our phylogenetic tree shows that this lineage is different from what was previously published and represents an undescribed Polychromophilus taxa. However, with only one positive specimen among three captured individuals, we refrain from proving a diagnosis this taxon and describe it as new to science; further samples are needed to resolve the taxonomy of Polychromophilus sp. 3 based on morphological and molecular diagnosis.
The other two Polychromophilus clusters identified in Fig. 2 as Polychromophilus sp. 2 in Laephotis capensis and Pipistrellus simandouensis from west Africa, and Polychromophilus sp. 1 in Kerivoula hardwickii from southeast Asia [10, 16] also need further investigation to have additional information on their taxonomy. To date, 38 out of the 46 species of bats occurring on Madagascar have been screened for the presence of apicomplexan parasites. The balance of eight species needs to be examined as material becomes available.
Distribution of Polychromophilus spp. on Madagascar
We used P. melanipherus data to model the distribution of bat-borne blood parasites in members of the genus Miniopterus, as these bats are widespread on Madagascar from the sea level to up to 1800 m [45]. We could not use data from Raharimanga et al. [44] in the modeling analysis presented herein as the lack of molecular data associated with the identified hematoparasites does not allow positive identification. In total, 10 out of the 11 Miniopterus species screened for the presence of P. melanipherus were positive. Members of the family Miniopteridae use different roost sites such as caves, crevices or rock overhangs [45, 50] and generally live in a mix colonies with other species, often Myotis goudoti [45]. The dispersal capacity of members of the genus is notably high, as exemplified by Miniopterus gleni and M. griveaudi [45, 50]. Polychromophilus melanipherus appears to be a cosmopolitan blood parasite of Miniopterus spp.
Based on the Maxent analysis, vegetation and geology are the two most significant parameters and contributed more than 90% of the variables explaining the occurrence of P. melanipherus on Madagascar. On the island, the vegetation variable showed a notable difference between the west and east. In the western portion, three main vegetation types occur, including dry forest in the north, dry deciduous forest in the central area, and dry spiny thicket in the southwest. These vegetational gradients are important in the ecology of Miniopterus species associated with their feeding behavior at a local scale and their dispersal at a broader scale. In addition, throughout portions of the west are found limestone formations and often containing cave systems where different species of Miniopterus roost in sympatry or in syntopy within the cave. At such day roost sites, Miniopterus, as well as other species most notably Myotis goudoti occur in large to moderately large mono- or multi-specific groups, which may favor parasite transmission. The analysis indicates that the eastern and central portions of Madagascar, characterized by natural moist evergreen forests and associated climatic conditions, are less favorable for Miniopterus. Also, the local geology of this area lacks exposed sedimentary rock and deep cave formations and day roost sites are limited to crevices or tree holes where roosting groups tend to be relatively small. While P. melanipherus is associated with the genus Miniopterus, several abiotic help explain the lower prevalence of this parasite in the eastern portion of the island. It is important to mention that P. melanipherus and P. murinus generally co-occur within the same locality as their respective hosts sometimes live in sympatry or in syntopy within their day roost sites but no case of co-infection are known to date in a single individual.
Drivers of Polychromophilus infection in bats
Dick and Dittmar [53] hypothesized that the type of day roost sites, colony size, and bioclimatic aspects can affect the exposure of bats to insect vectors, and hence parasite transmission. Based on the results obtained herein and in the literature, Polychromophilus infection is limited to several species from three different families of Malagasy bats, and some ideas can be presented based on the analyses presented herein about potential drivers of Polychromophilus infection on the island. To this end, we suggest that Polychromophilus infection in bats is driven by two main factors: the ecological niche they occupy and the behavioral aspects of bat hosts and the presence of competent vectors.
Ecological niche and bat behavior
The three Polychromophilus taxa show a certain level of host specificity that may be related to the ecological niche and behavior of their bat hosts. As P. melanipherus infects almost all Miniopterus species on Madagascar, hypotheses regarding parasites maintenance and transmission can be suggested. The genus Miniopterus occurs in a wide range of habitats on the island with some of the species within the genus forming large monospecific or multispecific colonies. Miniopterus gleni and M. griveaudi often live in caves and rock shelters located near freshwater streams or in areas protected from solar radiation and with humid local conditions. Further, these two bat species often share or occur in relatively close proximity to other cave roosting bat species. Miniopterus gleni is the only species with a large distribution across much of the island, from sea level to 1200 m, and can also co-occur with other members of the genus [50]. Further, phylogeographic studies show little genetic variation across the different populations and it can be presumed that this species disperses widely [46]. The role of this species as a bridge for Polychromophilus transmission is therefore probable. Nonetheless, this supposition needs further consideration with regards to the ecology, ectoparasites, and behavior of this species.
Polychromophilus murinus on Madagascar is only known from Myotis goudoti. This endemic bat species shows little phylogeographical structure, best explained by broad dispersal [54]. Myotis goudoti occurs in various habitat types on the island and roosts in caves, crevices, and tree holes [45], and in small or large day roost colonies. Although this species can live in syntopy with some small or middle-sized Miniopterus such as M. griveaudi, M. ambohitrensis, or M. majori within the same day roost site, no co-infection of P. murinus has been reported.
Presence of competent vectors and fly/bat specificity
Polychromophilus spp. have been proposed to be transmitted by nycteribiid flies (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea: Nycteribiidae) [13, 52], which are highly specialized ectoparasites of bats [55–58]. Nycteribiid flies and their associated bat hosts’ show a strong association providing the means for parasite transmission through their respective life cycles. As a vector-borne infection, the transmission of Polychromophilus is presumably insured by the presence of competent vectors that are tightly associated with bat hosts. The molecular screening of 38 individual nycteribiids belonging to three species (Penicillidia leptothrinax, Penicillidia sp. cf. fulvida, and Nycteribia stylidiopsis) revealed the presence of Polychromophilus spp. [27]. While no detailed work on the role of Nycteribiidae as vector of Polychromophilus has been achieved on Madagascar, three species of Nycteribiidae, namely Penicillidia lepthothrinax, Nycteribia stylidiopsis and Penicillidia sp. are local candidate vectors of Polychromophilus [27]. Penicillidia leptothrinax and Nycteribia stylidiopsis have been previously reported positive for Polychromophilus melanipherus. These positive bat flies included four Penicillidia leptothrinax specimens (two sampled on Miniopterus aelleni and two on M. manavi s.l.), in addition to a single Nycteribia stylidiopsis obtained from M. gleni. These two bat fly species are common on bats of the genus Miniopterus and can be putatively considered as vectors of Polychromophilus melanipherus [27, 57]. As far as P. murinus is concerned, one specimen of Penicillidia sp. was found positive but this nycteribiid was collected on a Miniopterus individual that was negative to P. melanipherus, and this result probably indicates considerable ectoparasite exchange between bats occurring in day roost sites. Based on available information, we assume that these three species of Nycteribiidae are candidate vectors of Polychromophilus spp. in Malagasy bats.